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a) Identify the correct form of the verbs of the underlined words in the
following sentences:
1. We go to school every morning.
2. Ann had left the house when her sister telephoned.
3. I was waiting for you in the auditorium away from all the activity.
4. When I reach home, mother will be doing yoga.
5. I have altered the new dress for you.

b) Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the verbs given
in brackets:
1. New crockery for the kitchen __________ (be) bought.
2. We __________ (go) out for a walk after dinner.
3. Vinita ________ (reach) Delhi on Tuesday.
4. Grandmother __________(visit) us every Sunday.
5. The sun ____________ (shine) brightly on the day of the picnic.

c) Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. She works as a receptionist. (Past continuous tense)
2. They spend hours talking. (Simple future)
3. I have been running for hours. (Past perfect tense)
4. He has done a lot for me. (Simple past tense)
5. She works hard to support her family. (Present perfect)

d) Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. Birds fly in the sky. (negative)
2. I bought shoes. (wh - question)
3. Boys are doing their homework. (negative)
4. My friend speaks good English. (interrogative)
5. Dogs are barking. (interrogative)


a) Prepare a poster on the topic “Global warming”.

b) You are Ram/Rita, the Head Boy of D.P.S. Bokaro. Write a notice on behalf of your
school inviting all the grandparents of the students of your school to celebrate World
Elders’ Day.


1. What behaviour of the bus conductor annoyed the narrator?

2. What did the conductor do to justify his act?
3. How did the people react when the conductor instructed to follow the rules about dog?
4. What do vendors weigh and the maidens grind?
5. Who sells expensive board games and what indicates they are expensive?



a) Identify the correct form of the verbs of the underlined words in the
following sentences:
1. simple present tense
2. past perfect tense
3. past continuous tense
4. future continuous tense
5. present perfect tense

b) Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the verbs given
in brackets:
1. has been
2. are going
3. will reach
4. visits
5. shone

c) Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. She was working as a receptionist.
2. They will spend hours talking.
3. I had run for hours.
4. He did a lot for me.
5. She has worked hard to support her family.

d) Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. Birds do not fly in the sky.
2. What did you buy?
3. Boys are not doing their homework.
4. Does my friend speak good English?
5. Are dogs barking?


a) Prepare a poster on the topic “Global warming”.

b) You are Ram, the Head Boy of D.P.S. Bokaro. Write a notice on behalf of your school
inviting all the grandparents of the students of your school to celebrate World Elders’

D.P.S. Bokaro
15th June 2023

Our school is celebrating World Elders’ Day on 17th June 2023. Students are requested
to bring their grandparents on that day at 6 p.m. in the school assembly hall.

Head Boy.


1. The bus conductor did not allow the lady to travel along with her dog as it was against
the rule. He was sure that the public took him to be rude and inconsiderate yet he made
sure to follow it. This step taken by the conductor annoyed the narrator.

2. The conductor said to all the passengers in the bus that rules were meant to be
followed and not to be broken. He made sure that the bus did not move until his orders
were followed, irrespective of the freezing weather outside.

3. The people however were not happy with the conductor’s reaction. They looked at him
angrily, feeling pity on the lady and the dog. They felt that the conductor should have
been kinder and more considerate towards the lady.

4. Vendors weigh saffron, lentil and rice. The maidens grind sandalwood, henna and rice.

5. The pedlars sell expensive board games. They are expensive because the dice are
made up of ivory.

மகரிஷிவித்யாமந் திர்மமனிலைப் பள் ளிசென்லன-31
தமிழ் -பயிற் சித்தாள் -3
வகுப் பு: ஏழு
1. நிரப் புக:
1. வேயாமாடம் எனப்படுேது ___________________ .

2. உரவுநீ ர் அழுேம் - இத்ததாடரில் அடிக்வகாடிட்ட த ால் லின்

3. கடலில் துறைமுகம் அறியாமல் கலங் குேன _____________ .
4. தூண் என்னும் தபாருள் தரும் த ால் ___________ .
5. இயை் றக ேங் கூழ் ஆட்ட -அடிக்வகாடிட்ட த ால் லின்
தபாருள் ____________ .
6. மக்கள் ____________ ஏறி தேளிநாடுகளுக்கு ் த ன்ைனர்.
7. புலால் நாை் ைம் உறடயதாக அகநானூறு கூறுேது _______________ .
8. 'தபருங் கடல் ' என்னும் த ால் றலப் பிரித்து எழுதக் கிறடப்பது
_____________ .
9. இன்று + ஆகி என்பதறன ் வ ர்த்ததழுதக் கிறடக்கும் த ால்
___________ .
10. எதுறக இடம் தபைாத இறண _____________ .

II. ெரியான விலைலயத் மதர்ந்சதடுத்து எழுதுக:

1. எல் லார்க்கும் எளிதில் தபாருள் விளங் கும் த ால் ____________ .

அ) இயை் த ால் ஆ) திரித ால்

இ) திற த
் ால் ஈ) ேடத ால்

2. பலதபாருள் தரும் ஒருத ால் என்பது ___________ .

அ) இயை் த ால் ஆ) திரித ால்

இ) திற த
் ால் ஈ) ேடத ால்

3. ேடதமாழி என்று அறழக்கப்படும் தமாழி ______________ .

அ) மறலயாளம் ஆ) கன்னடம்

இ) மஸ் கிருதம் ஈ) ததலுங் கு

III. சபாருத்துக:
1. இயை் த ால் - தபை் ைம்
2. திரித ால் - இரத்தம்
3.திற த
் ால் - அழுேம்
4. ேடத ால் - வ ாறு
IV. குறுவினா:
1. மரக்கலங் கறளத் துறைமுகம் வநாக்கி அறழப்பது எது?

2. கலங் கறரவிளக்கத்தில் எந்வநரத்தில் விளக்கு ஏை் ைப்படும் ?

3. நாோயின் வதாை் ைம் எே் ோறு இருந்ததாக அகநானூறு கூறுகிைது?

4. நாோய் ஓட்டிகளுக்குக் காை் று எே் ோறு துறணத ய் கிைது?

5. வதாணி என்னும் த ால் லின் தபயர்க்காரணத்றதக்கூறுக.

6. கப்பல் கட்டும் வபாது மரப்பலறககளுக்கு இறடவய வதங் காய் நார்

(அ) பஞ் சுறேப்பதன் வநாக்கம் என்ன?

7. கப்பலின் உறுப்புகள் சிலேை் றின் தபயர்கறளக் கூறுக.

V. சிறுவினா:
1. கலங் கறர விளக்கம் பை் றிப் தபரும் பாணாை் றுப்பறட கூறும்
கருத்துகறள எழுதுக.

2. கடலில் கப்பல் த ல் லும் காட்சிறய அகநானூறு எே் ோறு

3. சிறிய நீ ர்நிறலகறளயும் கடல் கறளயும் கடக்க, தமிழர்கள்
பயன்படுத்திய ஊர்திகளின் தபயர்கறள எழுதுக.
4. பண்றடத் தமிழரின் கப்பல் த லுத்தும் முறை பை் றி எழுதுக.
5. கப்பல் பாதுகாப்பானதாக அறமயத் தமிழர்கள் றகயாண்ட
ேழிமுறைகள் யாறே?

மகரிஷி வித்யா மந் திர் மமனிலைப் பள் ளி , சென்லன-31
தமிழ் பயிற் சித்தாள் - 3
விலைக்குறிப் புகள்
வகுப் பு : ஏழு
I. நிரப் புக:
1. வைக்ககோலோல் கையப் படோதது
2. கடல்
3. மரக்கலங் கள்
4. மதவல
5. கோற் று
6. ைங் கத்தில்
7. கடல்
8. பபருவம+ கடல்
9. இன்றோகி
10. இரவு- இயற் வக

II. ெரியான விலைலயத் மதர்ந்சதடுத்து எழுதுக:

1. இயற் ப ோல்
2. திரிப ோல்
3. மஸ் கிருதம்

III. சபாருத்துக:
1. இயற் ப ோல் - க ோறு
2. திரிப ோல் - அழுைம்
3. திவ ப
் ோல் - பபற் றம்
4. ைடப ோல் - இரத்தம்

IV. குறுவினா:
1. கலங் கவர விளக்கத்தின் மோடத்தில் இரவில் ஏற் றப் பட்ட
எரியும் விளக்கோனது மரக்கலங் கவளத் துவறக ோக்கி அவைக்கிறது.

2. கலங் கவரவிளக்கில் இரவுக ரத்தில் விளக்கு ஏற் றப் படும் .

உலகம் புவடபபயர் ்தது கபோன்ற அைகு பபோரு ்திய
3. கதோற் றத்வத உவடயது ோைோய் என்று அக ோனூறு கூறுகிறது.

4. இரவும் பகலும் தங் கோமல் ப ல் கின்ற கோற் றோனது ோைோவய அவ த்து ்

ப லுத்தும் . அதனோல் ோைோய் ஓட்டுபைன் எளிதோக ோைோவய ் ப லுத்துைோன்.

5. மனிதன் எவட குவற ்த பபரிய மரங் களின் உட்பகுதிவயக்

குவட ்து எடுத்து விட்டு கதோணியோகப் பயன்படுத்தினோன். உட்பகுதி
கதோண்டப்பட்டவை என்பதோல் அவை கதோணிகள் எனப்பட்டன.

