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Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Primary/Elementary School Evaluation Form

This evaluation form is intended to measure a school’s progress in reaching basic educational criteria of the
international educational system of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific
Division. It is used in two ways: firstly, as a self-study instrument for schools to measure their own
institution and secondly by the Adventist Accrediting Association evaluation team during accreditation
visits. The evaluation process is intended as a means to assist the school in working toward the ideals of
This Primary/Elementary School Evaluation Form has three parts. These are:
I. The School’s Profile
II. Responses to the Recommendations of the Last Accreditation Visit.
III. The School’s Evaluation.

Directions for completing the form:

Step 1. Fill in the necessary information under the School’s Profile. Pay attention to those questions that
require attachments.
Step 2. Respond to the recommendations of the last accreditation visits.
Write a short paragraph to say what was done to improve weak areas that were identified in the
last accreditation visit or that had a score of 2 or less. State first the item number, quote the
criteria, the evaluation mark (1-5), and then give the response.
6.10 Each teacher has written-out specific objectives for each class. _____2____
Response: The principal has obtained a sample lesson plan form from the Mission that includes a
place for specific objectives for the class. This form is now used by all the teachers and they
carefully write their class objectives in the lesson plans and have them approved by the principal
each week.
Step 3. Complete the School’s Evaluation Form by either writing a number from one (1) to five (5) in
each blank OR circling “Yes” or “No.”
* Copies of this section should be distributed and filled in by the principal and ALL teachers.
Board members, involved parents and alumni may also participate in this evaluation process.
* The higher the number the better the grade. A mark of 1 indicates the school is NOT meeting
the criteria. A mark of 5 indicates the school is FULLY and successfully meeting the criteria.
In some items, the response is either a “Yes” or “No.”
* After the forms have been marked, they should be returned to a central location for
compilation of the results. For those items where numbers are used, the average is computed
and used as the final response. For the items with a “Yes” or “No” response, the percentages
for “Yes’ and those for “No” should be noted.

* The summarized results should then be transferred onto a clean School Evaluation Form.
* After the results are summarized, they should be carefully discussed by ALL school personnel
as to how the rating can be improved. Special attention is given to the weak items and those
with a high percentage of “No”. The results of this discussion is to be reflected in the
“Principal’s Report.”
After completing steps 1 to 3, the principal prepares a draft, summarized report of the perceived strengths
and weaknesses in each criterion and how the school intends to address the weaknesses. This draft is then
discussed at the school’s Board meeting where its members are invited to give their input. This discussion
should be documented by the principal and included in a final document written up as “The Principal’s
Report” to be presented to the accrediting team.
Sufficient time should be allocated for the above to take place. To do a thorough job, it is recommended
that the process be spread over a period of at least six months.
One month prior to the visit of the accrediting team, the final documents should be submitted to the
mission’s education superintendent. The superintendent will then distribute copies to the AAA evaluation
team members no later than 2 weeks before the scheduled visit.
As a reminder, the following documents should be bound with an appropriate cover page:
I. The School’s Profile
II. Responses to the Recommendations of the Last Accreditation
III. Summary of the School’s Evaluation
IV. The Principal’s Report

