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 Compass -Diafric
 Department - MBA
 Individual assignment
 Name – Ayale Asaye
 Section –i
 ID № -1450/15
 Discussion considering these theories, how might
companies motive their employees.
1. how can employers satisfy employees need?
1.Be flexible
2.Allow employees to shape their own roles
3. stop micro management
4.Recognize and reward-outside financial
remuneration communication and transparency
6.Promote good health
7.look after the work environment and
housekeeping in issues and investment

2.would the same type of incentives or rewards

satisfy all employees?
-provide custom rewards. rewards especially
thosement to incentivize your employees-
should be customized to the
person will be satisfied with exactly the sea
reward so it,s essential to provide plenty of
rewards option for your employees.
3.If No what type OF incentives would motive
employees at each level of need?
Financial incentives- Bonuses, salary raise
profit sharing opportunities singing
bonuses and technology allowances. A
Financial incentive will motivate employee
performance and employee engagement in
a direct. Immediate way.
 Monetary incentive or financial incentive /like profit

sharing , gift card, even cash/employee recognition

programs / including awards, team building activities or

other ways to build connection

1. suppose that you are A manager of A

company using the following theories of
motivation as A point OF reference to
motivate your work, what you have to do
procedurally? And what motivation
Mechanisms you should employ at each ?
Some of most famous motivational theories
include the following
1. Maslow’s theory of Hierarchical
need .Abraham Maslow postulated that a
person will be motivated when all his need
is fulfilled. People do not work for security
or money. But they work to contribute add
to use their skill.
Maslow Theory. Low order need take
priority they must be satisfied before
higher order need are activated. The needs
are satisfied in sequence.
Physiological need come before safety
need safety need before social need .and
so on. Person desiring physical safety
environment and will not be concerned
with esteem need or self-actualization
Income and benefit, superior, work result,
colleague, work condition, training and
2. How can you criticize divers type of
motivation theories ?
A further criticism of motivation theories is
that is does not consider which factors may
affect the success or failure of the
motivation process, overlooking the
different variables.
Such as culture, norms, and social influence
Motivation cannot be perceived like
common object, and thus, logically, cannot
be basis of moral judgment.

Thank you.

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