6. கப் பல் கட்டும் கபோது மரப் பலவககளுக்கு இவடகய கதங் கோய் ோர் (அ)
பஞ் சுவைப்பதன் க ோக்கம் ஆணிகவள இறுக்கி அவறைதற் கக ஆகும் .
கதங் கோய் ோர் பஞ் சு இரண்டுகம பிடிமோனத்துக்கு ஏற் றது. கடல் ீ ரில்
கவரயோதது. கடல் ீ வரஈர்ப்பது. எனகை இைற் றில் ஏதோைது ஒன்வற

7. எரோ, பருமல் , ைங் கு, கூம் பு, போய் மரம் , சுக்கோன், ங் கூரம் கபோன்றவை கப்பல்
உறுப்புகளுள் சிலைோகும் .
V. சிறுவினா:
1. கலங் கவர விளக்கமோனது ைோனம் கீகை விழு ்து விடோமல்
தோங் கிக் பகோண்டிருக்கும் தூண்கபோலக் கோட்சியளிக்கிறது. ஏணி பகோண்டு
ஏறமுடியோத உயரத்வதக் பகோண்டிருக்கிறது கையப்படோமல் ோ ்து பூ ப்பட்ட
விண்வண முட்டும் மோடத்வதக் பகோண்டது.அம் மோடத்தில் இரவில் ஏற் றப்பட்ட
எரியும் விளக்கு, கடலில் துவற அறியோமல் கலங் கும் மரக்கலங் கவளத்
தன்துவற க ோக்கி அவைக்கிறது என்பனைோகும் .

2. உலகம் புவடபபயர் ்தது கபோன்ற அைகு பபோரு ்திய

கதோற் றத்வத உவடயது ோைோய் . அது புலோல் ோற் றமுவடய அவலவீசும் பபரிய
கடலின் ீ வரப் பிள ்து பகோண்டு ப ல் லும் . இரவும் பகலும் ஓரிடத்தில் தங் கோமல்
வீசுகின்ற கோற் றோனது ோைோவய அவ த்து ப ் ல் லும் . உயர் ்த கவரவய உவடய
மணல் ிவற ்த துவறமுகத்தில் கலங் கவர விளக்கத்தின் ஒளியோல்
திவ அறி ்து ோைோய் ஓட்டுபைன் ோைோவய ் ப லுத்துைோன்.

3. தமிைர்கள் கதோணி, ஓடம் , படகு, புவண, மிதவை, பதப் பம் , கபோன்றைற் வறப்
பயன்படுத்தி சிறிய ீ ர் ிவலகவளக் கட ்தனர். கலம் , ைங் கம் , ோைோய்
கபோன்றைற் வறப் பயன்படுத்தி கடல் கவளக் கட ்தனர்.

4. கடலில் கோற் று வீசும் திவ , கடல்ீ கரோட்டங் களின் திவ ஆகியைற் வறத்
தமிைர்கள் ன்கு தம் பட்டறிைோல் அறி ்து அைற் றிற் ககற் ப உரிய
கோலத்தில் ரியோன திவ யில் கப்பவல ் ப லுத்தினர். திவ கோட்டும்
கருவிவயப் பயன்படுத்தியும் ைோனில் கதோன்றும் விண்மீன்களின் ிவலவய
வைத்தும் திவ வய அறி ்து கப்பவல ் ப லுத்தினர். கப்பல் ஓட்டும் மோலுமிகள்
சிற ்த ைோனியல் அறிவையும் பபற் றிரு ்தனர் ககோள் களின் ிவலவய வைத்து,
புயல் , மவை கதோன்றும் கோலங் கவளயும் , கடல் ீ ர் பபோங் கும் கோலத்வதயும்
அறி ்து தகு ்த கோலத்தில் கப்பல் கவள ப லுத்தினர்.

5. கப் பல் கட்டுவதற் குரிய மரங் களை ததர்ந்ததடுப் பதில் தமிழர்கை் மிகுந்த
கவனம் தெலுத்தினர். கப்பல் கை் தண்ணீரிதலதய இருப்பளவ என்பதால்
தண்ணீரில் பாதிப்பு அளடயாத மரங் களைதய கப்பல் கட்ட பயன்படுத்தினர்.
நீ ர்மட்ட ளவப்பிற் கு தவம் பு ,இலுப்ளப , புன்ளன நாவல் தபான்ற மரங் களை
பயன்படுத்தினர். பக்கங் களுக்கு ததக்கு, தவண் ததக்கு, தபான்ற மரங் களைப்
பயன்படுத்தினர். மரத்தின் தவட்டப் பட்ட பகுதிளய தவட்டுவாய் என்பர் . அதன்
நிறத்ளதக் தகாண்டு மரத்தின் தன்ளமளய அறிவர். கண்ணளட என்பது
மரத்தில் இளழத்த உருவங் கை் ஆகும் . சுழி உை் ை மரங் களை பயன்படுத்தாமல்
தவிர்த்தனர். இரும் பு ஆணிகை் துருப்பிடித்து விடும் என்பதால் மரத்தினால் ஆன
ஆணிகளைதய பயன்படுத்தினர்.

¼I½ fuEufyf[kr in~;ka'k dk Hkko Li"V dhft, A

iz-1 tx ihfM+r gS vfr nq[k ls] tx ihfM+r js ! vfr lq[k ls
ekuo tx esa c¡V tkosa] nq[k & lq[k ls vkSj -lq[k & nq[k lsAa
¼II½ xn~; ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A
iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fgUnh esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&
1 budkj djuk
2 f[ky+kQ
3 la?k"kZ
4 vf/kdkj
5 lkfcr
6 tcjnLrh
7 >qduk
8 uhao
9 vkt+kn

iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, A

1- yM+uk
2- budkj djuk
3- QSlyk
4- lkeuk djuk
iz-3 ifBr xn~;ka”k ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu,A
^^xk¡/khth tgkt+ ij lokj gksdj nf{k.k vfÝdk ds Mjcu igq¡psA ;gk¡ 7 twu 1893 dks
mUgksua s izhVksfj;k ds fy, Vªsu idM+hA xk¡/khth ds ikl igyh dk fVdV FkkA
ysfdu tc Vªsu ihVjekfjLV~t+cxZ igq¡pus okys Fkh rks Vh- Vh us mUgsa rhljh ds fMCcs esa
tkus ds fy, dgkA ysfdu xk¡/khth us tkus ls budkj fd;k rks mUgsa tcjnLrh ls
ihVjekfjLV~t+cxZ LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;kA **
1- xk¡/khth ds ikl fdl dk fVdV Fkk \
2- xk¡/khth dks dkSu ls fMCcs esa tkus ds fy, dgk x;k \
3- xk¡/khth dSls Mjcu igq¡ps \
4- xk¡/khth us izhVksfj;k ds fy, Vªsu dc idM+h \
5- xk¡/khth dks tcjnLrh ls fdl LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;k \
iz-4 fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A
1 xk¡/khth nf{ vfÝdk dc x;s\
2 xk¡/khth dks jsy ls fdl LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;k\
3 xk¡/khth dc ls dc rd nf{k.k vfÝdk esa jgs\

¼III½ ,dkadh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A

iz-1 fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa dk ,d ;k nks okD; esa mRrj nhft, %&
1 thouyky us deyk dh fonk D;ksa ugha dh\
2 deyk dh lkl jkts'ojh dSlh vkSjr Fkh\
3 deyk dk ifr jes'k dgk¡ x;k Fkk\
4 thouyky D;ksa cspSu gq,\
iz-2 fuEufyf[kr ik= dk ifjp; nhft, %&
1- thouyky
2- jkts'ojh

iz-3 fuEufyf[kr vorj.kksa dh lizlax O;k[;k dhft,A

1- esjs uke tks /kCck yxk] esjh 'kku dks tks Bsl igq¡ph] Hkjh fcjknjh esa tks g¡lh gqbZ]
ml djkjh pksV dk ?kko vkt Hkh gjk gSA
2- bu eksfr;ksa dk ewY; le>us okyk ;gk¡ dksbZ ugha gSA ikuh ls iRFkj ugha fi?ky ldrkA
3- ek¡ ls >wB cksyrs gks! eSa mUgsa vPNh rjg tkurh gw¡A balku ls T;knk I;kjk mUgsa iSlk gSA
¼IV½ vuqokn dhft,A
iz-1 fgUnh esa vuqokn dhft, %&
We are all citizens of India. Each of us is a member of one great
community, which includes every Indian. The citizen has both rights and
duties. Some people think only of their rights. They forget their duties on
account of their selfishness. But if we don’t perform our duties, how can
we claim our rights? Our motherland gives much to us, and expects much
from us in return.
iz-2 vaxzsth esa vuqokn dhft, %&
xk¡/khth us ,d ckj dgk Fkk] ^^/ku x;k rks dqN ugha x;k]
LokLF; x;k rks dqN x;k] exj pfj= x;k rks lc dqN x;kA** bldk eryc] pfj= gh
euq"; dh vlyh laifRr gSA
ogh lekt Js"B gS vkSj ogh jk"Vª lq[kh gS ftldh turk dk pfj=
vPNk gksA vkt ds ckyd dy ds ukxfjd gSA blfy, muds pfj= dk fuekZ.k djuk lekt
vkSj jk"V dk igyk dÙkZO; gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd Ldwy] dkWyst vkfn f'k{kk&laLFkk,¡ [kksyh
x;h gSaA ;gk¡ ,slh f'k{kk nh tkrh gS] ftlls yM+dksa dk pfj= lq/kj tk,A
¼V½ jpuk ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft,A
iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fHkUu&fHkUu vFkkZsa esa iz;ksx dhft, %&
1- dy
2- vkSj
3- dksbZ
iz-2 okP; cnfy,A
1 jke ikB i<+rk gSA
2 jke dgkuh i<+rk gSA
3 ge fganh lh[krs gSaA
iz-3 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk L=hfyax “kCn fyf[k, A
1 l[kk
2 ckyd
3 ;qod
4 v/;kid
5 lsod
6 lgk;d
7 lkgc

iz-4 lwpuk ds vuqlkj cnfy,A

1- Okg cPpk Hkw[kk gSA ¼^^Hkw[kk** ds cnys ^^Hkw[k** dk iz;ksx½
2- Ekq>s cgqr I;kl yxh gSA ¼^^I;kl** ds cnys ^^I;klk** dk iz;ksx½
¼VI½ L=h f”k{kk ij y?kq fuca/k fyf[k, %&

