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Shorrt Business

SINESS Correspondence


Affter studyingg this unit, yoou should bee able to;

● Understannd the signifiicance of business corresspondence;

● Understannd various tyypes of businness letters; aand
● Develop th
he skills-set to write effeective busineess letters.

10.1 Introduuction
10.2 Conceppt of Businesss Corresponndence
10.3 Purpose of Businesss Correspon
10.4 Types of
o Business Correspondeence
10.5 Foreignn Words andd Phrases
10.6 Business Letter
10.7 Types of
o Business Letters
10.8 Personaalised Stand
d Letters
10.9 Memorrandum
10.10 Email Writing
10.11 Summaary
10.12 Keywo
10.13 Self-Asssessment Questions
10.14 Referen
nces and Furrther Readinngs

ppendix A - Specimmen of a Refuusal Letter
ppendix B - Specimmen of an Accceptance Leetter (Invitatiion to join
onal/Civic Bodies)
ppendix C - Specimmen of an Ordder Letter
ppendix D - Specimmen of an Enquiry Letter
ppendix E - Specimmen of a Colllection Letteer
ppendix F - Specimmen layout off an Applicaation Letter (Covering
( Leetter)
ppendix G - Specimmen of a Salees Letter
ppendix H - Specimmen of a Perssonalized Staand Letter (S
Seasonal Greeetings)
ppendix I - Specimmen of a Perssonalized Staand Letter (B
Being promooted)
ppendix J - Specimmen of a Perssonalized Staand Letter (F
Family Bereaavement)
ppendix K - Specimmen of a Perssonalized Letter of Compplaints
ppendix L - Specimmen of a Mem morandum
ppendix M - Specimmen layout off an Email
10.1 IN
At Work
Business coorrespondennce plays a pivotal
p role as communiication withh all the
stakeholderrs is very important.
i All
A the stakkeholders connected with w the
business contribute
c a their reespective leevels.Timelyy, sequentiaal and
systematic communicaation with thhese stakehoolders resultts in enhanccing the
productivityy of the bbusiness andd also helps in develooping long lasting
relationshipps. Every buusiness unit has to be cclear in defiining its term ms and
conditions of operatingg their busineess and the ssame terms and
a conditionns have
to be comm municated prrecisely to alll the stakehoolders conceerned. It briddges the
gap betweeen all the pparties invo olved in thee business. Different tyypes of
correspond dence are beeing used inn business annd they are drafted as per the
situation. The
T businesss correspond dence has to be clear, co oncise and accurate
as every business
b corrrespondencee reflects thhe image off the writer or the
organisation which it represents.
r The
T business corresponddence has to be free
from any bias
b and must
m be writtten with a decent busiiness tone without w
hurting thee dignity off the readerr. This unitt discusses different tyypes of
business coorrespondencce.

10.2 C
Business correspondennce is the liifeline of evvery businesss. Correspoondence
whether it is verbal orr written can n have a huuge impact on o the bottoom line
y and produuctivity of any organissation. Propper drafted emails,
structured approach
a in offline & onnline meetinngs, systemaatic webinarss, well-
defined inteer and intraddepartmentaal communiccation all plaayan importaant role
in definingg the successs of an orgaanisation. Prroper busineess correspoondence
has taken a prominentt place in tooday’s businness world, as the succeess and
failure of an organiisation are largely deependent on the quality of
communicaation taking place.
Business corresponden
c nce includes both writtten and oraal communication.
Letters, em
mails, reportss, memos arre all formaal and part of o commerccial and
business acctivity; so aree interviewss, meetings, cconferences, presentatioons, and
negotiationns. The chhallenge to improve business corresponde c nce is
omnipresennt, as each and every employee
e inn any organisation is innvolved
with one orr the other tyype of comm munication.

10.3 PU
In businesss communicaation, the way
w one writees any form m of businesss letters
makes a loot of differennce. There are
a a numbeer of letters of differentt forms
being writtten in anyy organisatioon. Therefoore, it beco omes imporrtant to
understand the purposse of busineess correspoondence. The followingg points
give an idea about the ppurpose of business
b corrrespondence:
1) Maintaining prroper rela ationships– T
The purpoose of business b
1522 corresppondence is governed by
b the fact tthat it faciliitates effectiive and
proper commmunicationn which doees not cost ttoo much to the businesss as Shorrt Business
well. It co
onsolidates the business by filling away all thhe vacuum and
communiccation gaps in
i this case.
2) Organisattional goodwill- An orgganisation’s growth can increase duue to
systematicc business correspondennce. The wayy an organissation addresses
a client, clients’
c querries, their feeedback, com
mplaints, an
nd stakeholdders’
issues creaate the gooddwill of any organisationn slowly and gradually and
enhances its
i credibilityy.
3) Reduces employee turnover-
t O
Organisations s in which employees are
satisfied and
a earnestlyy engaged annd involved with their workw have m
lower turnnover rates. In order to retain the workforce,
w thhe organisatiions
have to en nsure that relevant
r infoormation shoould reach their
t employyees
pertainingg to their job roles andd responsibillities. On thhe flip side, too
much irrrelevant infformation ofteno leads to diseng gagement, less
productiviity, feeling monotonou us, which rresults in lo ower emplooyee
4) Increases productiviity of emplloyees- Todaay employeees operate iin a
world wheere there is innformation overload.
o Identifying thee right sourcce of
informatioon, meticulo ously and scanning tthe right and a approprriate
informatioon is very cuumbersome and
a takes lotts of employ yees’ producctive
time. Mo oreover, an average em mployee sppends 3 ho ours every day
searching for inform mation needeed. On the other handd, if the inntra-
organisatioonal corresppondence is clear, this caan help the employees
e hhave
clarity and
d accuracy abbout their work
w requirem ments and rooles.
5) Improvess customerr satisfactiion and rretention- Prroper businness
correspond dence can help any orgaanisation with repetitivee sales. It is said
that it is easy to loose a custom mer, but tw wice as toug gh to bringg an
unsatisfiedd customer back to the organissation. Propper, clear, and
transparennt business correspondeence can heelp in portrraying the right r
image off the organiisation in thet eyes off its custom mer. Custom mers
appreciatee professional and timely corresponndence, alon ng with reggular
follow-ups thereby inncreasing thee trust in thee organisatio
on which grrows
with the passage of tim
We know that there area different types of buusiness correespondence. Let
us now disscuss these types
t in the following
f seection.

