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Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Effect of Visual Presentation on the Academic Concentration of Grade 6

Students at
Francisco De Castro Elementary School, GMA Cavite.

Name (Optional): Section:


Academic Concentration Scale

Direction: Please indicate the level of agreement or disagreement with each of

these statements regarding Academic Concentration by putting a check (/) on the
box using this scale.

Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Neither agree or disagree
4- Agree
5- Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
1. I feel overwhelmed when PowerPoint presentations
are overloaded with words.
2. Visual images or video presentations can catches my
attention to focus on the lesson.
3. I often lose interest when the presentation only
has words/text.
4. I have trouble concentrating with discussions when I
feel emotional.
5. Interaction and participation between teacher and
students makes me academically engage in discussions.
6. I have trouble getting back my concentration in
listening in discussions after I have been interrupted.
7. I feel like I often waste time when making project
and papers.
8. I have difficulty concentrating in class

9. I have trouble getting back my concentration in

listening in discussions after I have been interrupted
10. Organized space helps me to be completely engage
in studying

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