¼I½ fuEufyf[kr in~;ka'k dk Hkko Li"V dhft, A

iz-1 tx ihfM+r gS vfr nq[k ls] tx ihfM+r js ! vfr lq[k ls
ekuo tx esa c¡V tkos]a nq[k & lq[k ls vkSj -lq[k & nq[k lsaA
dfo vkSj dfork %& bl dfork ds dfo lqfe=kuanu iar gSaA budk tUe fgeky; ds ikl
vYeksM+k esa lu~ 1900 esa gqvkA dfo johUnz ds lkFk jgus ls mudks uohu izsj.kk feyhA os
egkRek xka/kh ls Hkh izsfjr gq,A bl dfork esa dfo lans”k nsrs gS fd thou esa lq[k vkSj nq[k
nksuks dk feJ.k jguk gSA nksuksa ds jgus ls gh thou ifjiw.kZ curk gSA ;s lu~ 1977 es
LoxZ fl/kkjsA

Hkko % bl dfork es dfo dgrs gSa fd ekuo thou es lq[k vkSj nq[k dk feJ.k gksuk
pkfg,A lalkj eas lnk lq[k Hkh jguk ugh gS vkSj lnk nw[k Hkh ugh jguk gSA euq"; ds
thou es lq[k vkSj nq[k nksuksa dk leku va”k gksuk t:jh gSA

¼II½ xn~; ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A

iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fgUnh esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&
1 budkj djuk & euk djuk
2 f[ky+kQ & fo:)
3 la?k"kZ & Vdjko
4 vf/kdkj & gd
5 lkfcr &
6 tcjnLrh & et+cwju
7 >qduk & fouhr gksuk
8 uhao & ewy
9 vkt+kn & Lora=
iz-2 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, A
1- yM+uk & xk¡/khth us vius ns'kokfl;ksa dh vkt+knh ds fy, yM+kbZ yM+us
dk QSlyk fd;kA
2- budkj djuk & xk¡/khth us FkMZ Dykl fMCcs esa lQj djus ls budkj fd;kA
3- QSlyk & v'kksd us dfyax ;q) ds ckn vfgalk dk ikyu djus dk
QSlyk fd;kA
4- lkeuk djuk & gj euq"; dks thou eas lq[k & nq[k dk lkeuk t:j djuk
iM+rk gSA
iz-3 ifBr xn~;ka”k ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj pqfu,A
1- xk¡/khth ds ikl fdl dk fVdV Fkk \
igyh dk
2- xk¡/khth dks dkSu ls fMCcs esa tkus ds fy, dgk x;k \
rhljs ds fMCcs esa
3- xk¡/khth dSls Mjcu igq¡ps \
tgkt+ ls
4- xk¡/khth us izhVksfj;k ds fy, Vªsu dc idM+h \
7 twu 1893
5- xk¡/khth dks tcjnLrh ls fdl LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;k \
iz-4 xn~; ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A
1 xk¡/khth nf{ vfÝdk dc x;s\
xk¡/khth lu~ 1893 dks nf{k.k vfÝdk x;sA
2 xk¡/khth dks jsy ls fdl LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;k\
xk¡/khth dks jsy ls ihVjekfjLV~t+cxZ LVs'ku ij mrkj fn;k x;kA
3 xk¡/khth dc ls dc rd nf{k.k vfÝdk esa jgs\
xk¡/khth lu~ 1893 ls ysdj lu~ 1914 rd nf{k.k vfÝdk esa jgsA

¼III½ ,dkadh ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft, A

iz-1 fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa dk ,d ;k nks okD; esa mRrj nhft, %&
1 thouyky us deyk dh fonk D;ksa ugha dh\
ngst dh jde ik¡p gtkj :Ik;s ckdh FkhA blfy, thouyky us deyk dh fonk ugha dhA
2 deyk dh lkl jkts'ojh dSlh vkSjr Fkh\
deyk dh lkl jkts'ojh eerk dh ewfrZ FkhA
3 deyk dk ifr jes'k dgk¡ x;k Fkk\
deyk dk ifr jes'k viuh cgu xkSjh dks ykus x;k FkkA
4 thouyky D;ksa cspSu gq,\
ngst iwjk u nsus ds dkj.k xkSjh dh fonkbZ ugha gqbZA ;g ckr lqudj thouyky cspSu gq,A
iz-2 fuEufyf[kr ik= dk ifjp; nhft, %&

1- thouyky
thouyky ^cgq dh fonk* ,dakdh dk izeq[k ik= gSA ,dkadh dh dFkk&oLrq dk vk/kkj
thouyky dh /ku&yksyqirk gh gSA var esa thouyky ds eu%ifjorZu }kjk ,dkadh dk
mn~ns'; iwjk gksrk gSA
thouyky jes'k vkSj xkSjh ds firk gSaA jes'k dh 'kknh esa thouyky cgqr ngst pkgrs
FksA deyk dk HkkbZ izeksn ngst rks nsrk gS] ij ik¡p gtkj :i;s ckdh jg tkrk gSA thouyky
dk ykyph eu ;g lg ugh ldrkA os volj dk bartkj djrs gSaA tc izeksn viuh cgu
dks igys lkou ij vius ?kj ys tkus vkrk gS] rks os lkQ&lkQ dg nsrs gSa fd igys ik¡p
gtkj lkSaik tk,] mlds ckn deyk dh fonkbZ gksxhA
thouyky dh Hkh csVh gS] mldh 'kknh gqbZ Fkh] igys lkou ij os mlds vkus ds cM+h izrh{kk
esa FksA
deyk dh fonkbZ ftl dkj.k ls ugha gksrh gS] mlh dkj.k ls thouyky dh csVh xkSjh dh
Hkh fonk ugha gksrhA rHkh mudks 'kjkQr] balkfu;r vkfn phtsa ;kn vkrh gSA mUgsa xgjh pksV
yxrh gSA blh pksV dk ifj.kke mudk eu ifjorZu gSA os ekurs gS fd csVh vkSj cgw esa Hksn
ugh gSA os deyk dks mlds HkkbZ ds lkFk Hkstrs gSaA
2- jkts'ojh
jkts'ojh ^cgw dh fonk* ,dkadh dk izeq[k ik= gSA og thouyky dh iRuh vkSj jes'k
dh ek¡ gSA vke rkSj ij lkl viuh cgw ds fo"k; esa dkQh dBksj jgk djrh gSA ysfdu
jkts'ojh bldk viokn gSA jkts'ojh eerk dh ewfrZ gSA
gj ek¡ tkurh gS fd cgw Hkh fdlh ek¡ dh csVh gSA tSls jkts'ojh xkSjh dh jkg ns[krh
gS oSls gh deyk dh ek¡ Hkh mldh jkg ns[k jgh gksxhA blfy, og izeksn dks viuh vksj ls
ik¡p gtkj nsus dks rS;kj gksrh gSA
jkts'ojh vius ifr thouyky ds ykyph LoHkko dks ilan ugha djrh gSA var esa
thouyky ds eu esa tks ifjorZu gksrk gS] mldk dkj.k jkts'ojh gh gSA
iz-3 fuEufyf[kr vorj.kksa dh lizlax O;k[;k dhft,A

