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Answer key

1.Company info

a) company creation

Aim: To create company using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0

step 2: Go to gateway of tally Company -> Info->Create company.

Step 3: The company creation screen will be displayed

Step 4: Enter the details for application.

Step 5: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

b)select a company


To select a company using tally


Stop 1: click tally 9.0.

Step 2 Go to gateway of tally company info(alt +F3) select company.

Step 3: Number of company information will be displayed

Step 4: Select anyone of the company application

Step 5: Display the corresponding company

Step 6: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully

c) shut a company


To shut a company using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0

Step 2: Go to gate way of tally (alt + F2) Shut company. company info

Step 3: Number of company application will be displayed.

Stop 4: Select anyone of company application

Step 5: Delete the corresponding companies

Step 6: exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

d) split a company

Aim: To split a company using tally.


Step 1: Click tally 9.0.

Stop 2: Go to gateway of tally -> company info

→Split company data.

Step3: To show the split company data screen

Step 4: Enter the information.

Step5: Accept the screen

Step6: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

2. Inventory info

a)stock group creation

Aim: To create a stock using tally


Step 1: click tally 9.0 tally -> Go to gate way of inventory info stock group.

Step 2: Stock group screen will be displayed.

Step 3: Enter the information.

Step 4:Accept to yes

Step 5: exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully by.

B) stock categories

Aim: To create a stock Category using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0 two to gateway of tally. → inventory info - stock categories.

Step 2: F11 - company features – Inventory features (F2) maintain stock category Set to yes
Step 3: The screen will be displayed.

Step 4: Enter the information

Step 5: Accept to 'yes'

Step 6: exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

C) stock items

Aim: To create a stock item using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0 Go to gateway of tally Inventory info

Step 2: The system will be displayed.

Step 3: Enter the information

Step 4: Accept to yes.

Step 5: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

d)units of measures

Aim: To create unit of measures using tally


Step 1: Go to gateway of tally-s inventory. info- unit of measure unit ->

Step 2: To select a simple mode or compound mode

Step 3: unit Creation Screen will be displayed

Step 4: Enter the information.

Step5: Accept to yes'

Step 6: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

3. Inventory info

a)stock group creation

Aim: To create a stock using tally


Step 1: click tally 9.0 tally -> Go to gate way of inventory info stock group.

Step 2: Stock group screen will be displayed.

Step 3: Enter the information.

Step 4:Accept to yes

Step 5: exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully by.

B) stock categories

Aim: To create a stock Category using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0 two to gateway of tally. → inventory info - stock categories.

Step 2: F11 - company features – Inventory features (F2) maintain stock category Set to yes

Step 3: The screen will be displayed.

Step 4: Enter the information

Step 5: Accept to 'yes'

Step 6: exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

C) stock items

Aim: To create a stock item using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0 Go to gateway of tally Inventory info

Step 2: The system will be displayed.

Step 3: Enter the information

Step 4: Accept to yes.

Step 5: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

3)Accounting voucher

a)receipt note voucher

Aim: To create a receipt vouchers using tally.


Step 1: click tally 9.0

Step 2: Go to gateway of tally Inventory info → inventory voucher

Stop 3: press the button alt + F6 or select the button F6 or click receipt note from the button bar
Step 4: Accept the Supplementary details option is to yes in F12 configuration

Step 5: Reference, ledger account suppliers name, address and dispatch details, name of stock item -

Trading details go down quality, rate Caption, narration.

Stop 6: Accept to yes.

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully

B) payment note voucher

Aim: To create a payment note voucher using tally.


Step 1: click tally 90 Step 2: Go to gateway of tally Inventory info-> Inventory voucher

Step 3: Press the button alt + F 5 on select the button Fs or click payment from button bar.

Step 4: Accept the supplementary details option is set to you in the configuration Step 5: Payment

no, account no, payment Ledger, narration

Stop 6: Exit.

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

C) purchase voucher

Aim: To create a purchase voucher using tally.


Stop 1: click tally 9.0.

Step 2: Go to gateway of tally- → voucher tally

Step 3: Press the button all + F9 select the button F9 On click button purchase from the bar

Step 4: Accept the supplementary details option is set to 'yes' in F12, Configuration

Step 5: Reference, party name, current balance. purchase, Ledge, Novation.

Stop 6: Accept to yes'

Step 7: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully .

D) sales voucher

Aim: To create a Sales voucher using tally


Step 1: : click tally 9.0

Stop 2: Go to gateway of tally > voucher entry.

Step 3: Then select any one of the voucher

Step 4: Sales transaction are entered in the Sales voucher

Step5: Accept to yes.

Step 6: Exit

Result: Thus the above application has been created successfully.

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