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VOL. 01, ISSUE 01 ( 018-023), 2020

Microbial Isolation
Rhezqy Furwati Jufri

Biology Education Department,

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Rhezqy Furwati Jufri

Article Info Abstract

Article history: The importance of isolating a microbe from the environment, such as
Received 07 January 2020 food (solid substrate), drinks (liquid substrate), and yourself because
Received in revised form 14 of the many microbes that are difficult to observe or distinguish
January 2020 directly using the five senses. A sample can contain bacteria or fungi.
Accepted 24 January 2020 By isolating, the shape of the colonies and the contents in a sample can
be observed. Bacteria from the air and normal flora form colonies with
lobate-shaped edges, whereas bacteria found in well water samples
Keywords: form colonies with irregular edges and there are also fungi found in
Microbe, isolation, bacteria the well water samples.

Specific skills are needed in learning microbiology so that learning objectives can be
achieved. In addition to learning in the classroom, practicum activities in the laboratory also
need to be done because the object of learning microbiology is very difficult to observe
directly in daily life. Related to this, observations need to be made in the laboratory.
Observation of microorganisms can only be done if the microorganisms to be observed are
isolated in certain places so that they are easily observed under a microscope.
Microorganisms live freely in the environment, spread in the air, soil, water, food, even those
of microorganisms that live in the human body. Observations on certain microorganisms can
only be made if microorganisms are separated from the environment and other
microorganisms. This can be done with isolation techniques. Several methods are often used
in microbial isolation. The methods used are also adapted to the type of microbes to be
observed. Observation activities in microbiological practice cannot be separated from
microbial isolation, so this practicum needs to be done.
Microbial isolation technique is an attempt to grow microorganisms outside of their natural
environment. Separation of microorganisms outside the environment aims to obtain bacterial
cultures that are no longer mixed with other bacteria called pure cultures. The principle of
microbial isolation is to separate one type of microbe with other microbes derived from a
mixture of various microbes. This can be done by growing it in solid media, microbial cells
will form a colony of cells that remain in place (Lestari, 2017).
Providing samples as a source of microbial isolates can be obtained in a variety of ways there
are samples obtained from soil, livestock manure, livestock rumen fluid. From the plant part.
There are samples from food products such as milk, meat, fish, shrimp paste and others.
There is a sampling by doing the fermentation process to obtain indigenous microorganisms
(MOI) which aim to spur the process of decomposition by microbes. Microbes that have
grown and developed from MOI media are used as isolate sources for isolation purposes.

Copyright © 2020, Journal La Lifesci, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0


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 Mikrobiologi Keperawatan Gigi 

Gambar 1.8 Bentuk

Bentuk-bentuk Koloni Bakteri
Sumber; diunduh 7 Agustus 2017

b. Morfologi Mikroskopis
Morfologi mikroskopik adalah karakteristik bakteri yang dilihat melalui pengamatan
dibawah mikroskop. Bentuk bakteri sangat bervariasi, tetapi secara umum aada 3 tipe, yaitu :
bentuk bulat/kokus, bentuk batang/basil dan bentuk spiral/

Bentuk bulat
Bentuk kokus (coccus = sferis / tidak bulat betul) dapat di bedakan lagi menjadi beberapa
formasi, yaitu :
1. Micrococcus : berbentuk bulat, satu
satu-satu. Contohnya Monococcus gonorrhoe.
2. Diplococcus
cus : berbentuk bulat, bergandengan dua dua-dua.
dua. Contohnya Diplococcus
3. Staphylococcus : berbentuk bulat, tersusun seperti untaian buah anggur. Contohnya
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprofiticus.
4. Streptococccus : berbentuk bulat, bergandenbergandengan
gan seperti rantai, sebagai hasil
pembelahan sel kesatu atau dua arah dalam satu garis. Contohnya Streptococcus
faecalis, Streptococcus lactis, dan lain
5. Sarcina : berbentuk bulat, terdiri dari 8 sel yang tersusun da
lam bentuk kubus sebagai
hasil pembelahan
embelahan sel ke 3 arah. Contohnya : Thiosarcina rosea
6. Tetracoccus / gaffkya : berbentuk bulat tersusun dari 4 sel berbentuk bujur sangkar,
sebagai hasil pembelahan sel kedua arah. Contohnya Pediococcus

 Mikrobiologi Keperawatan Gigi 

perkembangan mikroorganisme dalam makanan sangat erat hubungannya dengan

kehidupan manusia.
Mikroorganisme merupakan makhluk hidup yang sangat banyak, baik di tanah, air
maupun udara. Untuk itu perlunya isolasi maupun pemurnian untuk mendapatkan
mikroorganisme tersebut. Populasi yang besar dan kompleks dengan berbagai mikroba
terdapat dalam tubuh manusia termasuk di gigi dan mulut, saluran pencernaan dan kulit.
Isolasi adalah cara untuk memisahkan atau memindahkan mikroba tertentu dari
lingkungannya, sehingga diperoleh kultur murni atau biakan murni. Kultur murni ialah kultur
yang sel-sel mikrobianya berasal dari pembelahan dari satu sel tunggal. Kultur murni atau
biakan murni diperlukan karena semua metode mikrobiologis yang digunakan untuk
menelaah dan mengidentifikasi mikroorganisme, termasuk penelaahan ciri-ciri kultural,
morfologis, fisiologis, maupun serologis, memerlukan suatu populasi yang terdiri dari satu
macam mikroorganisme saja.
Dikenal beberapa cara atau metode untuk memperoleh biakan murni dari suatu biakan
campuran. Dua diantaranya yang paling sering digunakan adalah metode cawan gores dan
metode cawan tuang. Yang didasarkan pada prinsip pengenceran dengan maksud untuk
memperoleh spesies individu. Dengan anggapan bahwa setiap koloni dapat terpisah dari
satu jenis sel yang dapat diamati (Afrianto, 2004).
Biakan murni diperlukan dalam berbagai metode mikrobiologis, antara lain digunakan
dalam mengidentifikasi mikroba. Untuk mengamati ciri-ciri kultural morfologi, fisiologi, dan
serologi dibutuhkan mikroba yang berasal dari satu spesies (Dwijoseputro, 2005). Beberapa
faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melakukan isolasi mikroba yaitu antara lain:
1. Sifat setiap jenis mikroba yang akan diisolasi.
2. Tempat hidup atau asal mikroba tersebut.
3. Medium pertumbuhan yang sesuai.
4. Cara menginkubasi mikroba.
5. Cara menginokulasi mikroba.
6. Cara menguji bahwa mikroba yang diisolasi telah berupa kultur murni dan sesuai
dengan yang dimaksud.
7. Cara memelihara agar mikroba yang telah diisolasi tetap merupakan kultur murni.
8. Untuk mengisolasi mikroorganisme, hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya untuk
diperhatikan pula adalah teknik pengambilan sampel. Mikroorganisme terdapat
dimana-mana di dalam lingkungan kita mereka ada pada tubuh kita, dan di sekeliling
kita. Mereka merupakan komponen penting dalam ekosistem. Di habitat alamiahnya,
mereka hidup dalam suatu komunitas yang terdiri dari berbagai jenis mokroorganisme,
bersama spesies-spesies biologi lainnya. Didalam komunitas ini, satu spesies mikroba
dapat mempengaruhi spesies lain dengan berbagai cara-cara beberapa bersifat
menguntungkan beberapa merugikan ( Pelezar, 198)
9. Dalam suatu analisis mikrobiologi, pengambilan sampel merupakan salah satu kunci
utama yang sangat mendukung keberhasilan suatu analisa, yaitu memindahkan sampel
atau kultur bakterial dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain secara aseptis (terhindar
dari kontaminasi).

Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 4(2): 35-38, September 2020 e-ISSN: 2622-0628
DOI: 10.24843/ATBES.2020.v04.i02.p02 Available online at:

Identification and Analysis of Diversity of Soil

Microorganism Colonies in Limestone Reclamation Land

Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani1*, Dwi Oktafitria2, Sriwulan1, Ahmad Zaenal Arifin3, Eko Purnomo4

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher and Educational Science, PGRI Ronggolawe University
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, PGRI Ronggolawe University
Departement of Mathematic, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, PGRI Ronggolawe University
Jl. Manunggal No. 61 Tuban-62381, East Java, Indonesia
PT. Semen Indonesia Tbk Gresik, Semen Indonesia Group
Jl. Veteran No.93, Gapurosukolilo, Gresik-61122, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Reclamation of land used for mining is very important because it is related to microbial activity in the soil which
has an impact on soil fertility. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the diversity of bacterial colonies in the
reclaimed land of the former Limestone Mining. The method used in this research was a laboratory experimental method.
The results of the study showed that 6 bacterial isolates were found and the highest total plate count in GPS land (GPS
system) is 1.97 X 106 cfu, the dominant colony characteristics were irregular shapes, flat edges and milky white color.

Keywords: bacterial colony; diversity; isolate; reclamation land; soil

microbial colonies in groups of bacteria in the reclaimed

I. INTRODUCTION land of limestone mining.
Reclamation of a former limestone quarry is an
obligation that must be carried out by companies or
holders as stipulated in the Minister of Energy and This research is an exploratory study, the method used
Mineral Resources decree No. 7 of 2014[1]. The success is a laboratory experimental method carried out in the
of a reclamation is largely determined by many things, biology laboratory of the University of PGRI
including aspects of land use, fertility of the planting Ronggolawe, Tuban. Research samples from the former
media, technical planting and maintenance of plants. reclaimed land of limestone mining PT Semen Indonesia
Reclamation has been carried out by PT Semen Tbk.
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk since 2010 until now. Along
with the increase in years, modifications in planting are Data Collection and Analysis of Soil Microorganisms
always done, not only by doing conventional systems, but Analysis of soil microorganism diversity in this study
also Groove Planting Systems (GPS). Since the initial was limited to soil bacterial groups. This analysis process
reclamation in 2010, 2014 and 2016, the method used is is carried out through several stages, which include
the conventional method. This conventional method is isolation, purification, and characterization of bacterial
carried out by distributing topsoil evenly. The isolates obtained.
implementation of this reclamation activity is closely Bacterial isolation was carried out by taking soil
related to the biodiversity in the reclamation land, samples from the post-limestone quarry land that was
including the biodiversity of soil microorganisms. reclaimed with conventional systems and grooves. Soil
Biodiversity of soil microorganisms can be used as an samples were taken at 5 points from each location. Then a
indicator of land quality. This is because, the presence of serial dilution was carried out on the soil sample that has
soil microorganisms can provide a number of benefits for been taken. Dilutions were done at levels 10-4, 10-5, and
plant growth, including helping provide nutrient 10-6. The diluted samples were then inoculated on NA
availability, helping to mobilize nutrients, helping to (Nutrient Agar) media and incubated at room temperature
produce Plant Growt Regulator (PGR), and as a pathogen for 2 x 24 hours.The isolates obtained from the isolation
biocontrol agent[2]. In addition to bacteria there are also process were then purified. Purification was carried out
mycorrhizae that can help soil fertility [3]. Therefore this by the quadrant method [4] [5]. After obtaining a single
study aims to identify and analyze the diversity of soil colony, the isolates were characterized. Then identified
Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 4(2): 35-38, September 2020 e-ISSN: 2622-0628
DOI: 10.24843/ATBES.2020.v04.i02.p02 Available online at:


Rate of Dilution
No Sample Origin TPC value (cfu)
10-4 10-5 10-6

1 Conventional 116 263 525 4.9 x 105

Groove Planting
2 567 231 140 1.97 x 105
System (GPS)