1- esjs uke tks /kCck yxk] esjh 'kku dks tks Bsl igq¡ph] Hkjh fcjknjh esa tks g¡lh gqbZ]
ml djkjh pksV dk ?kko vkt Hkh gjk gSA
lanHkZ % ;g okD; ^cgw dh fonk* uked ,dkadh ls fn;k x;k gSA ,dkadhdkj Jh fouksn
jLrksxh gSaA
izeksn tc viuh cgu deyk dks igys lkou ij ?kj ys tkus vkrk gS rc thouyky izeksn
ls ;g okD; dgrs gSaA
O;k[;k % thouyky dk fopkj gS fd deyk dh 'kknh ds le; cjkfr;ksa dk mfpr vknj
ugha gqvkA bl dkj.k mudh fcjknjh esa mudk vieku gqvkA bl pksV dks os Hkwy ugha ldrsA
fo'ks"krk %& blesa thouyky ds ykyph LoHkko dks n”kkZ;k x;k gSA
2- bu eksfr;ksa dk ewY; le>us okyk ;gk¡ dksbZ ugha gSA ikuh ls iRFkj ugha fi?ky ldrkA
lanHkZ % ;s okD; ^cgw dh fonk* uked ,dkadh ls fn;s x;s gaSA ,dkadhdkj Jh fouksn jLrksxh
gSaA izeksn viuh cgu deyk ls bl rjg dgrk gSA
O;k[;k % thouyky dgrs gSa fd ngst dh ckdh jde ik¡p gtkj :Ik;s nsus ds ckn deyk
dks ys tkvksA ;g lqudj dey jksrh gSA rc izeksn dgrk gS fd bu yksxksa dk eu iRFkj
cu x;k gSA ;s rqEgkjs vk¡lw tSls eksfr;ksa dk egRRo ugha tkursA
fo'ks"krk % dBksj g`n;okyksa esa d:.kk Hkko fn[kk;h ugha nsrkA mldk mYys[k bleas gSA
3- ek¡ ls >wB cksyrs gks! eSa mUgsa vPNh rjg tkurh gw¡A bUlku ls T;knk I;kjk mUgsa iSlk gSA
lanHkZ % ;s okD; ^cgw dh fonk* uked ,dkadh ls fn;s x;s gSaA ,dkadhdkj Jh fouksn jLrksxh
gSA jkts'ojh izeksn ls bl rjg dgrh gSA
O;k[;k % jkts'ojh izeksn ls iwNrh gS fd deyk dh fonk ds ckjs esa thouyky us D;k dgkA
izeksn tokc nsus esa fgpdrk gS] rks jkts'ojh le> ysrh gSA vius ifr dh /ku&yksyqirk og
vPNh rjg tkurh gSA og dgrh gS fd thouyky bUlku ls mruk I;kj ugha djrs ftruk
iSls ls djrs gSaA
fo'ks"krk % I;kj Hkjh ckrksa ls leL;k feV tkrh gS vkSj eu dks 'kkafr feyrh Gsa
¼IV½ vuqokn dhft,A
iz-1 fgUnh esa vuqokn dhft, %&
ge lc Hkkjr ds ukxfjd gSaA lHkh Hkkjrh; ,d cM+s lekt ds lnL; gSaA ukxfjdksa
ds vf/kdkj Hkh gSa drZO; HkhA dqN ukxfjd flQZ vf/kdkjksa ds ckjs esa lksprs gSaA LokFkZo'k os
vius dÙkZO; dks Hkwy tkrs gSaA ysfdu ge drZO; u djs]a rks vf/kdkj dh ek¡x dSls dj ldrs
gSa\ gekjh ekr`Hkwfe gesa dbZ lqfo/kk,¡ nsrh gSA og gels Hkh dbZ ckrksa dh izrh{kk djrh gSA
iz-2 vaxzsth esa vuqokn dhft, %&
Once Gandhi ji had told “if wealth is lost nothing is lost; if health is lost,
something is lost, but if character is lost, everything is lost.”
The nation and society in which the people are having good
character is always the best and the happiest, Today’s children are
tomorrow’s citizens. So it is the first and foremost duty of a nation and
its society to cultivate characters in them. Educational institutions like
schools and colleges have been established only for this reason. Such
kind of education is provided here, so that the character of the children
be reformed.
¼V½ jpuk ds vk/kkj ij iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft,A
iz-1 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk fHkUu&fHkUu vFkkZsa esa iz;ksx dhft, %&
1- dy rqe dy ;gk¡ vkvksA
esjk nksLr dy ;gk¡ vk;k FkkA
2- vkSj est+ ij fdrkc vkSj dye gSaA
,d vkSj dye nhft,A
3- dksbZ vkt dksbZ ugha vk;kA
ges'kk dksbZ dke djrs jgksA
iz-2 okP; cnfy,A
1 jke ikB i<+rk gSA jke ls ikB i<+k tkrk gSA
2 jke dgkuh i<+rk gSA jke ls dgkuh i<+h tkrh gSA
3 ge fganh lh[krs gSaA gels fganh lh[kh tkrh gSA
iz-3 fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa dk L=hfyax “kCn fyf[k, A
1 l[kk & l[kh
2 ckyd & ckfydk
3 ;qod & ;qorh
4 v/;kid & v/;kfidk
5 lsod & lsfodk
6 lgk;d & lgkf;dk
7 lkgc & lkfgck

iz-4 lwpuk ds vuqlkj cnfy,A

1- Okg cPpk Hkw[kk gSA ¼^^Hkw[kk** ds cnys ^^Hkw[k** dk iz;ksx½
ml cPps dks Hkw[k yxh gSA
2- Ekq>s cgqr I;kl yxh gSA ¼^^I;kl** ds cnys ^^I;klk** dk iz;ksx½
eSa cgqr I;klk gw¡A
¼VI½ L=h f”k{kk ij y?kq fuca/k fyf[k, %&

Á-1-vaxzst+h esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&

1-tkuoj- _______ 2-vkokt+- _______3-j[kokyh djuk - _______
4-tksruk- _______ 5-rksi- _______

Á-2-foykse “kCn fyf[k, %&

1-dherh x _______ 2-gksf”k;kj x _______
3-le>nkj x _______ 4-Hkkjh x _______

Á-3-dks’Bd ls lgh “kCn pqudj [kkyh txg Hkfj, %&

1-fcYYkh________ dks idM+rk gSA ¼pwgs @dqRrs½
2-dqRrk________tkuoj gSA ¼cM+k @oQknkj½
3-xk; cM+h________gksrh gSA ¼lh/kh&lknh @dBksj½
4-?kksM+k cM+k________gksrk gSA ¼fuM+j @Mjiksd½

Á-4-okD;ksa esa Á;ksx dhft, %&

1-tkuoj & _____________________________
2-tksruk & _____________________________
3-gksf”k;kj & _____________________________
4-yM+kbZ & _____________________________
Á-5--vadksa dks v{kjksa esa fyf[k, %&
1-_______ 2-_______ 3-_______ 4-_______
5-_______ 6-_______ 7-_______ 8-_______
9-_______ 10-_______ 11-_______ 12-______
13-_______ 14-_______ 15-_______ 16-______
17-_______ 18-_______ 19-_______ 20-______
21-_______ 22-_______ 23-_______ 24-______

Á-6-Á'uksa ds mRrj rhu&rhu okD;ksa esa fyf[k,%&

1-dqRrs ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A
2-xk; ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A
3-?kksM+s ls D;k Qk;nk gksrs gSa\

4-gkFkh ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A


Á-7- i|ka”k dk HkkokFkZ vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&

1-Qwyksa ls fur g¡luk lh[kks]
HkkSjksa ls fur xkukA
r# dh >qdh Mkfy;ksa ls]
fur lh[kks “kh”k >qdkukAA

2-nhid ls lh[kks]
ftruk gks lds va/ksjk gjukA
i`Foh ls lh[kks] dh lPPkh lsok djukAA

Á-8-dgkuh dk lkjka”k fganh esa fyf[k, %&

,drk dk Qy

Á-9-v-okD;ksa dk vuqokn %&
okD;ksa dk vuqokn vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&
1-jke i<+ jgk gSA - ________________________
2-yM+dk ikB lh[k jgk gSA - ________________________
3-yM+dh xk jgh gSA - ________________________
4-,d L=h diM+k lh jgh gSA - ________________________
5-eSa ikB fy[k jgk gw¡A - ________________________
6-rqe D;k dj jgs gks\ - ________________________
7-lhrk] rqe D;k lksp jgh gks\ - ________________________
8-eSa ikB ;kn dj jgh gw¡ - ________________________
9-NksVs yM+ds [ksy jgs gSaA - ________________________
10-firkth [kr fy[k jgs gSaA - ________________________

vk-okD;ksa dk vuqokn fganh esa fyf[k, %&

1.Gopal is playing in the play ground. & ________________________
2.The servant is going to the market. & ________________________
3.The tailor is stitching clothes. & ________________________
4.They are talking. & ________________________
5.He is reading the news paper. & ________________________
6.Mother is working at home. & ________________________
7.Kamala is playing Veena. & ________________________
8.What are you ¼vki½ eating? & ________________________
9.You ¼rqe½ are writing a letter. & ________________________
10.It is raining now. & ________________________


Á-1-vaxzst+h esa vFkZ fyf[k, %&

1-tkuoj & animal 2-vkokt+ & voice 3-j[kokyh djuk & to take care
4-tksruk & to plough 5-rksi & cannon

Á-2-foykse “kCn fyf[k, %&

1-dherh x lLrk 2-gksf”k;kj x csodwQ 3-le>nkj x ukle> 4-Hkkjh x gYdk

Á-3-dks’Bd ls lgh “kCn pqudj [kkyh txg Hkfj, %&

1-fcYYkh________ dks idM+rk gSA ¼pwgs½
2-dqRrk________tkuoj gSA ¼oQknkj½
3-xk; cM+h________gksrh gSA ¼lh/kh&lknh½
4-?kksM+k cM+k________gksrk gSA ¼fuM+j½

Á-4-okD;ksa esa Á;ksx dhft, %&

1-tkuoj & dqRrk ,d ikyrw tkuoj gSA
2-tksruk & cSy [ksr tksrrk gSA
3-gksf”k;kj & jke gksf”k;kj yM+dk gSA
4-yM+kbZ & yM+kbZ djus ls fdlh dks dksbZ Qk;nk ugha gSA

