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What values are appreciated in Kazakh and American (for example) ? How are they reflected in proverbs
and idioms? Are there similarities?

American values
1)Environmental control/responsibility

Americans do not believe in destiny. In America, it is considered okay and normal to observe nature.
People are also tempted to believe that each soul is responsible for its own life.

2)Change is natural and good

In the minds of Americans, change is a good thing. Americans don't like uniformity. They want
innovation in everything.

3)Timing and control

Time is of the essence for Americans.

4) Equality and justice

Equality is the most important value in the United States. The US Constitution guarantees equality, and
achieving equality is the civil and social duty of every American

5)Future orientation

Although Americans want to experience joy and happiness right now, they are always thinking about
tomorrow. They want to make the future better and brighter.

For example:

1.Man has responsibility, not power.

2.Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

3.Life is about timing.

4.You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

5.The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

6.Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.

Kazakh values
1)Islam is eternal value;

2)Human and his health and safety;

3)Peace – the good life of the lost;

4)Language is an incomparable gift of nature to mankind;

5)Education has a great contribution to the future development of our country;

6)Peace is our main wealth that our ancestors dreamed of;

7)Historical and cultural monuments – memories of the past;

8)National education – raising the generation to be nationalist;

9)Acceleration of the pace of development of the modern world

10) show that Kazakhs are Kazakhs;

For example:

1.Language is the golden bridge of friendship.

2.Your own language is for unity, your other language is for life.

3.Tradition has its edge, It has an outdated look.

4.Peace of men is peace of the country

5.The task of the sword is to cut, The task of the hand is to solve.

6.Humility is the beauty of a person

In conclusion, in my scientific work I represented some values of the United States of America and
Kazakhstan, I showed some differences and similarities existing nowadays. So, American and Kazakh
values are different in time, in formality, keeping tradition, work, individualism and collectivism, but
they have similar values like equality, freedom, hospitality. No matter we have different values, but
we live in one planet and it connects us.So, as we found out, American and Kazakh values are very
different. For Americans «time is money», opposite our Kazakh people are not punctual. Americans
are informal, on the contrary Kazakh people are formal. Kazakh people don't speak very openly with
each – other. They are closed.

That's all.

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