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“For Day 1 Clinic Orientation”

Pembicara : Koordinator Klinik yang menyambut saat Clinic Orientation

Peserta : Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi, Dokter Gigi lulus <2 tahun

Hari, tanggal : Jumat, 11 Agustus 2023

Waktu : 14.00-15.00 WIB

Tempat : Klinik MHDC Cabang (Green Terrace dan Kemang)

Target Capaian :

1. Mengenalkan denah Klinik kepada peserta beserta penjelasan masing-masing ruangan

dan komponen suatu klinik dental

2. Peserta memahami bagaimana teori maupun konsep manajemen dental klinik yang ideal


Materi yang akan disampaikan dapat meliputi:

1. Apa saja yang harus ada di suatu dental klinik

2. Bagaimana cara menata ruangan dental klinik yang ideal

a. Pencahayaan

b. Sirkulasi udara

c. Penyimpanan alat dan bahan

3. Sanitasi peralatan dental

4. Pembaharuan alat dan bahan kedokteran gigi

*Materi bisa diselingkan selama proses Orientasi Klinik (Saat tour klinik pertama kali)

1. Greetings/welcoming
Welcome to our clinical tour. Today we will be visiting MHDC (Mulia Health Dental Care)
Kemang/Green Terrace/Depok Branch. The name of the clinic is Medikids, consist of general,
child and dental polyclinic.
2. Room tour
a. We will start with the administration room where patient register, get information about
the doctors schedule and to get the healthcare bills. Next to the administration room there
is a cupboard that contains teeth medication and therapeutic agent such as toothbrush,
mouthwash, periogel, etc
b. Next we have x-ray room to check the patient’s radiograph, we’re using different imaging
techniques such as panoramic/cephalometric and are used to diagnose medical conditions.
c. Next there is a hallway and there’s the picture and practice license for doctors who
practice here, there is around 20 doctors, scheduled or on call. On the left, there is prayer
room for employees, patients, and family. theres also a cupboard to keep patient’s
medical record and fieldtrip data
d. On our left, there’s japan room, for the children and baby clinic, in here we can do
vaccination, medical check up, there’s a GP doctor and specialist, but the specialist is on
e. Next there is america room, there is 1 dental unit, sterilizator
f. Next there is paris room : there are 2 dental units, sterilizator, washtafel to clean the
instrument and health staffs
g. At the end of the room the clinic has a playground for pediatric patients, where they can
learn anatomy, roleplay as a dentist, and slides
h. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Our staff is here to help you learn and
understand more about our clinic and the work that is done here

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