Á-5-vadksa dks v{kjksa esa fyf[k, %&

1-,d 2-nks 3-rhu 4-pkj 5-ik¡p
6-N: 7-lkr 8-vkB 9-ukS 10-nl
11-X;kjg 12-ckjg 13-rsjg 14-pkSng 15-ianzg
16-lksyg 17-l=g 18-vBkjg 19-mUUkhl 20-chl
21-bDdhl 22-ckbZl 23-rsbZl 24-pkSchl 25-iPphl

Á-6-Á'uksa ds mRrj rhu&rhu okD;ksa esa fyf[k,%&

1-dqRrs ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A
dqRrk oQknkj tkuoj gSA og ?kj dh j[kokyh djrk gSA dqRrk pksj dks ns[kdj HkkSadrk gSA
2-xk; ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A
xk; cM+h lh/kh&lknh gksrh gSA og gedks nw/k nsrh gSA xk; dk nw/k ehBk vkSj iqf’Vdj
gksrk gSA
3-?kksM+s ls D;k Qk;nk gksrs gSa\
?kksM+k xkM+h [khaprk gSa ge mlij lokjh djrs gSaA iqjkus le; esa ?kksM+s yMkbZ esa dke vkrs FksA
4-gkFkh ds ckjs esa rhu okD; fyf[k,A
gkFkh tkuojksa esa cM+k gSA mlds ,d yach lw¡M+ gksrh gSA blls og Hkkjh ls Hkkjh pht
mBkrk gSA

Á-7- i|ka”k dk HkkokFkZ vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&

1-Qwyksa ls fur g¡luk lh[kks]
HkkSjksa ls fur xkukA
r# dh >qdh Mkfy;ksa ls]
fur lh[kks “kh”k >qdkukAA
Context:- These Lines are taken from the poem “lh[kks ”A
Meaning:- Learn from the flowers to laugh everyday; learn to sing always from
the honey bees. Learn to be polite, humble and to bow down your head from the
bent branches from the trees.

2-nhid ls lh[kks]
ftruk gks lds va/ksjk gjukA
i`Foh ls lh[kks] dh lPPkh lsok djukAA
Context:- These Lines are taken from the poem “lh[kks ”A
Meaning:- Learn from lamps to remove darkness and spread light. Learn to
render true service to all living things in the earth.

Á-8-dgkuh dk lkjka”k fganh esa fyf[k, %&

,drk dk Qy
,d f”kdkjh FkkA mlus ,d fnu taxy esa pkoy ds nkus fc[ksjdj muij tky
fcNk;kA og >kM+h ds ihNs tkdj fNi x;kA
FkksMh nsj esa dcwrj dk ,d >qaM mM+rs gq, ml vksj vk;kA bl >qaM dk eqf[k;k
fp=xzho FkkA og cM+k cqf)eku FkkA dcwrjksa us nkus dks ns[kkA mudks uhps mrjdj nkus
pqxus dh bPNk gqbZA ;g tkudj fp=xzho us dgk & bl futZu ou esa nkus dgk¡ ls vk;s \
;g lkspdj gh gesa mrjuk gSA
Yksfdu vU; dcwrjksa us fp=xzho dh ckr ugha ekuhA lc dcwrj nkus pqxus uhps
mrjsA os tky esa Q¡l x;sA vc dcwrj ,d nwljs dh fuank djus yxsA fp=xzho muls
cksyk& igys ,d eu ls tky ysdj mM+sx a sA fQj cpus dk mik; lkspsx
a sA
Lkc dcwrj tky ysdj mMsA lkjk dcwrj ,d unh ds fdukjs mrjsA ogk¡ ,d pwgk
jgrk FkkA og fp=xzho dk nksLr FkkA mlus tky dkVdj dcwrjksa dks vkt+kn fd;kA
Lkh[k % vuqHko dk frjLdkj vkifRr dk cqykok gSA
Á-9-v-okD;ksa dk vuqokn %&
okD;ksa dk vuqokn vaxzst+h esa fyf[k, %&
1-jke i<+ jgk gSA - Rama is reading.
2-yM+dk ikB lh[k jgk gSA - The boy is learning the lesson.
3-yM+dh xk jgh gSA - The girl is singing.
4-,d L=h diM+k lh jgh gSA - A women stitching the clothes.
5-eSa ikB fy[k jgk gw¡A - I am writing the lesson.
6-rqe D;k dj jgs gks\ - What are you doing?
7-lhrk] rqe D;k lksp jgh gks\ - Sita, What are you thinking?
8-eSa ikB ;kn dj jgh gw¡ - I am memorising the lesson.
9-NksVs yM+ds [ksy jgs gSaA - Small boys are playing.
10-firkth [kr fy[k jgs gSaA - Father is writing a letter.

vk-okD;ksa dk vuqokn fganh esa fyf[k, %&

1.Gopal is playing in the play ground. & xksiky eSnku esa [ksy jgk gSA
2.The servant is going to the market. & ukSdj ckt+kj tk jgk gSA
3.The tailor is stitching clothes. & nthZ dIkM+k lh jgk gSA
4.They are talking. & os cksy jgs gSaA
5.He is reading the news paper. & os v[kckj i<+ jgs gSA
6.Mother is working at home. & ekrkth ?kj esa dke jgh gSA
7.Kamala is playing Veena. & deyk oh.kk ctk jgh gSA
8.What are you ¼vki½ eating? & vki D;k dj jgs gSa\
9.You ¼rqe½ are writing a letter. & rqe fpV~Bh fy[k jgs gksA
10.It is raining now. & vc ikuh cjl jgk gSA


पाठः – वतीयः पाठः शत ृ ययः – पुि ल गः

एकवचनम ् ववचनम ् बहुवचनम ्
1. करो त कु तः कुवि त
शत ृ : कुवन ् कुव तौ कुव तः
2. शण
ृ ोत शण
ृ ुतः श ृ वि त
शत ृ :श ृ वन ् श ृ व तौ श ृ व तः
III. Fill in the blanks :
उदाहरणम ् – नतकाः गीतम ् --------------(शृ वि त) न ततव तः ।
नतकाः गीतम ् श ृ व तः न ततव तः ।
1.छा+ाः --------------( दि त) पाठं -ल/खतव तः । द तः
2.भ2ताः जपं --------------(कुवि त) आन दम ् अनभ
ु वि त । कुव तः
3.अचकाः तीथ7 --------------(दद त) उप व8टव तः सि त । ददतः
4.-श;काः पु<तका न --------------(=>णि त) शालाम ् आगतव तः । =>ण तः
5. व या?थनः -श;केAयः --------------(BबAय त) गहृ पाठं समा पतव तः । BबAयतः
6.अ-भमा ननः प;<य Cवजं आपणेषु --------------(बEनि त) अFे गतव तः । बEन तः
IV. Fill in the blanks :
उदाहरणम ् : सुFीवः दन ् राम<य साहाGयं प8ृ टवान ् ।
1.सः कायम ् कतु7 ---------------- अ प तू8णीं ि<थतवान ् । श2नव
ु न्
2.शIकरः Jादे -शकभाषां ---------------- अ प <वमातभ
ृ ाषया एव उKतLरतवान ् । जानन ्
3.सवMशः नत
ू नान ् अनभ
ु वान ् ---------------- कायNे याम ् अFे गतवान ् । JाOनव
ु न्
4.पIगुः द डं ---------------- मागM चल त । गQृ णन ्
5.नतकः पादयोः RकIगणीं ---------------- शीSं धा वतवान ् । बCनन ्
6.द8ु टात ् ---------------- कमकरः कायM दोषं कृतवान ् । BबAयत ्
सुभा षतम ्
1.दानं भोगो नाशि<तUो गतयो वKत<य ।
यो न ददा त न भुI2ते त<य तत
ृ ीया ग तभव त ॥
There are three ways of spending money. Charity, enjoyment, and loss. A person who
neither gives charity nor enjoys will lose his money.
2.Wयसनान तरं सौXयं <वYपमOय?धकं भवेत ् ।
काषायरसमासा य <वा वतीवाZबु व दते ॥
After going through miseries even a small joy seems big. After tasting astringent flavour (of
medicines, gooseberry etc. ) water tastes very sweet indeed.

