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Pre technical :

*) How many years of experience do you have in eCommerce Development Projects?

*) What are the recent eCommerce projects you have worked upon?

(2) shopify theme Development (Liquid):

*) How can I add an image from the assets folder within liquid?
*) Why snippets are used ....How we include it in other files
Follow up question : Difference between include and render while including
thses files. (BookMarked)

(2) Javascript:

*) Difference b/w '==' and '==='.

*) Promises, async, Callback functions.

(2) jquery:

*) JQuery click event?

*) Can you explain the difference between jQuery.get() and jQuery.ajax()?

(1) Json :

*) What does $.parseJson() do?

(2) apis:

Book marked

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