Discussion characteristics of the bacterial colonies found in the

former limestone quarry had different diversity.
In Table 1 it can be seen that from the isolation there
Bacterial colonies have special properties in solid
were 6 isolates obtained. The six isolates consisted of
media, where the shape of the colony can be described as
Isolate 1 which was only found in soil samples taken
dot, round or circular, filamentous and irregular. The
from conventional systems. Isolate 2, Isolate 3, Isolate 4,
surface of the colony can be flat, arise flat, curved,
and Isolate 5 were found from both Groove Planting
bulging, hilly and similar to the crater, while the edges of
System (GPS) and conventional soil samples. Whereas
the colony can be intact or whole, split or lobate, swim or
Isolate 6 was only found from soil samples taken on GPS
filamentus and curled. In color, bacterial colonies are
mostly whitish or yellowish in color [11].
In Table 2 it can be seen that the total bacterial plate
Naturally in polluted soils there are biosurfactant-
count from land with a GPS system (1.97 X 10 6 cfu) is
producing bacteria. Biosurfactants are compounds
higher than conventional land (4.9 X 10 5 cfu). These
produced by microorganisms that function to reduce the
results indicate that the number of bacterial colonies
surface tension of the liquid so that the bioremediation
found on GPS land is higher than conventional land. With
process can take place properly. With the presence of
more and more bacteria this Soil fertility depends on the
biosurfactant-producing bacteria, the process of
physical, chemical, and biological soil conditions. Soil
degradation of the polluted soil environment will proceed
physical conditions include effective depth, texture,
well [12] [13].
structure, humidity, and soil air condition. Soil chemical
The reduced microbial activity in the soil will also
conditions include: soil reaction (soil pH), base
affect soil density, because it can dissolve nutrients in the
saturation, and organic matter, abundance of nutrients,
soil. Microorganisms in the soil can also use the results of
nutrient reserves, and availability of nutrients for plants.
pollutants for metabolism so that the number increases
Biological conditions of the soil include: microbial
and can help soil fertility [14] [15] [16]. The results of
activity of organic material remodeling in the process of
this study indicate there are 6 isolates of which 5 isolates
humification, and binding of nitrogen free from the air.
were obtained from the GPS environment and
Evaluation of soil fertility can be done in several ways,
conventional, while the other 1 from the conventional
namely through visual observation of plant deficiency
environment. From these data, the combination of
symptoms [7] [8] [9].
conventional environment and GPS environment provides
The number of bacterial colonies in the GPS
more environmental support for bacterial growth because
environment is higher because of the GPS environment
the remnants of the mining area still contain nutrients and
because the carrying capacity of the environment in the
pollutants that can be used for bacterial metabolism.
form of nutrients both macro and micro is better than
conventional ones. This is in line with Erfandi's research,
2017[10] which states that bacteria have an important role
in the process of decomposition of organic matter, There are 6 bacterial isolates found in conventional
especially at high humidity levels. Characteristics of land and GPS land in the former limestone quarry. The
bacterial colonies found are the convex surface dominant total bacterial plate count from land with GPS systems
with milky white color. This diverse bacterial colony (1.97 X 106 cfu) is higher than conventional land (4.9 X
shows the diversity of soil microbes. The edges of the 105 cfu). Bacterial colonies on limestone quarry have the
colonies that were found all had flat edges, while the characteristics of irregular shape, flat edges and the color
dominant colony was irregularly rounded, the of milky white colonies.
AISTSSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (2021) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1819/1/012044

Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from River Origin

in Mandailing Natal North Sumatera

Mhd. Yusuf Nasution, Ahmad Shafwan S. Pulungan, Eko Prasetya, Salwa Rezeqi
Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstract. The indicator of water pollution according to microbiological standards is the

presence of microbiological pollutants. To see the presence of bacteria in the waters, it is
necessary to study the isolation and characterization of these bacteria. The existence of the
river in the Mandailing Natal area has experienced a change in character due to gold mining
activities along the river flow. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of bacteria
in the river in the Mandailing Natal area of North Sumatra. This research was conducted at the
Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, State University of Medan. The research period was from June to October 2020. The
population in this study was the water of the Batang Gadis Mandailing Natal river, North
Sumatra. The sample in this study is the Batang Gadis river water around the Mandailing Natal
gold mine, North Sumatra. The research was carried out by taking samples and isolating
bacteria which included planting the samples on media enriching the planting of the samples
on various growing media, purifying bacterial colonies and observing the morphology of
bacterial colonies. The results showed that there were 6 bacterial isolates living in river waters
in Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra.

1. Introduction
The mining sector, especially gold mining, needs special attention by the public because it has a high
risk of environmental damage. One of the problems that is still a problem is the large number of illegal
mining activities (without permits).The main problem in gold mining without a permit is the use of
hazardous materials and substances in its processing. The waste produced generally still contains
mercury [1]. Mercury which is often used in gold ore mining is elemental mercury, which is mercury
in its original form [2].
Metallic mineral content (especially gold) has long been stored in the Mandailing Natal Regency
area. The reserves of gold mining in Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency, North Sumatra Province are
quite large and reach 1.5 million ounces (Au) with a content of 2.2 grams tonnes of Au.
Gold mining in Madina has been around since 2008. The rise of illegal mining using hazardous
materials has resulted in various diseases caused by the dumping of hazardous heavy metal waste into
the environment. One of the alternatives for handling mercury-polluted environment is bioremediation
technique, which is one of the uses of microorganisms to improve the polluted environment.
The role of microbes in wastewater treatment has provided many encouraging results [3]. Organic
compounds found in wastewater are a source of nutrition for microbes. Microbes will break down
these compounds into simpler and more stable forms so that the levels of pollutants contained in the
waste decrease. Enzymatic reactions by bacteria are the key to implementing a gradual transformation

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
AISTSSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (2021) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1819/1/012044

process in wastewater management from substrates, which are generally organic materials with
complex molecular arrangements, into simple elements.
Several types of bacteria are known to have the ability to reduce or absorb heavy metals. Bacteria
that are resistant to mercury stress are called mercury resistant bacteria (BRM). One of the
mechanisms contained in BRM to reduce mercury is by converting Hg2 + to Hg0 with the enzyme
mercury reductase encoded by the merA gene [4].
The potential possessed by bacteria in reducing heavy metals (mercury) is an environmentally
friendly technique in improving the environment [5-6]. As an initial effort to determine the types of
bacteria that are capable of reducing mercury, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study to
determine the types of bacteria that are resistant to mercury content in the gold mining area in
Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra.

2. Materials and Method

This research was conducted in the microbiology laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan. The time of this research is planned to
start from June to October 2020. The population in this study are all bacteria obtained from soil and
water from the Mandailing Natal gold mine, North Sumatra. The sample in this study was a total
sample, that is, all bacteria that are resistant to mercury obtained from the Mandailing Natal gold
mine, North Sumatra.
The main materials used in this study were soil and waste water samples obtained from the
Mandailing Natal gold mine, North Sumatra, tissue, umbrella paper, rubber, cotton, plastic wrap,
aluminum foil, masks, gloves, markers, standard solutions. mercury, distilled water, spirits, 70%
alcohol, thick adhesive plastic, HCl, NaOH, HNO3. In addition, the media needed are BHI (Brain
Heart Infusion) Media, LDS (Lactose Double Streng), EMBA (Eosin Methylen Blue Agar), Cled
Agar, MSA (Manitol Salt Agar), MCA (Mac Conkey Agar), Blood Agar , NaCl, HgCl2 produced by
Merck Germany, as well as reagents for Gram positive and negative tests.
The tools used in the research included Laminar Air Flow with a local brand, autoclave with the
Hirayama HVE50 brand, an oven with the Memmert brand, Petri dishes with the pyrex brand, test
tubes with the pyrex brand, incubators with the Memmert Churt brand, measuring pipettes with the
pyrex brand, cupboards ice with the LG brand, ose needle, digital balance with the sartorius brand,
Beaker glass with the pyrex brand, spatula, Erlenmeyer with the pyrex brand, measuring cup with the
pyrex brand, measuring flask with the pyrex brand, micropipette with the Accumax pro brand.

