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Physical Demands during an Elite Female

Soccer Game: Importance of Training Status

Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Department of Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK; and
Sports Medicine Research Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital, DENMARK

KRUSTRUP, P., M. MOHR, H. ELLINGSGAARD, and J. BANGSBO. Physical Demands during an Elite Female Soccer Game: Importance
of Training Status. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 1242–1248, 2005. Purpose: To examine the activity profile and physical
loading of elite female soccer players during match play and to study the relationship between training status and physical match performance.
Methods: Time-motion analysis and HR recordings were performed on 14 elite female soccer players during competitive matches. In
addition, the players carried out a laboratory treadmill test and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test. Results: The total distance covered during
a game was 10.3 km (range: 9.7–11.3) with high-intensity running (HIR) accounting for 1.31 km (0.71–1.70). HIR was performed 125 times
(72–159) for 2.3 s (2.0 –2.4) on average. The average and peak HR in a game were 167 beats per minute (bpm) (152–186) and 186 (171–205),
respectively, corresponding to 87% (81–93) and 97% (96 –100) of HRmax. Maximal pulmonary oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) was 49.4
mL·min⫺1·kg⫺1 (43.4 –56.8), and incremental treadmill test (ITT) performance was 4.49 min (3.38 –5.17). The Yo-Yo test performance was
1379 m (600 –1960). The total distance covered during match play did not correlate with V̇O2max or ITT performance but correlated with the
Yo-Yo test result (r ⫽ 0.56, P ⬍ 0.05). Significant positive correlations were observed between HIR and V̇O2max (r ⫽ 0.81, P ⬍ 0.05), ITT
(r ⫽ 0.82, P ⬍ 0.05), and Yo-Yo test performance (r ⫽ 0.76, P ⬍ 0.05). No relationship was observed between %HRmax during match play
and any of the performance measures. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that 1) HIR during games varies markedly between elite
female soccer players, 2) all players have high HR throughout a competitive game with periods of near-maximal values, 3) the distance
covered by HIR during match play is closely related to the physical capacity, and 4) the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test can be used as an
indicator of the physical match performance of elite female players. Key Words: TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS, HR, V̇O2max, YO-YO TEST

