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Riview Journal


Jurnal : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya under Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Penulis : Ratna Susanti , Sumarlam1 , Djatmika , Muhammad Rohmadi

Nama : Ragil Adi Nugroho

Nim : 141230661

Research Results

So this study aims to analyze at the university level with Javanese cultural background. These
studies show that communication strategies are helpful in solving those faced by teachers and
students in the learning process in the classroom and in creating effective classroom interactions.
This fact shows that language has an important function to maintain good interaction in one
community. These studies show that communication strategies are helpful in solving problems
faced by teachers and students in the learning process in the classroom and in creating more
effective interactions.
This study aims to explore the polite form of language in academic interactions between
students-students and lecturer - students polytechnic campus environment mediated by cultural
context Java specifically to describe benevolent verbal behavior is used as a typical expression of
politeness in a polytechnic environment; describes the context behind the use of speech acts as a
form of politeness in classroom interactions between students and professors in the context of
academic activities in a polytechnic environment.
This research is further emphasized in discourse research regarding a form of positive politeness
and the expression of an attitude of interest or indifference in the pattern of interaction between
students and teachers, depending on depends on when teachers play their role in learning
activities on campus. signs of polite language can be known from as verbal and non-verbal
politeness. The form of verbal politeness can be known based on the use of language during
There is also a method used The data analysis technique in this study was carried out using the
pragmatic equivalent method, a method used to study and determine the identity of a particular
linguistic unit using a set of identify au-linguistics (Kornielaieva, 2019). To better understand
how teacher operates his class, I decided to collect data by recording the entire process of class
's activities to make it easier to choose actions later. en speech of teachers and students used in
class. Data recording is repeated until enough data is available

Based on the results of data analysis and interactive classroom discussions at Indonusa
Polytechnic, Surakarta. From the results obtained, the researcher offers some suggestions.
First, the application of polite language teaching is considered necessary to improve personal
qualities and develop character education, especially in professional higher education .
In addition, teachers also You need to have a polite attitude and speech before teaching your
students because this subject is a reflection of students because teachers will be imitated by

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