2.1. Sampling
Samples were taken from the Mandailing Natal gold mine, North Sumatra. 250 ml of samples from
each shelter were then put into dark reagent bottles and carried using transport media. Next, 50 ml of
samples from each bottle were taken and mixed into bottles, each containing 450 ml of Nutrient Broth.
The mixture is then propagated at room temperature for 5 days. Propagation aims to increase bacterial

2.2. Isolation of Bacteria

- Planting samples on enriched media
The samples were planted on enriched media
BHI and LDS.
- Planting samples on various growing media
Samples were grown on EMBA, Blood Agar, Cled Agar, MCA and MSA media.
- Purification of Bacterial Colonies
Bacterial colonies that grew on the growing media of Blood Agar, EMBA, Cled Agar and MCA
were observed to determine the differences in the characteristics of the growing bacterial colonies.
Furthermore, each colony with different characteristics was replanted in the appropriate planting
medium to obtain a pure colony, then incubated at 37oC for 24 hours.



Identification of Microorganisms by Modern Analytical

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Environmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics, Gagarina 7, 87-
100 Torun, Poland; Nicolaus Copernicus University, Interdisciplinary Centre of Modern Technology, Wileńska 4, 87-100 Torun,

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Rapid detection and identification of Conventional techniques currently used for the identification
microorganisms is a challenging and important of microorganisms are based on the culture of microorganisms
aspect in a wide range of fields, from medical to and the determination of the phenotypic characteristics thereof.
industrial, affecting human lives. Unfortunately, However, these methods are labor-intensive, time-consuming
classical methods of microorganism identification (taking up to 3 days), and often inadequate for the differentiation
are based on time-consuming and labor-intensive of phenotypically similar species (8–12). These limits are
approaches. Screening techniques require the especially important from a medical diagnostics point of view
rapid and cheap grouping of bacterial isolates; because the rapid and proper identification of pathogens is an
however, modern bioanalytics demand essential factor in the implementation of the appropriate therapy
comprehensive bacterial studies at a molecular (10, 11). In addition, screening identification of microorganisms
level. Modern approaches for the rapid is also a key issue in areas such as the pharmaceutical industry, food
identification of bacteria use molecular techniques, QC, and environmental research (1, 11, 13). Therefore, much
such as 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing emphasis has been placed on the development of alternative
based on polymerase chain reaction or methods for the rapid and unambiguous identification of
electromigration, especially capillary zone microorganisms directly from tested material (8–11).
electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusing. Nowadays, in the taxonomy of microorganisms, molecular
However, there are still several challenges with the biology methods—such as 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene
analysis of microbial complexes using sequencing (8, 14), polymerase chain reaction (PCR; 15), and
electromigration technology, such as uncontrolled other related PCR-based methods (16–18)—are very popular.
aggregation and/or adhesion to the capillary These methods are characterized by high sensitivity and
surface. Thus, an approach using capillary reproducibility. 16S rRNA gene sequencing is considered the
electrophoresis of microbial aggregates with UV most accurate method and deemed the gold standard for the
and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization identification of microorganisms at the species level (19).
time-of-flight MS detection is presented. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of this analysis, in routine
diagnostics, it is impossible to use this method. Moreover, such
studies are usually performed by external institutions, resulting

icroorganisms are well known for both positive and in prolonged wait times for results (14, 20).
negative properties. They are used on a wide scale in One of the strategies to reduce the time required for the
the food industry, biotechnology, and modern genetic identification of microorganisms in routine diagnostics is the
engineering. However, some microorganisms can cause food use of semiautomatic and automatic systems based on
spoilage or serious disease. Because of these two negative biochemical methods. Such methods allow the attainment
effects, the unequivocal and rapid identification of of results in maximum of 24 h (21–23). However, this time
microorganisms in real samples represents a very important frame is still too long, and the obtained results are not always
area of focus (1, 2). This is particularly important in medical satisfactory (24). An alternative could be MS methods, such as
diagnostics. Microbial infections can lead to dangerous diseases, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight
such as sepsis (3), diabetic foot infections (4), or meningitis (5). mode (MALDI-TOF MS) or electromigration techniques
Rapid and unambiguous identification of the pathogen causing (8). These methods allow the performance of quick and
the infection is a necessary factor for the implementation of an clear analyses of microorganisms directly from infected
appropriate therapy to save patient lives (6, 7). liquid samples while maintaining unit costs low (25–30).
The most recent approach involves the use of multivariate
techniques, such as PCR electrospray ionization (ESI) MS
Guest edited as a special report on “Chromatography – Theory and (31, 32), PCR-microchip capillary electrophoresis (ME; 33),
Applications. In memoriam of Prof. Dr. hab. Edward Soczewiński” by PCR-capillary electrophoresis (PCR-CE; 34), capillary isoelectric
Tomasz Tuzimski. focusing (CIEF)-MALDI-TOF MS (34), or micropreparative
Corresponding author’s e-mail: solution CIEF (sCIEF)-HPLC (35). Such connections allow
This work was supported by Maestro 6 No. 2014/14/A/ST4/00641
(2015–2017) and Opus 11 No. 2016/21/B/ST4/02130 (2016–2019) from
the attainment of conclusive results in a very short amount
the National Science Centre of Poland. of time and have great potential for further research
DOI: 10.5740/jaoacint.17-0207 (24, 31–35).

Biochemical Techniques machining of a large number of samples, it does reduce the

analysis cost per unit (22, 37).
At present, automatic, semiautomated, and miniaturized Several studies have tested the corresponding cards for the
systems are the most used biochemical methods for the correct identification of various microorganisms and their drug
identification of microbes. Their operation is generally based resistance (Table 1). Lee et al. (36) evaluated the Vitek 2
on the same principles as conventional tests, i.e., on the analysis anaerobe and Corynebacterium card specific to 301 anaerobic
of the biochemical properties of microorganisms. Biochemical isolates. As a result of these studies, the card managed to
techniques have numerous advantages over conventional correctly identify 239 (79.4%) clinical isolates at the genus
diagnostic methods, such as short analysis times (2–4 h) and level, including 100 species that were not in the database.
the ability to simultaneously determine many microorganisms, Gherardi et al. (38) compared the Vitek 2 Compact and
while retaining accuracy in the results (23). The most commonly Phoenix systems for identification and AST of positive blood
used techniques are Vitek 2 Compact (bioMérieux; 36, 37), BD cultures (38). They correctly identified 75% and 43.75% of
Phoenix (BD Diagnostics; 38, 39) and Analytical Profile Index Gram-positive isolates and 100% and 92.3% of Gram-

