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This chapter has three sections. The first section contributes to an overall
summary of the study, followed by the conclusions. Subsequent to this are
recommendations for future research.

Summary of Findings
In this study, the researchers used a between-subject design, which
separated the subjects into two groups: the experimental group and the control
group. The experimental group was given reading material, an intervention
through visual presentation, and a questionnaire. The control group did not
receive any intervention but was also given reading material and a questionnaire.
The researchers chose first-year college students from BS Social Work as
participants through convenience sampling in one of the college institutions in the
city of General Santos. The researcher-made questionnaire was composed of
multiple choices and fill-in-the-blanks that consisted of 25 items and was
answered within 10–15 minutes. Moreover, the primary objective of this study
was to determine whether visual aids influence the learning recognition
processes of students. Also, this study aimed to help the students determine to
what extent the effective and ineffective use of visual aids affected their learning

The findings of the scores of both groups show significant differences. The
result shows that the mean score of the experimental group is higher than the
control group, which means that the group that received an intervention through
visual presentation and reading material is likely to respond to the questionnaire.
While the control group, which only learned in a traditional way through reading
the printed text materials, affected the learning recognition processes in
answering the questionnaire. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. It only
means that using visual aids can influence the learning recognition processes of

The researchers observed that the participants who were exposed to
visual aids were more likely to get higher scores in the given test, as they
seemed to be more focused, entertained, and engaged in the video presentation.
It was also visible in their faces that they seemed to feel the emotions in the
video. Although there were also distractions in the experimental group that were
observed. Before the intervention, while the researchers were still preparing, the
room was crowded and noisy, but as soon as the video started to roll, the
participants’ attention shifted to the video presented. Meanwhile, the control
group who were given the printed text alone, which was the transcript of the
video, were more likely to get bored and complained more about the long reading
material. Compared to the facial reactions of the experimental group while
watching the video, the control group seemed to not feel or express any
emotions about the story while reading the transcript. Moreover, both groups also
appear to have felt pressured by the time given and seemed like they were in a
hurry since they had their own agendas after the experiment.

In conclusion, visual aids play an important role in the learning recognition

process of students, as they can significantly enhance the effectiveness of
learning and improve students’ ability to recognize and retain information. Thus,
this study concludes that visual aids do have a significant influence on the
learning recognition processes of students.

The researchers recommend that future researchers ensure that the
participants are free during the day of the experiment. As much as possible, they
should not have any other important agendas during that day so that they do not
feel conscious of the time since this may affect the way they approach the
experiment. Furthermore, the room should be entirely closed and free of any
distractions, such as people passing by in the hallway or noise coming from
outside. Also, make sure that the participants have eaten before participating in
the experiment. Hunger might cause them to lack focus and urgency to finish the
experiment as soon as possible.

While this study has demonstrated the short-term benefits of visual aids,
future research could investigate the long-term effects of visual aids on learning
outcomes, such as retention, transfer, and general knowledge. Furthermore, it is
also recommended to investigate the role of individual differences in the
effectiveness of visual aids in learning, such as the influence of prior knowledge,
cognitive abilities, and learning styles on the benefits of visual aids. Lastly, they
can examine the impact of visual aids on motivation and engagement in learning
and explore ways to maximize the motivational benefits of visual aids.

In summary, future research in the area of visual aids and learning could
focus on investigating the effects of different types of visual aids, individual
differences, long-term effect, and motivational benefits. This research could help
deepen the understanding of the role of visual aids in the learning processes of

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