0.4 TYP
here are diffeerent types of
o business correspondennce and the frequency
f off use
of them variess from organnisation to organisation.
o . The corresspondence tyypes
whhich are usedd in almost all
a organisatiions are menntioned below

1) Internal Correspond
C dence
Intternal correespondence may be a written communiccation betw ween
deppartments, employees,
e m
micro-units, and various regional branches,
b zones,
andd branches of
o one organnisation. The internal corrrespondencee may be forrmal
or informal. Usually,
U reguular internal correspondeence is less formal, likee the
Wriitten manager isssuing some instructionss to his/her team. Emaiil is often thhe most
At Work
W common toool while sennding internaal corresponddence.
Other interrnal correspoondences incclude appraiisal letters, letters
l of dissmissal,
letters of apppreciation, formal requests, etc. Tyypically, such
h communication is
usually prinnted on a piece of paperr, which the sender authhenticates annd signs
and the reciipients receiive it physicaally.

2) Extern
nal correspoondence
External coorrespondence may occur amongst two organisations or between b
one organissation and itts customerss. External ccorrespondennce is mainlyy made
to, sponssors, goveernment offices, venndors, proospective clients,
suppliers, financial
f ffirms, accoounting and law firms, creditors,
donors, bussiness affiliaates etc.

3) Sales corresponde
c ence
Sales correespondence may consisst of a purcchase order, marketing letters,
promotionaal offer letteers, sales reeports, new scheme lettters, discounnt-offer
letters, invooices, letterss of order coonfirmation,, collection letters. Everry sales
correspond dence has to bbe meticulouusly drafted. Promotionaal offer letteers need
to be autheentic, should not contaain any hiddden informaation and must m not
mislead thee customers.

4) Person
nalized corrrespondencee
This type of corresppondence iss customizeed and taillor-made. S Suitable
examples include apppreciation notes, ‘Thhank-you’ letters exppressing
gratitude, letters of conndolence and sympathy, letters of congratulatio
c ons and
good wishees, letters of seasonal greeetings.

Personal coorrespondence letters might not havve an ardent formal tonee of the
conversatioon. They cann be sent thrrough email,, but a physically drafteed letter
is appreciatted as it has personal waarmth and touuch.

5) Circullars
Circulars reefer to noticces which arre sent to many
m people in an organnisation.
They migh ht be new announcem ments, new advancemen
a nts, or neww office
policies havving new innstructions or
o even new office protoocols. The ciirculars
are focusedd to reach mmany readerss and are usuually kept in
n a generic tone as
they cater to
t numerous people whoo receive them m.

6) Routin
ne correspon
This type of
o corresponndence is reelated to rouutine issues. Common tyypes of
routine corrrespondencee include innvitations, replies, letterrs of appoinntment,
inquiries an
nd acknowleedgments.

These weree the basic types of coorrespondencce. Delving deeper let uus now
discuss the various typees of businesss letters.

0.5 FOR
HRASES Shorrt Business

Wo ords and phrrases form ann important part of any communicat

c tion. In businness
corrrespondencce also wordds and phrasees play an immportant rolle. These woords
d phrases arre mostly off Latin or Frrench origin.. They are being
b given here
so that if yo ou come accross them, you do nnot face anny difficultyy in
nderstanding their meaninng.
1) ad hoc - for a particuular purpose
2) ad valorrem - according too value
3) bonafidee - genuine (, only bon
na fide membbers
will be allow
wed to attendd the meetinng.)
4) de factoo - actual, real
5) en bloc - as a whole
6) en massse - all together
7) en routee - on the way
8) errata - list of errorss
9) ex officiio - rank or poosition (by virtue of oone's
10) ex partee - one-sided
11) fait acco
ompli - an establishhed fact
12) impassee - deadlock
13) in camera - in secret
14) inter aliaa - among other things
15) in Toto - wholly or enntirely
16) ipso facto - virtually
17) laissez faire
f - free (the priinciple of no
18) locusstaandi - the right to interfere
19) malafidee - in bad faith;; treacheroussly
20) modus operandi
o - way of doinng a thing
21) notabenne - take notice ((N.B.)
22) nouveauu riches - persons whoo have becom
me lately ricch
23) par exceellence - eminently
24) per capiita - per head
25) per diem
m - per day
26) prima faacie - on the face of
o it
27) pro-rataa - in proportioon to
28) sine die - indefinitely
29) status quuo - the existing condition
30) subjudicce - under considderation of a judicial body
Wriitten 31) ultraa vires - beyond oone's powerss
At Work
W 32) verbatim - word forr word
33) us
versu - against
34) via media
m - a middlee course
35) vide - indicatess reference to
t some passage or
book, etcc.
36) vis-àà-vis - in relatioon to someth
hing or someeone

The art of letter writinng dates backk to olden tiimes, and inn present tim mes also
letters are indeed an important source of communicatc ting the meessages.
Business leetters are usuually written
n for persuadding potentiaal customerss to buy
some produuct, answerinng the queries, replying to customerrs' feedback,, asking
or giving quotations, collecting dues,d and m maintaining relationshipps with
stakeholderrs. In order to write a good
g w requisites should
businesss letter, few
always be kept in miind such ass the knowlledge of thee language, proper
punctuationn, purpose, and intent of o the letter,, concise styyle of writinng, and
maintainingg authenticity. The writerw shoulld be veryy clear aboout the
procedures, policy, prootocols, rulees, and reguulations of the t organisaation as
letters not only repressent the person who seends it but also a represeents the
image and goodwill of the organiisation. A pproperly draffted businesss letter
can becomee an impactfful mouthpieece of an orgganisation. For F a businesss letter
to be fresh,, sprightly, aand readablee, there is noo better wayy to begin thaan by a
thorough ‘hhouse cleanning’. Begin by throwinng out all suurplus wordss. Read
over everyy sentence oof your letteer and ask yourself: ‘IIs this wordd really
necessary? Will the meeaning changge if I removve this wordd?’ Remember! In a
business leetter, every word must earn its plaace and therre is absolutely no
place for parasite wordds in a crisp piece of wrriting. There are differennt types
of businesss letters andd they are ussed as per thhe requirem ment. Let us discuss
some comm mon forms of business leetters.