Downloaded from by guest on 11 November 2023

(API) 20 E (bioMérieux; 40, 41). These systems allow for both negative isolates by Vitek 2 and Phoenix, respectively (38).
rapid identification of microorganisms (ID) and the determination The semiautomatic API system is a system of miniaturized
of drug susceptibility [antimicrobial susceptibility testing microtubes with 20 small wells to carry out 23 standard
(AST); Table 1]. Such devices are equipped with different biochemical tests (21, 47). In these studies, catabolic reactions
types of panels for the identification of different groups of between microorganisms and components of the substrate are
microorganisms (38, 42, 43). used. Results are typically available after 18–24 h of incubation
The BD Phoenix device determines the growth of at 35–37°C. These kinds of tests are usually used to identify
microorganisms by turbidimetry and colorimetry methods Enterobacteriaceae, but application of similar formats can lead
(44). The simultaneous analysis of 99 panels can be to the identification of Gram-positive and -negative bacteria,
performed, monitoring each panel every 20 min. The analysis Streptococci, Enterococci, Listeria, and anaerobic bacteria
lasts 8–12 h. Available panels enable the identification of Gram- (Table 1). A significant advantage of this method is the
positive and -negative bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and availability of an extensive database; unfortunately, the major
b-hemolytic streptococci that belong to the viridans group (23, 44). disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming (21, 22).
Beuving et al. (39) used this system for the rapid identification
and AST of positive blood cultures. They were able to correctly Molecular Biology Methods
identify 71.4% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and 95.2% of
all tested Enterobacteriaceae. Moreover, AST results for all the Rapid progress in the field of molecular biology has enabled
tested antibiotics, except trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and the development of new methods for the identification of
erythromycin, can be obtained 24 h earlier compared with microorganisms. These techniques have proven to be particularly
standard methods (39). useful in the identification of microorganisms that are difficult to
The Vitek 2 Compact system turbidimetrically monitors detect by phenotypic methods. Molecular biology methods can be
bacterial growth during incubation (44). Depending on the used to confirm the presence of a specific microorganism in the
model, the simultaneous analysis of 30 or 60 microorganisms tested material, as well as screen research. The most commonly
in 1–10 h can be carried out. By using the appropriate card with used molecular methods include amplification of species-specific
this technique, aerobic Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, PCR products (15), PCR-based methods, and 16S rRNA/16S
anaerobic bacteria, Streptococcus, Neisseria sp., Haemophilus ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene sequencing (currently considered
sp., Corynebacterium sp., and yeasts can be identified. The the gold standard in identifying microorganisms; 48–52).
device periodically scans each card and determines the The PCR technique was developed by Mullis and Faloona
kinetics of microbial growth in each well, subsequently (53) in the early 1980s. PCR is based on the amplification of
identifying the unknown culture (21, 23, 44–46). Although DNA chains by repeatedly heating and cooling the sample in the
this method requires the use of expensive equipment and presence of a polymerase and primers (i.e., short DNA fragments

Table 1. Review of the biochemical methods for the identification of different groups of microorganisms

Microorganisms Source of isolation Method Refs.

Anaerobic bacteria Clinical isolates Vitek 2 ANC (36, 45)

Blood cultures Blood Vitek 2 GNI/GPI BD Phoenix (37, 38) (38, 39)
Enterococcus Clinical isolates Vitek 2 API 20 STREP (42)
Streptococcus pneumoniae Clinical isolates Vitek 2 BD Phoenix (43)
Gram-negative bacteria Collection Vitek 2 GN (46)
Lactobacillus paracasei Fermented milk API 50 CHL (40)
Yeast Food API 32 C Phoenix (144)
Candida spp. Clinical isolates Vitek 2 (41)
Psychrotrophic bacteria Raw bovine milk API (112)
Staphylococcus spp. Goat’s milk API 20 STAPH (24)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci Goat’s milk API Staph (145)
Microorganisms for Sustainability 27
Series Editor: Naveen Kumar Arora

Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji

Deepak G. Panpatte
Yogeshvari K. Jhala Editors

of Polluted
Volume 3
118 A. Inobeme

of iron and manganese naturally in soil is relatively high, and their pollution effects
are not usually insignificant. Heavy metals in soil are divided into two categories
from the biochemical characteristics: one is harmful to crops and humans and
animals, such as Pb, Cd, and Hg; the other is beneficial when present in the desired
quantity, but when present in excess would have lethal effects. Examples are Cu, Zn,
Mn, and so on (Xie et al. 2016).
Metals when present in soil exist either as separate entity or combined with other
components. These components may include exchangeable forms adsorbed on the
surfaces of ionic solids, non-exchangeable forms and insoluble metal compounds
such as calcium and magnesium carbonates and phosphates, soluble metal com-
pound such as chlorides, metal complex of organic materials, and metals binding to
silicate ores (Chibuike and Obior 2014).
Some heavy metals play an extremely important role in biochemical reactions,
which are significant for the growth and development of microorganisms, plants, and
animals (Kavamura and Esposito 2010). For example, heavy metals such as copper
and zinc are vital components of physiological processes in all living organisms,
including plants, animals, and microorganisms. Zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), etc. are vital
micronutrient for growth and enzymatic activities of heterotrophic bacteria. How-
ever, excess load of the same metals show toxicity and inhibition to microbial
processes (John 2017).
Although heavy metals are naturally present in the soil, geologic and anthropo-
genic activities increase the concentration of these elements to amounts that are
harmful to both plants and animals. Some of these activities include mining and
smelting of metals, burning of fossil fuels, use of fertilizers and pesticides in
agriculture, production of batteries and other metal products in industries, sewage
sludge, and municipal waste disposal (Chibuike and Obior 2014). Soil also gets
contaminated with metals from a variety of anthropogenic inputs, most especially
irrigation with wastewater. The use of contaminated water for irrigation contributes
to the accumulation of chemical and biological contaminants in soils and alters the
physicochemical and biological properties of soils (Kouchou et al. 2018).
Pollution of soil by heavy metals refers to the release of metals such as cadmium,
lead, mercury, chromium, and other elements that are biotoxically significant in the
soil, bringing about amounts that are higher than the permissible limit. Some heavy
metals have been identified as priority pollutants, which include argon, arsenic,
copper, mercury, nickel, lead, zinc, selenium, thallium, beryllium, and silver.
These metals and metalloids are 13 in all (Sparks 2005). They are found naturally
in rocks, minerals, and various anthropogenic inputs such as mining, sewage sludge,
industrial waste, agricultural activities, electronics, and energy production among
others (Gilmour and Riedel 2009). Heavy metals are found naturally in soils
resulting from weathering of underlying bedrock or through mineral processing
processes (Shakoor et al. 2015) and their contents in soils depend on the nature of
the parent material, where it is found and its age. They represent less than 1% of the
composition of the earth crust due to alteration of rocks and natural incidents.
More recently, the release of a large amount of these metals from industries and
mining which finally goes into the soil has led to a rise in the contents of heavy
120 A. Inobeme

375 ppm of lead was added to it, the lowest concentration used, whereas a clay soil
required 1500 ppm Pb to give the same inhibitory effect. Peat soils showed no effects
even when the concentration of lead was highest (7500 ppm).

