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2000010100 Pachipala Ymini Harshitha



Green fields, Vaddeswaram — 522 5U2

Ciuntur Dt., AP, India.


This is to certify that the project based laboratory repos entitled -;Ytodern
Periodic Table submitted by Pachipala vamini £iarshitha bearing Regd.
No.2IKKD1ll1It0 to the Deparnnent of Bade Engineering Sciences-1. KL
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of a
project based Laboratory in “ Computational Thinking for Design"couise in I
B Tech I Semester, is a bonafide record of the work carried out by him under
my supervision during the academic year 2020-2021.


It is great pleasure for me to express my gratitude to our honorable President
Sri. Koneru Satyanaiayana, for giving the opportunity and platform with
facilities in accomplishing the project based laboratory repos.

1 express the sincere gratitude to our director Dr. A Jagademh for his
administration towards our academic growth.

1 express sincere gratitude to our Coordinator and HOD-BES Dr. D.Haritha for
her leadership and constant motivation provided in successful completion of our
academic semester. 1 record it as my privilege to deeply thank for providing us
the efficient faculty and facilities to make out ideas into reality.

1 express my sincere thanks to our project supervisor Egr.G.K Chakravartby

for hislher novel association of ideas, encouragement, appreciation and
intellectual zeal which motivated us to venture this project successfully.

Finally, it is pleased to acknowledge the indebtedness to all those who devoted

themselves directly or indireHly to make this project report success.


200fD 10100 Pacfiipaia Yamini Harshitfi

The Modem Periodic Table project is a simple console application built without
the use of graphics. lt is developed using the C programming language for the
purpose of storing name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, and some
imponant properties as well as to display them as per requirement of the user.

This project will help you to understand file handling in C i.e. creating a file and
accessing the stored data in the file, modifying and removing the stored data. It
will also help you to understand the use of functions as well as different
parameters of C programming language.


Intnniuction 6

Aim uf the Prujna


2.3 Future Implementation

S uxnRpGmnwnm

4 10

5 D-ula Diagram 12

6 Implementation 13

7 Integration aniJ system Testing 23

Problem definition: The problem is used to find elements by using atomic

weight , atomic number,element symbol in the modem periodic table

lnaoduction to periodic table :

We have used

• Elements
• Atomic weight
• Atomic number
• Element symbol

For solving problem

For implementation C language:

• void add{} : Th s function is used to input or add the information of new

element to the program.

9 void explor{) : This function is used to explore the stored information in the
file created.

0 void itiaimcreenQ : lt is included in source code of project file in order to

print the test style and to conaol in color.

void itiaiinstreeri{) : This function is used to print the main screen or menu
of the project.

The Any features of Modern Periodic Table mini project in C are bnefly
described below:

• Storage of Elenteztt Information: In the project, you can add any new
element with its name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight and its some
important properties. When new element information is to be added to this
Modern Periodic Table, you have to enter 1 in the main menu and input
information in given format These information are stored in file created on
the hard disk of computer by program itself.

0 Exp4omtion of element lrdorrnatiorc Another main function of this

project is to explore or to display the stored information. You can search an
element by using any of the following method:

'!. By name of element

2. By symbol of element
3. By atomic number of element
4. By atumic weight of element
• If you press 3 in the main menu, the pmgram will be terminated

To design a program for creating modem periodic table search by using GDB
online compiler which helps the new users also to search easily the required
elerm•nts by typing is name,symbol, atomic number, atomic weight of

2.t Advantages:-

This project will help you to understand file handling in C i.e. creating a file and
accessing the stored data in the file, modifying and removing the stored data. It
will also help you to understand the use of functions as well as different
parameters of C programming language.


There are no disadvantages in particular

If you want to search by Atomic weight,you have to mention the exact weight

2.3 Futuce enhance+oems--

With this program we can easily search any element and know aboot in

We don’t need to reach any book for that

The major software nxJuirements of the pmject are as follows:

: OnI ne GDB compñer

Opaadngs)e#em: Wndo sl0

The hardware requin•ments that map towards the software an• as follows:


Stepl : Start.

Step 2 : Enter new element, explon•, eat pn›gram.

Step 3 : if section s correct it goes to step 4 otherwise step 5.

Step 4 : Enter information of elements, name, symbol, atomic number, atomic


Step S : lf section 2 is correct it goes to step 6 otherwise step 7.

Step 6 : Enter the corresponding numbers, search by name, Search by symbol,

search by atomic number, search by atomic, Weight, return by main menu.

Step 7 : Selected name, if steep 7 is correct it goes to step 8 otherwise step 9.

Step 8 : Enter the name of the compound.

Step 9 : Selected symbol, if step 9 is correct it goes tn step 11

Otherwise step 10.

