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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V
Province of Sorsogon
Graduate School
Sorsogon City

Dear Respondents:

The researcher was having a study entitled “Instructional Leadership and Practices of
School Heads in Improving Teachers Performance” that aims to know the different leadership
practices employed by school heads within Bulusan District to help their teachers in the
performance of their duty.
Kindly fill out this questionnaire honestly and wholeheartedly.
Thank you and God Speed!
The Proponent

1. Respondent’s Profile

Directions: Kindly fill out the blanks with appropriate information. Please write neatly and

Name (optional): ___________________

A. Educational Attainment

______ Bachelor’s Degree

______ Master’s Degree (with units)
______ Master’s Degree (Completed Academic Requirements)
______ Master’s Degree Holder
______ Doctorate Degree (with units)
______ Doctorate Degree (Completed Academic Requirements)
______ Doctorate Degree Holder

B. Position

______ Teacher in Charge (Teacher I-III)

______ Teacher in Charge (Master Teacher I-III)
______ Head Teacher I
______ Head Teacher II
______ Head Teacher III
______ Head Teacher IV
______ Principal I
______ Principal II
______ Principal III
______ Principal IV

C. Number of Years as Classroom Teacher

______ Less than 5 years

______ 5-10 years
______ 11-15 years
______ 16-20 years
______ More than 20 years

D. Number of Years as School Head

______ Less than 5 years

______ 5-10 years
______ 11-15 years
______ 16-20 years
______ More than 20 years

E. In-Service Trainings Attended


No. of days
ATTENDED National Regional Division
of Training
Leadership and Management
Curriculum Development
Assessment and Evaluation
Educational Technology
Special Education
Diversity and Inclusion
School Safety and Crisis Management
Pedagogical Training
Others, please specify _____________________________
2. Leadership Practices of School Heads along Instruction
A. Communication and Collaboration:
_____ Open line and clear channel of communication with staff.
_____ Regular team meetings and feedback sessions.
_____ Encouragement of collaborative efforts among teachers.
_____ Transparent sharing of information and decisions.
_____ Actively listens to the suggestions and recommendations of stakeholders.
Others, please specify: _______________
B. Vision and Goal Setting:
_____ Clearly defined vision and mission for the school.
_____ Establishing achievable short-term and long-term goals.
_____ Communicating the vision and goals to all staff members.
_____ Aligning goals with the overall educational objectives.
_____ Provide regular updates on progress and celebrate achievements to
maintain motivation and engagement.
Others, please specify: _______________
C. Support and Professional Development:
_____ Identifying individual teacher needs and providing tailored support.
_____ Encouraging participation in professional development opportunities.
_____ Offering mentoring or coaching programs for teachers.
_____ Supporting ongoing learning and growth in the education field.
_____ Works with teachers to develop a coherent and up to date curriculum.
Others, please specify: _______________
D. Instructional Leadership:
_____ Regular classroom observations and constructive feedback.
_____ Encouraging the use of innovative teaching methods and technologies.
_____ Promoting a student-centered approach to teaching and learning.
_____ Ensuring curriculum alignment with educational standards.
_____ Work to develop and align the curriculum with educational standards and
best practices.
Others, please specify: _______________
E. Empowerment and Decision-making:
_____ Involving teachers in decision-making processes.
_____ Delegating responsibilities and empowering teachers to take ownership.
_____ Encouraging innovative ideas and recognizing teacher contributions.
_____ Providing autonomy within a structured framework.
_____ Support teachers' professional development by providing opportunities for
training, workshops, and attending conferences.
Others, please specify: _______________
F. Motivation and Recognition:
_____ Recognizing and celebrating teacher achievements and milestones.
_____ Encouraging a positive and supportive work environment.
_____ Offering praise and appreciation for hard work and dedication.
_____ Motivating teachers through incentives, rewards, or opportunities.
_____ Emphasize the importance of respect, teamwork, and a supportive
Others, please specify: _______________
2. Level of practice of schools in discharging their leadership roles.
Direction: The table below contains the level practices of school heads in discharging their
leadership roles. Kindly check the appropriate level of practice along the domains.
5 4 3 2 1
A. Framing and Communicating the School
Vision, Mission, and Goals:
Clearly defined and communicated school
vision and mission.
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
time-bound (SMART) goals.
Alignment of vision, mission, and goals with
educational objectives.
Engagement of stakeholders in the
development and understanding of the vision,
mission, and goals.
B. Monitoring Students’ Progress:
Regular tracking and analysis of individual
student performance.
Utilization of various assessment methods to
gauge student progress.
Timely intervention and support for struggling
Collaborative discussions and planning based
on student assessment data.
C. Supervising Teaching and Learning:
Classroom observations to evaluate teaching
Providing constructive feedback and mentoring
to teachers.
Monitoring curriculum implementation and
instructional strategies.
Encouraging innovation and creativity in
teaching practices.
D. Fostering a Conducive Learning Climate:
Establishing a positive and inclusive school
Addressing student behavior and disciplinary
issues effectively.
Ensuring a safe and respectful learning
environment for all.
Promoting social and emotional well-being
among students and staff.
E. Promoting Professional Development:
Offering regular professional development
opportunities for teachers and staff.
Providing resources and support for ongoing
learning and growth.
Encouraging participation in workshops,
seminars, and conferences.
Supporting further education and advanced
degrees for professional enhancement.
F. Collaborating with Stakeholders:
Engaging parents and involving them in the
educational process.
Collaborating with community organizations
and local authorities.
Seeking input and feedback from stakeholders
on school policies and decisions.
Establishing partnerships that enhance the
educational experience and opportunities for