6.4.4 Growth Studies

This method was employed by Nair et al. (1992) in assessing the effect of different
salt concentrations on microorganisms. Growth studies of bacteria such as Bacillus
subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae can be carried out in nutrient
broth medium supplemented with peptone and yeast extract, etc. 10 μl of culture is
inoculated into the nutrient broth medium supplemented with copper and nickel
metal; then it is analyzed for growth studies. This can be done in a broad or narrow
Broad range: using this technique, different salt concentrations of metals are used in
this technique to test the effect on the different isolates. The isolates are inocu-
lated in a broth containing heavy metals at varying concentrations and incubated
for 3 h. Then readings in UV spectrophotometer are taken at different time
intervals. A plot is then drawn using the obtained readings.
Narrow range: The isolates are tested for metal tolerance using about three different
concentrations of the metals. Copper chloride and ammonium sulfate salts of
nickel are used in varying concentrations such as 10, 15, and 20 mM. The isolates
are inoculated in a broth containing heavy metals at different concentrations and
are incubated for 24, 48, and 72 h. Then readings in UV spectrophotometer are
taken at different time intervals. By using the readings, graphs were plotted
(Joonu and Divya 2017).

6.5 Role of Soil Microorganisms

Soil contains a variety of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and many others
which together constitute the natural ecosystem. Microorganisms play a vital role in
nutritional chains that are an important part of the biological balance in nature, where
bacteria are essential for maintaining some of the natural cycles such as nitrogen,
carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur (Kummerer 2004).
Microorganisms are also known to play important roles in plant nutrient
recycling, soil structure conservation, poisonous chemical detoxification, and plant
pest control and management (Filip 2002). In their geoactive roles in the biosphere,
they are also essential, especially in the areas of biotransformation elements and
biogeochemical cycling, metal and mineral transformations, decomposition,
bioweathering, and soil and sediment formation. All sorts of microbes, including
prokaryotes and eukaryotes and their symbiotic interactions with each other and
6 Effect of Heavy Metals on Activities of Soil Microorganism 129

example, the non-living brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) exchanges the original
cell wall adsorption of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ to adsorb Co2+ (Freitas et al. 2006).
Brady and Duncan showed that yeast releases approximately 70% of K+ rapidly and
60% of Mg2+ slowly in the process of adsorbing Cu2+ (Aly 2018).
Numerous microbial species, including bacteria and fungi from Bacillus, Pseu-
domonas, Streptomyces, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Penicillium, have significant
removal ability. At present, it has been found that a variety of bacteria can absorb soil
heavy metals. Among them, Escherichia coli K-12 can absorb the widest variety of
metal ions; the outer membrane of this stain can absorb more than 30 different kinds
of metal ions. Rhizopus can absorb Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and other heavy metal ions, and
Thiobacillus can absorb heavy metal ions as well as inorganic ions, such as S, which
combines with the metal ions to form a precipitate that can be separated from the soil.
Mechanisms involved in the detoxification and transformation of metals, include
the mechanism that restricts entry into the cell and intracellular detoxification or
organellar compartmentation, the latter occurring in some eukaryotes, e.g., algae and
fungi. Operation of a number of mechanisms is possible depending on the organism
and the cellular environment; mechanisms may be dependent on and/or independent
of metabolism. A variety of mechanisms may be involved in transport phenomena
contributing to decreased uptake and/or efflux. A variety of specific or nonspecific
mechanisms may also affect redox transformations, intracellular chelation, and
intracellular precipitation. Biomineral formation (biomineralization) may be biolog-
ically induced, i.e., caused by physicochemical environmental changes mediated by
the microbes, or biologically controlled (solid rectangles) (Gadd 2009).

6.9 How Microorganism Are Used to Effect the Process

of Metal Remediation

The utilization of organisms, primarily microbes, to clean up contaminated soils,

aquifers, sludges, residues, and air, known as “bioremediation,” is a rapidly chang-
ing and expanding area of environmental biotechnology that offers a potentially
more effective and economical clean-up technique than conventional physicochem-
ical methods (Garbisu and Alkorta 2003). The use of microbes to change the
concentration of heavy metals in soil and improve the ability of plants to deal with
elevated metals concentrations has significant economic and ecological benefits (Jin
et al. 2018).
Microbes are known for enhancement of plant growth and survival under heavy
metal stress condition as they have the capability of consuming waste and converting
the complex waste into simple nontoxic by-products/compounds. This is feasible
because microorganisms have developed many resistance mechanisms for survival
in the presence of toxic heavy metals in their environment (Mustapha and Halimoon
130 A. Inobeme

These microbes interact with metals and minerals in natural and synthetic envi-
ronments, altering their physical and chemical state, with metals and minerals also
able to affect microbial growth, activity, and survival (Gadd 2010).
The use of microbial remediation has become more common, and it is generally
considered promising owing to its many advantages, including retention of soil
structure, and the fact that the pollutants and microbes can be almost completely
removed from the soils, and secondary pollution can be avoided (Singh and Prasad
2015). Microbial remediation therefore presents new techniques for addressing the
problem of heavy metal pollution in soil, and it has become a focus of new research
and development in bioremediation technology (Jin et al. 2018).
Sodango et al. (2018) reported algae to be a more efficient biosorbent (with a
reported rate of 15.3–84.6%) compared to other microbial biosorbents (bacteria and
fungi). Microbes have a variety of properties that can effect changes in metal
speciation, toxicity, and mobility, as well as mineral formation or mineral dissolution
or deterioration.
Microbes possess transport systems for essential metals; inessential metal species
can also be taken up. Microbes are also capable of mediating metal and mineral
bioprecipitation, e.g., by metabolite production, by changing the physico-chemical
microenvironmental conditions around the biomass, and also by the indirect release
of metal-precipitating substances from other activities, e.g., phosphate from organic
decomposition or phosphate mineral solubilization.
Many different metal-containing minerals formed as a direct or indirect result of
microbial activity, e.g., various carbonates, phosphates, etc., are omitted from the
table. Microbial cell walls, outer layers, and exopolymers can sorb, bind, or entrap
many soluble and insoluble metal species as well as, e.g., clay minerals, colloids,
oxides, etc. which also have significant metal-sorption properties. Redox transfor-
mations are also widespread in microbial metabolism; some are also mediated by the
chemical activity of structural components (Gadd 2010).
Fungal cell wall contains different materials which proved to be efficient metal
biosorbents. Due to their properties, some fungal species, such as Aspergillus niger
or Mucor rouxii, have been successfully investigated for their usefulness in adsorp-
tion of heavy metals and therefore metal removal from various environments (Javaid
et al. 2011; Joshi and Sahu 2014).