As we have learnt thatt business leetters shouldd have claritty and shoulld relay
the right message.
m It is therefore important tto learn how w these lettters are
framed and d for whatt purpose.W We will disccuss some common tyypes of
business lettters which aare used by almost
a all thhe organisatioons.

If they are not to offennd, letters off refusal muust be both taactful and frriendly.
They shoulld leave the recipient with w the impression that the invitation was
not only welcome
w but is turned do own for a geenuine reasoon. There arre some
do’s and doon’ts for a reefusal letter. These are:
Do’s whilee drafting a refusal letteer
1) Expreess gratitudee for the read

1566 2) Use soft

s and melllow words;
3) Mention the authentiic reasons foor refusal; Shorrt Business
4) Give impportance to the
t sender’s efforts;
5) Close thee letter on a futuristic noote.

Note: Refer to
t Appendix
x A for the “Specimen
“ O a Refusaal Letter”.
Leetters acceptiing an invitaation to an organisation
o n's annual baanquet, to luunch
or dinner at someone’s place, or to any otther event requiring pprior
preeparation, sh
hould be sentt within twoo days of receeiving the innvitation.

Wh hile conveyiing pleasure at being inv vited and antticipation off the event, ttheir
deggree of form mality or innformality reeaders shouuld take theiir cue from the
vitation itsellf. Obviouslyy, a chatty note
n invitingg you to lun
nch at a friennd’s
ub will be answered in i an inform mal way, w while an innvitation to the
Orrganisation’ss Annual bannquet will reequire a moree formal reply.

It is
i a good pllan to reiteraate the time, place, and date of the meeting jusst to
maake sure therre will be noo misunderstaanding.

Noote: Refer to
t Appendix B for thee “Specimen of an invvitation to jjoin
prrofessional or
o civic Body”

Leetters relatedd to the orderring of goodds and services are most prominent too an
orgganisation's business. Orders aree usually routine r lettters, and their
efffectiveness totally
t depennds on the acccuracy of thhe details theey hold. Repplies
to orders are treated
t as oppportunities to build up goodwill annd relationshhips
with new customers, unccertain custoomers, regaiined custom mers as well as
ng-standing loyal custom
lon mers.
he Order letteer must havee the followiing details:

1) They shouuld be clear and

a transparrent as there should be no
o hidden cosst;
2) All the finnancial detaills must be cllearly mentioned;
3) The exact quantities of
o goods ordeered should be
b accurate;
4) Order letteer should be sent on timee;
5) Order letteer should be concise;
6) They are an
a importantt tool for estaablishing lonng-term relaationships.
ote: Refer too Appendix C for “Specimen of an
n Order Lettter”

he most com mmon letters in business are buyers’’ enquiries about
a goods and
serrvices. Todaay, a good deal of innformation about a goodss and prices is
connveyed by telephone, mobile, soccial media platforms and a emails; but
eveeryone may not have thhese facilitiees and prefer to use lettters so that tthey
havve a docum ment and reco ord for referrence. In moost of the caases, the forrmal
ordder letter is used
u for documentation purposes.
Wriitten Note: Refeer to Appendix D for “S
Specimen off an Enquirry letter”.
At Work
Usually, coollection lettters are writtten to custoomers who have
h bought things,
availed of services on credit and their bills aare still unpaaid or outstanding.
There are some debtoors who might pay thhe amount immediately i y while
receiving a text message, letter orr email but oothers may not.
n The colllection
letters havee to be milld in tone as a the tone of the overrall communnication
should nott hurt the ccustomers’ sentiments and the customers aree to be
retained at the same tim

Note: Refeer to Appendix E for “S

Specimen laayout of a Collection Leetter”.

A letter of application, also known n as a cover lletter is a doocument alonng with

candidates resume whiich provides additional iinformation about his/heer skill-
sets, experttise, and releevant work experience.
A letter of application holds detailled informattion mentionning the reasons as
to why a candidate
c is qualified fo
or the profilee s/he has appplied for. A well-
drafted appplication leetter explainns the reasoons for yoour interest in the
organisation where youu have applieed.
A good ap pplication leetter should reveal to tthe employeer the posittion/job
profile the candidate haas applied foor, why the eemployer should select hhim/her
as a potentiial candidatee etc.
Every detaiil of the covvering letter needs carefuul attention; parts of thee layout
must be arranged
a neeatly and framed
f accuurately; nam mes, designnations,
addresses, dates, and sos on, must be absoluteely correct. EvenE a smaall error
can send a wrong messsage to the prospective
p eemployer abbout the applicant’s
carelessnesss. An emplooyer is interrested in thee applicant’ss personal qualities
like diligennce, inquisiitiveness, teamwork, addaptability, and motivaation to
achieve. Thhe candidatee must pressent to the employer
e w s/he fitss in the

If a job is attractive,
a thhere will be many
m applicants with sim
milar qualifiications
competing to make thee first impreession. An im mpressive covering
c lettter with
an individuual style willl always bee preferred aand has a beetter chance than a
routine lettter which is no differentt from a hunndred others that state thhe same
required qualification
q s. A succeessful coveering letter must posiition a
personalityy that an empployer would d like to meeet.
It is imporrtant that if you are a prospective candidate and
a applyingg for a
position yoou should folllow the folloowing:

● use you
ur own stylee;
● be concise;
● letter should
s not bee of more thaan one page;
● use sim
mple languagge without jaargons and ccomplex senttences.
Noote: Refer tot Appendiix F for “S
Specimen L
Layout of an
a Applicattion Shorrt Business
Leetter (Coverring Letter)””.
Saales letters are com mmonly used for giving inforrmation abbout
prooducts/servicces and perssuading prosspective custtomers to buuy the produucts.
Thhe sales letterr should alw
ways be custoomized to suuit the needs and interestts of
sellected groupps or indiviidual buyerss. The saless letter is thhe most higghly
dividualized form of advvertising and d publicity. IIt addresses an individuaal or
a group
g person nally and atttempts to chhange them into an interrested, potenntial
uyer. It is somewhat
s liike a writteen sales preesentation and
a follows the
perrsuasion stepps towards convincing.
he sales lettter closely follows the following four stagess of the sellling
a) Attract atttention

b) Create inteerest and dessire

c) Win confiidence

d) Motivation
n and actionn

a) Attracting the attenttion

here are manny ways off attracting attention. The
Th T opening g sentence m
ouse curiositty and encouurage the reaader to read ffurther.
ou can use thhe following
g lines to grab
b the attentioon
a) Proverbs and
a quotatioons from welll-known wriiters are inteeresting for ttheir
pointed sty
yle which caan focus atteention at oncce. For exam
mple.“Nopainn, no
gain” is an
n old proverrb. But todayy’s technologgy has takenn the pain ouut of
most thinggs (to sell anny gadget).
You cannnot buy everrything in thhe world, buut you can buy
b the besst of
some thing

b) A conditioonal sentencce can be excciting providded the sugggested condiition

is a possibbility withinn the reach of
o the readerr. A conditio onal phrase can
be used too begin a staatement, or a question, or a comman nd. For exam mple,
if you havve intelligentt children, th
hey will askk questions thhat adults neever
dream of.
c) Questions have the poower to arouuse thoughts; they set thee mind thinkking
to find an
n answer like Would yoou like to takke your fam mily for a grrand
vacation th
his summer,, wouldn’t yoou?

