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Below is a simple implementation of the "Guess the Number" game using HTML,

CSS, and JavaScript. Copy and paste this code into separate files (e.g., index.html,
styles.css, script.js), and open the HTML file in a web browser to play the game.


htmlCopy code
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta
name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title> Guess the
Number </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div
class="container"> <h1> Guess the Number Game </h1> <p> Try to guess the number
between 1 and 100: </p> <input type="number" id="userGuess" placeholder="Enter your
guess"> <button onclick="checkGuess()"> Submit Guess </button> <p id="message"></p>
</div> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>


cssCopy code
body { font-family : 'Arial' , sans-serif; background-color : #f4f4f4 ; margin : 0 ; display :
flex; align-items : center; justify-content : center; height : 100vh ; } .container { text-align :
center; background-color : #fff ; padding : 20px ; border-radius : 8px ; box-shadow : 0 0
10px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ); } button { padding : 10px ; margin-top : 10px ; cursor : pointer; }


jsCopy code
const secretNumber = Math . floor ( Math . random () * 100 ) + 1 ; let attempts = 0 ; function
checkGuess () { const userGuessElement = document . getElementById ( 'userGuess' ); const
messageElement = document . getElementById ( 'message' ); const userGuess =
parseInt (userGuessElement. value ); if ( isNaN (userGuess) || userGuess < 1 || userGuess >
100 ) { messageElement. textContent = 'Please enter a valid number between 1 and 100.' ;
return ; } attempts++; if (userGuess === secretNumber) { messageElement. textContent =
`Congratulations! You guessed the number ${secretNumber} in ${attempts} attempts.` ;
disableInputAndButton (); } else { messageElement. textContent = userGuess >
secretNumber ? 'Too high! Try again.' : 'Too low! Try again.' ; } } function
disableInputAndButton () { const userGuessElement =
document . getElementById ( 'userGuess' ); const submitButton =
document . querySelector ( 'button' ); userGuessElement. disabled = true ;
submitButton. disabled = true ; }

This code sets up a simple webpage where the user can input their guesses to figure
out a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. The game provides feedback
on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct. Once the correct number is
guessed, it disables further input and displays a congratulatory message.

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