Step lIl : Selected symbol, if step 10 is correct it goes to step 11 otherwise


Step t1 : Enter be symbol of compound.

Step t2 : Selected atomic number, if step i2 is correct t goes to step 13

otherwise step 14.

Step 13 : Enter the atomic number of compound.

step 14 : Selected atomic weight, if step 14 is correct it goes to step 15

otherwise step 16.

strip 1s : Enter the atomic weight of compound.

Step 16 : Section 6.

Stepl7 : lf step16 is correct it goes to step 18 otherwise step19.

strip 18 : Go to stop.

Step 19 : Section is 3, if sap 19 is correct it goes to step 18

Step 20 • print "thank you bye“.

Step 21- Stop.

}20]={ ”Hydıııgen ™,”Heliıırn"."Lithi um™,"Beryltium”,”B'urun ”,"Carbrxı”."Nitrugen”." Oxygen"

"Sid irırn", "Magnmium", "Ahımini uın ", ’Silicun". "Pfxıs}fuıus", "Sıdphur",

"Pu ium”,"Ca1cium™,"Tandium™,’°Titanium","Vanadium”,"Chromium","Manganes
e’,’ Inın™,”C ubalt ™,"Nickel’," Cupper ™,”Zinc™,




"Cesi um™,”Barium"."Lantbnnum ’,"Cerium”," Praseudymium”,"Neu ilymium™,"Pr r •t

fiium™,”Sarnnriiirn".’Europiiirn"."GaiJulinium™,’ ium’,"Dysprosium’,


"Hatnium”,"Tantalı ım’,'" ungsten”,"Rhaıiı ırn’,’Osmium”,”Iridiıırn",’Platinum’,"GolıJ

",’Meıcury™,’ lliıırn".’I ••wl”,"Bismutl ı".’ Pulunium ™,” Astatine’, "Raılun".

"Franciıırn".’Radiıırn’,"ALtiniı ım’,'" huriıırn".’PnnaLtinium’,"Uranium’,"Neptıınium

",’Ptutu nium”."Aw ricium™,"Curiıırn’,’ Berkeliıırn’,
"Califurnium"."Einsteinium”,"Fwmiıırn".’Menıleleviı ırn’,"Nubeliıırn’,’Lawrenciıırn".


cfıar ›,mb«lt ı ı zlts - t"H’." He’,"Li",’Be"."B™,”C’,"N’,"O’," F ™,”Ne™,

"Rf ’,”Db”."Sg™,"Bh ™,"fIs’,’Mt’," Ds".’ Rg".’Cn");

.08,30.57 2.%,,40.07.44.SS,47.86,50.94,

51.99,E4.93,56.B4,58.69,S8A3.63.E4,6S.30,,74.92,7B.9G,79.90,83.80.B5. 7.62,8

102.D0,1@.42,107.86,11 41.114.B1,118.71,121.76,127.6,126.@,131.20,13.@,137.32,1384

3£i,151.Ml,1S7 5,168.S3,173 04,174.W,178.49,180'I4,183


259,261,262,264,266,268,272,277,276,28 ,28S};
case 4: i=acamic weighc();

case S: exit (0);

prinif(’\n\ri\i\t\i\tWrung Choice !\ri"); printft"\ri\t\

i\t\iLet’s try it again, Shalt wc 2\ri\n”)j printft"\ri\t\i\

t\iLet’s try it again, Shalt wc 2\ri\n”)j


princf(If\tif\t\NDops ! \n\t\ht\t\rNo Such element present !\ri");

printf(Et\t\t\t Make a right chuiœ this ûme !\ri\ri”);

else if (i==999)



while (1);
printf(”1. Search by ATOMIC NUMBER\n™);

printf(”2. Search by ATOMIC SYMBOL\n");

printf(”3. Seamh by ATOMIC NAME\n’3;

prt«f("4. Seaich by ATDMIC WEIGITT\n");

fp=(£upem(”Cñiomic weigh
char x|20],
prints(’WE'nter the Atomic Symbul yuu want tu sears t'oz . ");
printf(’W\i\t\i\t\t HERE’S YOUR SEARCH RESULT\n\n™);

prinif(’W\f\t\i\t\tAtumic Number prinz£('it\tit\I\

tAiumic Symbul printf(’St\f\t\i\tAiumic Name

A program for modern periodic table is complete

From Lhis project we have used algorithm and data structure to understand the
modem periodic table.And prepare the implementation,it use full for new users
and it also helps in finding elements by its name,symbo1,atomic number and
weight of elements.this project helps the chemist and chemistry teachers in easy
way by this software .

In future if they invent new elements they can simply add element in code so
that they can update the software check the elements easily

You can search an element by using any of the following method:

1. By name of element
2. By symbol of element
3. By atomic number of element
4. By atomic weight of element


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