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a. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns:
a) ______ is my house.
b) Mother is not at home, so I will have to make breakfast for________.
c) We have _________ three colours.
d) Rohan hurt _______ when he fell.
e) ______ of you must carry a water bottle.

b. Underline the adjectives in the following pair of sentences:

a) It seems a wise decision.
b) She made mango cake for her mother.
c) He fell unconscious on the floor.
d) Would you like to have some butter on the toast?
e) I am taking my guitar to the picnic on Saturday.

c. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs:

a) We _______ here every Sunday.
b) Our school _____ on 1st June.
c) I never _______ aerated drinks.
d) The exhibition _______next Monday.
e) Water ________ at zero degree.

d. Do as directed:
a) I am not wearing a sweater, as it is quite warm. (Identify the tense)
b) We have received four applications in twenty days. (Identify the kind of Adjective)
c) I will take you to his house by myself. (Identify the kind of pronoun)
d) He always carried his little typewriter with him.( Identify the tense)
e) I have baked a cake. Would you like to have some?( Identify the tense)


a. Write a diary where you share your experience of the journey from home to the
railway station in not more than 100-120 words.
b. You have visited an old age home today with your classmates. Express your feelings in
the form of diary entry in not more than 120 words.

III. Answer the following:

1. What kind of a life has the mother led? What does she compare her life to?
2. What is the mother’s advice to her son?
3. Why the Prince is called Happy? Was he really happy? Why?
4. Why did the Swallow not leave the Prince and go to Egypt?
5. Describe the circumstance of Oliver Twist's birth.


a. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns:
a) This
b) her
c) these
d) himself
e) Each
b. Underline the adjectives in the following pair of sentences:
a) wise
b) mango
c) unconscious
d) some
e) my

c. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs:

a) come
b) started
c) have
d) opens
e) freezes
d. Do as directed:
a) Present continuous tense.
b) Quantitative adjective
c) Reflexive Pronoun.
d) Simple past tense.
e) Present prefect tense.
a. Write a diary where you share your experience of the journey from home to the
railway station in not more than 100-120 words.

Monday, 19th June 2023

9 PM
Dear Diary,
Today I went to Bangalore railway station, Yeshwantpura, to receive my uncle and
aunt who were coming from Mumbai. It was a bright sunny day. The sun was shining
like a star. While I and my father were crossing the Orion mall, we saw three
elephants that reminded me of my Kerala trip.
Last year I went on a Kerala trip, where we visited around 5 cities like Cochin,
Wayanad, Munnar, Kovalam, and Alappuzha. All the places were really awesome and
beautiful. Then we went to Elephant junction Thekkady, Kumily, where people go for
elephant rides. I rode sitting above the elephant around for 2 and half hours. We took
a lot of pictures with elephants. It was a nice trip and I still can’t get over it.
Vikram/ Vedha
b. You have visited an old age home today with your classmates. Express your
feelings in the form of diary entry in not more than 120 words.

Sunday, 8th June 2023

8.15 PM

Visit to Old Age Home

Dear Diary,
Today my class visited an old age home as part of a social service activity. There we
saw and interacted with many aged people. We were told that these homes originally
came into existence to aid senior citizens who had no family to support themselves.
However, today these homes have become a place where people drop off their old
parents as parcels citing lack of time or blaming financial constraints.

Indian society which upheld the virtues of family love has turned back against the
ageing and the helpless. It is a shame that people forget the sacrifices of their
parents. Taking care of them was once an honour, now it is considered a burden. We
have to battle this social problem and be more sensitive to the needs of our parents
and elders.



1. The mother has led a difficult life, full of struggles and hardships. She compares her
life to a staircase that is not made of crystal, but rather of tacks, splinters, and boards
torn up.

2. The advice that she gives her son is to keep going. She tells him never to sit down on
the steps, never to fall, and never to turn back.

3. The courtiers called the Prince “The Happy Prince” because when the Prince was alive,
he was always happy and never saw any sorrow. In reality, he was not happy anymore
because when he was made into a statue and placed at a height, he could see the
sorrow, poverty and ugliness of his kingdom.”

4. The Swallow finally decided not to leave the Prince because he had given away both of
his eyes to people in need and was now blind. So, the Swallow decided to stay with
him and be his guide.

5. Oliver Twist is born as a sickly infant in a workhouse. The Parish surgeon and a
drunken nurse attend his birth. His mother kisses his forehead and dies, and the nurse
announces that Oliver's mother was found lying in the streets the night before. The
surgeon notices that she is also not wearing a wedding ring.

மகரிஷி வித்யா மந் திர் மமனிலைப் பள் ளி சென்லன-31
தமிழ் - பயிற் சித்தாள் -2
வகுப் பு : ஏழு
I. நிரப் புக:

1'யாண்டு என்னும் ச ால் லின் ச ாருள் __________________

1. 'யாண்டுளனனா?' என்னும் ச ால் லல ் பிரித்து எழுதக் கிலை ் து ______________

2. 'கல் + அலள' என் தலன ் ன ர்த்சதழுதக் கிலைக்கும் ச ால் ______________
3. ஊர்வலத்தின் முன்னால் _____________________ அல ந்து வந்தது.
4. ாஞ் ாலங் குறி சி ் யில் _______________________ நாலய விரை்டிடும் .
5. சமத்லத வீடு என்று குறி ்பிை ் டுவது' ____________________
6. 'பூை்டுங் கதவுகள் ' என்னும் ச ால் லல ் பிரித்து எழுதக் கிலை ் து ______________.
7. 'னதாரணனமலை' என்னும் ச ால் லல ் பிரித்து எழுதக் கிலை ் து ________________
8. வா ல் + அலங் காரம் என் தலன ் ன ர்த்சதழுதக் கிலைக்கும் ச ால்
9. காவற் ச ண்டு ________________ கால ் ச ண் ாற் புலவர்.

II. இைக்கணம் :

அ. ெரியான விலைலயத் மதர்ந்சதடுத்து எழுதுக:

1. 'னவை்லக' என்னும் ச ால் லில் ஐகாரக் குறுக்கம் ச றும் மாத்திலர அளவு
அ) அலர ஆ) ஒன்று இ) ஒன்றலர ஈ) இரண்டு
2. மகரக் குறுக்கம் இைம் ச றாத ச ால் _______________
அ) ன ான்ம் ஆ) மருண்ம் இ) ழம் விழுந்தது ஈ) ணம் கிலைத்தது
3. ச ால் லின் முதலில் மை்டுனம இைம் ச றுவது
அ) ஐகாரக் குறுக்கம் ஆ) ஔகாரக் குறுக்கம்
இ) மகரக் குறுக்கம் ஈ) ஆய் தக் குறுக்கம்

ஆ. சபாருத்துக:
1. ந்தர் - முதற் ன ாலி
2. லமஞ் சு - முற் று ்ன ாலி
3. அஞ் சு - இலை ்ன ாலி
4. அலரயர் – கலை ்ன ாலி

III. குறுவினா:
1. தம் வயிற் றுக்குத் தாய் எதலன உவலமயாகக் கூறுகிறார்?
2. ாஞ் ாலங் குறி சி
் யின்னகாை்லைகள் ற் றிக் கூறுக.
3. ாஞ் ாலங் குறி சி
் யின் இயற் லக வளம் எத்தலகயது?
4. முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவலர ் ாராை்டி ் ச ரியார் கூறியது யாது?
5. முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவரின் ன சு
் க்கு வாய் ்பூை்டு ் ை்ைத்தின் மூலம்
தலைவிதிக்க ் ைக் காரணம் யாது?
6. முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவர் ச ற் றிருந்த ல் துலற ஆற் றலல ் ற் றி எழுதுக.
7. ஒளகாரம் எ ்ச ாழுது முழுலமயாக ஒலிக்கும் ?
8. ச ால் லின் முதல் , இலை, இறுதி ஆகிய இைங் களில் ஐகாரக்குறுக்கம் ச றும்
மாத்திலர அளவு யாது?
9. மகரக்குறுக்கத்துக்கு இரண்டு எடுத்துக்காை்டுகள் தருக.
10. வழக்கு என்றால் என்ன?
11. தகுதி வழக்கின் வலககள் யாலவ?
12. வாலழ ் ழம் மிகவும் நஞ் சு விை்ைது. - இத்சதாைரில் இைம் ச ற் றுள் ள
ச ால் லலக் கண்ைறிக. அதன் ரியான ச ால் லல எழுதுக.
IV. சிறுவினா

1. னநதாஜியுைன் முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவர் சகாண்ை சதாைர்பு ற் றி எழுதுக.

2. சதாழிலாளர் நலனுக்காக முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவர் ச ய் த சதாண்டுகள் யாலவ?

