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Music Video Name: I Wonder – Kanye West

Genre of song: Hip-Hop/Rap

Purpose (what is the USP):

It’s a good song and i have loads of ideas of what we could do in the music vídeo.

The demographic will be aimed at Teenagers
Its quite a calm song that’s relaxing and it dosen’t really fit into the genre of Hip-Hop/Rap it
feels like its in a genre of its own.

Description of music video (blurb):

The idea that I have for the music video of this song is for someone to be walking down a road or
a street and it to capture loads of different camera angles and camera movements whilst also
catching the atmosphere around the guy walking down the road/street.

Type of Music Video and genre of song:

I feel that the song is quite relaxed and I want to portray that in the music video and show a sort
of calm atmosphere.

Themes you want to explore:

I want to explore themes of sadness as parts of the song are sad
There are also parts of the song that are quite uplifting and empowering that bring happiness.

Recording Space:
Team Member(s): Oscar,logan,McCoy,Hope,Karnack

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