uch information has been obtained about the the distance covered by high-intensity running in matches is
physical capacity of elite female soccer players closely related to the training status (8). However, little
(3,6,16,19,20,21). These studies have shown that information is available about the activity profile of elite
the aerobic power, sprinting ability, and intermittent exer- female soccer players during match play, and it has not yet
cise performance vary significantly between levels of com- been investigated whether the maximum aerobic power and
petition (20) and playing position (3,6,16,19,21) but also intermittent exercise performance are important determi-
between players at the same playing position and playing nants of the physical match performance in elite female
standard (6). Measurements of HR performed during elite soccer. In addition, it is still unknown whether the aerobic
female games indicate that match play is physically de- loading during match play is related to training status.
manding for most outfield players (20), although these stud- A number of field and laboratory tests are currently used
ies did not determine the players’ HRmax. Recent studies in elite soccer in order to evaluate training status of the
performed on elite male soccer players have shown that the players, to predict match performance, and to determine the
amounts of high-intensity running and backward running effect of training. The field tests have the advantage that all
decrease markedly during competitive games (12) and that players in a team can be tested frequently, easily, and
rapidly at low cost. Recent studies have shown that perfor-
mance in the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test correlates
Address for correspondence: Peter Krustrup, Institute of Exercise and Sport
Sciences, The August Krogh Institute, Universitetsparken 13, DK-2100
well with the physical match performance of male elite
Copenhagen Ø, Denmark; E-mail: soccer players (8) and top-class referees (7). Therefore, it
Submitted for publication December 2004. would be of interest to investigate whether the Yo-Yo in-
Accepted for publication March 2005. termittent recovery test result provides a good indication of
0195-9131/05/3707-1242/0 the soccer-specific fitness of elite female players.
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE® Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate
Copyright © 2005 by the American College of Sports Medicine whether differences in the physical capacity of elite female
DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000170062.73981.94 soccer players influence the activity profile and physical
loading during competitive games. Another purpose was to vals as the product of the total time and mean speed for that
evaluate the application of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery activity. The total distance covered during a match was
(IR) test in elite female soccer. calculated as the sum of the distances covered during each
type of activity. In the study by Krustrup and Bangsbo (7),
it was observed that the coefficients of variation for test-
retest analysis were 1, 2, 5, 3, and 3%, respectively, for total
Subjects distance covered, walking, low-intensity running, high-in-
tensity running, and backward running. Before each player
Fourteen elite female soccer players from the best Danish
analysis, the player’s locomotive style was studied and
league took part in the study. Their age, height, weight, and
several validation-tests were performed according to the
fat percentage were 24 yr (range: 19 –31), 58.5 kg (49.0 –
predetermined locomotive categories. All match recordings
70.7), 1.67 m (1.56 –1.80), and 14.6% (9.3–21.9), respec-
included in the present study were analyzed by the same
tively. The playing positions were defenders (N ⫽ 5; 24 ⫾
experienced observer.
4 (⫾SD) yr, 60.7 ⫾ 6.3 kg, 1.68 ⫾ 0.07 cm, and 15.4 ⫾
3.7%), midfielders (N ⫽ 5; 23 ⫾ 5 yr, 56.0 ⫾ 5.9 kg, 1.65
⫾ 0.04 m, and 12.5 ⫾ 2.2%), and attackers (N ⫽ 4; 25 ⫾ Physiological Measurements during Match Play
4 yr, 58.7 ⫾ 3.8 kg, 1.66 ⫾ 0.04 m, and 16.1 ⫾ 2.4%). Two
HR was recorded in 5-s intervals during the same com-
of the defenders were central defenders, and the remaining
petitive games using a Polar Vantage NV HR monitor (Polar
three defenders were fullbacks. The players had been mem-
Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland). The chest monitor and wrist
bers of a soccer club for 14 (9 –23) yr. All players had more
receiver, weighing ⬃100 g, was placed on the player ap-
than 3 yr of experience in the best Danish league and were
proximately 45 min before kickoff.
regular first team members. The players were fully informed
of all experimental procedures before giving their written
informed consent to participate. The study was approved by Testing Procedures
the ethics committee of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg
Within 3 wk of the competitive game, a player carried out
a laboratory treadmill test and the Yo-Yo IR test.
Laboratory treadmill testing. The laboratory tread-
Match Analysis
mill running test was performed to determine an individual
The 14 players were video recorded once during a com- HR-V̇O2 relationship, HRmax, maximal pulmonary oxygen up-
petitive game in the best Danish league. The four matches take (V̇O2max), and performance in an exhaustive incremental
included in the study were played within a 3-wk period in test. The protocol consisted of treadmill running at speeds of 9,
