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St. Ignatius of Loyola

Father Pedro Arrupe SJ

St. Ignatius teaching about the ignatian term contemplation to attain the love of god is to attain the love
of god to by being aware of the gracious and abundant love of God and to respond in love, generosity,
and freedom’s. “An intimate knowledge of all the goods which God lovingly shares with me” and, from
gratitude, to be able to respond totally “in my love and service” is what St. Ignatius ask us to pray. To
attain the love of God we should love because it is shown more in deeds than in words and love where it
consists of mutual sharing of goods. Lastly, we should give what we have, not because it is an obligation,
but out of our immense love for the one another.
Father Pedro Arrupe SJ teaching is about the method in the pedagogy of love where he said that the
pedagogy, that is, of the purest charity toward God and toward one’s neighbor. He also said in his Pedro
Arrupe: Essential Writings that a demanding love it is, calling forth in a person a response of love and of
service and Service, which is itself love. He also said that justice informed his understanding of the goal
of Jesuit education that’s why our prime educational objective must be to form men-and-women-for-
others that will live not for themselves but for God and his Christ. The teachings of Father Pedro Arrupe
SJ shows that he is a man of great spiritual depth who was committed to justice.
ST. JOHN PAUL II teachings about the theology of the body is about having answers of fundamental
questions about us and our lives. It is about how he answer all of the fundamental questions in his
audiences. He also quoted that “The human body includes right from the beginning... the capacity of
expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift – and by means of this gift – fulfills the
meaning of his being and existence.” Which means that love is a self-gift right from the beginning. His
teachings about his speech in world youth day answering the question but who do you say that I am?
Where ST. JOHN PAUL II told to his audiences that having faith is being free human person to the word
of the living God and seeking Jesus which he guides us to desire to do something great with our lives and
make the world a better place.
MOTHER TERESA teaching about how she serves the poorest of poor where she quoted that “A life
not lived for others is not a life.” Is about how she serve and helped anyone in need until her death.
Regardless of Mother Teresa’s condition she serve selflessly and put all her works for the love for Christ
where she wholeheartedly serve the poorest of the poor. Mother Teresa’s humane humanity teachings are
about how god created us for great things where we should offer our love and embrace each other to help
the people who suffer in sickness and in emptiness. Lastly, Mother Teresa said that today’s suffering is
our suffering too and we should not wait for tomorrow and that we should end suffering now.
St. Ignatius of Loyola – his act of love is teaching us know the how to understand and attain the richness
of the spiritual tradition of ignatian spirituality.
Father Pedro Arrupe SJ – his act of love is showing how his spiritual depth was committed to justice and
showing that we should be living with Christ and God and serving with love.
ST. JOHN PAUL II – his act of love is helping us get the answer from the fundamental question and what
we should do or serve.
MOTHER TERESA – her act of love is serving the people in need wholeheartedly and serving the
poorest of poor selflessly.


I am challenged to be fighting this pandemic with Christ and God and to have time in praying and
worshiping God even if there’s no religion worshipping in churches right now. Lastly, I am challenged to
help the people in need in this pandemic and have an open arm to accept those who are suffering.
3 possible common good initiatives which I can do as a concrete way of honoring my insights and

 Helping people in need in this pandemic

 Being with God in fighting this pandemic
 Help and serve wholeheartedly

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