I. School Profile
School’s Legal Name: KAPATAGAN VALLEY SDA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: October 13, 2023
National Name: PHILIPPINES
Grades Taught: Kg-6, 1-4, 1-6, 1-8 etc.__________ (Use Secondary or Tertiary Form if needed)
Year School was Established: 1986
Geographical Address if different:__________________________________________________________
Phone 1 0632244145 Phone 2 ____________________ etc.
Fax: ___________________ Email :
Web Page__________________
Language of Instruction:_Cebuano, Tagalog, English Written Language: Cebuano, Tagalog, English
Principal:R-JAY A. LAGAN Board Chairman: KEREN D. STRONG
*Last SDA Eval. Date:__________ *Term of Accreditation _____________ *Date Expires: ___________
Other Accreditation/Recognitions: ________________________________________ Date Expires: ______
Date School Year Begins:AUGUST 14, 2023 Date School Year Ends:JUNE 2, 2024
Dates of Major Vacations/Breaks: JULY 2024
Library Titles_____ *Volumes_____ *Titles/Student______
*Government Support (Yes/No) *Government & Church Support (Yes/No)
*Bible in Curriculum (Yes/No)
Enrollment: Enrollment for Year ______
K 79 1 30 2 37 3 34 4 39 5 22 6 24
Boys____ Girls ____ Total Enrollment______
*Baptized students____ *Baptized during the last 12 months __________
*At least one parent/guardian SDA _____ *Neither parent/guardian SDA ______
Number of Faculty_______ Number of Staff_____
*Male Faculty______ *Female Faculty_____
*Faculty with Degree _____*Faculty graduated from SDA College _______
*Teachers with SDA Credentials _____*Teachers with Government Teaching Credentials ____
*Number of Non-SDA Faculty _____
School Site Land Title No.________________ Total Land Area (Sq. meters)_____________
Major Projects Needing Funding:_______________________________________________________________________
List Faculty & Staff with work assignment: (Attach a page)
School History: (Attach a page)
Picture of School: (Please Attach)
Parent Organization total membership____________ Active members ___________
Parent Organization total tithe last calendar year _________
Parent Organization total offering last calendar year_________

Number of SDA students from Parent Organization __________
* Will not appear on the Web Page --Needed for GC report and statistics.

II. Responses to the Recommendations from the Last Accreditation Visit

(See Step 2 of directions for an example)

III. School Evaluation

Instructions: Please circle Yes or No OR one of the numbers stated. 1=Poor, 2= Fair, 3 = Satisfactory, 4 =Good,
Criterion 1: History, Philosophy, Mission, and Objectives
A. Mission Philosophy and Objectives:
1.1 The school has a Mission Statement which includes the following characteristics:
a) quality education in the framework of Adventist values Yes No
b) spiritual development in relationship with Jesus Christ Yes No
c) support to community and national goals Yes No
d) identification of who the school will serve Yes No
1.2 The Mission Statement, goals and objectives are communicated in the school’s.
publications, campus and classroom signs and in school programs with
students and parents. Yes No
1.3 The Adventist philosophy of education is expressed in writing and is
available as a pamphlet or publication. It is read and supported by
faculty and parents. Yes No
1.4 Each class subject and extra-class activity has clear written goals and
objectives which support the overall Mission, Philosophy and Objectives
of the school. Yes No
1.5 The school objectives clearly state that it will operate under the
Mission, Union and Division education policies as part of the Adventist
international school system. Yes No
1.6 The objectives also clearly state that the school will seek to fulfill
government’s goals and plans for education. Yes No
1.7 Students and parents appreciate the Mission, Philosophy and Objectives
of the school and choose to fully participate in the program to achieve 12 3 45
these ends.
1.8 The school goals and objectives make clear its relationship with
and responsibilities to sponsoring institutions, its constituents, 1234 5
students, parents and government educational institutions.
1.9 The school goals and objectives also suggest future educational, spiritual,
physical and social opportunities of its students. 12345

Criterion 2: Spiritual Development, Service and Witnessing

2.01 The spiritual tone of the school is on a high level. Students demonstrate that
they are developing “an experiential relationship with Jesus Christ.” 1 2 3 45
2.02 Students willingly participate in worship services, prayer bands and Bible
study. 1 2 3 4 5
2.03 The peer groups support religious life as an acceptable and desirable way
of life. 1 2 3 4 5
2.04 There is a spirit of cheerful cooperation and respect for others. 1 2 3 4 5
2.05 Bible classes are held daily. Yes No
2.06 Students have group morning worship. Yes No
2.07 Every student participates in Adventurers’ Club Yes No
2.08 The School holds at least two weeks of religious emphasis annually Yes No
a) Missionary activities eg. Branch Sabbath School,
literature distribution, singing bands and Pathfinders Yes No
are regularly offered.
b) Prayer bands are held weekly Yes No
c) Baptismal classes are held regularly. Yes No
2.09 School has a yearly Spirit of Prophecy week Yes No
2.10 All teachers are Seventh-day Adventists and demonstrate that they are
growing in the knowledge and grace of Christ by modeling loving, Christian
behaviour. . Yes No
2.11 Administrators model Adventist standards and lifestyle. Yes No
2.12 All classes begin with prayer. Yes No
2.13 Teachers take time to pray and give spiritual counsel to individual students. Yes No
2.14 The local church shows interest in promoting Christian education Yes No
2.15 A variety of programs are presented during weekly chapel periods with
a) student participation. 1 2 3 4 5
b) clear goals for spiritual, cultural, citizenship and musical development. 1 2 3 4 5
c) guest speakers are invited from the church and community 1 2 3 4 5
2.16 Faculty integrate spiritual insights and testimony into each class period as
indicated in their lesson plans. 1 2 3 4 5

