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Bachelor of Special Needs Education

Activity/Assignment No.

Name: Ronna Dalle C. Porte

Subject Title: MATHEMATICS
Subject Code:

Write an essay on the importance of computer assisted instruction in teaching Mathematics


The way mathematics is taught and learned has been revolutionized by Computer-Assisted
Instruction (CAI), which has grown to be a potent tool in today's classrooms. Technology has
brought with it new prospects for improving mathematics accessibility, effectiveness, and
engagement for students at all levels, according to CAI. This essay explores the value of CAI in
mathematics education, highlighting both its advantages and its contribution to a better
comprehension of mathematical ideas.

The capacity of CAI to involve students in a dynamic and interactive learning environment is
one of its main benefits in the teaching of mathematics. Passive listening and rote memorization
are common components of traditional mathematics education, which can cause students to
become disengaged and uninterested. In contrast, CAI offers interactive simulations, problem-
solving activities, and visual aids that enhance the mathematical learning process and encourage
student participation. Via interactive modules, students can study mathematical ideas at their
own pace and engage with the content. This encourages an active learning strategy that improves
understanding and recall.

It provides individualized learning experiences by accommodating different learning styles and

rates. It can be difficult for teachers to meet all of their students' demands in a regular classroom.
On the other hand, CAI adjusts to the student's comprehension level and offers more help or
difficulties as required. CAI can adjust the curriculum to each student's unique strengths and
limitations by tracking their progress, allowing them to make sure they fully understand a
concept before moving on. This individualized method can increase students' self-assurance and
motivation, opening up mathematics to a wider spectrum of students.

Having the ability to address issues with diversity and accessibility in mathematics education.
With its assistive features, which include screen readers, movable typefaces, and customized
interfaces, it can serve students with a wide range of learning needs, including those with
impairments. By fostering inclusivity and removing obstacles that may have previously restricted
their involvement, this guarantees that all students have fair access to mathematical instruction.

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