the middle of the competitive season. None of the players 11, and 13 km·h⫺1 in 6-min bouts separated by 2-min rest
were injured during the observed game. Each player was periods, followed by the exhaustive incremental test. The latter
filmed close up during the entire match by a VHS movie test started at a running speed of 13 km·h⫺1 for 2 min and
camera (NV-M50, Panasonic, Germany) positioned at the continued at 15 km·h⫺1 for 30 s with a stepwise 1 km·h⫺1
side of the pitch, at the level of the midfield line, at a height speed increment every 30 s until exhaustion. Time to exhaus-
of about 15 m and at a distance of 30 – 40 m from the tion was recorded as the test result. Oxygen uptake was mea-
touchline. The videotapes were later replayed on a monitor sured during the last 2 min of each submaximal running speed
for computerized coding of the activity pattern. Each loco- and during the incremental test by a MedGraphics CPX/D
motor activity was categorized as standing (0 km·h⫺1), online system (St. Paul, MN). HR was recorded in 5-s intervals
walking (6 km·h⫺1), jogging (8 km·h⫺1), low-speed running during the entire protocol by a Polar Vantage NV HR monitor
(12 km·h⫺1), moderate-speed running (15 km·h⫺1), high- (Polar, Kempele, Finland). A blood sample was taken imme-
speed running (18 km·h⫺1), sprinting (25 km·h⫺1, or back- diately after each exercise bout and hemolyzed within 10 s in
ward running (10 km·h⫺1). The above activities were later an ice-cold Triton X-100 buffer solution and analyzed for
divided into four locomotor categories: 1) standing; 2) walk- lactate using a YSI 2300 lactate analyzer (Yellow Spring
ing; 3) low-intensity running, encompassing jogging, low- Instruments, OH.) (5). Individual V̇O2max and HRmax were
speed running, and backward running; and 4) high-intensity determined as the peak values reached in a 15- and 5-s period,
running, consisting of moderate-speed running, high-speed respectively, during the last part of the incremental test.
running, and sprinting. The locomotor categories were cho- The Yo-Yo IR level 1 test. The test was performed
sen in accordance with Bangsbo et al. (2), except for the outdoors on artificial grass as described by Krustrup et al.
sprinting speed, which was determined after detailed studies (8). Briefly, the test consisted of repeated 2 ⫻ 20-m runs at
of the videotapes. Thus, the average sprinting speed was a progressively increased speed controlled by audio bleeps
calculated from measurements of the time for the players to from a tape recorder. Between each running bout, the play-
cover known distances (i.e., between premarkers in the grass ers had a 10-s rest period, during which 2 ⫻ 5 m of jogging
and the center circle) by sprinting. The frequency and av- was performed. When a player had failed twice to reach the
erage duration of each locomotor activity were recorded in finish line in time, the distance covered was recorded as the
5-min periods throughout the game. The distance covered test result. The test was performed after a 10-min warm-up
for each locomotor activity was determined in 5-min inter- period. The duration of the test was 8 –20 min. All the
PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF ELITE FEMALE SOCCER Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 1243
players had been familiarized with the test procedure pre- 1). The number of sprints was 26 (9 – 43) (Fig. 1). Standing,
viously. walking, and running at low intensity accounted for 16%
(10 –23), 44% (38 –53), and 34% (26 – 43) of the total match
Statistical Analysis time, respectively. In the remaining 4.8% (2.8 – 6.1) of the
total time, the players performed high-intensity running.
Mean data and ranges are presented. Differences between
The total distance covered during a match was 10.3 km
15-min periods within the match were evaluated using re-
(9.7–11.3). The amounts of low- and high-intensity running
peated-measures ANOVA. When a significant interaction
were 9.0 km (8.4 –9.8) and 1.31 km (0.71–1.70), respec-
was detected, data were subsequently analyzed using a
tively. Sprinting accounted for 0.16 km (0.05– 0.28). The
Tukey post hoc test. Differences between the first and sec-
distance covered at a high intensity decreased (P ⬍ 0.05) by
ond half were determined using the Student paired t-test.
30% (0.27 to 0.19 km) and 34% (0.24 to 0.16 km) from the
Differences between the different team positions were tested
first to the last 15-min period of the first and second halves,
with ANOVA. Correlation coefficients were determined and
respectively. The total number of headers and tackles was 8
tested for significance using a Pearson’s product-moment
(3–19) and 14 (7–21), respectively.
test. A significance level of 0.05 was chosen.
HR during match play. Mean HR during a match was
167 beats per minute (bpm) (range: 152–186), which corre-
RESULTS sponded to 87% (81–93) of HRmax being 193 bpm (175–212)
(Fig. 2). Peak HR reached during the game was 186 bpm
Match activities. The total number of activity changes
(171–205), corresponding with 97% (96 –100) of HRmax. Nei-
was 1459 (range: 1336 –1529), corresponding with an ac-
ther the mean nor the peak HR was different between the
tivity change every 4 s on average (Fig. 1). The number of
15-min periods during the game (Fig. 2). Based on individual
high-intensity runs performed during the game was 125
(72–159) with an average duration of 2.3 s (2.0 –2.4) (Fig.