Criterion 3: Governance, Organization, and Administration

Board Functions
3.01 The school board members are given board books with necessary Yes No
documents to be kept by the school and made available at meetings.
These documents include the following:
List of board members, copy of the conflict of interest statement signed by
each member, constitution, mission, philosophy, objectives, budget, past and
present monthly statement, agenda and past minutes, principal’s report,
faculty list with major tasks and classes taught, pay scale, years of service,
enrollment figures by grade, campus map, class schedule, faculty upgrading
plan, school calendar, school bulletin or flyer with school fees, last
evaluation, last auditor’s report and management letter, school’s strategic
plan for the year and the next 5 years, board member’s job descriptions.
3.02 School has a written constitution, consistent with SSD education policy,
approved by the board and Conference/Mission and operates according to it. Yes No
3.03 The school board/executive board meets at least monthly and more often if
needed. Yes No
3.04 The School has a faculty & staff handbook with clear job descriptions and
policies. Yes No
a) Copies are provided to each teacher and Yes No
b) Policies are followed Yes No
3.05 The principal maintains a personnel file with a confidential folder for each
school employee like at the Conference/Mission education office. This file
should contain copies of the teacher’s diplomas, official transcripts, Yes No
contracts, teacher evaluations and letters of employment/appreciation/dismissal/
resignation and service record. Yes No
3.06 School documents such as government permits, property deeds and titles,
property taxes, accreditation, association memberships and insurance are Yes No
kept current and stored according to policy.
3.07 Recommendations are made three or four months before the close of school
each year to the Conference/Mission department of education concerning
the teachers needed for the coming school year. The board should inform
the Conference/Mission of any teacher the board would like to continue
teaching and suggestions of names to replace teachers that are moving or Yes No
leaving the teaching profession.
3.08 Teaching responsibilities and class loads are assigned according to SSD Yes No
Education Policy taking care not to overload teachers.
3.09 Board members take an active role in providing and maintaining school 12 345
buildings and facilities that meet national and SSD standards.
3.10 The board takes actions consistent with the SSD Education Policy Manual,
Union and Conference/Mission Education policy and supports the church’s 12345
educational system enthusiastically.
3.11 The board adopts an annual operating and equipment budget, agreeable to
the Conference/Mission, remembering district or church subsidy and funds 12345
for needy students.
3.12 The board builds and maintains a school plant adequate for the needs of the 12345
constituency and for meeting the requirements for accreditation.
Principal’s Functions
3.13 The SSD Education Policy Manual is available in the principal’s office and Yes No
in the library or teacher’s room for easy access.
3.14 Minutes of the school board, faculty and other committees are carefully kept Yes No
in the principal’s office in the approved format and are promptly circulated
to the members.
3.15 The principal maintains a curriculum for each grade and checks the Yes No
teacher’s lesson plans weekly.
3.16 A history file is maintained with a folder for each school year which Yes No
contains a list of students, group pictures of the school and each class,
programs from school events, a summary of the major events of the year (if
a school yearbook is not published)
3.17 School permits, government recognition, and other accreditations are displayed
in the school office or principal’s office. Yes No
3.18 School calendar, class schedule and Mission statement are clearly posted so Yes No
visitors can see.
3.19 Attendance records are maintained on each employee recording absences, Yes No
sick days and missed classes and appropriate action taken when necessary.
3.20 The leadership sets systems in place to handle:
a) the finances Yes No
b) grades and records Yes No
c) discipline Yes No
d) faculty assignments Yes No
Personnel Relationships
3.21 At least two evaluations are conducted for each teacher each year which are
discussed with the teacher and signed. Student and peer evaluations are also Yes No