म ालोचनम ्
पयाय पदा न & Meanings :
1.भीतः – भी तः – Fear 2.करणीयः – कतWयः – Should be done
3.Wया?धः – रोगः – Disease 4.श+ःु – Lरपुः – Enemy
5.यु2तम ् – उ?चतम ् – Right
2.Answer the following :
1.यु?धि8ठरः Rकम ् कतम
ु ् सIकिYपतवान ् आसीत ् ?
य?ु धि8ठरः राजसूययागम ् कतम
ु ् सIकिYपतवान ् आसीत ् ।
2.धमराज<य भीतः का ? याग<य मCये वEनो भव त इ त धमराजः भीतः आसीत ् ।
3.म +ालोचनाथम ् कौ आगतौ ? म +ालोचनाथम ् उ]वः बलराम^च आगतौ ।
4.दे वे _ः Rकम ् सू?चतवान ् ? द8ु ट<य -शशुपाल<य वधः करणीयः इ त सू?चतवान ् ।
5.कौ न उपे;णीयौ ? Wया?धः वधमानः श+ःु च नोपे;णीयौ ।
सि धः – अनु वारसि धः
Join the words :
1.सवम ् + न8टम ् = सव7 न8टम ् 2.अहम ् + तम ् = अहं तम ्
3.आपणम ् + गKवा = आपणं गKवा 4.तम ् + b8cवा = तं b8cवा
5.एवम ् + कृKवा = एवं कृKवा 6.Jवचनम ् + Nोतुम ् = Jवचनं Nोतुम ्
7.सभाम ् + गdछन ् = सभां गdछन ् 8.पB+काम ् + पठ = पB+कां पठ
9.Rकम ् + वद-स = Rकं वद-स 10.छ+म ् + दे eह = छ+ं दे eह
Disjoin the sandhi :
1.वादं Kयज = वादम ् + Kयज 2.सेवां कु = सेवाम ् + कु
3.दfपं gवालय = दfपम ् + gवालय 4.Fामं गdछ = Fामम ् + गdछ
5.तं सूचय = तम ् + सूचय 6.वनं गKवा = वनम ् + गKवा
7.सOतमं वा2यम ् = सOतमम ् + वा2यम ् 8.रामं नम = रामम ् + नम
9.सं<कृतं Nे8ठम ् = सं<कृतम ् + Nे8ठम ् 10.क8टं नाि<त = क8टम ् + नाि<त
ज# वसि धः
Join sandhi :
1.eदक् +अZबरः = eदगZबरः 2.तत ्+एव = तदे व
3.?धक् +धनम ् = ?धhधनम ् 4.Jावcृ +जलम ् = Jावiृ जलम ्
5.Uक् +इयम ् = U?गयम ् 6.अच ्+वणः = अgवणः
7.अप ्+जातम ् = अjजातम ् 8.सkाc+अि<त = सkाडि<त
9.वदे त ्+इ त = वदे eद त 10.षc+अ?धकम ् = षड?धकम ्
DisJoin sandhi :
1.बहृ गा+ः = बहृ त ्+गा+ः 2.धीम वरः = धीमत ्+वरः
3.वाhबाणः = वाक् +बाणः 4.वागीशः=वाक् +ईशः
5.महदि<त = महत ्+अि<त 6.षiवादने = षc+वादने
7.मधु-लiडयते = मधु-लc+iयते 8.सुब तम ् = सुप ्+अ तम ्
9.उ गdछ त = उत ्+गdछ त 10.अबादfनाम ् = अप ्+आदfनाम ्
ृ ीयः पाठः

शत(ृ पंु)- वतीया वभि2त अ&यासाः

धातु एकवचनम ् ववचनम ् बहुवचनम ्
पm पठ तम ् पठ तौ पठ तः
-लख ् -लख तम ् -लख तौ -लख तः
i. Convert the sentences into वतीया वभि2त - एकवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – =>डन ् छा+ः – =>ड तं छा+म ् ।
1. दन ् -शशुः - द तं -शशुः 2.पचन ् सुरे _ः - पच तः सुरे _ः
3.खादन ् जनकः - खाद तः जनकः 4.धावन ् अFजः - धाव तः अFजः
5. पबन ् पतWृ यः - पब तः पतWृ यः 6.<खलन ् नरे _ः - <खल तः नरे _ः
7.आरोहन ् -श;कः - आरोह तः -श;कः 8.चोरयन ् गोपालकः - चोरय तः गोपालकः
9.उिKत8ठन ् Jभाकरः - उिKत8ठ तः Jभाकरः 10.?च तयन ् आचायः - ?च तय तः आचायः
ii. Convert the sentences into वतीया वभि2त – बहुवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – =>ड तं छा+म ् – =>डतः छा+ान ् ।
1.गाय तम ् गायकम ् - गायतः गायकान ् 2.<मर तम ् ना वकम ् - <मरतः ना वकान ्
3.पdृ छ तम ् -श;कम ् - पdृ छतः -श;कान ् 4.सूचय तम ् नायकम ् - सच
ू यतः नायकान ्
5.;ालय तम ् रजकम ् - ;ालयतः रजकान ् 6.प^य तम ् वी;कम ् - प^यतः वी;कान ्
7.अनुसर तम ् पु+म ् - अनुसरतः पु+ान ् 8.पठ तम ् चालकम ् - पठतः चालकान ्

iii. Write the sentences वतीया वभि2त :

पठन ् पु+ः आहूतवान ् ।
-लखन ् छा+ः <मत
ृ वान ् ।
दन ् -शशःु उ नीतवान ् ।
गणेशः <खलन ् व]
ृ ः गह
ृ fतवान ् ।
गायन ् <नेeहतः ^ला घतवान ् ।
हसन ् जनकः b8टवान ् ।
?च तयन ् अनज
ु ः प8ृ टवान ् ।

1.गणेशः पठन ् पु+ः आहूतवान ् । - गणेशः पठ तं पु+ं आहूतवान ् ।

2.गणेशः -लखन ् छा+ः <मत
ृ वान ् । - गणेशः -लख तं छा+ं <मत
ृ वान ् ।
3.गणेशः दन ् -शशुः उ नीतवान ् । - गणेशः द तं -शशुं उ नीतवान ् ।
4.गणेशः <खलन ् व]
ृ ः गह
ृ fतवान ् । - गणेशः <खल तं व]
ृ ं गह
ृ fतवान ् ।
5.गणेशः गायन ् <नेeहतः ^ला घतवान ् । - गणेशः गाय तं <नेeहतं ^ला घतवान ् ।
6.गणेशः हसन ् जनकः b8टवान ् । - गणेशः हस तं जनकं b8टवान ् ।
7.गणेशः ?च तयन ् अनज
ु ः प8ृ टवान ् । - गणेशः ?च तय तं अनज
ु ं प8ृ टवान ् ।
iv. Convert the sentences into बहुवचनम ् :
उदाहरणम ् – भवान ् जप तं भ2तम ् मा पीडयतु ।
भवान ् जपतः भ2तान ् मा पीडयतु ।
1.महे शः धाव तं बालकं <प8ृ टवान ् । - महे शः धावतः बालकान ् <प8ृ टवान ् ।
2.माता ;ीरं पब तं बालं b8टवती । - माता ;ीरं पबतः बालान ् b8टवती ।
3.स मागM गdछ तं सgजनं जनाः ^लाघ ते । - स मागM गdछतः सgजनान ् जनाः ^लाघ ते ।
4.गाय तं गायकं नतकः आहूतवान ् । - गायतः गायकान ् नतकः आहूतवान ् ।
5.भ2Kया नम तं साधकं दे वी उKथा पतवती । - भ2Kया नमतः साधकान ् दे वी उKथा पतवती ।
6.दरू दशनं प^य तं पु+ं जनकः तिजतवान ् । - दरू दशनं प^यतः पु+ान ् जनकः तिजतवान ् ।
सुभा षतम ्
१. शा<+ा यधीKया प भवि त मूखाः य<तु R=यावान ् पु षः स व वान ् ।
सु?चि ततम ् चौषधमातरु ाणां न नाममा+ेण करोKयरोगम ् ॥
A person though well versed in the various branches of study is still a fool, when he does
not put it into practice. He who practices what he preaches, is a genuine scholar. A mere
mention of a good drug will not cure an ailing person. Only when it is taken will he be cured.

२. आयKयां गण
ु दोषrः तदाKवे s;J न^चयः ।
अतीते कायशेषrो वपदा ना-भभूयते ॥
A person who knows the good and evil consequences of a task to be done and can take a
quick decision on an urgent matter and knows what is still remaining of a task done, will never
face any difficulty.

का(यकथा – इ + थ याणम ्
i.पयाय पदा न :
1.उ?चतम ् – उKतमम ् 2.केवलम ् – मा+म ् 3.अपराधम ् – द8ु कम 4.Cव नः – शjदः
5. Kवरा – वेगम ् 6.अZबा – माता 7.हननम ् – वधम ् 8.या+ा – Jयाणम ्

ii.Meanings :
1.जै+या+ा - Conquest 2.साधयाम – Achieve 3.Kवरा - Haste 4.मूषकम ् - Mouse
5.खनन-मव – Like digging 6.म8ृ या-म - I shall forgive 7.हननम ् - killing 8.आरjधवान ् - Began

3.Answer the following :

1.बलरामः Nीकृ8णं Rकम ् उ2तवान ् ? – बलरामः ”जै+या+ां करोत”ु इ त Nीकृ8णं Rकम ् उ2तवान ् ।
2.कु+ यु]ावकाशः भ व8य त इ त उ]वः उ2तवान ् ? –
यागे एव य]
ु ावकाशः भ व8य त इ त उ]वः उ2तवान ् ।
3.Nीकृ8णः Rकम ् J तrावाचनं दKतवान ् आसीत ् ? –
“-शशुपाल<य शतम ् अपराधान ् म8ृ या-म” इ त Nीकृ8णः J तrावाचनं दKतवान ् आसीत ् ।
4.Nीकृ8णः केन स त8ु टः जातः ? - Nीकृ8णः उ]व<य वचनेन स त8ु टः जातः ।
5.Nीकृ8णः Rकम ् कतु7 नि^चतवान ् ? - Nीकृ8णः यrया+ां कतु7 नि^चतवान ् ।
सि धः
परसवण-सि धः
i. Split the sandhis :
1.गIगा – गं+गा 2.अwचलम ् – अं+चलम ् 3.अ डम ् – अं+डम ् 4.स तः – सं+तः 5.कZपः – कं+पः
6.पुwचः – पुं + चः 7.क टकम ् – कं+टकम ् 8.अ धः – अं+धः 9.ब धः – बं+धः 10.शIकः – शं+कः
ii. join the following :
1.अं+बा = अZबा 2.सं+?धः = सि धः 3.अं+कः = अIकः 4.चं+पूः = चZपूः 5.भां+डारम ् = भा डारम ्
6.शुं+ठx = शु ठx 7.शं+का = शIका 8.अं+ Sः = अI Sः 9.पं+ि2तः = पIि2तः 10.चं+डः = च डः

iii. Write the two forms of the sandhis :