FIGURE 2—A. HR in 15-min periods during a competitive elite female

FIGURE 1—Match activities during competitive elite female soccer soccer game (N ⴝ 14). The various symbols represent each of the 14
games. Number of occurrences (A) and average duration (B) of stand- players. B. Individual relationship between V̇O2max and average HR
ing; walking; jogging; low-speed (LS), moderate-speed (MS), and high- during a match expressed in percentage of HRmax (N ⴝ 14). The filled
speed (HS) running; sprinting (Spr); and backward (Bw) running. The circles, open circles, and filled triangles represent defenders (N ⴝ 5),
various symbols represent each of the 14 players. midfielders (N ⴝ 5), and attackers (N ⴝ 4), respectively.

1244 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

TABLE 1. Correlation coefficients for interindividual relationships between V̇O2max, incremental treadmill test (ITT) performance, running speed at 2 mM lactate, and the Yo-Yo
intermittent level 1 recovery test (Yo-Yo IR1) and physical performance in a competitive elite female soccer game.
2 mmol䡠Lⴚ1 Yo-Yo IR1
V̇O2max ITT Performance Lactate Performance
Total distance covered r ⫽ 0.20 r ⫽ 0.49 r ⫽ 0.64 r ⫽ 0.56
NS, P ⫽ 0.503 NS, P ⫽ 0.071 P ⫽ 0.014* P ⫽ 0.038*
High-intensity run 冱0–90 min r ⫽ 0.81 r ⫽ 0.82 r ⫽ 0.83 r ⫽ 0.76
P ⬍ 0.001* P ⬍ 0.001* P ⬍ 0.001* P ⫽ 0.002*
High-intensity run 冱30–45, 75–90 min r ⫽ 0.55 r ⫽ 0.74 r ⫽ 0.64 r ⫽ 0.83
P ⫽ 0.040* P ⫽ 0.002* P ⫽ 0.014* P ⬍ 0.001*
HR (%HRmax) r ⫽ 0.18 r ⫽ 0.17 r ⫽ ⫺0.01 r ⫽ 0.38
NS, P ⫽ 0.552 NS, P ⫽ 0.549 NS, P ⫽ 0.972 NS, P ⫽ 0.174
V̇O2max — r ⫽ 0.71 r ⫽ 0.77 r ⫽ 0.55
P ⫽ 0.005* P ⫽ 0.001* P ⫽ 0.040*
ITT performance — — r ⫽ 0.84 r ⫽ 0.85
P ⬍ 0.001* P ⬍ 0.001*
2 mmol䡠L lactate — — — r ⫽ 0.73
P ⫽ 0.003*
*Significant linear correlation between the two variables.

HR relationships from the treadmill test, average V̇O2 during capacity of the players. Moreover, the present study re-
match play was estimated to be 2.2 L·min⫺1 (1.8 –2.9) or 77% vealed that the Yo-Yo IR test is a good predictor of elite
(69 – 84) of V̇O2max. Peak V̇O2 during match play was esti- female soccer players’ ability to perform high-intensity run-
mated to be 96% (92–99). ning throughout competitive matches.
Physiological capacity. V̇O2max was 2.89 L·min⫺1
(range: 2.58 –3.29) or 49.4 mL O2·min⫺1·kg⫺1 body weight
(43.4 –56.8). Performance in the incremental treadmill test
(ITT) and Yo-Yo IR test was 4.49 min (3.38 –5.17) and
1379 m (600 –1960), respectively. The V̇O2 during treadmill
running at speeds of 9, 11, and 13 km·h⫺1 was 1.72 (1.42–
1.97), 2.13 (1.89 –2.44), and 2.43 (2.12–2.84) L·min⫺1, re-
spectively, corresponding to 59% (52–72), 74% (67– 83),
84% (78 –92) of V̇O2max. The corresponding HR was 133,
152, and 168 bpm, respectively, or 69% (60 – 82), 79%
(71–90), and 87% (81–97) of HRmax. Blood lactate at rest
and at running speeds of 9, 11, and 13 km·h⫺1 was 0.8
(0.5–1.4), 1.0 (0.7–1.5), 1.5 (1.0 –2.6), and 2.9 (1.4 –5.1)
mmol·L⫺1, respectively. Peak blood lactate reached after
ITT was 8.0 mmol·L⫺1 (5.8 –10.3).
Training status in relation to match activities and
HR. The correlation coefficients for the interindividual
relationships between the various test results and physical
match performance are summarized in Table 1. Briefly, total
match distance did not correlate with V̇O2max or ITT per-
formance but correlated (P ⬍ 0.05) with the running speed
at 2 mM and the Yo-Yo IR test result (Fig. 3, Table 1).
Positive correlations (P ⬍ 0.05) were observed between the
amount of high-intensity running and all four test results
with r values from 0.76 to 0.83 (Fig. 4, Table 1). The sum
of high-intensity running performed in the last 15-min pe-
riods of the two halves correlated (P ⬍ 0.05) with the
Yo-Yo IR test result (r ⫽ 0.83) as well as ITT performance,
running speed at 2 mM lactate and V̇O2max with r values
from 0.55 to 0.74 (Fig. 5, Table 1). No relationship was
observed between %HRmax during match play and any of
the test results (r ⫽ ⫺0.01 to 0.38) (Fig. 2, Table 1).

