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Ramen › ...Simple Homemade Chicken Ramen - Fork Knife



10-15 strawberries
1-2 apples, cut into pieces
Water (3/4 cup) 150 g.
White sugar (1 1/2 cups) 300 g.
10 fruit skewers


Prepare cooked Japanese rice. Sprinkle with Japanese rice powder, your favorite
Mix the rice with the sprinkles to combine well. may taste If it's too bland,
you can add more rice powder.
wash your hands and dipped his hand in water until it was wet.
Take a scoop of rice and place it in the palm of your hand. Use your hands to
gently shape into a triangle.

Stir Fried Tofu with Mala

set pan on medium heat Add oil, stir fry garlic until fragrant, followed by stir-
fried minced pork until cooked. Season with Rosa Mala sauce. Rosa, oyster sauce,
sugar, mix with water from Hong Kong tapioca flour. Slowly pour in and mix well.
Turn up the heat and stir to combine. Turn off the heat. Ladle into a container,
decorate with red chilies and chopped spring onions.

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