4. Gaps and issues encountered by the school head and teachers in implementing
A. Framing and Communicating the School Vision, Mission, and Goals:
______ Lack of Clarity and Alignment
The vision, mission, and goals of a school may lack clarity and
alignment with each other. This can create confusion among teachers,
students, and parents regarding the direction and purpose of the school.
_______ Ineffective Communication
School heads may struggle with effectively communicating the vision,
mission, and goals to all stakeholders. Inadequate communication can
lead to a lack of buy-in and understanding among the school community.
_______ Resistance to Change
Some school heads may encounter resistance from teachers and staff
when implementing new visions or goals. This resistance can hinder the
successful execution of the school's educational plans.
_______ Inconsistent Implementation
The translation of the school's vision and goals into daily practices may
be inconsistent. Some teachers may not fully incorporate the stated goals
into their instructional strategies.
_______ Limited Stakeholder Involvement
School heads may not actively involve teachers, parents, and students in
the development and review of the school's vision, mission, and goals.
This can lead to a lack of ownership and commitment.
_______ Lack of Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation
Once a vision and goals are established, school heads may not
consistently monitor and evaluate progress. This can result in stagnation
and missed opportunities for improvement.
_______ Resource Allocation Challenges
Resource allocation, including budget and staffing decisions, may not
align with the school's goals. A misalignment can hinder the school's
ability to implement its vision effectively.
_______ External Factors and Shifting Priorities
External factors such as changes in educational policies, student
demographics, or community needs can disrupt the alignment of the
school's vision and goals. School heads may need to adapt to these
changes while maintaining the focus on the core mission.
B. Monitoring Students’ Progress:
_______ Inconsistent Monitoring Techniques
School heads often lack a standardized approach to monitor students'
progress. This inconsistency can lead to gaps in data collection and
_______ Data Overload
With the increasing use of technology, schools are collecting vast
amounts of student data. However, many school heads may lack the
skills to effectively analyze and use this data to drive instructional
_______ Limited Training
School heads may not receive adequate training in data analysis and
educational assessment techniques. This can result in gaps in their ability
to accurately interpret student performance data.
_______ Uneven Teacher Collaboration
Collaborative data analysis and progress monitoring require strong
leadership skills. However, some school heads may struggle to foster a
culture of teacher collaboration, leading to gaps in information sharing
and analysis.
_______ Overemphasis on Standardized Testing
In some cases, school heads may focus too heavily on standardized test
scores as the primary metric for monitoring progress, potentially
neglecting other important aspects of student development.
_______ Lack of Follow-Through
Some school heads may struggle to translate data into actionable plans
and interventions, resulting in a gap between data collection and
effective instructional changes.
_______ Resource Constraints
School heads often face resource constraints that limit their ability to
implement comprehensive progress monitoring strategies, including
investing in educational technology and training for teachers.
_______ Student Equity Issues
There may be gaps in school head leadership when it comes to
addressing equity issues in monitoring student progress. Some students
may receive more attention and support than others, leading to
disparities in educational outcomes.
C. Supervising Teaching and Learning:
______ Inconsistent Feedback and Observation Practices
Some school heads lack a consistent and structured approach to
observing and providing feedback to teachers, leading to uneven
supervision practices.
______ Alignment with Educational Goals
School heads may struggle to align their instructional leadership
practices with the school's educational goals, resulting in a lack of a
cohesive vision for teaching and learning.
______ Professional Development for School Heads
Insufficient professional development opportunities for school heads can
hinder their ability to stay updated on effective instructional practices
and supervision techniques.
_______ Balancing Administrative Duties
School heads often juggle administrative responsibilities alongside
instructional leadership, and finding the right balance can be
________ Diversity and Inclusion
School heads may lack the skills and training necessary to effectively
supervise and support diverse teaching staff and address issues related
to inclusion and equity in teaching and learning.
________ Teacher Buy-In and Morale
The ability of school heads to motivate and gain the trust of teachers is
an ongoing challenge. Teacher morale and buy-in are essential for
effective instructional leadership.
________ Data-Driven Decision-Making
Utilizing data for decision-making in instructional leadership can be
an issue. School heads need training in collecting, analyzing, and
applying data to inform teaching and learning strategies.
________ Evolving Educational Trends
Keeping up with rapidly changing educational trends, technology, and
methodologies is a constant challenge. School heads must adapt their