FIGURE 3—Individual relationship between the total distance cov-
The most important finding of the present study is that the ered during a competitive elite female soccer game and V̇O2max (A) and
performance on the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery (IR) test (B) (N ⴝ 14).
physical match performance of elite female soccer players The filled circles, open circles, and filled triangles represent defenders
varies in close association with differences in the physical (N ⴝ 5), midfielders (N ⴝ 5), and attackers (N ⴝ 4), respectively.

PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF ELITE FEMALE SOCCER Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 1245
FIGURE 4 —Individual relationship between the amount of high-intensity running during a competitive elite female soccer game and V̇O2max (A),
incremental treadmill test performance (B), running speed at 2 mM lactate (C), and performance on the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery (IR) test (D)
(N ⴝ 14). The filled circles, open circles, and filled triangles represent defenders (N ⴝ 5), midfielders (N ⴝ 5), and attackers (N ⴝ 4), respectively.

The 14 elite female soccer players investigated in the soccer by Mohr et al. (12) and can be taken as a sign of
present study covered a total distance of ⬃10.3 km and had fatigue. Together, the time-motion analysis revealed that
on average ⬃1400 activity changes during a game. These elite female soccer consists of multiple brief intense exer-
values are similar to or slightly lower than values reported cises separated by low-intensity activities and that one of the
for elite male soccer (1,2,12,13,14). On the other hand, the main factors differentiating between good and poor physical
average distance covered by high-intensity running of 1.3 performance is the amount of high-intensity running.
km corresponds with less than two thirds of that in elite male HR measurements were used to provide information
soccer (1.9 –2.4 km) (2,12). Interestingly, small between- about the aerobic energy turnover during the match play.
player variations were observed in the total number of The mean HR ranged from 152 to 186 bpm with an average
activity changes (1336 –1529, SD ⫽ 4.9% of mean) and the value of 167 bpm, which is similar to or slightly higher than
distance covered at low intensity (8.4 –9.8 km, 4.8%), what has been observed in other studies investigating elite
whereas large variations were found in the distance covered female (15) and elite male soccer (1,2,4,15,17). The peak
by high-intensity running (0.71–1.70 km, 20.8%). The latter HR reached during games was observed to vary as much as
finding was mainly due to large variations in the number of from 171 to 205 bpm. In the present study, each player’s
high-intensity running bouts, as the mean duration of the HRmax was determined and the average and peak HR ob-
intense running bouts were similar among the players (Fig. served during games could therefore be expressed in per-
1). It was furthermore observed that the amount of high- centage of HRmax. The average and peak HR corresponded
intensity running decreased markedly within each half and with 87% and 97% of HRmax, respectively, with rather small
that 13 of 14 players did the least high-intensity running in variations in average (81–93%) and peak values (96 –100%)
the last 15-min period of the first or second half. The finding (Fig. 2). These results indicate that essentially all outfield
of a large decline in high-intensity running at the end of the players have a high aerobic loading throughout a game with
game is in accordance with a recent study on elite male periods of near-maximal values. It was, moreover, observed
1246 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
speed at 2 mM lactate, and the Yo-Yo test result all were
correlated with the amount of high-intensity running (Fig.
4). From the fairly high correlation coefficients, it appears
that all the applied fitness assessments provided a good
indication of the distance covered at a high intensity during
a game, which is one of the main factors differentiating
between good and poor physical match performance. It
should be emphasized, however, that players covering a
similar match distance of 1.25 km of high-intensity running
ranged in V̇O2max from 46 to 53 mL·min⫺1·kg⫺1, in tread-
mill test performance from 4.0 to 4.8 min, in running speed
at 2 mM lactate from 11 to 13 km·h⫺1, and in Yo-Yo test
performance from 1100 to 1500 m (Fig. 4). On that basis, it
may be considered whether all the observed players used
their entire physical capacity during the game. For example,
it is well-known that defenders perform less high-intensity
running during a game than midfielders and attackers
(1,2,8,10,12,13), and it has been discussed whether this is
due to tactical or physical limitations of the defenders
(1,2,8). We observed a huge range in the amount of high-
intensity running within the group of defenders (0.7–1.7
km), but the average value for high-intensity running was
only slightly lower for the defenders compared to the mid-
fielders (17%) and attackers (13%) (Fig. 4). The HR mea-
surements revealed that all players had an average HR above
80% of peak HR and that the aerobic loading was equally