3. ாஞ் ாலங் குறி சி

் யில் வீடுகள் எவ் வாறு இருக்கும் ?

4. ாஞ் ாலங் குறி சி

் யின் வீரத்துக்கு ் ான்றாகும் நிகழ் வுகள் ற் றி எழுதுக.

5. தம் மகன் குறித்துத் தாய் கூறிய ச ய் திகலளத் சதாகுத்து எழுதுக.

மகரிஷி வித்யா மந் திர் மமனிலைப் பள் ளி சென்லன-31

தமிழ் - பயிற் சித்தாள் -2 விலைக்குறிப் புகள்

வகுப் பு : ஏழு
1. நிரப் புக:
1. எங் கு
2. யாண்டு + உளன ா
3. கல் லளள
4. வாரணம்
5. முயல்
6. மாடிவீடு
7. பூட்டிய+ கதவுகள்
8. னதாரணம் +னமளட
9. வாசலலங் காரம்
10. சங் க

II. இைக்கணம் :

அ. ெரியான விலைலயத் மதர்ந்சதடுத்து எழுதுக:

1. ஆ) ஒ ் று
2. ஈ) பணம் கிளடத்தது
3. ஆ) ஔகாரக் குறுக்கம்
ஆ. சபாருத்துக:
1. பந்தர் - களடப்னபாலி

2. ளமஞ் சு - முதற் னபாலி

3. அஞ் சு - முற் றுப்னபாலி

4. அளரயர் – இளடப்னபாலி

III. குறுவினா:
1. புலி தங் கிச் சச ் ற குளகளயத் தம் வயிற் றுக்குத் தாய் உவளமயாகக்

2. பாஞ் சாலங் குறிச்சி நகரில் பல சுற் றுகளாகக் னகாட்ளடகள் இருக்கும் . அளவ

மதில் களால் சூழப்பட்டளவயாக மிகவும் வலிளமயாகக் கட்டப்பட்டிருக்கும் .

3. பாஞ் சாலங் குறிச்சியி ் இயற் ளக வளம் : பூஞ் னசாளலகளும் , சந்த மரச்

னசாளலகளும் , ஆறுகளும் , சநல் வயல் களும் , பாக்குத் னதாப்புகளும் நிளறந்து

பாஞ் சாலங் குறிச்சிக்கு அழகு னசர்க்கும் .

4. “வீரப்னபச்சால் எத்தள னயா தியாகிகளளயும் , வினவகப் னபச்சால்

எத்தள னயா அறிவாளிகளளயும் உண்டாக்கியவர். உண்ளமளய

மளறக்காமல் சவளியிடுவதில் த ித்துணிச்சல் சபற் றவர். சுத்தத் தியாகி”

எ ் று சபரியார் குறிப்பிடுவார்.
5. முத்துராமலிங் கரி ் னபச்ளசக் னகட்டு மக்கள் ஆங் கில ஆட்சிக்கு எதிராக

வீறுசகாண்டு எழுந்த ர். அத ால் அச்சமளடந்த ஆங் கில அரசு னமளடகளில்

அரசியல் னபசக்கூடாது எ வாய் ப்பூட்டுச் சட்டம் மூலம் னபச்சுக்குத் தளட

6. முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவர் தமிழ் , ஆங் கிலம் ஆகிய இருசமாழிகளிலும்

சசாற் சபாழிவு ஆற் றும் திற ் சபற் றிருந்தார். சிலம் பம் , குதிளர எற் றம் ,
துப்பாக்கி சுடுதல் , னசாதிடம் , மருத்துவம் னபா ் ற பலதுளறகளிலும் ஆற் றல்

உளடயவராக விளங் கி ார். முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவர் இளளமயினலனய

அரசியலில் ஆர்வம் சகாண்டிருந்தார்.

7. ஔ, சவௌ எ ஔகார எழுத்து த ித்து வரும் இடங் களில் த க்குரிய

இரண்டு மாத்திளர அளவில் முழுளமயாக ஒலிக்கிறது.

8. ளவயம் – சசால் லி ் முதல் ஒ ் றளர மாத்திளர

சளமயல் – சசால் லி ் இளடயில் ஒரு மாத்திளர

பறளவ – சசால் லி ் இறுதி ஒரு மாத்திளர அளவு

9. எ.கா.
வலம் வந்தா ்

10. எழுத்திலும் னபச்சிலும் சசாற் களளப் பய ் படுத்தும் முளற வழக்கு. நம்

மு ்ன ார் எந்சதந்தச் சசாற் களள எ ்ச ் சபாருளில்

பய ் படுத்தி ார்கனளா, அச்சசாற் களள அவ் வானற பய ் படுத்துவளத

வழக்கு எ ் பர்.
11. இடக்கரடக்கல்

மங் கலம்

12. நஞ் சு – எ ் பது னபாலிச் சசால் . இது முற் றுப்னபாலி ஆகும் .

ளநந்து – எ ் பது சரியா சசால் ஆகும் .
IV. சிறுவினா:

1. வங் கச் சிங் கம் எ ் று னபாற் றபட்ட னநதாஜி சுபாஷ் சந்திர னபாசுட ்
சநருங் கிய சதாடர்பு சகாண்டிருந்தார். அவளர தமது அரசியல் குருவாக

ஏற் றுக் சகாண்டார். முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவரி ் அளழப்ளப ஏற் று 1939 ஆம்

ஆண்டு சசப்டம் பர் திங் கள் ஆறாம் நாள் னநதாஜி மதுளரக்கு வருளக தந்தார்.
னநதாஜி சதாடங் கிய இந்திய னதசிய இராணுவத்தில்

முத்துராமலிங் கத்னதவரி ் முயற் சியால் ஏராளமா தமிழர்கள் இளணந்த ர்.

விடுதளலக்குப் பி ் னநதாஜி எ ் னும் சபயரில் வார இதழ் ஒ ் ளறயும்

நடத்தி ார்.
2. 1938 காலக்கட்டத்தில் மதுளரயில் 23 சதாழிலாளர் சங் கங் களி ் தளலவராகத்

னதவர் திகழ் ந்தார். மதுளரயிலிருந்து நூற் பு ஆளல ஒ ் றில் னவளலசசய் த

சதாழிலாளார்களி ் உரிளமக்காகத் னதாழர் ப.ஜீவா ந்தத்துட ் இளணந்து

1938 ஆம் ஆண்டு னபாராட்டம் நடத்தி ார். அதற் காக ஏழு திங் கள்
சிளறத்தண்டள சபற் றார். உழவர்களி ் நலனுக்காக இராஜபாளளயத்தில்

மிகப் சபரிய அளவிலா மாநாடு ஒ ் ளற நடத்தி ார். சபண்

சதாழிலாளார்களுக்கு மகப்னபறு காலத்தில் ஊதியத்துட ் கூடிய விடுப்பு

னவண்டும் எ ் று னபாராடி ார்

3. வீடுகள் னதாறும் மணிகளால் அழகு சசய் யப்பட்ட னமளடகள் இருக்கும் . வீடுகள்

எல் லாம் மதில் களால் சூழப்பட்ட மாடி வீடுகளாக இருக்கும் . வீட்டுக் கதவுகள்

மிகவும் னநர்த்தியாகவும் வீடுகள் சசல் வம் நிளறந்தளவயாகவும் இருக்கும் .

4. வீரம் மிகுந்த நாடாகிய பாஞ் சாலங் குறிச்சியில் உள் ள முயலா து த ்ள

வரும் னவட்ளட நாளய எதிர்த்து விரட்டிவிடும் . பசுவும் புலியும் நீ ர் நிளலயி ்

ஒனர துளறயில் நி ் று பால் னபா ்ற தண்ணீளரக் குடிக்கும் . ம ் ்

கட்டசபாம் ம ் சபயளரச் சசா ் ால் கறந்து ளவத்த பாளலக்கூட காகம்


5. தம் மக ் குறித்துத் தாய் கூறிய சசய் திகள் : சிறு அளவிலா எம் வீட்டி ்
தூளணப் பற் றிக்சகாண்டு, ஏதும் அறியாதவள் னபால நீ “உ ் மக ் எங் னக?”

எ எ ்ள க் னகட்கிறாய் . அவ ் எங் குள் ளா ் எ ் று எ க்குத்

சதரியவில் ளல. ஆயினும் புலி தங் கிச் சச ்ற குளகனபால அவள ப்

சபற் சறடுத்த வயிறு எ ் ிடம் உள் ளது. அவ ் இங் கில் ளல எ ில்

னபார்களத்தில் இருக்கக் கூடும் . னபாய் காண்பாயாக எ ் று கூறி ாள் .