encouraged for teacher feedback and growth.
3.22 There is good rapport between teachers and administration. 12345
3.23 The administration is open and frank with students. 12345
3.24 The rate of student withdrawals during the school year is undesirable. 12345

Criterion 4: Finances, Financial Structure, and Industries

4.01 The school financial program provides for a quality educational system
a) teachers being paid on time Yes No
b) teaching materials and supplies being adequately provided. 1 2 3 4 5
4.02 Yearly budgets and monthly financial statements are prepared
according to the approved format and reviewed monthly and audited Yes No
regularly, appropriate action taken for financial management and
copies sent to the Conference/Mission office.
4.03 Management letters from the auditor are promptly acted on. Yes No
4.04 An annual operating and equipment budget, agreeable to the Yes No
Conference/Mission and considering the church subsidy is developed
and adopted by the board.
4.05 Salary rates for all staff members are implemented within the wage Yes No
scale policies of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Union and
Conference/Mission and the church’s portion of the teachers’ salaries is
sent to the Conference/Mission in the case of church schools the
church’s portion of the teachers’ salaries is sent to the
Conference/Mission promptly each month.
4.06 The sponsoring organizations (Conference/Mission and Church) Yes No
provide subsidies according to SSD, Union and Conference/Mission
4.07 Operating capital of the school is generally between 60 and 100 percent Yes No
or higher.
4.08 There is adequate provision for handling petty cash. Yes No
4.09 Student accounts are paid at least one month in advance. Yes No
4.10 The school treasurer/accountant/cashier is responsible for collecting Yes No
tuition fees and other school charges.
4.11 The board votes policies and procedures for dealing with students who
are late in the payment of their school fees. Yes No
4.12 Financial records and funds are safely kept and stored in a fire-proof
safe. Yes No
4.13 The school has a school work program in which
a) students participate and learn work skills such as diligence,
punctuality, industry, dependability, honesty and personal achievement, Yes No
while gaining physical exercise.
b) clear objectives are stated and students are evaluated as part of the Yes No
educational program.
c) students and teachers spend time each week in manual labor. Yes No

Criterion 5: Programs of Study

5.01 Curriculum meets the government and church requirements. Yes No
5.02 Curriculum meets the SSD educational policies and guidelines. Yes No
5.03 Every student has the approved textbook for each class. Yes No
5.04 Teachers have teacher’s editions of textbooks if they are available. Yes No
5.05 Class objectives reflect the over-all objectives of the school. Yes No
5.06 Bible classes are required of all students each year. Yes No
5.07 The length of the school day/year meets government regulations. Yes No
5.08 Each child has his own copy of Bible textbooks. Yes No
5.09 Teaching aids include:
Teacher’s guides, desk copies, manuals and keys. Yes No
Maps for Bible, history, and geography. Yes No
Charts for health, science and nature. Yes No
Flash cards and reading charts. Yes No
Educational video tapes Yes No
TV/Radio Yes No
5.10 Daily attendance records, health records, progress report cards and
other records required by the local government are maintained. Yes No
5.11 There are adequate expendable school supplies such as chalk, crayons,
and paper. Yes No
5.12 The educational program is student centered; classes are conducted in
such a way to actively engage the student in learning. 12345
5.13 Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy principles are integrated with content material. 12345
5.14 The school is academically better than other schools in the community. 12345
5.15 The school is spiritually better than other schools in the community. 12345
5.16 There is a favorable reaction of the community concerning the
effectiveness of preparation, quality and capacity for secondary school. 12345
5.17 The parents, supporting churches, and Conference/Mission educational
leaders are happy with student performance. 12345

