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Vol. 8, No. 2, Juni

E-ISSN: Available online :
Halaman: 172-182
2614 - 5480

The Influence of Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on the Consumptive

Behavior of Students

Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus1, Luthfiya Fathi Pusposari2

SMP Arraudoh, Jl. Sudomo, Dusun Panjen, Kec. Sempu, Kab. Banyuwangi, Jawa
TimurJawa Timur, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jl. Gajayana No.50, Dinoyo,
Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa TimurJawa Timur, Indonesia.

Received: 20-01-2022.; Revised: 11-06-2022; Approved: 15-06-2022

Permalink/DOI: 10.18860/jpips.v8i2.15260

Abstract: This research aims to analyze the effect of economic literacy and life style on
consumer behavior social science student who has active as student social science UIN
Malang at 2019 grade. This research is quantitative research. The data collection
techniques using questionnaires. The population is 108 students, and use 85 students as
samples which elected by proportional random sampling. this research was analyzed
using multiple linier regression. The results of the study are (1) economics literacy has
significant negative effect on customer behavior (2) live style has significant positive
effect on consumptive behavior (3) economics literacy and live style have positive effect
on consumptive behavior.

Keywords : economic literacy; lifestyle; consumptive behaviour; multiple linier


One of the impacts of globalization in the economic field is that many developed
countries have begun to expand their production and trade areas, this is doe to the
freedom of international markets (Dewi, 2019). The existence of economic globalization
makes it easier for people to buy/consume the desired product(Anggraini & Santhoso,
2019). Currently, the activity of consuming goods is not based on needs, but how
satisfied we are in fulfilling desires caused by trends. Teenagers who are vulnerable to
young and adult ages are a generation that is easy affected by the developments of the
times(Lestarina et al., 2017). This case make buyer has consumptive behavior. Moven
and mirror in Rahmatika & Kusmaryani (2020) Consumptive behavior is the process of
human buying with unlimited consumption. Where they are no longer base on
reasonable factor but based on needs factors or irrational factor. It’s cause by impulsive
buying, wasteful buying and irrational buying. It’s means consumptive behavior is a
desire to buy things that are not really needed but in order to get maximum satisfaction.
In this modern era, consumptive behavior grows rapidly, especially among tenagers
(Lestarina et al., 2017).


Basic of research, there are some factors that influence customer behavior: self
esteem lifestyle, financial literacy, social demographics (Setiono & Dwiyanti, 2020),
prestige(Enrico et al., 2013), literacy economic, conformity (Nurjanah et al., 2018), in
this study, researchers limit economic literacy and lifestyle factor.
In meeting the needs of the community, it is necessary to be equipped with
sufficient knowledge about the economy in order to be able to manage needs well, to be
able to distinguish between current needs that are important and future needs. Decision
making is also very important when exploiting the interests of non-renewable resources.
Therefore, economic literacy is very important for people in general to be able to see
their own economic situation and the larger scope (Solihat & Arnasik, 2018). Economic
literacy is a knowledge of the basic concepts of economic theory where there is
development along with the development of science and technology. In meeting the
needs of the community, it is necessary to be equipped with sufficient knowledge about
the economy in order to be able to manage needs well, to be able to distinguish between
important needs today and future needs.
Understanding of economic literacy must be understood by all countries as a
preparation in anticipating ever-changing conditions. Society takes more practical and
economical steps and plays an active role in a global economy that tends to change
(Kanserina, 2015). To study the determinants of economic literacy is to consider that
people accumulate financial knowledge that combines ability and effort according to the
production function of human resources (Jappelli, 2010).Association is a factor in
forming oneself. If there is a group of students who focus on learning, they will tend to
focus on studying. Meanwhile, students with a socialite environment will have a high
level of consumption (Hierofani, 2020). Indicators of economic literacy, namely
Microeconomics: The main problems of the economy, Markets and prices, Supply and
demand, The role of government, Income distribution, Comparative advantage.
Macroeconomics : National Income, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Second factor is lifestyle, Lifestyle is a form of depiction of behavior, patterns and
ways of life that are shown by the various activities of the person in relation to it, a
person will follow the interests and interests of what he thinks, trying also to distinguish
from those of other (Sugihartati, 2018). Lifestyle is an art that a person has. lifestyle is
the way student spend time based on what they consider important and they thing about
themselves and their surroundings (Khaidarsyah & Haruna, 2021)
In relation to one's life, lifestyle always follows the development of the times,
such as in terms of technology(Kusumaningtyas & Sakti, 2017). Lifestyle is an activity
in making its own identity and trying to make something different from other people.
An experience itself will be compared with a social reality, individuals will choose their
own behavior and choose an identity that is in accordance with the state of the social
space they occupy (Sugihartati, 2018). Lifestyle indicators which include activities,
interests, and opinions(Safuwan, 2007)
In case, Literacy economy have negative effect on customer behavior (Dikria &
Mintarti, 2016; Kanserina, 2015; Nurjanah et al., 2018; Zahra & Anoraga, 2021), but on
the other result literacy economy have positive effect on customer behavior (Solihat &
Arnasik, 2018). Other research show that economic literacy has no effect on
consumptive behavior (Murniatiningsih, 2017).
PIPS UIN Malang has provided its students with economic literacy. It is proven
that it is mandatory for all PIPS UIN Malang students to take introductory courses in
economics, microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory. The participation of
students in taking courses with the theme of economics is expected to be able to
improve their economic literacy. While the lifestyle of PIPS UIN Malang students is

Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on … | Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus & Luthfiya Fathi Pusposari

like students in general, students tend to be consumptive. Currently, there are many
cultures of coffee and shopping for goods that are in accordance with the trend. So this
is what encourages researchers to: (1) analyze the effect of economic literacy on the
consumption behavior of PIPS UIN Malang students, (2) analyze the effect of economic
literacy and lifestyle on student consumption behavior. (3) analyze the effect of
economic literacy and lifestyle on student consumption behavior.

The research was conducted at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang on students
who have economic literacy and lifestyle on their consumptive behavior. This study
uses a quantitative method involving the process of collecting, analyzing, and writing
the results of the research. The method used is observation and questionnaires to
examine the effect of economic literacy and lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The population of the 2019 pips student
population is 108 with a sample of 85 students. The technique of taking research
samples using proportional random sampling. From this method, an analysis of
economic literacy and lifestyle on consumptive behavior can be drawn. The research
obtained data from the results of questionnaires and also observations on PIPS students
at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This study collects data by using a
questionnaire as a reinforcement of the data obtained so that it can be clearly seen the
influence of economic literacy and lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of PIPS
students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. To determine the validity of the
instrument, the questionnaire was tested for valid and reliability test. the analysis data is
multiple linier regression with t test, F test and determination.


Variable in this study consist of two independent variables, namely economics
literacy and lifestyle. The dependent variable is consumptive behavior. The following is
a description of three variable.

Consumptive Behavior
The level of consumptive behavior divided by six indicators has been adopted by
NCEE are: Main problem economy, market and price, demand and supply, government
role, income distribution and profit. From that data we show that only 5 respondents
with percentage 5.9% have economical, 9 respondents with percentage 10.6%
economical, 35 with percentage 41.2% neutral, 33 (38.8%) consumptive and 3 (3.5%)
very consumptive respondents. The illustration for percentage of consumptive behavior
at picture 1.

J-PIPS (Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Vol. 8, No. 2, Juni 2022 I Page: 172 - 182

very economical; 5,90% consumptive;

netral; 41,20%

Figure 1. Respondent Consumptive Behavior Level

Literacy economy
The level of literacy economy divided by seven indicators (12 item) has been
adopted by (Hapsawati Taan, 2000)are: Buying products because of gift, buying
products because the packing is attractive buying product based on price considerations
(it’s not by benefit or uses), buying product is just keeping the status symbol, buying
product because of model that advertises, buying product because need for assessment
that has bought a product at an expensive price and buying product to try more than two
similar products. From that data we show that 20 respondents with percentage 23.5 %
have verry good understanding, 41 respondents with percentage 48.2% good
understanding, 16 respondents with percentage 18.8%, 33 respondents (38.8%) neutral
and 3 (3.5%) poor understanding. The illustration for percentage of consumptive
behavior at picture 2

strongly poor
understandi Strongly understandi
ng; 23,50% understandi… ng; 9,40%


ing; 48,20%

Figure 2. Respondent Literacy Economy Level

The level of lifestyle divided by 3 indicators (6 item) have been adopted by
Safuwan (2007) are: Activity, interest and opinion. From that data we show that 15
respondents with percentage 17.6 % have exelent lifestyle, 23 respondents with
percentage 27.1% good understanding, 33 respondents with percentage 38.8% netral, 11
respondens (12,9%) bad and 3 (3.5%) terribel. The illustration for percentage of
consumptive behavior at picture 3

Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on … | Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus & Luthfiya Fathi Pusposari

3,50% bad; 12,90%

27,10% netral;

Figure 3 Responden Lifestyle Level

Pre Requisite Test

Normality Test
The normality test is used to measure whether the residual variables are normally
distributed. This calculation uses SPSS 16 for windows, analyzes the K-S sample
parametric test (Kolmogorv Smkirnov). With the Asymp Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.723
which is greater than the value of the significance level = 0.05. It can be said that this
residual is normally distributed.