¼I½ funsZ”kkuqlkj mRrj nhft, %&

iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fgUnh esa vFkZ fyf[k, A
1 LkoZLo &
2 Tkokuh &
3 lR; &
4 ijkt; &
5 vikfgt &
6 yM+diu &
7 mYykl &
8 txr &
9 dksey &
10 [kwu &

iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk L=hfyax “kCn fyf[k, A

1 cPpk &
2 yM+dk &
3 csVk &
4 iksrk &
5 pkpk &
6 nknk &
7 ekek &
8 ukuk &
9 cdjk &
10 ?kksM+k &

iz-3 thouh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu, A

1- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dk tUe dgk¡ gqvk Fkk \

d½ iatkCk [k½ jktLFkku x½ caxky

2- bZ”ojpan dh Lej.k ”kfDr dSlh Fkh \

d½ ean [k½ rhoz x½ [kjkCk
3- 11 o’kZ dh vk;q esa bZ”ojpan us ------------------------- dh ijh{kk ikl dj yhA
d½ O;kdj.k [k½ vyadkj x½ lkfgR;

4- fdrus o’kZ dh vk;q esa bZ”ojpan lkfgR; vkSj vyadkj dh i<+kbZ lekIr dj yh \

d½ 15 o’kZ [k½ 16 o’kZ x½ 17 o’kZ

5- bZ”ojpan dks turk us --------------------------- dh mikf/k nhA

d½ fon~;klkxj [k½ /kulkxj x½ bZ”ojlkxj

6- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dydRrs esa fdl dkWyst ds iz/kku v/;kid cusa \

d½ dyk dkWyst [k½ laLd`r dkWyst x½ foKku dkWyst

7- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dSls O;fDr Fks \

d½ “kfeZys] es/kkoh vkSj LokfHkekuh

[k½ LokfHkekuh] fuHkhZd vkSj Lora= fopkj okys

x½ fuHkhZd] ljy vkSj “kkar fopkj okys

8- foHkkx ds fujh{kd ls >xM+k gksus ds Ckkn bZ”ojpan us D;k fd;k \

d½ ukSdjh ls bLrhQk ns fn;kA

[k½ fujh{kd dks ukSdjh ls fudyok fn;kA

x½ fujh{kd dks ekQ dj fn;kA

9- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj us --------------------------------------- esa vusd iqLrdsa fy[khA

d½ caxyk vkSj vaxzth [k½ laLd`r vkSj caxyk x½ laLd`r vkSj vaxzth

10- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj ----------------------------- ds cgqr cM+s leFkZd FksA

d½ cky fookg [k½ lrh izFkk x½ fo/kok fookg

iz-4 dgkuh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu,A

1- ljnkj lqtkuflag fdl fj;klr ds nhoku Fks \

d½ nsox<+ [k½ ckjMksyh x½ bykgkckn

2- lqtkuflag vius ---------------------------------------- ds dkj.k in ls eqDr gksuk pkgrs FksA

d½ dke ds cks> [k½ cq<k+ is vkSj vleFkZrk x½ [kjkc LokLF;

3- jktk us D;k 'krZ j[kh \

d½ ;ksX; nhoku dk p;u lqtkuflag gh djsaA

[k½ ;ksX; nhoku dk p;u egkea=h gh djsAa

x½ Lkqtkuflag gh nhoku cus jgsAa

4- nhoku ds p;u ds fy, D;k t:jh Fkk \

d½ xzstq,V gksuk [k½ g`"V&iq"V gksuk x½ laLd``r tkuusokyk

5- vkosnd dks fdrus eghus rd fj;klr esa jguk Fkk \

d½ ,d eghus rd [k½ nks eghus rd x½ rhu eghus rd

6- nhoku in ds fy, vkosnu djrs gq, ------------------ vkneh nsox<+ vk igq¡psA

d½ gtkjksa [k½ lSdM+ksa x½ yk[kksa

7- ,d fnu 'kke ds oDr eSanku eas ------------------- dk [ksy py jgk FkkA

d½ gkWdh [k½ fØdsV x½ dcM~Mh

8- jkLrs esa fdldh xkM+h ukys eas Q¡l x;h Fkh \

d½ ,d cw<+s f[kykM+h dh

[k½ ,d cw<+s fdlku dh

x½ ,d jktk dh

9- fdlls cw<+s dk d"V lgk ugha x;k \

d½ lqtkuflag ls [k½ tkudhukFk ls x½ jktk ls

10- og ------------------------ gqvk cw<+s ds ikl vk;k vkSj mldh lgk;rk dhA

d½ yaxM+krk [k½ nkSM+rk x½ Hkkxrk

11- lqtkuflag us fdls fj;klr dk u;k nhoku ?kksf"kr fd;k \

d½ cw<+s fdlku dks [k½ tkudhukFk dks x½ xzstq,V vkosnd dks

12- ,d leFkZ nhoku ds fy, fdu phtksa dh t:jr gksrh gS \
d½ lkgl] vkRecy vkSj mnkjrk dh
[k½ jk"Vªh; Hkkouk dh
x½ es/kkoh vkSj lkgl dh
¼II½ fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa dk y?kq mRrj nhft, A
iz-1 Xkn~; ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa dk mRrj nhft, %&
1- ^^#i;k** ikB ds ys[kd dkSu gSa \
2- euq"; fdls thou ds yM+diu dk f[kykSuk ekurs gSa \
3- ^^#i;k** ikB ls D;k lh[k feyrh gS \

iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, A

1 xqyke &
2 eerk &
3 ojnku &
4 ijkftr &
5 vkd"kZd &

iz-3 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fHkUu&fHkUu vFkkZsa esa iz;ksx dhft,A

1- ij 2- lksuk 3- rhj

iz-4 lwpuk ds vuqlkj cnfy, A

1- eSa cgqr [kq'k gw¡A ¼^^[kq'k** ds cnys ^^[kq'kh** dk iz;ksx½
2- ;g [kcj lqudj 'ks[kj dks nq[k gqvkA ¼^^nq[k** ds cnys ^^nq[kh** dk iz;ksx½

¼III½ fuEufyf[kr xn~;ka”k ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj fyf[k, A

^^ esjh >u>ukgV esa tks vykSfdd e/kqfjek gS] og oh.kkikf.k dh oh.kk esa dgk¡ \ Hkxoku~
y{ehifr ds ik¡ptU; 'ka[k esa dgk¡ \ dksfdy&dy&dkdyh eas dgk¡ \ dkfeuh ds dksey
d.B eas dgk¡ \ eqjyh/kj dh eqjyh esa dgk¡ \ Me:okys ds Me: esa dgk¡ \ ogk¡ dgk¡ \
;gk¡ dgk¡ \ eSa lIr Lojksa ls Åij v"Ve Loj gw¡ ] ije e/kqj gw¡A eSa #i;k gw¡ **A
1- #Ik;s dh >u>ukgV eas D;k gS \
2- #Ik;k vius dks D;k dgrk gS \
3- oh.kkikf.k dh oh.kk esa D;k ughs feyrh \
4- lIr Lojksa ls Åij dkSu gS \

¼IV½ fuEufyf[kr in~;ka'k dk Hkko Li"V dhft, A

eq>s rksM ysuk ^ouekyh* ] ml iFk esa nsuk rqe Qsad]
Ekkr`Hkwfe ij “kh”k p<+kus ] ftl iFk tkosa ohj vusdA


¼I½ funsZ”kkuqlkj mRrj nhft, %&

iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fgUnh esa vFkZ fyf[k, A
1 LkoZLo & lkjk
2 Tkokuh & ;kSou
3 lR; & lPpkbZ
4 ijkt; & gkj
5 vikfgt & vaxghu
6 yM+diu & ckyiu
7 mYykl & g"kZ
8 txr & lalkj
9 dksey & eqyk;e
10 [kwu & jDr
iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk L=hfyax “kCn fyf[k, A
1 cPpk & cPph
2 yM+dk & yM+dh
3 csVk & csVh
4 iksrk & iksrh
5 pkpk & pkph
6 nknk & nknh
7 ekek & ekeh
8 ukuk & ukuh
9 cdjk & cdjh
10 ?kksM+k & ?kksM+h
iz-3 thouh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu, A
1- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dk tUe dgk¡ gqvk Fkk \
x½ caxky
2- bZ”ojpan dh Lej.k ”kfDr dSlh Fkh \
[k½ rhoz
3- 11 o’kZ dh vk;q esa bZ”ojpan us ------------------------- dh ijh{kk ikl dj yhA
d½ O;kdj.k
4- fdrus o’kZ dh vk;q esa bZ”ojpan lkfgR; vkSj vyadkj dh i<+kbZ lekIr dj yh \
[k½ 16 o’kZ
5- bZ”ojpan dks turk us --------------------------- dh mikf/k nhA
d½ fon~;klkxj
6- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dydRrs esa fdl dkWyst ds iz/kku v/;kid cusa \
[k½ laLd`r dkWyst
7- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj dSls O;fDr Fks \
[k½ LokfHkekuh] fuHkhZd vkSj Lora= fopkj okys
8- foHkkx ds fujh{kd ls >xM+k gksus ds Ckkn bZ”ojpan us D;k fd;k \
d½ ukSdjh ls bLrhQk ns fn;kA
9- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj us --------------------------------------- esa vusd iqLrdsa fy[khA
[k½ laLd`r vkSj caxyk
10- bZ”ojpanz fon~;klkxj ----------------------------- ds cgqr cM+s leFkZd FksA
x½ fo/kok fookg