b) Creating interest and

d desire
Yoou need an understandin
u ng of humann desires andd feelings, good
g knowleedge
of the product,, and a clear mental pictuure of the prrospective cuustomer in order
to develop an effective chhain of intereest, desire, cconfidence, and willingnness
Wriitten to buy. Theere are two thhings that reeally stimulaate people; thhe hope of gain
g and
At Work
W the fear of loss, the feaar of loss is the strongeer of the twoo, hope of gaain and
fear of losss are basic tto common human desiires. Whatev ver product//service
you wish tot sell; you have to possition it so that t its beneefits satisfy one or
more of thee following uuniversal dessires.

● To be wealthy
● To look good
● To be healthy
● To be popular
● To havve security

c) Win coonfidence and creatingg conviction

While you present yourr product annd try to makke readers acccept what yyou say,
they go thhrough diffeerent emotioons. The iniitial interestt and desiree for a
product/serrvice give pllace to strong doubts andd uncertaintyy of differennt kinds
and on diffferent accounnts.
The first dooubt may be aimed outw ward at the seeller and /or at the produuct. The
reader mayy think of succh questionss like -Is the seller to be believed? Does
D the
organisation support itss product and stand by thhe buyers? Is the producct really
good? Duurable?Satisffactory?Trouuble-free? What W abouut the afteer-sales
service? What
W If I find the product unsatisfactoory? etc.

The reader is likely to think,

t “Yes, s/he thinks s/he can fix my problem m. They
all say that!”. Therefore, it is imporrtant that yoou present yoour credentiaals, that
is, the reasoon why you can be trustted and the proof
p that yoour claims are
a true.
Evidence oro proof of worth
w can be of two typess: (1) Facts and
a (2) Opinnions.

Facts inclu
● Figure of sales
● Medalss, prizes, andd certificatioons
● Mentioon accreditattion by certiffying bodiess such as ISO
O 9000
certificcations etc.
● Samplees, demonstrrations, and trial offers
Opinions of There may sttill be doubts in the
o satisfied uusers add soccial proof. T
readers’ miinds, even thhough they may secretlly hope that the stated benefits
are true. To build up u credibility, presentt testimoniaals from satisfied
customers. Letters of appreciation
a received from satisfiedd users are tthe best
testimonialls. You mayy get such letters from customers to t whom yoou send
after-sales letters.

d) Induciing action
The most important function
fu of the
t sales leetter is to get action from the
reader. Thee entire struccture of the letter should be designedd in such a way
w that
the reader takes
t the steep towards thet product. At times ann extra incenntive is
needed to make
m peoplee take actionn. When peopple think thaat there is a limited
sup pply of sommething that they
t want, thhey usually rush to get some of it. You Y Shorrt Business
can n create a seense of shorrtage by limiiting the offfer in some way,
w such ass by
staating that thee quantity is in limited suupply, or by making youur offer validd for
nly a limited time. For ex xample, “Th his offer is vaalid only unttil (state the last
datte) after whiich the produuct or service will returnn to its origin
nal price”.

ote: Refer too Appendix G for “Speecimen of a S
Sales Letterr”
Acctivity 1
a) You are ann entrepreneeur who has started his/hher business in the industrial
ompanies whhich manufaacture industrial
paints seggment. Identtify those co
……………… …………………………
……………… …….


b) Identify thhe types of clients

c to whoom these inddustrial paintts are suppliied.


c) Draft an effective
e salees letter to thhose compannies who aree in regular need
of the inndustrial paiints. Ensuree that your sales letterr should coover
important details likke types of o industriaal paints, USP of yyour
organisatioon, pricing details
d and element of peersuasion.



0.8 PER
It is true thhat in bussiness, relaations are maintained formally and
ofessionally.. However, there
t are cerrtain situations where cuustomized taiilor-
maade correspoondence hass to be donee with all thhe stakehold ders to mainntain
ng-term rellations. Perrsonalized stand
s letterrs can incllude letters of
ndolence and sympathy,, thank you letters,
l congrratulations and
a good wisshes 161
Wriitten letters, letteers of seasonn’s greetingss, letters of welcome
w etcc. The specimmens of
At Work
W different tyypes of appliccation letterss are given iin the append dices part.

Note: Refeer to Appenndix H for “Specimen

“ letters of Seeasonal Greeetings”
(Personalissed Stand Letters)

Note: Refeer to Appendix I for “Specimen letters of Being Prom

(Personalissed Stand Letters)
Note: Reefer to Ap ppendix J for “Sp pecimen leetters of Family
Bereavemeent” (Person
nalised Stan
nd Letters)

Personalised Letters oof Complain

In any busiiness, there will be som me mistakes and mishaps; you may not get
the goods anda servicess as you had d expected annd ordered. If things goo wrong
with your order,
o you hhave to inforrm the suppllier about thhe problem and
a see
that the fauults are correected and adjjustments aree made.