Table 1. SPSS Normality Test Results

N 85
Normal Parameters Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 8.69512094
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .075
Positive .075
Negative -.067
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .693
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .723
a. Test distribution is Normal.

Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test was used to determine whether the regression model
found a correlation between the independent variables. Multicollinearity can be seen
through the value of (1) tolerance value and (2) variance inflation factor (VIF). If there
is a multicollinearity, the value of tolerance is <0.10 or equal to the value of VIF>10.

Table 2. SPSS Multicollinearity Test Results

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 12.606 5.602 2.250 .027
X1 -.279 .263 -.085 -1.058 .293 1.000 1.000
X2 1.685 .199 .680 8.478 .000 1.000 1.000
a. Dependent Variable: Y

J-PIPS (Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Vol. 8, No. 2, Juni 2022 I Page: 172 - 182

The results of the calculations in the table of multicollinearity test, all of the
independent variables shows that the value of VIF = 1,000 is smaller than 10. So it can
be concluded that it is free from multicollinearity.

Autocorrelation Test
Based on the results of the autocorrelation test table, it is known that the value of
DW = 2.173, then compared with the value of the significance table of 0.05 with a total
sample of 85 and the number of independent variables 2 (K = 2) = 2.85 so that the
results obtained from table r = 1.6957. The DW value is greater than the dU limit and
DW is less than (4-dU) = 4 – 1.6957 = 2.3043. So it can be concluded that there is no

Table 3. SPSS Autocorrelation Test Results

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .687 .472 .459 8.801 2.173
a. Predictors: (Constant), v, TOTAL
b. Dependent Variable: Y

Heteroscedasticity Test
If the residuals have the same variance it is called Homoscedasticity and if the
variance is not the same or different it is called Heteroscedasticity (Yuwono et al.,
2020). From the results of diagram 4.5 below which is processed using SPSS 16 for
windows, it is found that the points have an irregular distribution and are above and
below the number 0 on the Y axis. This fulfills point 2 according to the rules of the
Heteroscedasticity Test. It can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity.

Figure 4. Results of SPSS Heteroscedasticity Test

Hypothesis Testing
T Test
Based on the results of table 4. Below, it is found that the partial test of the X 1
variable (Economic Literacy) with the Y variable (Consumptive Behavior) is known that
tcount (-1,998) > ttable (1,998). This means that there is a significant influence between the
X1 (Economic Literacy) variable on the Y variable (Consumptive Behavior). Meanwhile,

Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on … | Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus & Luthfiya Fathi Pusposari

for the variable X2 (Lifestyle) to Y (Consumptive Behavior) it was found that t count
(8.691) > ttable (1.989). This means that there is a significant effect of variable X 2
(Lifestyle) on variable Y (Consumptive Behavior).

Table 4. SPSS t Test Results

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 18.466 6.397 2.887 .005
Economics literacy -.738 .370 -.158 -1.998 .049
lifesyle 1.699 .195 .686 8.691 .000
a. Dependent Variable: consumptive behaviour

F Test
It was found that Fcount (39.347) > Ftable (3.10) with a significant level of (0.000)
<alpha = 5% or 0.05 the hypothesis that it can be concluded that H 0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted, which means that there is a significant influence on economic literacy and style.
on the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It
can be concluded that simultaneously testing this hypothesis, the independent variable
(X) has a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable (Y).

Table 5. SPSS F Test Results

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 5891.254 2 2945.627 39.347 .000a
Residual 6138.699 82 74.862
Total 12029.953 84
a. Predictors: (Constant), lifestyle, literacy economy
b. Dependent Variable: consumptive behavior

Result of Data Analysis

Coefficient of Determination (R2)
The coefficient of determination is used to show the independent variable capital
Economic Literacy (X1) and Lifestyle (X2) in explaining the dependent variable
Consumptive Behavior (Y) by showing the results of the coefficient of determination of
adjusted R square of 0.477 which means that 47.7% where the change variables X1 and
X2 affect changes in variable Y. While the remaining 52.3% is caused by external factors
changes in variables X1 and X2.