iz-4 dgkuh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu,A

1- ljnkj lqtkuflag fdl fj;klr ds nhoku Fks \
d½ nsox<+
2- lqtkuflag vius ---------------------------------------- ds dkj.k in ls eqDr gksuk pkgrs FksA
[k½ cq<+kis vkSj vleFkZrk
3- jktk us D;k 'krZ j[kh \
d½ ;ksX; nhoku dk p;u lqtkuflag gh djsaA
4- nhoku ds p;u ds fy, D;k t:jh Fkk \
[k½ g`"V&iq"V gksuk
5- vkosnd dks fdrus eghus rd fj;klr esa jguk Fkk \
d½ ,d eghus rd
6- nhoku in ds fy, vkosnu djrs gq, ------------------ vkneh nsox<+ vk igq¡psA
[k½ lSdM+ksa
7- ,d fnu 'kke ds oDr eSanku eas ------------------- dk [ksy py jgk FkkA
d½ gkWdh
8- jkLrs esa fdldh xkM+h ukys eas Q¡l x;h Fkh \
[k½ ,d cw<+s fdlku dh
9- fdlls cw<+s dk d"V lgk ugha x;k \
[k½ tkudhukFk ls
10- og ------------------------ gqvk cw<+s ds ikl vk;k vkSj mldh lgk;rk dhA
d½ yaxM+krk
11- lqtkuflag us fdls fj;klr dk u;k nhoku ?kksf"kr fd;k \
[k½ tkudhukFk dks
12- ,d leFkZ nhoku ds fy, fdu phtksa dh t:jr gksrh gS \
d½ lkgl] vkRecy vkSj mnkjrk dh

¼II½ fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa dk y?kq mRrj nhft, A

iz-1 Xkn~; ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa dk mRrj nhft, %&
1- ^^#i;k** ikB ds ys[kd dkSu gSa \
m- #i;k ikB ds ys[kd Jh ikaMs; cspu 'kekZ ^^mxz* gSaA
2- euq"; fdls thou ds yM+diu dk f[kykSuk ekurs gSa \
m- #i;s dks euq"; thou ds yM+diu dk f[kykSuk ekurs gSaA
3- ^^#i;k** ikB ls D;k lh[k feyrh gS \
m- #i;k ikB ls ;gh lh[k feyrh gS fd bl lalkj esa O;fDr bZ'oj ls c<+dj #i;s dks gh
loZ'kfDreku ekurk gSaA

iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, A

1 xqyke & Lora=rk ds igys ge vaxzstksa ds xqyke FksA
2 eerk & Ekkrk dh eerk vrqyuh; gSA
3 ojnku & vk¡[ksa bZ'oj dk ojnku gSaA
4 ijkftr & vfgalk ds lkeus fgalk ijkftr gksrh gSA
5 vkd"kZd & eksj ds ia[k cgqr vkd"kZd gksrs gSaA

iz-3 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fHkUu&fHkUu vFkkZsa esa iz;ksx dhft,A

1- ij est+ ij fdrkc gSA
jke [kwc i<+rk gS] ij ijh{kk esa Qsy gks tkrk gSA
2- lksuk lksuk ,d pedhyh /kkrq gSA
fnu esa lksuk cqjk gSA
3- rhj unh ds rhj ij ,d lqanj eafnj gSA
vtqZu rhj pykus esa fuiq.k gSA
iz-4 lwpuk ds vuqlkj cnfy, A
1- eSa cgqr [kq'k gw¡A ¼^^[kq'k** ds cnys ^^[kq'kh** dk iz;ksx½
eq>s cgqr [kq'kh gSA
2- ;g [kcj lqudj 'ks[kj dks nq[k gqvkA ¼^^nq[k** ds cnys ^^nq[kh** dk iz;ksx½
;g [kcj lqudj 'ks[kj nq[kh gqvkA

¼III½ fuEufyf[kr xn~;ka”k ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj fyf[k, A

1- #Ik;s dh >u>ukgV eas D;k gS \
m- #Ik;s dh >u>ukgV esa vykSfdd e/kqfjek gSA
2- #Ik;k vius dks D;k dgrk gS \
m- #Ik;k vius dks v"Ve Loj dgrk gSA
3- oh.kkikf.k dh oh.kk esa D;k ughs feyrh \
m- oh.kkikf.k dh oh.kk esa vykSfdd e/kqfjek ughs feyrhA
4- lIr Lojksa ls Åij dkSu gS \
m- lIr Lojksa ls Åij v"Ve Loj gSA

¼IV½ fuEufyf[kr in~;ka'k dk Hkko Li"V dhft, A

eq>s rksM ysuk ^ouekyh*] ml iFk esa nsuk rqe Qsad]
Ekkr`Hkwfe ij “kh”k p<+kus ] ftl iFk tkosa ohj vusdA

dfo ifjp; %& bl dfork ds jpf;rk ek[kuyky prqosZnh gSA budk miuke ‘,d
Hkkjrh; vkRek’ gSA budk tUe lu~ 1888 esa e/;izns”k ds [kaMok esa gqvkA ;s jk"Vªh;
vkanksyuksa esa ”kfey gksdj vusd ckj tsy Hkh x,A ‘fge & rjafxuh] ‘fge fdjhVhuh’,
‘ekrk’ vkfn budh izeq[k jpuk,¡ gSA dfo ,d iq"Ik ds ek/;e ls ns”kHkfDr Hkkouk dks
izdV djrs gSaA ;s 1968 esa LoxZ fl/kkjsA ;g i|ka”k ek[kuyky prqosZnh dh fy[kh gqbZ
dfork ‘pkg’ ls fn;k x;k gSA

Hkko %& jk"Vª & izse ls Hkjiwj iq"Ik ouekyh ls dgrk gS fd esjh ,dek= pkg ;g gS fd
jk"Vª dh j{kk ds fy, vius izk.kksa dh cfy p<+kuokys ohjksa ds iSjksa dh lst cuw¡A blfy,
eq>s rksM+dj muds tkus ds ekxZ esa Qad
s nksA


Á-1-funsZ'kkuqlkj mRrj nhft, %&

v-vaxzst+h esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&
1-irywu- _______ 2-lkcqu- _______ 3-beyh- _______
4-crZu- _______ 5-eaft+y- _______
vk-foykse “kCn fyf[k, %&
1-tYnh x _______ 2-m/kj x _______
3-ihNs x _______ 4-fcduk x _______
b-okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, %&
1-ued & _____________________________
2-drkj & _____________________________
3-vyx&vyx & _____________________________
4-crZu & _____________________________
5-fcduk & _____________________________
bZ-[kkyh txgsa Hkfj, %&
1-ckt+kj ;gk¡ ls ------------------------nwj ij gSA
2-ge igys-----------------------dh nwdkusa ns[ksx
a sA
3----------------------------dh nwdkusa vyx gSA
Á-2-Á'uksa ds mRrj rhu&rhu okD;ksa esa fyf[k,%&
1-u;s ckt+kj esa dgk¡& dgk¡ vkSj dkSu&dkSu lh nwdkus gSa\
2-diM++s dh nwdkuksa esa D;k&D;k pht+as feyrh gSa\
Á-3 okD;ksa dk vuqokn %&
v-okD;ksa dk vuqokn vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&
1-osyw ?kj tkrk gSA _____________________________
2-og yM+dk fganh i<+rk gSA _____________________________
3-rqe D;k djrs gks\ _____________________________
4-lhrk xkuk xkrh gSA _____________________________
5-ehuk diM+k lhrh gSA _____________________________
6-eSa ikB”kkyk tkrk gw¡A _____________________________
7-rqe D;k fy[krss gks\ _____________________________
8-yM+ds eSanku esa [ksyrs gSaA _____________________________
9-tM+fd;k¡ xkuk lh[krh gSaA _____________________________
10-ge dgkuh lqurs gSaA _____________________________
vk-okD;ksa dk vuqokn fganh esa fyf[k, %&
1.He writes a lesson _____________________________
2.Whee does he go? _____________________________
3.What do you eat? _____________________________
4.Where do you work? _____________________________
5.The farmers works in the field. _____________________________
6.I get up 5 O’ clock in the morning. _____________________________
7.That lady sells fruits. _____________________________
8.We buy fruits. _____________________________
9.They write on paper. _____________________________
10.The horse runs fast. _____________________________
Á-4-dgkuh dk lkjka”k fyf[k, %&
U;k; gks rks ,slk