Criterion 6: Faculty and Staff

6.01 Teachers represent the Master Teacher, Jesus, in the classroom in kindness, 12345
helpfulness, courtesy, tone of voice, word and action.
6.02 Teachers are enthusiastic toward work and the students. 12345
6.03 Teachers keep a professional appearance. 12345
6.04 Teachers’ classrooms have an aesthetic appearance. 12345
6.05 Teachers view teaching as a spiritual ministry. 12345
6.06 Teachers have warm human relations. 12345
6.07 Faculty and staff worship each morning is well attended. 12345
6.08 There is a conscious effort to implement the school’s Mission and Objectives. 12345
6.09 Teachers make proper preparation outside the classroom for their teaching duties.
A minimum of 1 ½ to 2 hours is spent in preparation for each day’s teaching. 12345
Whenever possible, this preparation is done at the school.
6.10 Each teacher has written-out specific objectives for each class. Yes No
6.11 Teachers prepare lesson plans that are approved by the principal every week. Yes No
which are approved by the principal every week. Yes No
6.12 Teachers are prompt and faithful in meeting their appointments. They arrive
at school at least one half hour before school starts and remain at school until
all pupils leave. They do not leave school while it is in session except in an
emergency, and in case of such emergency only after the principal or school
board chairman has been notified of such emergency. In case of sickness
making it necessary for the teacher to be absent, he/she notifies the principal
personally, or in writing, of the absence as early as possible before school
starts. 12345

6.13 Teachers faithfully fulfill their teaching responsibilities. This includes

teaching classes to the best of their ability and supervising play periods 12345
6.14 Teachers make their classes interesting and educational by personally
preparing teaching aids such as flash cards, maps, charts, and displays
for use in their classrooms. 12345

6.15 Teachers attend the meetings and support the activities of the
Parents & Teachers Association. 12345
6.16 All activities are well supervised by faculty. 12345
6.17 Effective teaching methods are reflected in high class and national 12345
6.18 Teachers devote full attention to teaching, which means that the
teacher’s pre-school children and those not enrolled in school are
not permitted in the classroom. Yes No
6.19 All teachers have current SDA Certification or will obtain one within
12 months. Yes No
6.20 Teachers keep a portfolio for every student with samples of their work,
examination papers, progress reports and correspondence to illustrate
student performance for parents. Yes No
6.21 Teachers prepare regular progress reports for students and parents and
keep copies in the student files. Yes No
6.22 Teacher/parent conferences are scheduled at least twice a year where
the student’s progress is discussed and questions answered. Yes No
6.23 Teachers maintain good classroom discipline while allowing students
freedom to learn from each other. 12345
6.24 Class time table/schedule on the bulletin board and follows the
Mission guidelines Yes No
Professional Growth
6.25 All teachers receive their own copy of the Journal of Adventist Yes No
6.26 There is a continuous staff study of the principles of Christian Yes No
6.27 Library gets a minimum of 5 books and one national education Yes No
magazine subscription each year for teacher upgrading.
6.28 It is evident that professional growth of the teachers and administrators
is taking place through some of the following: professional reading,
attendance at seminars/workshops, formal class work, visiting other schools and
libraries. 12 345
6.29 Each teacher discusses their teaching evaluation with the administrator
and sign the form showing their plan to work on areas that need Yes No
Criterion 7: Library and Resource Centers
7.01 The Library maintains a file for pictures. Yes No
7.02 The library has audio-visual materials to help teachers in their classes. Yes No
7.03 The library has a minimum of five (5) books per pupil. Yes No
7.04 The library has copies of children’s Sabbath School and other Christian journals. Yes No
7.05 The library keeps an accession book. Yes No
7.06 There is a current card catalogue. Yes No
7.07 The library has copies of the basic Spirit of Prophecy books that are
available especially those translated into local languages for the use of Yes No
the teachers.
7.08 The library contains current dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases for Yes No
primary level.
7.09 The library regularly obtains professional growth books for teachers. Yes No
7.10 An annual library budget equal to approximately two percent (2%) of
the instructional budget of the school to be used for the purchase of
library books and journals. Yes No
7.11 The library has a growing collection of easy reading books to encourage
students to develop a love for reading even outside of class. Yes No
7.12 The school has a reading program with incentives to encourage student
reading. 1 2 3 4 5
7.13 Teachers have library book lists for each subject area and assign library
reading, reports and activities appropriate for student grade level. 1 2 34 5
7.14 Teachers and library personnel have specific library training programs
to help students in each grade level learn appropriate library skills. 1 2 34 5
7.15 Books are appropriately classified, labeled and arranged neatly and in
order on the shelves. 1 2 34 5
7.16 There is appropriate furniture in the library. 1 2 34 5
7.17 Teachers actively look for books to build the library and have a ready list of
their highest priorities for purchase when funds are made available. 1 2 34 5
7.18 The library has clear guidelines, consistent with SDA philosophy and policy,
for book selection. 1 2 34 5
7.19 There is sufficient work space for the library staff to work effectively 1 2 34 5
7.20 The librarian has training or experience that enables her/him to properly
manage the library resources. 1 2 34 5
7.21 The library has a checkout system to allow students to borrow books. 1 2 34 5
7.22 The book shelves are at a height to make it easy for students to select books. 1 2 34 5
7.23 There are attractive bulletin boards to encourage library use and reading. 1 2 34 5