उदाहरणम ् : Kवं+करो ष = KवIकरो ष / Kवं करो ष
1.धम7+चर = धमwचर / धम7 चर 2.शं+करः = शIकरः / शं करः
3.सं+ब धः = सZब धः / सं ब धः 4.सं+चयः = सwचयः / सं चयः
5.सं+पिKतः = सZपिKतः / सं पिKतः 6.सं+घः = सIघः / सं घः
7.तं+टIकारम ् = त टIकारम ् / तं टIकारम ्
च व-सि धः
i. Split the sandhis :
1.षcसOत तः = षc+सOत तः 2.ऋिKव2Jमुखः = ऋिKवक् +Jमख
ु ः
3.मधु-लc पब त = मधु-लc+ पब त 4.व/ण2Jधानः = व/णक् +Jधानः
5.सकृKJ तrः = सकृत ्+J तrः 6.पतKपणम ् = पतत ्+पणम ्
7.पLर{ाcसङः = पLर{ाc+सङः

ii. join the following :

उदाहरणम ् : आरभ ्+<यते = आरO<यते (भ ्+<य=O<य)
1.भूभ ृ +प तः = भूभKृ प तः ( +प=Kप) 2.त +पा^वम ् = तKपा^वम ् ( +पा=Kपा)
3.उ +कणः = उKकणः ( +क=Kक) 4.शर +कालः = शरKकालः ( +का=Kका)
5.षi+कमा/ण = षcकमा/ण (i+क=cक) 6.<वप +प+
ु ः = <वपKपु+ः ( +पु=Kपु)
7.रट +काकः = रटKकाकः( +का=Kका)
1. Find the product of 0.5 x 1000
2. Find the quotient:
(i) 6 ÷ 0.3
(ii) 76.5 ÷ 0.15
(iii) 12.5 ÷ 0.5
3. Convert into Kilometre: (a) 327 m (b) 500 gm
4. The cost of 8 pens is ₹234.40, Find the cost of 1 pen.
5. The product of two decimals is 14.837, If one of them is 4.01, What is the other
6. The cost of a Mathematics book is ₹27.45. Find the cost of 12 such books.
7. A rope of length 94 m is cut into 6 pieces of equal length. Find the length of each

8. The area of rectangle of length 7.1 cm is 17.75 Find its breadth.
9. A jug can contain 1 litre 800 ml of water. How many glasses of 200 ml can be filled
from this jug?
10. If 15.5 litres of oil cost ₹ 2126.60. What is the cost of 1 litre of oil?
11. Evaluate:
(i) (-8)4 (ii) (-1)34 x 35
12. Simplify:
(i) 90+80-1100 (ii) (a0+b0+c0) -1
4 4 4
13. Find the value of m, So that ( )8 x ( )5 = ( )2m-3
7 7 7
𝑝 4 4 𝑝
14. If ( ) = ( )6 ÷ ( )4 Find the value of ( )2
𝑞 5 5 𝑞

15. Find the larger number:

(i) 102, 210 (ii) 34, 43 (iii) 26,62
16. Evaluate:
(i) 1024 ×1022 (ii) 712 ÷ 78 (iii) (34)2 x 35
17. Evaluate:
2 1 -3 5 1
(i) (-2 )-4 x ( ) (ii) ( )-3 ÷ ( )-2
5 −4 2 −3

18. Find the value of (i) (c/3b)-2 (ii) (-2a/3bc)3 If a = 2, b = 5, c = 3.

19. Express the given numbers in the usual form (i) 9.1789 x 10-2 (ii) 1.42598 x 10-5
20. If 𝑥 = (2/5)-3 x (2/5)4 Find the value of 𝑥 3.
21. Give the numerical co-efficient of all the terms in following expressions
(i) 6a-7ab+2b
(ii) 2abc-3bc+5ac
(iii) 2/5mn-5/7np+2/3pr
22. Identify the constants and the variables 18, 6, 𝑥 , p, 0, a, 4r, 3q.
23. Identify the monomial, binomial, trinomial
(i) 9p+5q+6r
(ii) 5pq
(iii) 2p+3q-4r
24. Write the co-efficient of ab2 in -8ab2.
25. Write the constant term 𝑥 2𝑦𝑧 +7 𝑥𝑦𝑧 + 4.

26. Identify the co-efficient of 𝑥 in each of the following expressions.

(i) 7𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦2
(ii) 13𝑦2 - 8𝑦𝑥
(iii) 1 + 𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦
27. Simplify the following:
(160 x 50) + (40 + 20) – (80-60)
28. Find the following products.
(i) 6.34 x 10
(ii) 6.5274 x 1000
29. A fan rotates at the speed of 123.5 rotations per minute. If the speed regulator is
adjusted to increase the speed of the fan 3.5 times, find the number of rotations
per minute of the fan.
30. Fill in the blanks:
(i) A pack of 31 eggs cost ₹173.60. The cost per egg is _____.
(ii) One-half of ₹24 is _______.
(iii) 1/10 of a litre is _______.
(iv) The area of a square park with side 15 m is _________.

(v) 15 steel chairs were purchased by a school for ₹1706.25. Then the cost of one
steel chair is__________.
1. 500
2. (i) 20 (ii) 510 (iii) 25
3. (a) 0.327 km (b) 0.5 km
4. ₹29.3
5. 3.7
6. 329.40
7. 1.625
8. 2.5 cm
9. 9
10. 137.2
11. (i) 4096 (ii) 243
12. (i) 1 (ii) 2
13. m = 8
𝑝 4 4
14. ( )2 = (( )2 )2 = ( )4
𝑞 5 5

15. (i)210 (ii) 34 (iii) 26

16. (i) 1046 (ii) 74 = 2401 (iii) 313
17. (i) 54/33 (ii) 8/1125
18. (i) 25 (ii) -64/91125
19. (i) 0.091789 (ii) 0.0000142598
20. 𝑥 3 =8/125
2 −5 2
21. (i) 6,-7, 2 (ii) 2,-3, 5 (iii) , - ,
5 7 3

22. Variables = 𝑥 ,4r,3q, p,a Constants = 18,6,0

23. (i) Trinomial (ii) Monomial (iii) Trinomial
24. -8
25. 4
26. (i) 7 & y2 (ii) -8y (iii) 1 & y
27. 3
28. (i) 63.4 (ii) 6527.4
29. 7.2
30. (i) 5.6 (ii) 62 (iii) 100ml (iv) 225𝑚2 (v) 113.75


1. Which one of the following is an example of uniform motion?
a) A car is moving on road having traffic b) A train entering a railway station
c) Motion of a butterfly d) An aeroplane flying at a speed of 750 km/h towards north.
2. Physical quantity which we can’t obtain from a distance-time graph is
a) speed b) time taken c) change in position d) change in weight
3. A car covers 40 km in first one hour, 115 km in next two hours and 45 km in next one
hour. Find out its average speed km/h.
a) 100 km/h b) 66.6 /h c) 50 km/h d) 20 km/h
4. The figure shows the distance-time graph for the motion of two cars X and Y. Which
one of them is moving faster?

a) Y is faster initially, then X gets faster b) X

c) Both are moving with same speed. d) Y
5. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Every object moves with a constant speed.
b) The time period of a pendulum of given length is not constant.
c) The speed of a train is expressed in m/h.
d) The fundamental unit of time is the second.
6. When the soil is too basic, plants do not grow well in it. To improve its quality what
must be added to the soil?
a) Organic matter b) Quick lime
c) Slaked lime d) Calamine solution
7. ___________ acid is found in amla.
a) Ascorbic b) Lactic c) Acetic d) Citric
8. The correct way of making a solution of acid in water is to
a) add water to acid b) add acid to water
c) mix acid and water simultaneously d) add water to acid in a shallow container.
9. The chemical name of baking soda is _______.
a) sodium carbonate b) sodium hydrogen carbonate
c) sodium chloride d) sodium hydroxide
10. Consider the following statement:
i) Both acids and bases change colour at all indicators.
ii) If an indicator gives a colour change with an acid, it does not give a change
with a base.
iii) If an indicator changes colour with a base, it does not change colour with an
iv) The change of colour in an acid and a base depends on the type of indicator.
Which of these statements are correct?
a) Only ii b) i and ii c)ii and iii d) only iv
Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
1. Assertion (A): Great care should be taken while handling laboratory acids and bases.
Reason (R): Laboratory acids and bases are corrosive in nature, irritating and harmful to
2. Assertion (A): Tooth paste neutralise the acid produced by fermentation of food
particles in mouth.
Reason (R): Toothpaste is alkaline in nature.
3. Assertion (A): The distance-time graph for the motion of an object moving with a
constant speed is not a straight line.
Reason (R): An object moving along a straight line covers equal distance in equal
intervals of time is said to be in uniform motion.
The distance moved by an object in unit time is called the speed of the object.
Speed is a physical quantity with which we can measure how fast or slow an
object is moving. The speed of an object can be calculated by dividing the
distance travelled by the object by the time taken to travel this distance.
The standard unit of speed or the SI unit of speed is metre per second.
The speedometer measures the speed of a moving vehicle when it is running.
In addition to speedometer, there is another instrument in vehicles called
odometer which is used to measure the distance travelled by a vehicle.
1. What are the devices used to measure the speed and distance of a moving
2. What is the relation between distance and speed?
a) Distance = Speed x Time b) Distance = Speed /Time
c) Distance = Time/Speed d) Distance = Speed + Time.
3. Give the basic unit of speed.
4. Define speed.
5. A car has to cover a distance of 51 km in 3 hours. What will be the speed of
the car?
1. Is the distilled water acidic/basic/neutral? How would you verify it?
2. Ammonium is found in many household products, such as window cleaners. It
turns red litmus blue. What is its nature?
3. Determine the number of seconds in a day.
1. How salt is formed? Explain with the help of any one example of chemical equation.
2. a) Define time period.
b) A boy walks to his school with a constant speed of 4 km/h and reaches there in
30 minutes. Find the distance of the school from his house.
1. You are provided with three test tubes A, B and C as shown in figure with different
liquids. What will you observe when you put:
a) A piece of blue litmus in each test tube.
b) A piece of red litmus in each test tube.
c) A few drops of phenolphthalein solution in each test tube.