Á-5- i|ka”k dk HkkokFkZ vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&

tgk¡ dgha Hkh /kwi lrkrh
mlds uhps >V lqLrkrs]
tgk¡ dgha o’kkZ gks tkrh
mlds uhps ge fNi tkrsA


Á-1-funsZ'kkuqlkj mRrj nhft, %&

v-vaxzst+h esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&
1-irywu& pant 2-lkcqu& soap 3-beyh& tamarind
4-crZu& vessel 5-eaft+y& floor
vk-foykse “kCn fyf[k, %&
1-tYnh x /khjs&/khjs 2-m/kj x b/kj 3-ihNs x vkxs 4-fcduk x [kjhnuk
b-okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, %&
1-ued & ued dk jax lQsn gSA
2-drkj & ckt+kj esa yach drkj gSA
3-vyx&vyx & vyx&vyx pht+ ds fy, vyx&vyx nwdku gSaA
4-crZu &crZu dh nwdku ogk¡ gSaA
5-fcduk & ;gk¡ dbZ izdkj dh lkfM+;k¡ fcdrh gSaA
bZ-[kkyh txgsa Hkfj, %&
1-ckt+kj ;gk¡ ls ------------------------nwj ij gSA fdruh
2-ge igys-----------------------dh nwdkusa ns[ksx a sA fdjkus
3----------------------------dh nwdkusa vyx gSA pkoy
Á-2-Á'uksa ds mRrj rhu&rhu okD;ksa esa fyf[k,%&
1-u;s ckt+kj esa dgk¡& dgk¡ vkSj dkSu&dkSu lh nwdkus gSa\
u;s ckt+kj esa fdjkus dh nwdkus]a pkoy dh nwdkusa gSAa lkeus dh drkj esa
lCth dh nwdkusa gSaA ihNs dh drkj esa lkcqu] diM+s+ dh nwdkusa Hkh gSaA
2-diM++s dh nwdkuksa esa D;k&D;k pht+as feyrh gSa\
diM++s dh nwdkuksa esa dbZ rjg dh lyokj deht+ vkSj irywu ds diM+s dbZ
izdkj dh lkfM+;k¡ feyrh gSAa
Á-3 okD;ksa dk vuqokn %&
v-okD;ksa dk vuqokn vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&
1-osyw ?kj tkrk gSA Velu goes to the house.
2-og yM+dk fganh i<+rk gSA This boy studies Hindi.
3-rqe D;k djrs gks\ What do you do ?
4-lhrk xkuk xkrh gSA Sits songs the song.
5-ehuk diM+k lhrh gSA Meena stitches the clothes.
6-eSa ikB”kkyk tkrk gw¡A I go to school.
7-rqe D;k fy[krss gks\ What do you write?
8-yM+ds eSanku esa [ksyrs gSaA Boys plays in the play ground.
9-tM+fd;k¡ xkuk lh[krh gSaA Girls learn singing.
10-ge dgkuh lqurs gSaA We listen the story.
vk-okD;ksa dk vuqokn fganh esa fyf[k, %&
1.He writes a lesson og ikB fy[krk gSA
2.Whee does he go? og dgk¡ tkrk gS\
3.What do you eat? rqe D;k [kkrs gks\
4.Where do you work? vki dgk¡ dke djrs gSaA
5.The farmers works in the field. fdlku [ksr esa dke djrs gSaA
6.I get up 5 O’ clock in the morning. eSa lcsjs ik¡p cts mBrk gw¡A
7.That lady sells fruits. Okg vkSjr Qy csprh gSA
8.We buy fruits. ge Qy [kjhnrs gSaA
9.They write on paper. Oks dkxt+ ij fy[krs gSaA
10.The horse runs fast. ?kksM+k rst+ nkSM+rk gSaA
Á-4-dgkuh dk lkjka”k fyf[k, %&
U;k; gks rks ,slk
,d “kgj esa ,d ykyph cfu;k jgrk FkkA mldk ,d dqvk¡ FkkA mlus og
dqvk¡ lh/kk&lknk vkneh ukjk;.k dks csp fn;kA tc ukjk;.k ml dq,¡ ls ikuh
Hkjus ds fy, x;k rks cfu;s us dgk fd bl dq,¡ ls ikuh ugha Hkj ldrs vkSj
mlus ;g Hkh dgk fd rqe dsoy dq,¡ dk ekfyd gks ij dq,¡ ds ikuh dk ekfyd
[kqn eSa gw¡A vxj ikuh ysuk rks ,d ckYVh ds lkS #i;s nsuk gSA
ukjk;.k nq[kh gqvk vkSj jktk ds ikl tkdj U;k; ek¡xus yxkA jktk us
cfu;s dh pkykdh le> x;kA vkSj cfu;s ls dgk fd ukjk;.k ds dq,¡ esa mlus
viuk ikuh D;ksa j[kkA ikuh dh ,d cw¡n Hkh ml dq,¡ esa jgrs rd izfrfnu
fdjk;s ds :Ik esa gt+kj #i;s ukjk;.k dks nsuk gSA jktk dk QSlyk lqudj
cfu;k gDdk&cDdk jg x;k vkSj jktk ls ekQh ek¡xus yxkA
lh[k % U;k; ges”kk usdh gksuk pkfg,A
Á-5- i|ka”k dk HkkokFkZ vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&
tgk¡ dgha Hkh /kwi lrkrh
mlds uhps >V lqLrkrs]
tgk¡ dgha o’kkZ gks tkrh
mlds uhps ge fNi tkrsA
Context:- These Lines are taken from the poem “dYiuk ”A
Meaning:- In this poem, the poet imagines that if the trees can move how nice it
would be. In the above lines, Poet tells if the trees can move, one can take rest
immediately, wherever there is hot sun. When there is rain we can immediately
take shelter under the tree.

पाठः – वतीयः पाठः शत ृ ययः – पुि ल गः

एकवचनम ् ववचनम ् बहुवचनम ्
1. करो त कु तः कुवि त
शत ृ : कुवन ् कुव तौ कुव तः
2. शण
ृ ोत शण
ृ ुतः श ृ वि त
शत ृ :श ृ वन ् श ृ व तौ श ृ व तः
III. Fill in the blanks :
उदाहरणम ् – नतकाः गीतम ् --------------(शृ वि त) न ततव तः ।
नतकाः गीतम ् श ृ व तः न ततव तः ।
1.छा+ाः --------------( दि त) पाठं -ल/खतव तः । द तः
2.भ2ताः जपं --------------(कुवि त) आन दम ् अनभ
ु वि त । कुव तः
3.अचकाः तीथ7 --------------(दद त) उप व8टव तः सि त । ददतः
4.-श;काः पु<तका न --------------(=>णि त) शालाम ् आगतव तः । =>ण तः
5. व या?थनः -श;केAयः --------------(BबAय त) गहृ पाठं समा पतव तः । BबAयतः
6.अ-भमा ननः प;<य Cवजं आपणेषु --------------(बEनि त) अFे गतव तः । बEन तः
IV. Fill in the blanks :
उदाहरणम ् : सुFीवः दन ् राम<य साहाGयं प8ृ टवान ् ।
1.सः कायम ् कतु7 ---------------- अ प तू8णीं ि<थतवान ् । श2नव
ु न्
2.शIकरः Jादे -शकभाषां ---------------- अ प <वमातभ
ृ ाषया एव उKतLरतवान ् । जानन ्
3.सवMशः नत
ू नान ् अनभ
ु वान ् ---------------- कायNे याम ् अFे गतवान ् । JाOनव
ु न्
4.पIगुः द डं ---------------- मागM चल त । गQृ णन ्
5.नतकः पादयोः RकIगणीं ---------------- शीSं धा वतवान ् । बCनन ्
6.द8ु टात ् ---------------- कमकरः कायM दोषं कृतवान ् । BबAयत ्
सुभा षतम ्
1.दानं भोगो नाशि<तUो गतयो वKत<य ।
यो न ददा त न भुI2ते त<य तत
ृ ीया ग तभव त ॥
There are three ways of spending money. Charity, enjoyment, and loss. A person who
neither gives charity nor enjoys will lose his money.
2.Wयसनान तरं सौXयं <वYपमOय?धकं भवेत ् ।
काषायरसमासा य <वा वतीवाZबु व दते ॥
After going through miseries even a small joy seems big. After tasting astringent flavour (of
medicines, gooseberry etc. ) water tastes very sweet indeed.

