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Anfal: Hey guys, it’s been a long time since we went on a family trip.

What do you say shall we

plan one?
Thaqi: That sounds like a great idea, Anfal! Where should we go?
Aneeq: I think we should go to the beach. I just love the sound of the waves and building
Anfal: Yeah, the beach would be awesome! Plus, we can play volleyball and swim in the sea. It’ll
be so much fun!
Thaqi: But what about our parents? Are they available? We’ll need their permission and
company too.
Anfal: Don’t worry, I already spoke to Mom and Dad about it. They loved the idea and said they
will join us.
Aneeq: That’s fantastic! Now we just need to decide on the dates. I’m free next weekend, how
about you guys?
Thaqi: Next weekend is okas for me too. Anfal, what about you?
Anfal: Sorry guys, next weekend is not okay for me. I have an important test coming up. But
how about the weekend after that?
Thaqi: Sure, the weekend after that sounds good. We can spend the next few days planning and
getting everything ready.
Anfal: Sounds like a plan. Let’s make a checklist of what we need to pack and any activities we
want to do at the beach.
Aneeq: Good idea, Anfal! We should also research some good places to eat near the beach, so
we don’t have to worry about cooking.
Thaqi: Yeah, I agree. It would be nice to try some local seafood dishes too. So, who’s in charge
of making the checklist?
Anfal: I can take care of that. Once we have the checklist, we can divide the tasks between us to
make sure everything gets done.
Aneeq: Perfect! This trip is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to spend quality time with you
guys, just like old times.
Thaqi: Me too, Aneeq! It’ll be a great opportunity to create some wonderful memories

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