Note: Refeer to Appeendix K forr “Specimeen of Persoonalised Leetter of


A memoraandum (mem mo) signifiees a “reminder” or a note n as welll. It is
generally used
u for com
mmunication within
w an orrganisation only.
o It may contain
any prime announcemeent, policies or new proocedures or rules r to be adopted
within an organisationn. Furtherm more, it is typically written
w as coommon
communicaation within an organisaation. It cann be used too update a teeam on
activities, the
t latest devvelopments for a given project,
p or too inform a selected
cluster insiide an orgaanisation off a happening, action, or observaance. A
memo’s puurpose is typically to infoorm; howeveer, it sometim mes includes a part
of persuasiion or a deccision to acttion. Every organisationn has inform mal and
formal com mmunicationn channels and networks. The unofficial,
u innformal
communicaation networrk inside an n organisatiion is typicaally known as the
grapevine, and it is typically characterizeed by rum mour, gossipp, and
insinuationn. In a graapevine, onee person m might hear some inforrmation
andgoarounnd the organnisation passsing the infoormation to other peoplee. If an
organisation needs woorkers in acction, they w will additionnally issue a note.
While mem mos do nott usually em mbrace a deecision to action
a that desires
personal deeployment, they
t typicallly represent the businesss or organissation’s
The sole obbjective of uusing a businness memo is to convey
y a message,, which
must be concise and effficient. Thee formatting of the mem
mo should fraame the
document as
a easy to reaad and naviggate and as ccomprehensiible as possibble.
The uniquue formattinng details, such as colours c and font, varyy from
organisation to organissation and usually
u depennd upon thee guidelines framed
by the mannagement off the organisation. Memoos should cllarify the folllowing
informationn in the headder, normally
y at the top oof the docum

● Date: menntion the date on which the mem
mo is sent to its targeeted Shorrt Business
● To: The name
n and/or designation of the indiviidual(s) or teeam(s) to whhom
the memo is primarily
y written for;;
● Cc (Optioonal): The naame or title of
o anyone ellse who will receive a coopy,
if applicab
● From: NameN of the issuer of memom accom
mpanied by the
t handwriitten
initials andd possibly th
he job title;
● Subject: A phrase thaat sums up thhe memo’s content effecttively.

ote: Refer too Appendix L for “Speccimen layou
ut of Memorrandum”
Acctivity 2
Yo ou are a Human
H Resoource Manaager in an IT Firm. You Y have been
freequently recceiving resiggnation lettters from aall the depaartments of the
orgganisation. You
Y have foundfo that employees arre leaving the
t organisaation
without any prrior notice. Organize
O a meeting
m withh all the departmental heeads
and d explore th
he reasons for
f high attrrition rates in
i the organnisation. Draaft a
meemo in this context to all the emplloyees of thhe organisatiion and appprise
theem with neww details of exit
e policy.


0.10 EMA
A well-drafteed email can make the t differennce betweenn a successsful
ganisation or
org o an unsucccessful one.. A properlyy drafted em mail can turrn a
ospective cuustomer into a potential client.

Emmail commu unication can n vary depennding on vaarious factorrs including the
natture of indusstry, organissation, the prrofile it operrates in. Thee language of
o an
mail differs when
w we are addressing a superior or a peer or iff we are wriiting
to one or severral recipients or if we arre writing accross countriies, cultures and
ganisations as
org a well.

he features of a well draffted email wrriting are meentioned below.

1) Include a comprehen
nsible subject line
● The su
ubject line should be composed jjust like a headline oof a
newspaaper. The neewspaper’s headlines
h aree designed too attract readders
to read
d the articles, one should d write subjeect lines in such a way that
you aroouse the reccipient’s curiiosity and s//he will be very
v inclined to
read thee mail ratherr than resistiing it.
Wriitten ● Do add a descrriptive prefix
x before the actual subject line, succh as in
At Work
W the: “Need respponse urgenttly:”, or usee “FYI” (forr your inform
and “FYA” (forr your actionn).

2) Alwayys use an app

propriate Salutation
Salutations are many tiimes debatedd. Few arguue that you sh
hould alwayys use a
formal greeeting. This solely depeends on the recipient an nd the rappoort you
have with them. If yoou are writinng to a closse colleaguee or your teeam, an
Hi’ will likely be an apt salutation.
informal ‘H s

If the emaills have beenn sent to som

mebody in thhe past and iff there is a chain
c of
trail mails going on, tthen it is fine to write an email without
w any formal
greeting aggain and agaain. A formaal salutation or introducttion must bee added
with casuall acquaintancces.

1) Short-h
hands/forms should be d
used with o
only well--known
Everyone wishes
w to saave time in the organisaations. Peopple prefer shhortcuts
and short--hands. Wriiting in shhort-hands tto an interrnal team of the
organisation, or to one’s own team b accepted. On the otheer hand,
m, can still be
handwritingg in shorthannd to clientss may lead too casualnesss. If you are writing
an email to
o someone w with whom you y have professional reelations, theen short
forms shouuld be avoideed.

2) Be awa
are of using humour orr colloquialissm across different
d culltures
ure emails oor emails to different grroups have to be writteen with
proper knowwledge and awareness. One should be aware that funny sayyings or
colloquial words mayy be comp pletely misuunderstood by your business
colleagues in overseass offices. Wrong
W messaages degradee the image of the
organisation and emplooyees as well.

3) Consid
der the purp
pose of yourr email
Always staate the coree purpose off your emaiil. Open-end ded emails can be
confusing. Be very cleear about whhat you expeect from you ur emails. Are
A you
expecting immediate
i a
action or the mail is juust for meree information? The
purpose and
d course of action
a must be
b clearly m

4) Think before
b you smile
Emojis havve crept intoo formal and
d informal coommunicatioon nowadays. With
the increase of email aand text com
mmunicationn, it is impo
ossible to seee facial
expressionss, so people add smiley faces to pass their messsages impreessively
to others. It
I depends oon the norm m in your organisation and sector, but be
mindful of when and too whom you are sending emojis.

5) Do not hit reply alll or CC forr everyone

One should d be very cclear and acccurate abouut the recipiients of the email.
Target youur emails to only those people withh whom the emails are related.
Unnecessarry emails beeing sent to unconcerneed people create confusiion and
alsso kill the prroductive tim
me of other people. At the
t same tim
me, unnecesssary Shorrt Business
mails are also o consideredd highly unprrofessional.

6) Reply in a timely fash

A timely replyy to an emaiil usually wiithin 24 houurs shows yoour concern and
con nsideration. This especially holds very true wheen you havee been inviteed to
atttend any meeting, or whhere you neeed to reply too any deadliines regardinng a
prooject or any other situatiion which neeeds to be adddressed timeely.

pell check
7) Always sp

Reemember! Your words are a your refleection. In prrofessional parlance,

p havving
speelling mistakkes ruins on
ne’s image as
a well as the image of thet organisaation
whhere one woorks. Sendin ng emails with
w spelling mistakes an nd grammattical
errrors can be disgusting for colleaguues. They coould infer th hat you are too
nguid to use the spell chheck before you
lan y click sennd. Take thee time to re-rread
your emails, make
m sure your emails are
a sensible enough beffore you hitt the
sennd button.