Criterion 8: Academic Policies and Records

8.01 All school academic records are sent to the Conference/Mission
educational office at the close of the school year. Duplicate records are
stored in fire-resistant files. Yes No
8.02 Teachers turn in their grades no more than 5 days after the grading
period and grade sheets are prepared promptly and distributed soon
after the grading period. Yes No
8.03 Teachers begin and end their classes on time. Yes No
8.04 Required reports for the SSD, Union, Conference/Mission, and
government are filled out promptly and accurately. Yes No
8.05 There are clear policies for student acceptance, attendance, grades,
behavior and transfers. Yes No
8.06 Any computer records are regularly backed up and stored in a secure
location in another building. Yes No
8.07 Admission standards are such that students meet the minimum age and
academic requirements for entrance and that the student’s character will
not be detrimental to the school program. Yes No
8.08 Student grades and records are kept confidential and student ranking
is avoided. Yes No
Criterion 9: Students and Student Services
9.01 Students are willing and enthusiastic about school work. 123 45
9.02 Students’ work is neat, prompt and well-done showing a devotion to
their studies 123 45
9.03 Every student wears a neat and clean official school uniform. 123 45
9.04 Students demonstrate courtesy and polite manners. 123 45
9.05 There is a good relationship between students. 123 45
9.06 There is a warm, wholesome relationship between students & faculty. 123 45
9.07 Standards governing social conduct meet the general standards of the 123 45
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
9.08 Standards for dress appearance are included in the school brochure. Yes No
9.09 A special student program is prepared and presented each year for Yes No
parents and friends to attend.
9.10 Extra-class activities are wholesome and varied in order to provide for 123 45
the development of student leadership.
9.11 Extra class activities
a) represent SDA standards and include spiritual, vocational, 123 45
recreational, and cultural dimensions.
b) All extra class activities are effectively supervised by the faculty. 123 45
c) A variety of extra class activities are provided sufficient to meet the
philosophy and objectives of the school. 123 45
9.12 Food services, store or other campus services are primarily to serve the
students and are not a financial drain to the school. 123 45
a) These facilities are neat and clean and do not distract from the
general campus environment. 123 45

b) The food selection is consistent with the Adventist health message. 123 45
9.13 Student discipline is prompt and consistent. Teachers and principal
administer discipline according to clear guidelines and responsibility. 123 45
9.14 Student discipline is done without humiliation yet firmly and lovingly
setting clear limits and consequences to the student behavior. 123 45
9.15 Prayer is always a part of student discipline. 123 45
9.16 Student individuality, personality, background and needs are considered
in giving discipline together with any implications to the whole school
program. 123 45