high for the defenders, midfielders, and attackers (86, 88,
and 88% of peak HR, respectively; Fig. 2B). Moreover, all
players except one performed less high-intensity running
toward the end of the first and/or second halves. Together,
FIGURE 5—Individual relationship between the sum of high-intensity these observations suggest that the observed games were
running in the last quarter of the first and second half of a competitive physically demanding for all the players and that each of the
elite female soccer game and (A) V̇O2max and (B) performance on the
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery (IR) test (N ⴝ 14). The filled circles, open players performed an amount of high-intensity running
circles, and filled triangles represent defenders (N ⴝ 5), midfielders (N close to her optimal level. In support of this notion, Mohr et
ⴝ 5), and attackers (N ⴝ 4), respectively. al. (12) observed small match-to-match variations in the
amount of high-intensity running during elite male soccer
that the HR in the percentage of HRmax did not correlate games (coefficient of variance ⫽ 9%).
with any of the fitness assessments (Fig. 2), suggesting that The present study also tested whether the Yo-Yo IR test
the aerobic loading was not dependent on the player’s phys- can be used to evaluate match-specific physical capacity of
ical capacity. This finding shows that the aerobic energy elite female soccer players. In accordance with what has
system is highly tasked also for players with superior phys- been observed for elite male soccer players (8) and top-class
ical capacity, indicating that the activity profile and energy referees (7), the present study showed that the Yo-Yo test
use during match play is adjusted based on the player’s performance correlated with the amount of high-intensity
physical ability. running performed in games. The present study also re-
In accordance with a number of previous studies vealed a positive correlation between maximal oxygen up-
(3,6,16,19,20,21), the elite female players in the present take and high-intensity running during a game, whereas no
study had marked between-player variations in physical such relationship was observed for elite male soccer (8).
capacity. For example, the V̇O2max of the players varied These findings indicate that the aerobic power is more
from 43 to 57 mL·min⫺1·kg⫺1, and the Yo-Yo test perfor- important for the physical match performance in elite fe-
mance ranged from 600 to 1960 m. When plotting the male than elite male soccer and may be explained by a lower
fitness assessments obtained in the present study to the anaerobic capacity in elite female players than in their male
amount of backward running, low-intensity running, and counterparts (9,18). In accordance, the peak blood lactate of
total distance covered, no correlations were observed for 8 mM reached after exhaustive incremental running per-
V̇O2max and treadmill test performance, whereas the Yo-Yo formed in the present study is seemingly lower than the
test result and the running speed at 2 mM lactate were values reported for elite male soccer players (⬎10 mM)
weakly correlated with the amount of low-intensity running (11). An indicator of the ability to sustain fatigue during
and total distance covered (Fig. 3). In contrast, it was ob- match play, that is, the sum of the high-intensity running
served that V̇O2max, treadmill test performance, running performed in the last 15-min periods of the two halves, was
PHYSICAL DEMANDS OF ELITE FEMALE SOCCER Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 1247
also plotted against the four fitness assessments. As can be In summary, the present study demonstrated that the
seen in Figure 5, the Yo-Yo test was observed to correlate physical capacity is an important determinant of the number
closely with the physical performance toward the end of the of intense actions performed by elite female soccer players
two halves. Significant correlations, with lower correlation in a game and that the aerobic loading during match play is
coefficients, were also observed between the sum of high- high, independent of training status. Moreover, it was shown
intensity running in the last 15-min periods and the incre- that the Yo-Yo IR test can be used as an indicator of the
mental treadmill test performance, running speed at 2 mM physical performance of elite female players throughout
lactate, and maximal oxygen uptake (Fig. 5). Together these competitive matches.
findings provide evidence that the performance on the
Yo-Yo IR test is a good predictor of physical match per-
We thank the soccer players for participating in the study. The
formance throughout elite female soccer games. Measure- technical assistance from Jan-Malm Hansen, Christoffer Krustrup,
ments of maximal aerobic power is an equally good indi- Lena Varntoft, Per Hansen, and Mette Zebis is greatly appreciated.
cator of the total amount of high-intensity running during a We also acknowledge the contribution of the elite female soccer
club FVK and their coach Jørgen Veje.
game but seems to be a less sensitive tool to evaluate the The study was supported by Team Denmark and The Sports
ability to sustain fatigue during match play. Research Council (Idrættens Forskningsraad).

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