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General Education Department (GED)

Professional Ethics

Total Marks: 20

Mid-Term Summer 2021

Answer both the questions (each question is of equal value of 10 marks). Please write
roughly around 400 words for each question. Run the plagiarism checker. Unchecked copy
won't be assessed.

1. Please briefly discuss how engineering ethics evolve and what changes were made? Provide
your own evaluation whether engineering ethics has become better or worse throughout the time
and how?


Engineering is a continuous process that uses limited resources, develops and

simplifies work through technology.

Engineering ethics is the study of principles and values that are ethically desirable
in engineering practice and research. The engineering codes of ethics are the rules
of practice that formulate a framework for ethical decision making based on
historical case studies where bad decisions lead to positive results.

As an engineering discipline, it is closely related to the discipline. Philosophy of

Science, Engineering Philosophy and Technology Ethics.

It is important to compare the rules of professional engineering with the code of

ethics of the professional society, especially since all fields and branches of
engineering share a common doctrine of ensuring the safety, health and well-being
of the people.

Engineers have their professional responsibilities which should be done in

observance,Public safety agencies and welfare should be taken care of,Fraudulent
acts should be avoided,To respect and increase the usefulness of the pacer should
conduct themselves in a respectful, responsible, ethical and legal manner.
The Engineering Ethics chapter discusses the many good and bad aspects of
technology that affect our daily lives.

Advances in technology in modern society affect both good and bad aspects.
Current examples include.

When engineering became a profession in the 19th century, engineers joined large
companies as technicians.

There were some structural failures in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
including the collapse of several spectacular bridges and the collapse of the Quebec

In this case, the industry was facing technical, structural and ethical degradation as
the engineers did not value their professional responsibilities and ethics.

Therefore, it is understood that engineers should give importance to ethical values

in all professional economic activities for the benefit of the society and the country.

Also, in our professional job for example we often disagree with our boss and in
that case we don't talk about what is right and what is wrong for fear of losing our
job. But in this case we should not be afraid to inform the boss of our decision
from the point of view of morality and each person has his own opinion and
everyone should give importance to everyone's opinion.

We can practice modern ethics by emphasizing the views, interests, and moral
values of all that have come to us in the modern age, which has undergone
increasing changes in morality over the centuries.Through which the welfare of the
society achieved achieved.
2. Please reflect on and briefly discuss the difference between meta ethics and
normative ethics. Whether or what ethical philosophy do you think guides you the
most in your personal and professional/academic life and why?


Normative ethics is the part of good way of thinking where the subject of
philosophy and what figures out what is ethically good and bad is accordingly
Normative morals. It incorporates the plan of moral standards that
straightforwardly influence individuals' activities, foundations and ways of life.

The subject of meta ethics is the study of moral thought and ethical language. Any
subject of practice is right and wrong, , and our obligation to different humans or
destiny generations is relevant with meta ethics.

Meta ethics deals with moral philosophy, moral values, characteristics, the nature
of morality, and the purpose of morality.Metaethics and normative ethics are the
two main parts of ethics.

So, we talk about some difference between Metaethics and Normative ethics:

1)Meta ethics is the study of the nature of ethics

2)More philosophical in nature as it research the nature of ethics and morality

3)An example of stolen meta Ethics.

1) Normative ethics is the learning of ethical activities

2) Most of the usages in nature

3)An example of normative ethics copied in the test.

normative ethical philosophy determines the content of our conduct, such as what
is morally right, what is wrong, how we should act in terms of morality, and
Normative ethics helps to explore the issues and problems that arise while
working.For example

What shoulde be legally given the death penalty? What is the crime of stealing?

In the same way, it works to determine the good and the bad.Although there is a
connection with the philosophy of Metaethics because it analyzes basic moral
concepts, Normatives ethics is more practical because it applies to basic human

Therefore, I believe that in our personal life and professional life or in our
academic life, more normative ethical philosophy than meta ethics philosophy in
most cases helps us to manage our life and helps us to make easy decisions in any

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