Criterion 10: Physical Plant and Facilities

10.01 The location of the school is conducive to learning 123 45
10.02 The school facilities are able to care for an optimum educational
program. 123 45
10.03 The school is accessible to the Adventist Community served Yes No
10.04 The school building is separate from the church. Yes No
10.05 Classrooms are painted white or a light color inside. Yes No
10.06 There is a minimum of two square meters of classroom space for each
student. Yes No
10.07 The school is enclosed with a fence. Yes No
The desks and chairs for students are:
10.08 (a) Single Yes No
(b) Double Yes No
10.09 Of the same type as other desks Yes No
10.10 Of various height to fit pupils. Yes No
10.11 Have space for storage of books and supplies. Yes No
10.12 Movable. Yes No
10.13 Have blunt and sooth corners Yes No
Tack and Chalkboards and Classroom Necessities
10.13 Boards are fastened to the wall where possible. Yes No
10.14 There is a minimum of one 4’x 8’ chalkboard or whiteboard for every 3 Yes No
grades in a classroom.
10.15 Chalkboards are smooth and have been kept painted with flat dark Yes No
green paint
10.16 Are of a proper height - 70 to 80 centimeters from floor for upper Yes No
grades; 60 to 70 centimeters for lower grades.
10.17 There is a bulletin board for students’ displays. Yes No
10.18 There is a locked file or cupboard for teachers’ use. Yes No
10.19 There is a clock and wastebasket. Yes No
10.20 There is a national flag and picture of Jesus and national leaders. Yes No
10.21 Each teacher has a chair and desk with one or more drawers that can Yes No
be locked.
10.22 There are two appropriate chairs in the classroom for seating visitors. Yes No
10.23 There are suitable displays of children’s work and decorations, and Yes No
they are changed frequently.
Janitorial and Maintenance Service:
10.24 Classrooms are kept neat and clean. Yes No
10.25 Toilet facilities are kept clean and well ventilated. Yes No
10.26 There are separate toilets for boys and girls Yes No
10.27 Toilets are enclosed with a proper door labeled for boys & girls. Yes No
10.28 Toilets have concrete and tile floor with ceramic toilet bowl. Yes No
10.29 Toilets have ample water supply that is not leaking. Yes No
10.30 Toilets have water and soap available for washing hands. Yes No
10.31 The grounds around the school are kept free of litter. Yes No
10.32 There are attractive plants appropriately placed about the school. Yes No
10.33 Pure drinking water is available. Yes No
10.34 The grounds are trimmed and well cared for. Yes No
10.35 The school site has proper drainage and is on higher ground to avoid
flooding. Yes No
10.36 There is at least 2.5 square meters of play space per child and a
minimum of 400 square meters per school. Yes No
Lighting and Ventilation:
10.37 There is a minimum of one square meter of window space for each
four square meters of floor space. Yes No
10.38 Where the above is impossible if light is still inadequate,
some type of artificial light is used. Yes No
10.39 There is no window in the front of the classroom and direct sunlight
and glare are avoided.
Yes No
10.40 Classrooms in warm climates have good cross ventilation/air condition. Yes No
Safety Features:
10.41 Drills for emergencies are held at least twice a year or in compliance with
fire safety rules. Yes No
10.42 An adequate supply of fire extinguishers, sand and water are
strategically located and/or serviced when necessary. Yes No
10.43 There is proper first aid equipment and responsible individual to care
for minor injuries and health problems. The first aid equipment includes:
disinfectant (Merthiolate), gauze, or sterile bandaging, adhesive tape,
safety pins, and triangular bandages. Yes No
10.44 Floors are concrete or tile. Yes No
10.45 Walls are stone, concrete, or wood, or half stone and half wood. Yes No
10.46 Walls are no less than 3 meters and no more than 4 meters high. Yes No
10.47 Doors are at least 90 centimeters wide. Yes No
10.48 Doors and windows are well maintained (broken panes are replaced) Yes No
10.49 Each classroom is provided with two doors opening toward the outside. Yes No
10.50 School buildings are attractive and well painted. There are sufficient
rooms for the
a) administration Yes No
b) office Yes No
c) library Yes No