Table 6. SPSS Results of Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .700a .490 .477 8.652 2.236
a. Predictors: (Constant), lifestyle, literacy economy
b. Dependent Variable: consumptive behavior

J-PIPS (Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Vol. 8, No. 2, Juni 2022 I Page: 172 - 182

The results of the effect of economic literacy on consumptive behavior of PIPS
students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang show the results of the significance test
of multiple linear regression coefficients were obtained with the economic literacy
variable, namely tcount (-1.998) > ttable (1.989). This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted. the coefficient of the regression of the X1 variable was -0.738 which means
that the effect of economic literacy on consumptive behavior was -0.738 for each
increase in the X1 variable, there was a decrease of 0.738 in the variable Y. It can be
interpreted that there is a significant negative (opposite direction) effect of economic
literacy on the consumptive behavior of PIPS Students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
The higher the economic literacy, the lower the consumptive behavior of the
PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and vice versa, the lower the
economic literacy, the higher the consumptive behavior of the PIPS students at UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. although coefficient not as high as lifestyle literacy
economy for PIPS student can be upgrade. Perhaps the consumptive behavior shifts to
become rational expectation. Students as consumers must be economically literature
with study (microeconomics, macroeconomics, fundamental economy to minimize
consumptive behavior) (Kanserina, 2015).
This finding is in line with the results of the study, but the result show the
different coefficient (Jappelli, 2010; Kanserina, 2015; Nurjanah et al., 2018; Zahra &
Anoraga, 2021). This result different with other research, literacy economy has not
effect of consumptive behavior (Roikhatul, 2019). the case of Roikhatul research can be
generate to other situation, This case its only happen in place that the research do
(economics department of UNESA)
The effect of lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang show the result obtained from the coefficient of
multiple linear regression test of lifestyle variables obtained tcount > ttable of 8.691 >
1.989. This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted so that there is a significant
positive influence of lifestyle on consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. where the coefficient of X2 variable is 1.699, which
means that there is a positive influence of lifestyle on student consumptive behavior of
1.699 for each increase of the X2 variable. The tipe of this elastic coefficient. This
finding shows that if there is a change in life style, there will be a big change in
consumptive behavior.
The data show that lifestyle student almost 50% high until high level, 38,80% at
neutral. Its means there is consumptive behavior this shows consumptive behavior
allows height increase, with lifestyle improvement, because in consuming goods it is not
only influenced by needs. Dikria & Mintarti (2016) In many cases, consumptive
behavior is not based on need but desire. Behavioral shift, no longer to needs but base
on motivation to get sensation, challenge, joy, socialization and remove stress. This
finding is in line with the results of the study (Hierofani, 2020; Zahra & Anoraga,
The effect of economic literacy and lifestyle on consumptive behavior of PIPS
students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim. with the results of testing with the F test
obtained Fcount > Ftable of 39.347 > 3.10 with a significant level of (0.000) < alpha =
5% or 0.05 the hypothesis that it can be concluded H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted,
which means that there is a simultaneous/joint infliauence on economic literacy and

Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on … | Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus & Luthfiya Fathi Pusposari

lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang. The coefficient determination of this research is 47.7 %.
The Effect of Economic Literacy and Lifestyle on Consumptive Purchasing
Behavior for Fashion Products in Social Sciences Education Department Students UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with the results obtained are economic literacy and lifestyle
together there is a significant influence on consumptive buying behavior for fashion
products in Social Studies Education students UIN Jakarta (Nurfitria, 2020), other result
of research in a line with roikhatul with 15,7% coefficient deternination (Roikhatul,
2019) with 84,3 % (Kanserina, 2015).

From the results of the study, namely about the influence of economic literacy
and lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang, it was concluded that 1) economic literacy had a significant negative
effect on consumptive behavior (opposite direction) of PIPS students at UIN Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang. The findings state that there is a significant negative (opposite
direction) effect of economic literacy on the consumptive behavior of PIPS Students at
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. So the higher the economic literacy, the lower the
consumptive behavior of students and vice versa. 2) Lifestyle significantly influences
the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The
findings state that there is a significant positive effect of lifestyle on the consumptive
behavior of PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. 3) Simultaneously,
economic literacy and lifestyle influence the consumptive behavior of PIPS students at
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The results of the F test mean that there is a
simultaneous effect of economic literacy and lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of
PIPS students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.


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J-PIPS (Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Vol. 8, No. 2, Juni 2022 I Page: 172 - 182

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