6.10 Effect of Heavy Metals on Soil Microorganisms

Monitoring the structure of microbial communities and animals is a sensitive tool for
the assessment of soil quality and health. Generally, the microbial parameters in the
soil ecosystems are considered to be the best indicators reflecting changing soil
quality and properties, and thus, enabling early detection of soil degradation
(Fazekašova and Fazekaš 2019).
Heavy metals also have large effects on processes important for soil fertility by
affecting the structure and function of microbial communities (Sandaa et al. 1999).

Microbiological Sulfide Removal—From Microorganism
Isolation to Treatment of Industrial Effluent
Zhendong Yang 1 , Zhenghua Liu 2 , Aleksandra Sklodowska 1 , Marcin Musialowski 1 , Tomasz Bajda 3 ,
Huaqun Yin 2 and Lukasz Drewniak 1, *

1 Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland; (Z.Y.); (A.S.); (M.M.)
2 School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, No. 932 Lushan South Road,
Changsha 410083, China; (Z.L.); (H.Y.)
3 Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology in
Krakow, A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland;
* Correspondence:; Tel./Fax: +48-22-55-41-219

Abstract: Management of excessive aqueous sulfide is one of the most significant challenges of
treating effluent after biological sulfate reduction for metal recovery from hydrometallurgical leachate.
The main objective of this study was to characterize and verify the effectiveness of a sulfide-oxidizing
bacterial (SOB) consortium isolated from post-mining wastes for sulfide removal from industrial
leachate through elemental sulfur production. The isolated SOB has a complete sulfur-oxidizing
metabolic system encoded by sox genes and is dominated by the Arcobacter genus. XRD analysis

 confirmed the presence of elemental sulfur in the collected sediment during cultivation of the SOB in
synthetic medium under controlled physicochemical conditions. The growth yield after three days
Citation: Yang, Z.; Liu, Z.;
Sklodowska, A.; Musialowski, M.;
of cultivation reached ~2.34 gprotein /molsulfid , while approximately 84% of sulfide was transformed
Bajda, T.; Yin, H.; Drewniak, L. into elemental sulfur after 5 days of incubation. Verification of isolated SOB on the industrial
Microbiological Sulfide effluent confirmed that it can be used for effective sulfide concentration reduction (~100% reduced
Removal—From Microorganism from the initial 75.3 mg/L), but for complete leachate treatment (acceptable for discharged limits),
Isolation to Treatment of Industrial bioaugmentation with other bacteria is required to ensure adequate reduction of chemical oxygen
Effluent. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 611. demand (COD).
microorganisms9030611 Keywords: sulfide-oxidizing bacteria; sulfur production; sulfide depletion; sulfate reduction

Academic Editor: Anna H. Kaksonen

Received: 14 February 2021

1. Introduction
Accepted: 14 March 2021
Published: 16 March 2021
Hydrometallurgical effluents containing sulfate and heavy metals are produced widely
from streamlines of, for example, electronics, mining, and electroplating industries [1].
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Metal sulfide precipitation followed by biogenic sulfide generation of sulfate-reducing bac-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
teria was frequently applied to metal recovery from industrial effluents instead of chemical
published maps and institutional affil- approaches, such as ion exchange, adsorption, and electrolysis, etc. [2–4] because of its
iations. low cost and high efficiency [5]. However, the high concentration of sulfide significantly
restricts the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria [6]. In addition, sulfide is a highly toxic
substance concerned with odor and corrosion and can be released into the air through
volatilization as H2 S gas, posing a risk to human health. Methods like adding biochar
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
were proposed to decrease its toxicity to the microbial community in the sulfate-reducing
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
system [7]. However, free sulfide cannot be completely contained because a lack of sulfide
This article is an open access article
also notably limits metal removal by precipitation [8]. On the other hand, 1 mg/L of sulfide
distributed under the terms and is already considered corrosive [9], with an odor threshold at 0.18 mg/L [10]. Therefore,
conditions of the Creative Commons it is necessary to treat the remaining sulfide after metal sulfide precipitation before such
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// water enters the environment. Removing sulfide often refers to its oxidation either to elemental sulfur or sulfate [11,12].
4.0/). Sulfate is produced when the complete oxidation of sulfide is realized. This is in contrast

Microorganisms 2021, 9, 611.

Microorganisms 2021, 9, 611 2 of 17

to the production of biogenic sulfides, and it is less attractive to treat excessive sulfide after
sulfate reduction. While the aim of a circular economy focuses on sustainable production
from waste, transforming sulfide to elemental sulfur by partial oxidation is attracting
more attention. Elemental sulfur shows considerable application potential in soil amend-
ment [13]. Chemical oxidants such as KMnO4 and H2 O2 have been successfully used to
produce sulfur from sulfide [14]. However, the biological oxidation of sulfides to sulfur
with sulfide-oxidizing bacteria (SOB), which are also known as sulfur compound oxidizing
bacteria, is more commonly used to reduce the cost of this process [15–17].
Many studies reported the application of SOB to produce sulfur by oxidizing sulfide,
of which chemolithoautotrophs are of the greatest interest [17,18]. With the presence of
limited oxygen supply, these bacteria utilize inorganic reduced sulfur, especially sulfide,
as the electron donors and energy source for metabolic activities, and CO2 as the carbon
source. Studies with a special focus on removing sulfide in the gas phase were conducted.
A good example is the THIOPAQ® technology that oxidizes sulfide producing sulfur
in a synthetic medium after washing off H2 S gas adsorbed in a column [19]. The SOB
work effectively in a controlled system, where sulfur is formed as the terminal product
instead of sulfate. The optimal parameters, e.g., pH, oxygen level, and temperature,
for chemolithoautotrophic-producing sulfur were well-elucidated by Krayzelova et al.
(2015) [18]. However, actual industrial wastewater presents a more difficult and complex
environment for the survival of SOB, which has to compete with other bacteria. Not
only sulfide but other contents need to be depleted, such as high COD (chemical oxygen
demand). Changing the physicochemical conditions, in this case, for spontaneous removal
of all contaminants becomes relatively difficult.
This work aims to evaluate an SOB consortium isolated from post-mining wastes
and explore new strategies for biological sulfide depletion and sulfur production in terms
of aqueous industrial effluent. We focused on the metabolic functions and physiological
characteristics of the microbial consortium. Particular emphasis was placed on its use
in the treatment of water loaded with sulfides and high COD after biological reduction
of sulfates. Specifically, we sought to address the following questions: (i) What are the
sulfide oxidizers in the consortium; (ii) how does the SOB consortium produce sulfur under
optimal conditions in the synthetic medium, and (iii) how can the SOB consortium be used
for treating industrial effluent?

