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Hello everyone, my name is Alisson Flores and together with my partner

Joseph, we are going to talk about we will Future arrangements on week

eleven. Let's start now!

Person A: Hey, Alisson! What are you up to this weekend?

Person B: Hi, Joseph! I'm actually quite excited about my plans. I'm going to
visit my parents. They live in the countryside, and it's been a while since I
last saw them. How about you?

Person A: That sounds lovely! I'm planning to go hiking with a group of friends. We're going to
explore a nearby national park. I've heard the trails are amazing there.

Person B: Oh, hiking sounds adventurous! Make sure to take some pictures
and share them with me later. Maybe I can join you next time.

Person A: Definitely! I'll capture the beautiful landscapes and share the memories with you. By the
way, are you going to stay overnight at your parents' place?

Person B: Yes, I am. I'll be staying for the whole weekend. It'll be great to
catch up with my family and enjoy some quality time together.

Person A: That sounds like a perfect plan. It's important to spend time with loved ones. As for me,
after the hike, we're going to have a picnic by a scenic lake. We've already planned the menu and
everyone is bringing something delicious.

Person B: Oh, that sounds so enjoyable! I love picnics in nature. You guys
are going to have a fantastic time, I'm sure.

Person A: Thanks, Alisson! I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe next time we can plan something
together, like a group outing or a day trip somewhere exciting.
Person B: That sounds like a plan! Let's make sure to arrange something in
the near future. Have a great time hiking and enjoy the picnic by the lake!

Person A: Thank you, Alisson! I'll keep you updated with all the details. Have a wonderful time with
your parents as well. Let's catch up next week and share our weekend experiences.

Person B: Absolutely, Joseph! I'm already excited to hear about your hiking
adventure. Take care and talk to you soon!

Person A: Take care too, Sarah! Talk to you soon. Goodbye!

Person B: Goodbye! Enjoy your weekend!

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