8) It is all about context

Att the end, th he crux is thhe context. Emails

E not oonly carry the
t image off an
dividual who o writes it, but also the immage of the organisationn as a whole. To
whhom the emaail is being taargeted? Hoow acquainteed are you with w the recippient
of the email? DoD you know w the recipieent is close tto, who are your
y employyees
wrriting? How well do theey know thee recipient? Do they knnow them qquite
weell or simplyy virtually? How
H will thhe email be ccomprehended? What iss the
goal of the em mail? The HR R team can play
p a pivotaal role here byb making evvery
mployee welll acquaintedd with the tone
em t of the organisation. In this ccase,
cerrtain trainingg programs can
c be conduucted.

ote: Refer too Appendix M for “Speecimen Layoout of an Em

0.11 SUM
Buusiness correespondence plays a veryy important role and is very imporrtant
and d crucial forr every organnisation for maintaining
m long-term relations withh all
its stakeholderrs. Proper annd timely buusiness corrrespondencess do impactt the
mage of the organisationn and vice-vversa. Businness correspoondence shoould
ways be cleaar, concise, anda accuratee so that the message is sent exactlyy the
waay it has beeen planned and a conceiveed. There arre various tyypes of businness
corrrespondencce that are used based d on differrent situatioons. We leearnt
diffferent typess of businesss letters likke Order lettter, Refusal letter, Enquuiry
lettter, Quotatiion letter, Acceptance letter, lettter for diffferent kindss of
situuations, Peersonalized stand letterrs, enquiriees, customerrs’ complaiints,
colllection letteers – Sales promotion
p letters, Appllication letteers, and mem
Thhese letters are commonn to almost all the bussiness organnisations. W While
wrriting the lettters it is im
mportant to customize
c thhem as per thet needs, liikes,
and d dislikes of
o the reader as well. In I a nutshelll, business correspondeence
sho ould be courrteous, conciise and comp plete.

10.12 KEYWOR
At Work
Internal Correspond
C ence: Internnal correspoondence maay be a forrmal or
informal written
w comm munication between deepartments, employees, micro-
units, and various
v regioonal branchees, zones, andd branches of
o one organisation.
External Correspond
C m occur amongst
dence: Exterrnal corresppondence may
two organissations or beetween one organisation
o and its custoomers.
Sales Corrrespondencce: Sales coorrespondencce may con nsist of a puurchase
order, markketing letterss, promotion
nal offer lettters, sales reeports, new scheme
letters, disscount-offerr letters, innvoices, lettters of orrder confirm mation,
collection letters.
Order letteer: Orders aare usually rooutine letterss, and their effectiveness
e s totally
depends on
n the accuraccy of the detaails they hold.
Memorand dum: A mem morandum (memo)
( minder” or a note as
signnifies a “rem
well. It is generally
g useed for comm
munication wiithin an orgaanisation onlly.

10.13 SE
1) As an agent for a chain
c of hoteels at hill staations and hooliday resortts, draft
a saless letter to bee sent to higgh-income ggroup personns, offering special
off-seaason packagees.

2) Wanted young, dyynamic, and result-orientted marketinng personnell (Boys

and Girls)
G for a reputed com mputer softwware organiisation. Musst be a
graduaate with goood communnication skillls. Work experience
e w be
preferrred. Qualifieed candidatees will get aattractive co
ompensation plus a
w a passport size
travelinng allowance. Send appllications andd CV along with
photoggraph beforee 25 Sept 2021. To Scifi Consu ultants, 8/C
C, High
Tower, Nariman Point, Mum mbai-4000088. Draft a covering
c lettter for
applyinng for the vaacancy.
3) Tropical Dry fruitss Organisatio
on, fruits expporting agennts, placed an
a order
with Sun
S power products,
p foor 5000 kg of Almondds to be sennt to a
mer in Chinaa. On receiv ving the connsignment, th hey find thaat some
boxes of
o almonds aare damaged d. Draft the ccomplaint lettter to the suupplier.
4) A busiiness associaate has invitted you to aattend his organisation’ss dinner
meetinng, at which a well-know wn Tax consuultant will bee speaking. Write
W a
reply, regretting
r yoour inability to attend.
5) You haave been invvited to speak k at a meetinng of the Muumbai management
associaation’s quarrterly meetiing, on thee managem ment of nonn-profit
organissations. Drafft a reply acccepting the invitation.
6) As a teeam leader inn Pinnacle in
ndustry, an IIT firm, you caught one of your
team members
m tem
mpering withh crucial data of the organisation. WWrite an
email to
t the HR m manager repoorting this inncident and asking
a what further
course of action shhould be takeen in this casse?