म ालोचनम ्
पयाय पदा न & Meanings :
1.भीतः – भी तः – Fear 2.करणीयः – कतWयः – Should be done
3.Wया?धः – रोगः – Disease 4.श+ःु – Lरपुः – Enemy
5.यु2तम ् – उ?चतम ् – Right
2.Answer the following :
1.यु?धि8ठरः Rकम ् कतम
ु ् सIकिYपतवान ् आसीत ् ?
य?ु धि8ठरः राजसूययागम ् कतम
ु ् सIकिYपतवान ् आसीत ् ।
2.धमराज<य भीतः का ? याग<य मCये वEनो भव त इ त धमराजः भीतः आसीत ् ।
3.म +ालोचनाथम ् कौ आगतौ ? म +ालोचनाथम ् उ]वः बलराम^च आगतौ ।
4.दे वे _ः Rकम ् सू?चतवान ् ? द8ु ट<य -शशुपाल<य वधः करणीयः इ त सू?चतवान ् ।
5.कौ न उपे;णीयौ ? Wया?धः वधमानः श+ःु च नोपे;णीयौ ।
सि धः – अनु वारसि धः
Join the words :
1.सवम ् + न8टम ् = सव7 न8टम ् 2.अहम ् + तम ् = अहं तम ्
3.आपणम ् + गKवा = आपणं गKवा 4.तम ् + b8cवा = तं b8cवा
5.एवम ् + कृKवा = एवं कृKवा 6.Jवचनम ् + Nोतुम ् = Jवचनं Nोतुम ्
7.सभाम ् + गdछन ् = सभां गdछन ् 8.पB+काम ् + पठ = पB+कां पठ
9.Rकम ् + वद-स = Rकं वद-स 10.छ+म ् + दे eह = छ+ं दे eह
Disjoin the sandhi :
1.वादं Kयज = वादम ् + Kयज 2.सेवां कु = सेवाम ् + कु
3.दfपं gवालय = दfपम ् + gवालय 4.Fामं गdछ = Fामम ् + गdछ
5.तं सूचय = तम ् + सूचय 6.वनं गKवा = वनम ् + गKवा
7.सOतमं वा2यम ् = सOतमम ् + वा2यम ् 8.रामं नम = रामम ् + नम
9.सं<कृतं Nे8ठम ् = सं<कृतम ् + Nे8ठम ् 10.क8टं नाि<त = क8टम ् + नाि<त
ज# वसि धः
Join sandhi :
1.eदक् +अZबरः = eदगZबरः 2.तत ्+एव = तदे व
3.?धक् +धनम ् = ?धhधनम ् 4.Jावcृ +जलम ् = Jावiृ जलम ्
5.Uक् +इयम ् = U?गयम ् 6.अच ्+वणः = अgवणः
7.अप ्+जातम ् = अjजातम ् 8.सkाc+अि<त = सkाडि<त
9.वदे त ्+इ त = वदे eद त 10.षc+अ?धकम ् = षड?धकम ्
DisJoin sandhi :
1.बहृ गा+ः = बहृ त ्+गा+ः 2.धीम वरः = धीमत ्+वरः
3.वाhबाणः = वाक् +बाणः 4.वागीशः=वाक् +ईशः
5.महदि<त = महत ्+अि<त 6.षiवादने = षc+वादने
7.मधु-लiडयते = मधु-लc+iयते 8.सुब तम ् = सुप ्+अ तम ्
9.उ गdछ त = उत ्+गdछ त 10.अबादfनाम ् = अप ्+आदfनाम ्
ृ ीयः पाठः

शत(ृ पंु)- वतीया वभि2त अ&यासाः

धातु एकवचनम ् ववचनम ् बहुवचनम ्
पm पठ तम ् पठ तौ पठ तः
-लख ् -लख तम ् -लख तौ -लख तः
i. Convert the sentences into वतीया वभि2त - एकवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – =>डन ् छा+ः – =>ड तं छा+म ् ।
1. दन ् -शशुः - द तं -शशुः 2.पचन ् सुरे _ः - पच तः सुरे _ः
3.खादन ् जनकः - खाद तः जनकः 4.धावन ् अFजः - धाव तः अFजः
5. पबन ् पतWृ यः - पब तः पतWृ यः 6.<खलन ् नरे _ः - <खल तः नरे _ः
7.आरोहन ् -श;कः - आरोह तः -श;कः 8.चोरयन ् गोपालकः - चोरय तः गोपालकः
9.उिKत8ठन ् Jभाकरः - उिKत8ठ तः Jभाकरः 10.?च तयन ् आचायः - ?च तय तः आचायः
ii. Convert the sentences into वतीया वभि2त – बहुवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – =>ड तं छा+म ् – =>डतः छा+ान ् ।
1.गाय तम ् गायकम ् - गायतः गायकान ् 2.<मर तम ् ना वकम ् - <मरतः ना वकान ्
3.पdृ छ तम ् -श;कम ् - पdृ छतः -श;कान ् 4.सूचय तम ् नायकम ् - सच
ू यतः नायकान ्
5.;ालय तम ् रजकम ् - ;ालयतः रजकान ् 6.प^य तम ् वी;कम ् - प^यतः वी;कान ्
7.अनुसर तम ् पु+म ् - अनुसरतः पु+ान ् 8.पठ तम ् चालकम ् - पठतः चालकान ्

iii. Write the sentences वतीया वभि2त :

पठन ् पु+ः आहूतवान ् ।
-लखन ् छा+ः <मत
ृ वान ् ।
दन ् -शशःु उ नीतवान ् ।
गणेशः <खलन ् व]
ृ ः गह
ृ fतवान ् ।
गायन ् <नेeहतः ^ला घतवान ् ।
हसन ् जनकः b8टवान ् ।
?च तयन ् अनज
ु ः प8ृ टवान ् ।

1.गणेशः पठन ् पु+ः आहूतवान ् । - गणेशः पठ तं पु+ं आहूतवान ् ।

2.गणेशः -लखन ् छा+ः <मत
ृ वान ् । - गणेशः -लख तं छा+ं <मत
ृ वान ् ।
3.गणेशः दन ् -शशुः उ नीतवान ् । - गणेशः द तं -शशुं उ नीतवान ् ।
4.गणेशः <खलन ् व]
ृ ः गह
ृ fतवान ् । - गणेशः <खल तं व]
ृ ं गह
ृ fतवान ् ।
5.गणेशः गायन ् <नेeहतः ^ला घतवान ् । - गणेशः गाय तं <नेeहतं ^ला घतवान ् ।
6.गणेशः हसन ् जनकः b8टवान ् । - गणेशः हस तं जनकं b8टवान ् ।
7.गणेशः ?च तयन ् अनज
ु ः प8ृ टवान ् । - गणेशः ?च तय तं अनज
ु ं प8ृ टवान ् ।
iv. Convert the sentences into बहुवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – भवान ् जप तं भ2तम ् मा पीडयतु ।
भवान ् जपतः भ2तान ् मा पीडयतु ।
1.महे शः धाव तं बालकं <प8ृ टवान ् । - महे शः धावतः बालकान ् <प8ृ टवान ् ।
2.माता ;ीरं पब तं बालं b8टवती । - माता ;ीरं पबतः बालान ् b8टवती ।
3.स मागM गdछ तं सgजनं जनाः ^लाघ ते । - स मागM गdछतः सgजनान ् जनाः ^लाघ ते ।
4.गाय तं गायकं नतकः आहूतवान ् । - गायतः गायकान ् नतकः आहूतवान ् ।
5.भ2Kया नम तं साधकं दे वी उKथा पतवती । - भ2Kया नमतः साधकान ् दे वी उKथा पतवती ।
6.दरू दशनं प^य तं पु+ं जनकः तिजतवान ् । - दरू दशनं प^यतः पु+ान ् जनकः तिजतवान ् ।
सुभा षतम ्
१. शा<+ा यधीKया प भवि त मूखाः य<तु R=यावान ् पु षः स व वान ् ।
सु?चि ततम ् चौषधमातरु ाणां न नाममा+ेण करोKयरोगम ् ॥
A person though well versed in the various branches of study is still a fool, when he does
not put it into practice. He who practices what he preaches, is a genuine scholar. A mere
mention of a good drug will not cure an ailing person. Only when it is taken will he be cured.

२. आयKयां गण
ु दोषrः तदाKवे s;J न^चयः ।
अतीते कायशेषrो वपदा ना-भभूयते ॥
A person who knows the good and evil consequences of a task to be done and can take a
quick decision on an urgent matter and knows what is still remaining of a task done, will never
face any difficulty.