Also identify the nature of each liquid substance given.

2. a) Distinguish between uniform and non-uniform motion.

b) Draw the distance-time graph for the following situations:
i) a man, waiting for a bus, standing at one point, on a bus-stand.
ii) a man, walking on a level, straight and narrow road, with a constant speed.



1. d) An aeroplane flying at a speed of 750 km/ hr towards north
2. d) change in weight
3. c) 50 km/ h
4. b) X
5. d) The fundamental unit of time is the second.
6. a) Organic matter
7. a) Ascorbic acid
8. b) add acid to water
9. b) sodium hydrogen carbonate
10. d) only iv
Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
1. a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A.
2. a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A.
3. d) A is false but R is true.
1. Speedometer and Odometer
2. a) Distance = Speed X Time
3. metre /second.
4. The distance moved by an object in unit time is called the speed of the object.
5. The speed of the car should be (51/3) = 17 km/hr.
1. Distilled water is neutral in nature. We can verify it by using litmus paper. When some
drops of the distilled water are poured on red/blue litmus paper, its colour remains the
2. The substance that turn red litmus blue is base. Therefore, ammonium is basic in nature.
3. In a day, we have 24 hours.
We know that 1 h = 3600 s; So, 24 h = 3600 × 24 = 86400s
1. Salt is a substance obtained from the neutralization of an acid and base.
Acid + Base  Salt + Water + Heat
Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide --- Sodium chloride + Water + Heat
Salt may be acidic, basic or neutral depending on whether the acids or bases
used to make salts are weak or strong.
2. a) Time Period: The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation.
b) Speed = 4km/h
Time taken = 30 minutes = ½ h = 0.5h
Therefore, Distance = speed x time
= 4 km/h x ½ h
= 2km.
Hence, distance of school from his house is 2 km.
1. a) Test tube A has an acidic solution. b) Test tube B has a basic solution.
c) Test tube C has a neutral solution.
Test tube Effect on blue litmus Effect on red litmus Effect on
A Changes to red Remains red Colourless
B Remains blue Changes to blue Pink colour
C Remains blue Remains red Colourless

2. a) Uniform motion: An object is said to be in uniform motion when it moves

along a straight path, and covers equal distances in equal intervals of time.
Non-Uniform motion: When an object, moving along a straight path, covers
unequal distances in equal intervals of time.

i) ii)

1. Following the Mamluk Dynasty___________ Dynasty took over the throne of Delhi.
a. Chahamana b. Lohara c. Khilji d. Rajput

2. According to Universal Adult Franchise every adult has___________

a. unequal right to vote vote c. the right to vote d. multiple vote

3. Which is not an erosional feature of sea waves?

a. Cliff b. Beach c. Sea caves d. Sea stack

4. When the person are treated unequal what is violated?

a. Dignity b. Religion c. Caste d. Practice

5. Which regions did not fall under Tughlaq after his massive expansion drive?
a. Marwar b. Mewar c. Anhilavada d. Hoysala

6. Ox bow lakes are found in:

a. Glaciers b. River valleys c. Deserts d. Mountain

7. Who represents our problems in the Parliament?

a. Ourselves b. MLA c. SHO d. MPs

8. Sant Jnaneshwar translated the _______ so that common people could understand
a. Upanishads b. Mahabharata c. Bhagavad Gita d. Hoysala

9. Which is caused by the sudden movements of the earth?

a. Volcano b. Folding c. Flood plain d. Landslide

10. Who is the father of the Indian Constitution?

a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. B.R. Ambedkar d. A.B. Vajpayee

1. What is Jizya? How did it affect commoners?
2. Some rocks have the shape of a mushroom. Give reason.
3. What is the difference between the work that MLAs do in the assembly and the work
done by Government department?
4. Define: Delta
5. What is Jauhar? Why did Rani Padmini and other Rajput women choose to embrace


1. What is the Varkari tradition? How does it impact the social and religious life of
2. Why should decisions taken by the Chief Minister and other ministers be debated in the
Legislative assembly?
3. What are Exogenic and Endogenic forces?
4. Why did Tughlaq lose Raja Prithvi Chand II in the Battle of Kangra? Mention the
highlights and significance of the battle.
5. Give Reason: Buildings collapse due to earthquakes.


1. How did Chittorgarh and Siwana show their resistance to Alauddin Khilji? What was
their defeat and death? Explain in detail.
2. Give reasons why the sea caves are turned into stacks.
3. Use the terms ‘constituency’ and ‘represent’ to explain who an MLA is and how is the
person elected.


1. c. Khilji

2. c.The right to vote

3. b. Beach

4. a. Dignity

5. b. Mewar

6. b. River valleys

7. d. MPs

8. b. Mahabharata

9. a. Volcano

10. c. B.R. Ambedkar


1. Alauddin imposed an exorbitant 50% - 75% tax on Hindus called Jizya.

Jizya was mandated to humiliate Hindus and it was the religious duty of the sultan to impose.

2. Winds erode the lower section of the rock more than the upper part. Therefore, such rocks
have narrower base and wider top which take the shape of the mushroom.

3. MLA is responsible for the welfare of his people. He raises issues in the assembly so that
solution to the problem facing the masses can be taken. Government departments make
and implement the solutions.

4. The river becomes so slow that it begins to deposit its load.

Each distributary forms its own mouth. The collection of sediments from all the mouths
forms a delta.

5. Rani Padmini and other Rajput women embraced Jauhar.

Jauhar was an Indian practices of mass self-immolation by Rajput women their children to
avoid capture when facing certain defeat during the war.


1. The Varkari tradition is where people from all walks of life come together with just one
identity- a devotee of Vitthala. The number of devotees on yatra has crossed one million.
The saints and poets words and actions have inspired the ordinary person to follow a life of
It gave rise to further saints like Namadeva and Tukaram. Other regions of Bharat also saw
many great saints uplifting the spirit of the people.

2. *The decisions taken by the Chief Minister and other ministers must be debated in the
Legislative assembly because during debates it is discussed whether a particular decision is
in the interest of the people at large or not.
It is also discussed whether it is urgent or not and how much it would cost the government,
is there anything objectionable for any particular community etc.
3. Exogenic forces are those forces which originate in the atmosphere or on the surface of
the earth and causes changes on the surface of the earth. e.g., Weathering, gradation,
erosion and deposition.
Endogenic forces are those forces which originate in the interior of the earth and causes
changes on the surface of the earth. e.g., Volcanoes, Earthquakes.

4. Tughlaq lost to Raja Prithvi Chand II in the Battle of Kangra because he was not able to
fight in the hills. Most of the Tughlaq force perished and the survivors retreated.
After the loss at Kangra battle there was a substantial and it led to the weakening of the
With successive defeats at the hands of the rulers of Bharat in various regions, and of
treasury because of reckless economic policies, Mohammud bin Tughlaq lost control of

5. Most of the buildings are not safe enough to resist the vibration of the earthquakes.
They are not made earthquakes proof.
They collapse tearing apart due to shallow foundation and lack of adequate steel in the
interior design.


1. * Jnaneshwar takes the tone of the important characters of the Mahabharata-like Krishna,
Sanjaya, Arjuna, Dhritarashtra, etc. making the entire teaching dramatic and appealing.
*He presented examples from the life of common people that made it easy for them to
relate to and understand.
* Jnaneshwar composed many works and created a movement among the people to
realize their potential and evolve spiritually.
* Madhvacharya travelled across Bharat, to understand the need of society at the point.
* Through the new stream of Vaishnava thought he stressed on the constant remembrance
of Lord Vishnu in and through all practices.

2. * The sea waves strike the coasts and erode the soft rocks. Hard rocks remain un
* Thus hollow like caves are formed on the rocks called sea caves.
* As these cavities become bigger and bigger only the roof of the caves remain thus
forming arches.
* Further, erosion breaks the roof and only walls are left.
* These wall like structures are called stacks.

3.* The state is divided into several constituencies.

* The elections are held in each constituency.
* All the adults above 18 years of age can vote.
* The person who gets the maximum votes is elected.
* From each constituency people elect one representative who then becomes an MLA.


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