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1. Recorder the words to write sentence.

1. discomfort / may / a / little / feel / you

You may feel a little discomfort.
2. benefit / the / therapy / might / from / patient
The patient might, benefit from the theraphy
3. this / last / him / alive / see / time / be / the / could / i’ll
this time could be the last I’ll see him alive
4. will / work / we / maybe / think / that / drug / this
this drug maybe think that we will work, this work maybe think that we will drug
5. be / cured / I / don’t / that / your / father / it’s / can / possible / think
I don’t think its possible that your father can be cured
6. right / it / be / see / him / the / time / to / not / might
it might to be see him not the right time
7. it / to / say / too / perhaps / early / is
too early perhaps to say it
8. to / use / I / may / Morphine / time / be / think / it
I may think time to be use it morphine

2. Underline the word or phrase that completes the sentence.

1. It could / couldn't be that the illness will end in death, but I'm not certain
2. We can change the medication, but I'm sure it won't / might not work.
3. If you act too fast, you may / will probably make mistakes.
4. It may / perhaps be possible to revive him.
5. I could / might not still be here next year, but I hope so.
6. Act too slowly and the patient may / will certainly die.
7. It's possible / Perhaps that there will be a change in her condition.
8. Is he dying? Maybe / May not.
3. Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (√). If there is a mistake, correct it.
1. The drugs might to have some side effects. ____√_______
2. The patient's emotional needs is may be more important than his physical needs.
3. Perhaps that depression affects a patient's decisions. __its possible__
4. It's possible that the cancer will return. ____√______
5. Dealing with a dying patient maybe difficult. __may be____
6. I don't sure there is anything more we can do. ___might not____
7. Perhaps you'll feel better if you eat more. _______√____
8. You're doing well-you might able to go home soon. ___√_______
9. Dying is usually a sad time, but sometimes it is possibly to be very close to people.
10. When a patient dies, you could not be able to control your emotions. ___may not__

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