का(यकथा – इ + थ याणम ्
i.पयाय पदा न :
1.उ?चतम ् – उKतमम ् 2.केवलम ् – मा+म ् 3.अपराधम ् – द8ु कम 4.Cव नः – शjदः
5. Kवरा – वेगम ् 6.अZबा – माता 7.हननम ् – वधम ् 8.या+ा – Jयाणम ्

ii.Meanings :
1.जै+या+ा - Conquest 2.साधयाम – Achieve 3.Kवरा - Haste 4.मूषकम ् - Mouse
5.खनन-मव – Like digging 6.म8ृ या-म - I shall forgive 7.हननम ् - killing 8.आरjधवान ् - Began

3.Answer the following :

1.बलरामः Nीकृ8णं Rकम ् उ2तवान ् ? – बलरामः ”जै+या+ां करोत”ु इ त Nीकृ8णं Rकम ् उ2तवान ् ।
2.कु+ यु]ावकाशः भ व8य त इ त उ]वः उ2तवान ् ? –
यागे एव य]
ु ावकाशः भ व8य त इ त उ]वः उ2तवान ् ।
3.Nीकृ8णः Rकम ् J तrावाचनं दKतवान ् आसीत ् ? –
“-शशुपाल<य शतम ् अपराधान ् म8ृ या-म” इ त Nीकृ8णः J तrावाचनं दKतवान ् आसीत ् ।
4.Nीकृ8णः केन स त8ु टः जातः ? - Nीकृ8णः उ]व<य वचनेन स त8ु टः जातः ।
5.Nीकृ8णः Rकम ् कतु7 नि^चतवान ् ? - Nीकृ8णः यrया+ां कतु7 नि^चतवान ् ।
सि धः
परसवण-सि धः
i. Split the sandhis :
1.गIगा – गं+गा 2.अwचलम ् – अं+चलम ् 3.अ डम ् – अं+डम ् 4.स तः – सं+तः 5.कZपः – कं+पः
6.पुwचः – पुं + चः 7.क टकम ् – कं+टकम ् 8.अ धः – अं+धः 9.ब धः – बं+धः 10.शIकः – शं+कः
ii. join the following :
1.अं+बा = अZबा 2.सं+?धः = सि धः 3.अं+कः = अIकः 4.चं+पूः = चZपूः 5.भां+डारम ् = भा डारम ्
6.शुं+ठx = शु ठx 7.शं+का = शIका 8.अं+ Sः = अI Sः 9.पं+ि2तः = पIि2तः 10.चं+डः = च डः

iii. Write the two forms of the sandhis :

उदाहरणम ् : Kवं+करो ष = KवIकरो ष / Kवं करो ष
1.धम7+चर = धमwचर / धम7 चर 2.शं+करः = शIकरः / शं करः
3.सं+ब धः = सZब धः / सं ब धः 4.सं+चयः = सwचयः / सं चयः
5.सं+पिKतः = सZपिKतः / सं पिKतः 6.सं+घः = सIघः / सं घः
7.तं+टIकारम ् = त टIकारम ् / तं टIकारम ्
च व-सि धः
i. Split the sandhis :
1.षcसOत तः = षc+सOत तः 2.ऋिKव2Jमुखः = ऋिKवक् +Jमख
ु ः
3.मधु-लc पब त = मधु-लc+ पब त 4.व/ण2Jधानः = व/णक् +Jधानः
5.सकृKJ तrः = सकृत ्+J तrः 6.पतKपणम ् = पतत ्+पणम ्
7.पLर{ाcसङः = पLर{ाc+सङः

ii. join the following :

उदाहरणम ् : आरभ ्+<यते = आरO<यते (भ ्+<य=O<य)
1.भूभ ृ +प तः = भूभKृ प तः ( +प=Kप) 2.त +पा^वम ् = तKपा^वम ् ( +पा=Kपा)
3.उ +कणः = उKकणः ( +क=Kक) 4.शर +कालः = शरKकालः ( +का=Kका)
5.षi+कमा/ण = षcकमा/ण (i+क=cक) 6.<वप +प+
ु ः = <वपKपु+ः ( +पु=Kपु)
7.रट +काकः = रटKकाकः( +का=Kका)
1. Multiply: 3 x
2. Find the value for each of the following:
a. of 18
b. of 105

3. Find the sum of the shaded regions:

+ + + =
1 1
4. There are 48 balls in a bag. of them are red in colour. of them are blue in
3 4
colour. of them are green in colour and the remaining are white in colour. Find
the number of balls of each colour.

1 1
5. The cost of 1 litre of juice is ₹ 55 2 . Find the cost of 22 litres of juice.

1 1 1 1
6. Find which is greater: of 75 or of 72
2 4
7. Find: 15÷ 4
8. Find the reciprocal of 8 .
9. A car covers 20 km using 1 L of petrol. Find the distance it can cover using 55 of

10. Assertion: Appu ate 3/5 of an orange. The remaining orange was eaten by
Meenu. Then 2/5 part of the orange was eaten by Meenu.
Reason: 1-3/5= 2/5.
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
for Assertion
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct
explanation for Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but the reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false.

11. Represent the following rational numbers on a number line.

3 −5
a) b)
4 8
12. Express in the Standard form:
−2 −8
13. Are and equivalent rational numbers?
3 12
−3 −1
14. Compare and
4 2

15. Arrange the following rational numbers in ascending order:

−13 6 7 −9 3
, , , ,
20 15 12 10 5
−5 −3
16. Find 5 rational numbers between and
7 8
3 −7 11
17. Add: , and
8 12 18
3 −4
18. Subtract: from
7 9
1 5 −1
19. Simplify: + +
8 12 9
1 5
20. Simplify: 2 +1
5 11
7 −3
21. Divide: − ÷
8 6

22. Assertion: Every integer is a rational number.

Reason: An integer is a number with no decimal or fractional part, from the set
of negative and positive numbers, including zero.

a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
for Assertion

b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct
explanation for Assertion.

c) assertion is true but the reason is false.

d) both assertion and reason are false.

23. Fill in the blanks:

(i) A rational number is said to be in the lowest form if p and q have no __________.
(ii) The rational number lies to the _________ side of zero on the number line.
(iii) If is a rational number, then q can't be ___________.

(iv) Two rational numbers are equal if they have the same __________ form.
(v) A rational number is negative if p & q are of __________ sign.

(vi) If the product of two non-zero rational number is 1, then they are
______________ of each other.
(vii) Additive inverse of is ______.

(viii) The reciprocal of ______ does not exist.

1. 1
2. a) 6 b) 35

3. 1
4. Red in colour = 16 balls
Blue on colour = 12 balls
Green in colour = 8 balls
White in colour = 12 balls

5. ₹ 138 4

1 1
6. 2 of 75

7. 20
8. 35
9. Distance covered by car using 55 L petrol = 104 km

10. a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
for Assertion.


−2 −8
13. =
3 12
−3 −1
14. <
4 2
−9 −13 6 7 3
15. < < < <
10 20 15 12 5

16. any 5 between them

16 1
20. (or) 35
21. 1 4

22. b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct
explanation for Assertion.
23. (i) common factor
(ii) right
(iii) 0
(iv) opposite
(v) reciprocal
(vi) infinite
(vii) 3
(viii) Zero
ACADEMIC YEAR 2023- 2024
1. Rahul wants to know what would happen if the temperature of 2 objects is
a. Heat transfer will occur between 2 objects
b. Heat transfer will not occur
c. Sometimes heat transfer occurs and sometimes it wont
d. Since 2 objects have the same temperature no net energy transfer will occur
2. What is the use of kink in a thermometer?
a. It prevents mercury level from falling on its own
b. It raises the mercury level
c. It makes the thermometer look beautiful
d. It acts as a joint to the glass tube that is used for mercury and the scale.
3. The process by which heat flows from the hotter end to the colder end of an object
is called
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Radiation d. Vaporization
4. In case of the cool air moves from the land towards the sea.
a. Land breeze b. Sea breeze c. Ice breeze d. sand breeze
5. Which of the following is an insulator?
a. Graphite b. Air c. Aluminium rod d. Copper rod
6. Stainless steel pans are usually provided with copper bottom. The reason for this
would be that
a. Copper bottom makes the pan more durable
b. Such pans appear colourful
c. Copper is easier to clean the stainless steel
d. Copper is a better conductor of heat than stainless steel.
7. Light coloured clothes are preferred during
a. Winter b. Summer c. Rainy d. Spring
8. One litre of water at 300C is mixed with one litre of water at 50oC. The temperature
of mixture will be
a. 80oC b. More than 50oC but less than 80oC c. 20oC d. Between 300C & 50oC
9. The flow of heat by conduction is generally
a. Solids b. Liquids c. Gases d. All of these
10. The correct method of reading a clinical thermometer is
a. Holding the thermometer by bulb
b. Before using the mercury level should be below 39oC
c. Don’t hold the thermometer by bulb d) Shake the thermometer well.
1. Heat travels through solids through .
2. The in a clinical thermometer prevents backflow of the mercury into the
3. When a fluid is heated it .
4. Dark colours are good of heat.
1. The heat of an object is the degree of its hotness or coldness.
2. The breeze blowing from the land towards the sea is called sea breeze.
3. The invisible heat rays which transfer heat by radiation are called UV rays.