instructional leadership skills to these shifts.
D. Fostering a Conducive Learning Climate:
______ Inadequate Training and Professional Development
Many school heads may not receive sufficient training in instructional
leadership. This gap can hinder their ability to promote a positive
learning environment effectively.
______ Limited Understanding of Diverse Student Needs
School leaders may not fully understand the diverse needs of students,
including those with special needs or from culturally diverse
backgrounds. This can lead to a lack of inclusivity and engagement
within the learning climate.
______ Insufficient Focus on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
SEL is crucial for creating a conducive learning climate. School heads
might not prioritize or fully comprehend the importance of SEL,
leading to issues related to student well-being and behavior.
______ Lack of Teacher Collaboration
Effective leadership involves fostering collaboration among teachers.
School heads may not provide opportunities for teachers to work
together, resulting in isolated classrooms and limited sharing of best
______ Inadequate Feedback Mechanisms
School leaders might not have systems in place to gather feedback from
teachers, students, and parents. Without feedback, it's challenging to
identify and address issues within the learning climate.
______ Resource Allocation Challenges
Insufficient resources, including technology, teaching materials, and
extracurricular activities, can impede the creation of a conducive
learning climate. School heads may struggle with resource allocation
______ Resistance to Change
Resistance to change among teaching staff can be a significant issue.
School heads need strong leadership skills to navigate resistance when
implementing new strategies to improve the learning climate.
______ External Factors and Pressures
External factors, such as standardized testing and government
regulations, can place undue pressure on school heads. These pressures
may divert their focus away from fostering a healthy learning climate.
F. Collaborating with Stakeholders:
______ Limited Engagement with Parents and the Community
Some school heads may struggle to effectively engage and involve
parents and the local community in educational matters, resulting in a
gap in fostering a strong school-home-community partnership.
______ Communication Gaps
Insufficient or ineffective communication between school heads and
various stakeholders can hinder collaboration. Clear, timely, and open
communication is vital for successful partnerships.
______ Alignment of Goals and Priorities
Differences in priorities and goals between school leaders and
stakeholders, such as teachers or parents, can create challenges in
collaboration. Finding common ground and shared objectives is
______ Inclusive Decision-Making
Some school heads may not consistently involve stakeholders in
decision-making processes, potentially leading to feelings of exclusion
and disempowerment among teachers, parents, and community
______ Professional Development
School leaders may lack training in collaborative leadership, and there
may be insufficient professional development opportunities available to
enhance these skills.
______ Inadequate Recognition of Stakeholder Expertise
Failure to recognize and leverage the expertise of various stakeholders
can result in missed opportunities for innovative solutions and improved
______ Managing Conflict
Addressing conflicts among stakeholders or within the school
community is a significant challenge. School heads need skills in
conflict resolution and creating a harmonious working environment.
______ Accountability and Evaluation
Determining how to measure the effectiveness of collaboration with
stakeholders can be challenging. School heads may struggle to establish
accountability measures and evaluate the impact of collaborative efforts.
5. Learning Action Cells Episodes
_______ "Leading by Example: Cultivating Leadership Skills"
Align the discussion with showcasing effective leadership behaviors and strategies.
Encourage principals to share successful leadership experiences and best practices.
Highlight the importance of modeling exemplary leadership for teachers.
_______ "Navigating Challenges: A Leader's Journey"
Focus on addressing common leadership challenges faced by principals.
Encourage a collective problem-solving approach to deal with challenges effectively.
Promote a growth mindset and resilience in facing leadership obstacles.
_______ "Empowering Teams: Building a Strong Leadership Core"
Highlight the significance of teamwork and collaboration in effective leadership.
Discuss strategies for empowering and motivating teams to achieve common goals.
Encourage the sharing of successful team-building experiences.
_______ "Enhancing Communication: The Key to Leadership Success"
Emphasize effective communication strategies for better leadership outcomes.
Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and transparent communication practices.
Discuss methods to ensure a clear flow of information within the school community.
________"Professional Development for Principals: Growth and Impact"
Focus on the role of continuous professional development in enhancing leadership
Encourage principals to share their personal professional development experiences
and insights.
Discuss strategies to leverage professional development for improving leadership

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! Your responses will

contribute to the completion of the present endeavor. God Speed!


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