0.14 REF
S Shorrt Business

11 reasons why w businesss communiication is ccritical to your

y compaany's
succcess. (20020, Junee 9). R
Retrieved October, 2021, ffrom
htttps:// hy-business-ccommunicattion-is-cruciaal-
Brrent, D. (198 85). Indirect Structure and Readerr Response. The Journaal of
usiness Commmunication ((1973), 22(2)), 5–
8. https://doi.oorg/10.1177/00021943685502200201
Caampbell, K. S.,
S Naidoo, J. J S., & Smitth, J. (2021). When Youur Boss Says,
You Need to Sound Moree Professional”: Writing Style and Writer
Atttributions. Innternationall Journal of Business
ommunicatioon. 77/232948844211025735
Ceerny, E. (19886). Listening for Effect..American Saalesman, 31, 26-29.
Deelivering Baad News Byy E-Mail Iss More Acccurate, Less Painful, Sttudy
Suuggests. (19999, June 255). Science Daily.
D Retriieved Octobber, 2021, ffrom
Faatima, S. (20017). Busineess English and
a Businesss Correspon ndence: Howw to
Strructure an English
E Busiiness Letter. Internationnal Journal of Science and
Reesearch,6(11), 1348-1351.
Gimenez, J. C. C (2000). Business
B E-m
mail Comm munication: Some
S Emergging
Teendencies inn Register. English for f Specificc Purposes, 19, 237-2251.
Haamelink, C. J. (1986). Innformation, Trade and Dependence
D e.Indian Jourrnal
of Communica ation, 1(2), 36-39.
Kaaul, A. (20009). Effectivve Business Communicaation. New Delhi: Edi Phi
oneru, A. (22008). Professsional Com
mmunicationn. New Delhhi:TataMc-G
Hill Publicatio
orlahalli, R. P. (1996).. Essentialss of Businesss Commun
Ko nication.Seveenth
dition. New Delhi:
D Sultan
n Chand & Sons
ynton, L. (11988). The Fine Art of Writing a Sales Letter.Sales
L and
arketing Management, 51-55.
Raai, U. (2008
8).Business Communicat
C tion (10th eed.). New Delhi:
D Himallaya
Puublishing House
Raao, N. & Das, R. P. (22009). Comm
munication Skills (2ndd ed.). Mum
Himalaya Publlishing Housse
Scot, O. (2004). Contem
mporary Buusiness Com
mmunicationn. New Deelhi:
Shharma, R. C. & Mohan, K. (2002).Business C
Corresponden nce and Repport
Wrriting.Third Edition. New Delhi: McGraw-Hi
M ill Publishinng Organisaation
Sinnha, K. K. (2012). Buusiness Com
mmunication.Fifth Editio
on. New Deelhi:
Taaxmann's Pubblishers
Yingying, J. I.. N. (2020). Research onn Language Characteristtics of Businness
Leetter Writing. Studies in Literature
L annd Language, 20(3), 1288-137.
Wriitten Appendix A: Specimeen of a Refusal Letter
At Work
Mr A Baneerjee
XX, Andheeri East
02 Octoberr 2021

Ms. M. Aggrawal
YY/1, Vilee Parle,

Dear Ms.A
Thank youu for your letter givingg me detaills of the Annual
A Adveertising
Associationn conferencee in Mumbaii next monthh.

Obviously, it would haave been both a duty annd a pleasurre for me to attend,
but it lookks like I willl be unablee to accept your kind invitation
i thhis time
because of an importannt personal en ngagement iin Delhi.
Let me assuure you thatt nothing shoort of an exttremely important comm
would keepp me away ffrom the connference. It really is moost unfortunaate that
my Delhi trip
t coincidees with the ad a conferencce, but I am afraid that there
t is
absolutely nothing
n I cann do about itt.
Do please, therefore, exxcuse me this time. Thee programmee sounds inteeresting
indeed, and I shall loook forward d to hearingg all about it from myy more
fortunate coolleagues. Pllease accept my very best wishes forr its success.
A. Banerjeee

Apppendix B: Specimen of an inviitation to jjoin professsional or ccivic Shorrt Business
P Benjamin
X, Andheri East,
02 October 20221

Mss. M. Mehtaa
Y/1, Vile Parrle,
Deear Ms. Mehhta,

I greatly
g apprreciate yourr cordial invvitation to become a member
m of the
Wrriters’ Assocciation, Banggalore, and gladly
g acceppt the same.
Reealizing how w many writeers of distincction from evvery corner of the globee are
its members, I am aware of o the honouur extended to me and am a eager to bbe a
parrt of the assoociation.

ours sincerelly,
P Benjamin

Wriitten Appendix C: Specimeen of an Ord
der Letter
At Work
P. Narsimh
Z Adhesivees limited,
Scheme Noo.XXX, Induustrial Estatee
02 Octoberr 2021

Mr.P.C Paatel
P R Industrries limited
YYY,Apexx line Busineess Park

Dear Mr. Patel,


Samples acccepted and

d order Placcement
We have tested
t your samples off adhesive paste and found f that Sample
No.212BH is suitable for
f our requiirements. WWe are glad too place an orrder for
200 large tins
t of this paste. Pleasse deliver thhe tins to ouur factory ouutlet in
Bangalore. Our chequue for Rs 500000/- as addvance paym ment and ouur GST
n form is enclosed.
The materiial supplied must be of the same quuality as of sample,
s we reserve
the right too return the material if it
i does not m
match with our
o expectattions or
the materiaal is of some other qualityy
Yours sinceerely,
P. Narasim

ppendix D: Specimen of
Ap o an Enquirry letter Shorrt Business
Scheme No.XX
XX, Sky Lux
02 October 20221

Mrr. D. Sethi
Orriental Tiles limited
Y/7, Alpha Industrial areea.
Deear Mr.Sethi.

nquiry abou
ut colour paints
Duuring the reccent trade faiir in Ahmed dabad, I saw some samples of your nnew
collor paint colllection. I woould like to make use off them for th
he interiors I am
designing for a new hotel. Please give me the folloowing inform mation:

1) In what sizzes, color coombinations can you suppply the pain

2) Are the co
olours likely to be affecteed by rising temperaturees?
3) Are there any speciall precautionss we shouldd keep in miind while ussing
the paints??

I shall
s be veryy grateful iff you could send me thhe answers to
t my conceerns
meentioned aboove by Saturd day the 16thh, October 20021.
ours sincerelly,

P. Nandwal

Wriitten Appendix E: Specimeen of a Colleection Letterr
At Work
M Car servvices Limitedd
Plot No.XX
X, Palasiya
02 Octoberr 2021

Mr. A. Sin
YYD/H schhemen74-c
Dear Ms.Siinha,

This is a quick
q remindder to let yo ou know thaat your amouunt with us is past
due. The amount
a of Rs.3800/-
R forr services rendered on September
S 99, 2021,
was due asa per invoice number INV/2334/G G. Please pay the amoount by
October 31, 2020, to avvoid late payyment penaltties.