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

1. Assertion- the thermometer which measures our body temperature is called clinical

Reason- thermometer is short broad uniform glass tube.

2. Assertion- the normal temperature of human body is 25 degree Celsius.

Reason- the reason is because room temperature is 37 degree Celsius.
3. Assertion- the aluminium, iron and copper are bad conductor of heat.
Reason- the material through which heat is passed known as good conductors of
1. In a mercury thermometer, the level of mercury rises when its bulb comes in
contact with a hot object. What is the reason for this rise in the level of mercury?
2. A laboratory thermometer A is kept 7 cm away on the side of the flame while a
similar thermometer B is kept 7 cm above the flame of a candle as shown in
figure. Which of the thermometers A or Swill show a greater rise in temperature?
1. What important role is played by convection currents in nature and in our life?
2. The handle of a pressure cooker is covered with the thick plastic. Explain why.
1. How does a thermos flask minimize heat loss?
2. Explain with an activity to study the amount of heat absorbed or emitted by a body
due to radiation.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023- 2024
1. d. Since 2 objects have the same temperature no net energy transfer will
2. a. It prevents mercury level from falling on its own
3. a. Conduction
4. a. Land breeze
5. b. Air
6. d. Copper is a better conductor of heat than stainless steel.
7. b. Summer
8. d. Between 300C & 50oC
9. a. Solids
10. c. Don’t hold the thermometer by bulb
1. Conduction
2. Kink
3. Expands
4. absorbers
1. The temperature of an object is the degree of its hotness or coldness.
2. The breeze blowing from the land towards the sea is called land breeze.
3. The invisible heat rays which transfer heat by radiation are called IR rays
Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
1. c) A is true but R is false.
2. d) A is false but R is true.
3. d) A is false but R is true.
1. As the temperature increases, then expansion in mercury takes place which
leads to the rise in the level of mercury in thermometer.
2. Thermometer B will show a greater rise in temperature because heated air
above the candle rises immediately and increase the temperature of bulb of
thermometer B quite greater than A.
1. Convection currents allow heat transfer in liquids and gases as the particles
in these can move about freely. A room heater heats up the room using
convection current. Convection currents play an important role in the
formation of land breeze and sea breeze.
2. As we know that plastic is a bad conductor of heat due to which the heat
from the cooker does not flow to its handle and we can hold it easily.
So, this is a reason because of which the handle of a pressure cooker is
covered with the thick plastic.
1. All the three modes of heat transfer—conduction, convection and radiation—are
minimised in a thermos flask. The outer covering of the thermos flask, made of
insulating material, minimises heat loss by conduction. Heat loss due to
convection is minimised in the inner jar made of double glass or stainless steel
due to the vacuum present between them. The outer surface of the flask is
highly reflective, and this minimises heat loss due to radiation. The heat
radiation is reflected back into the jar.
2. Refer page 57 Activity 9
1. Who got the title Kedaram Kondan:
a. Rajaraja Chola b. Rajendra Chola
c. Kulothunga Chola d. Mahinda V
2. In the Battle of Tarain-I Raja Prithviraj Chauhan won the battle against:
a. Muhammad Ghori b. Muhammad Ghazni
c. Qutb-ud-din Aibak d. Bhaktiyar Khilji
3. The full form of SDG is:
a. Sustainable Developmental Goals
b. Sustainable Developmental Goods
c. Strong Developmental Goals
d. Strong Developmental Goods
4. Which one is not a water borne-disease?
a. Diarrhea b.Cancer
c. Worms d. Hepatitis
5. Granite is an example of:
a. Extrusive Igneous Rocks b.Sedimentary Rocks
c. Intrusive Igneous Rocks d. Igneous Rocks
6. Who was the Chalukyan ruler who defeated Qutb-ud-din Aibak:
a. Prithviraj Chauhan b. Nayakidevi
c. Bhima II d. Suheldev
7. Just beneath the Crust lies the:
a. Core b. Mantle
c. Silica d. Rock
8. Whose health concerns are generally ignored:
a. Women b. Men
c. Children d. Both a and c
9. The rock which is made up of Molten magma:
a. Igneous b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic d. Extrusive
10. Who attacked the famous Nalanda University and mercilessly slaughtered thousands
of Hindus and Buddhists
a. Bhima II b. Bhaktiyar Khilji
c. Muhammed Ghori d. Mohammed Ghazni
1. ___________ built the Qutub Minar from the temple remains.
2. Our earth is constantly undergoing changes________ and ___________ .
3. People in rural areas have to travel long distances to reach a _________ .
4.The First Battle of Tarain took place in the year _____________.
5. The ___________ forms only 1 percent of the volume of the earth.
6. India is the ____________largest producer of medicines in the world.
7. The central core of the earth has a very high temperature and ________.
8. ___________ inscriptions bring to light the Kudavolai system.
9. RMP’s refers to___________.
10. ___________ was the main source of income for the Chola Government.
1. Which Ocean was called the “Chola lake”, and why?
2. Name the three types of rocks.
3. What is health?
4. Where is the Brihadehswara temple located and who built it?
5. Name the main mineral constituent of the continental mass.
1. Who recovered a large portion of Shaiva literature called Thevaram?
2. What are fossils?
3. What do you mean by a Public Health Care System?
4. What is special about Gangaikonda Cholapuram?
5. What are I+
6. gneous rocks?
1. Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases. Explain with the
help of examples.
2. What do you mean by rock cycle?
3. What was the result of the First Battle of Tarain? Why did Prithviraj Chauhan allow
the enemy to retreat? How did this decision cost him?


1. b. Rajendra Chola

2. a. Muhammad Ghori
3. b. Sustainable Developmental Goals

4. b. Cancer

5. c. Intrusive Igneous Rocks

6. c. Bhima II

7. b. Mantle

8. a. Women’s
9. a. Igneous

10.b. Bhaktiyar Khilji


1. Qutb-ud-din Aibak

2. inside, outside

3. doctor
4. 1191

5. crust
6. fourth

7. pressure

8. Uthiramerur
9. Registered Medical Practitioner

10. Land revenue


1. The ocean Bay of Bengal was called “Chola Lake” as Cholas were the Supreme
Authority in the seas and were having a strong Navy.

2. The three types of rocks are:

Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks and Metamorphic Rocks.

3. Health means our ability to remain free of illness and injuries.

4. Brihadeeswara temple is in Thanjavur and it was built by Rajaraja Cholan.

5. Silica and Alumina are the main constituents of the continental mass.

1. King Rajaraja Chola recovered a large portion of Shaiva literature called Thevaram.
2. The remains of the dead plants and animals trapped in layers of rocks are called
3. The public healthcare system is run by the government and it provides quality health
care services either free or at a low cost.
4. Gangaikonda Cholapuram was the new capital of Cholas established by Rajaraja chola
I after conquering the mighty Pala empire. To Commemorate his victory he brought
water from river Ganga and vedic scholars from Vanga Desa to consecrate the deities in
the temple and conduct the rituals.

5. When the molten magma cools, it becomes solid. Rocks formed in this way are called
igneous rocks.


● Water and sanitation are the basic necessities for the maintenance of our health.
● Poor quality of water causes a lot of health problems.
● Similarly poor sanitation causes many epidemics giving birth to dangerous insects
and worms.
● Recently we saw a spread of dengue caused by Aedes(a mosquito).
● Malaria is also caused by mosquitoes called anopheles. Improvement in water and
sanitation can control these happenings.


● One type of rock changes to another type under certain conditions in a cyclic
● This process of transformation of the rock from one to another is known as the
rock cycle.
● For example, igneous rocks change into sedimentary rocks and are subjected to
heat and pressure. Then they change into metamorphic rocks.
● The metamorphic rocks which are still under great heat and pressure me lt down to
form molten magma.
● This molten magma again can cool down and solidify into igneous rocks.

● In 1191 at Tarain two armies clashed. The vastly superior forces of Raja Prithviraj
quickly destroyed the army of Ghori.
● Muhammed Ghori was severely wounded and had to be taken away from the
battlefield by his soldiers.
● Muhammed Ghori and his important generals were almost captured by Raja
Prithviraj as they were fleeing the battlefield.
● Raja Prithiviraj did not want to chase and capture them as they had turned their
backs and were running away.
● This was a mistake of Raja Prithiviraj’s decision, as Muhammad Ghori started
putting together a large army and defeated Prithviraj Chauhan in the Second
Battle of Tarain.

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