d) janitor Yes No
e) assembly Yes No
f) indoor play Yes No
g) other needed school functions. Yes No
10.52 The school strategic plan includes a section on campus development
and maintenance Yes No
10.53 Students, faculty, board members , parents and church members participate in
campus beautification projects. Yes No
10.54 Play areas are of adequate size and have a proper surface. Game lines
are clearly painted and there are sufficient balls and game equipment. Yes No
10.55 The school has appropriate equipment needed to meet the school
functions, such as duplicators, paper cutters and computers Yes No
Criterion 11: Publications
11.01 A student handbook is provided to every student/parent with the Yes No
following sections:
School Mission, Philosophy and Objectives, dress code, attendance
policy, School calendar, behavior rules, required textbook list etc.

11.02 An updated school bulletin/flyer is published and circulated. Possible Yes No

sections include (what is in italics is required):
School Mission, Philosophy and Objectives, school address, phones,
faxes, email, statement of accreditation, map to help locate the
campus, map of campus if there are several buildings, entrance
procedures and requirements, pictures of the school, school logo,
SDA church logo, grading system, tuition & fee schedules,
scholarships or student aid available, school calendar, general
behavior & dress code, list of faculty, guidelines on awards for
outstanding achievement, high scores on national exams,
parent/teacher program, etc.
11.03 The school prepares an Annual or picture book. Yes No
For small schools this may be simply a few general pictures of the school,
a group picture of the faculty and a group picture of each class, a picture and
message from the principal. It should have the school year date on the cover.
Copies are kept in the library and registrar’s file.
11.04 A school paper or newsletter that shares with the parents any school
events, activities, and meetings. Yes No
It can report on board meetings, parent/teacher meetings, field trips, special
programs, fund raising, special visitors, school plans and general problems that
need community or parent help. It may be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly,
and should be regular.

Citerion 12: Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Follow-up

12.01 The school has a projected enrollment for the next 5 years that matches Yes No
their facilities and a plan of how to recruit and retain students to meet
these goals.
12.02 Board members participate in student recruitment activities. 1 2 3 4 5
12.03 The principal and teachers participate in recruitment activities. 1 2 3 4 5
12.04 Students, parents and alumni participate in recruitment activities. 1 2 3 4 5
12.05 Records are kept on each student that drops out of school and
why they dropped. These are summarized for the board. Yes No
12.06 Home visits are planned for SDA families with school age children not
attending the school. Yes No
12.07 Pastor presents sermons on the values of Christian education. Yes No
12.08 Students’ work is displayed at church. Yes No
12.09 Students participate in Sabbath School and Church regularly. Yes No
12.10 A school offering is collected by the children each week at church. Yes No
Criterion 13: External Constituencies-Church, Parents, Community, and Government
13.01 Constituent churches are active and faithful in supporting the school. 1 2 3 4 5
13.02 The school extends various service to the community. 1 2 3 4 5
13.03 Local community officials visit the school and speak to the teachers and
students. 1 2 3 4 5
13.04 The school identifies potential donors and seeks ways to acquaint them
with the school and its needs. Yes No

13.05 Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) is active and meets regularly
a) to present programs of interest to parents and other school
constituents. Yes No
b) the PTA conducts at least one class each year for homemakers
such as child care and training, healthful home cooking,
family planning, first aid, home nursing, etc. Yes No
13.06 The PTA encourages SDA parents to send their children to SDA
schools. Yes No
13.07 The PTA assists the school in raising funds for special projects Yes No
13.08 The PTA sends a yearly report to the Conference/Mission Education
Department. Yes No
13.09 The PTA president is elected by the church. Yes No
13.10 The name of the school is well displayed on an appropriate sign board
including the SDA church logo. Yes No
13.11 Church members support the school by upholding its policies and
regulations. Yes No
13.12 The school is involved in community service and improvement
projects. Yes No
13.13 The school takes part in patriotic and civic activities. Yes No
13.14 Former students (alumni) and their families actively support the
school. Yes No

*** End ***

Revised 23//01/07


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