If you havee already sennt payment for

f this invooice, please disregard
d thiis letter
and accept our thanks for the pay yment. We aappreciate doing business with
you and loook forward to doing so inn the future.


ppendix F:S
Specimen La
ayout of an Application
n Letter (Coovering Lettter) Shorrt Business
Yoour address
Citty and pin coode
Division /Orgaanisation
Citty and Pin co

In the first paaragraph, meention the specific
s posiition you arre applying for.
Hoow did you learn
l about the
t organisaation as well ?
Drraw attentionn to anythingg in your track record thhat makes yo
ou a suitable,, apt
can ndidate for the positionn. Elaborate on specific accomplishhments givenn in
your CV. Do indicate hoow your releevant work experience and educattion,
traaining is conngruent to the
t position you are appplying for. One must also
inddicate one’s motivation n for a careeer in the specific indusstry/organisaation
you are applyinng for.
Saay what you will do nextt; for exampple, make a telephone
t caall to make ssure
thaat the emplooyer is intereested in settinng up an intterview. Or, if you prefeer to
be conventionnal, say thaat you will show sampples of you ur work/ansswer
uestions at an
qu n interview.
omplimentarry close

Your name tyyped/neatly written)

Wriitten Appendix G: Specimeen of a Saless Letter
At Work
A. Krrishna,
XX, Savvy
y Street,
02 Octoberr 2021

Ms. M Sinha
XX F/H schheme No 1000
Dear Ms.Siinha,
Don’t lose this letter, or you will loose your freee gift!

At the Gollden Bow sttore we are having our Annual Fesstival Sale, and a we
want you too be there foor outstandin
ng savings oon everythingg in the storre and a
free gift everyone will love.
Beginning 5th Octoberr 2021 and ending 31st October 2021,
2 Goldeen Bow
store will have
h huge disscounts, on items
i like:
50 % off onn all Ready--made garmeents or 45% off on all fo
ootwear or 30%
3 off
on all Glasssware. Andd not only will
w you savve, but if yoou bring thiis letter
during the Annual Fesstival Sale, we will alsso give youu a travel Seet of L
Beauty products, absoluutely free.
Mark yourr calendar nnow for the annual Fesstival sale sttarting 5th October
2021. So do join us and don’t forgget to bring this
t letter, beecause our ssupplies
of Travel seets of L Beaauty Productss are limitedd.

A. Krishna
Golden Bow
w store

ppendix H: Specimen Letter
Ap L of Sea
ason’s Greeetings Shorrt Business
P. Nandwal
Scheme No.XX
X, Sky Luxuuria
22December 2021

Mrr. G Fernan
A IT Organisaation
Y/7, Apex Inndustrial Areea
Deear Mr.Fernaandes,

a writing to you quitte simply too wish you and your family
I am f a Merry
Chhristmas andd a happy andd Prosperouss New Year.
Wee frequentlyy have occasions to writee to our custtomers durin ng the course of
thee year and ouur letters aree usually con
ncerned withh a sale, an account,
a or soome
speecific busineess matter beetween us. AtA this time oof the year, however,
h wee are
wrriting just to thank our cu ustomers forr the businesss they have given us annd to
wish them a haappy holidayy season
All my buyers and their staaff join me in
i sending yoou this greetting.

ncerely yourrs.

Wriitten Appendix I: Specimen
n letter on Being
B Promooted
At Work
P. Mathew
Scheme Noo.XXX, Sky Matters Areea
02 Octoberr 2021

Mr. S. Meehta
PS Sales Corporation
YY, Indusstrial Estate
Dear Mr Mehta,

I have jusst learned aabout your promotion

p tto sales maanager in pllace of
Mr.Agnihootri who has been transfferred, and would
w like to
t congratulaate you
most sincerrely.
No one hass worked harrder than youu over the paast several years
y and I, for
f one,
am delighteed to see youur efforts rew
Unquestion nably, under your enthussiastic leadership, your sales
s team will
w rise
to still greaater heights aand achieve even more ooutstanding sales
s recordss.


ppendix J: Specimen
S Letter on Fam
mily Bereavvement Shorrt Business
Scheme No.XX
XX, Sky Maatters Area
02 October 20221

Mrr. R. Malhootra
RMM Motors Co orporation
Zeenith Industriial Estate

Deear Mr. Ram

It came as a great
g shock to all of us at H Motorrs to hear thhe sudden traagic
demmise of yourr brother.
His Loss is a great one indeed, to you y personaally, to RM Motors, andd H
Mo otors, and to o the comm munity in gen
neral. All off us remembber very vivvidly
hiss tireless effo
forts to put RM
R Motors ono the industrial map annd the unstinnting
gennerosity wiith which he workedd, not merrely for himself and his
orgganisation, but
b for the buusiness commmunity as a whole.

His work livess on and I am

m sure that his
h memory will remainn for many years
to come. You have
h our deeepest sympatthy for this ppremature looss.
ours faithfullly,

Wriitten Appendix K: Specimeen of Person
nalized letteer of Complaaints
At Work
P. Naidu
Scheme Noo.XXX, Sky Matters Areea
02 Octoberr 2021

Mr. P. Parrikh
IP Paints Organisation
Flex Industtrial Estate.
Dear Mr. Parikh,

o 8th Septeember 2021 for 50 oil paints to

We had plaaced an ordeer with you on
be delivereed by the 20th
2 of Sepptember. Unnfortunately,, we have nnot yet
received th
hem. As we ddo not have any informaation from you
y about thee delay,
perhaps sommething has gone wrongg somewheree.

Will you please

p find oout the causees of the deelay and let us know whhen we
may expectt delivery?
Yours sinceerely
P. Naidu

ppendix L: Specimen
S of Memoran
ndum Shorrt Business
ATE: Novem
mber 21, 20221
O: All emplooyees

ROM: Mr.Joohnson, VP, Marketing Division
UBJECT: Shhifting of working place
I am
a writing too inform youu that, over the next feww days, the working
w area of
Bloock One wiill be underr constructioon as it is bbeing re-mo odelled. As our
ganisation iss growing, we
w feel it neccessary to prrovide a bettter and spaciious
woork ambiencee to our team
Tilll 30th November 20211, the workfforce of Bloock I would be temporaarily
shiifted to Blocck II and afteer that, they can resume working in Block
B I.

All the seatingg arrangemennts for the workforce

w off Block I haas been plannned,
d the seatingg plan has beeen displayed on the notice board.
hank you for your cooperration.

Wriitten Appendix M: Specimeen layout off an Email
At Work
Your professional emaiil address From: tpp989@gm
Recipient’ss email addreess To: tooo.skills@gm

Subject linee Subjeect: (mentionn the subject line)

Greeting Phhrase Dear//Ms./Mr

Opening Liine (openning lines as per the maill)

Body paraggraphs (essennce of the em
(The lengthh of the boddy paragraphh is very subbjective. It may
m vary froom one
line to manny lines as peer the gravityy of the emaail)

Closing lin
ne (mentioon the closing lines of
o your

Signature (Full name, JJob Title, Orrganisation N

Name, contacct details)


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