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Mindful eating workbook

It is easy to consume an entire meal without noticing anything.

Sounds strange, but it’s true. We end up spending so much time in our
own heads that we do not pay attention to what we are eating. I do this
with chocolate all of the time: I notice the first and last bite, and nothing in
between. This is a shame because food can be a wonderful experience.

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What do we do about it? Mindful eating. It allows us to enjoy our food

more and makes it easier to stop when we are full.

Tips for mindful eating

þ Slow down: there is no rush

þ Savour each mouthful. How does it feel on your tongue?

þ Is it hot or cold?

þ What can you taste? Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, juicy?

þ What is the texture like?

þ Pay attention to how your body feels. How hungry are you?

þ How does your stomach feel? How full are you?

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