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Microbial Consortium for Sulfide Oxidation
Samples were taken from post-mining wastes deposited in a dump located near a
uranium mine in Radoniow, Poland. The characteristics of these wastes were described
by Rewerski et al. (2014) [20]. Serial passaging of the SOB consortium was carried out on
a modified Beijerinck medium [21] (MB medium): Na2 S2 O3 (10 g/L), KH2 PO4 (4 g/L),
K2 HPO4 (4 g/L), NH4 Cl (1.6 g/L), MgSO4 ·7H2 O 0.8 g/L. In MB medium, thiosulfate was
used (instead of sulfide), which is often applied for the isolation of obligate chemolithoau-
totrophic SOB [22]. It is easily soluble and non-toxic, while the external sulfur in S2 O3 2−
ion has an oxidation state of −2 as sulfide ion. For the isolation process of SOB consortium,
the production of S[0] is not the targeting aspect. Further, standard potential (in volts) for
the oxidation of thiosulfate to sulfate is lower than sulfide to sulfate [23]. Thus, employing
thiosulfate as the substrate of electron donor for SOB enables complete oxidation to sulfate
S[6+], which is easier for process control: (i) thiosulfate causes no volatilization; (ii) no
controlled oxygen supply is needed. After a series of 10 passages on the MB medium, the
consortium was subjected to detailed metagenomic analysis dedicated to illustrating the
sulfur microbial structure and metabolic pathways.
For the first passage, 10 g of sample was added to a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask filled
with 200 mL of MB medium. The flask was shaken at room temperature (120 rpm) for three
days. Afterwards, 100 mL of cell suspension was collected and centrifuged. The cell pellet
was then resuspended in 200 mL of fresh MB medium poured into a new Erlenmeyer flask
Microorganisms 2021, 9, 611 15 of 17

utilize these low molecular weight compounds. The sulfate-reducing bacteria might be
one of the functional microbes as the effluent provides them the perfect electron acceptor
(sulfate) and carbon source (VFA). However, the sulfate concentration was stable, while
the sulfide concentration decreased. This indicates that complete sulfide oxidation to
sulfate partially took place in the first stage, which approximately balanced the sulfate
consumption by microbial sulfate reduction. This is confirmed by the result of the control
variant, that is, the sulfate concentration slightly increased in the first stage. At the second
stage, VFA concentration decreased rapidly, ending at 98.3 mg/L. In the control variant,
the COD and VFA concentration changes as a function of time were similar to that in the
bio-oxidation. In the first 5 days, very limited COD and VFA removal was realized. At
day 6, the COD and VFA removal markedly raised, followed by the increase of oxygen
concentration from 1% to 100%. The final concentration of COD and VFA after 14 days
reached 2054 and 215 mg/L, respectively, indicating that oxygen strikingly improves the
activity of indigenous bacteria, decomposing the organic substrates in the effluent. These
results suggest that most of the organic substrates, especially VFA, in the effluent can be
simply removed by increasing the oxygen concentration. On this basis, the application of
the bacteria consortium considerably improves their removal efficiency.

4. Conclusions
In conclusion, a SOB consortium that can produce elemental sulfur by microbial sulfide
oxidation was isolated from post-mining wastes. Metagenome analysis of the SOB showed
that Acrobacter may be the main functioning genus responsible for sulfur production,
because it contains a complete set of genes encoding sulfide-oxidizing system and is the
most represented among the consortium. The activity of the SOB consortium was confirmed
in both synthetic medium and industrial effluents. However, to manage industrial effluents
after sulfate reduction, the depletion of both sulfide and COD is needed. By controlling the
oxygen supply, we developed a two-stage strategy using the SOB consortium and another
commercial bacterial consortium, whereas fast removal of sulfide and COD (including
VFA) were achieved. Our work presents a sustainable model for aqueous sulfide depletion
in industrial effluent containing significant organic matter. However, few questions are
still unclear with our concerns: (i) how to separate/collect the produced sulfur from the
industrial effluent; (ii) what changes in the microbial community take place after sulfur
production, and (iii) is it possible to effectively adopt SOB in a passive system with lower
costs and lower energy demand.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.Y. and L.D.; methodology, Z.Y., L.D., and A.S.; val-
idation, Z.Y., L.D., and A.S.; formal analysis, Z.Y., Z.L., M.M., T.B., and L.D.; investigation, Z.Y.,
Z.L., M.M., T.B., and L.D.; resources, A.S. and L.D.; data curation, Z.Y., H.Y., and L.D.; writing
(original draft preparation), Z.Y. and L.D.; writing, review and editing, Z.Y., A.S., M.M., H.Y., and
L.D.; visualization, Z.Y., Z.L., and M.M.; supervision, L.D.; project administration, L.D.; funding
acquisition, L.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Foundation for Polish Science, grant number POIR.04.04-
00-00-2053/16 (TEAM TECH 2016-2/9) as a part of Measure 4.4 of the 2014-2020 Smart Growth
Operational Programme, EU.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Sequencing data generated within this study are deposited in NCBI
Genbank under the BioProject ID PRJNA705003.
Acknowledgments: We gratefully thank Witold Uhrynowski, Bartosz Rewerski, and Robert Stasiuk
for their excellent laboratory assistance.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
TYPE Review
PUBLISHED 07 March 2023
DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1089630

Reaching unreachables: Obstacles

OPEN ACCESS and successes of microbial
cultivation and their reasons
Romy Chakraborty,
Berkeley Lab (DOE),
United States

REVIEWED BY Gabriela Kapinusova †, Marco A. Lopez Marin † and Ondrej Uhlik *

Slava Epstein,
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, University
Northeastern University,
of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czechia
United States
Brendan Paul Burns,
University of New South Wales,
Australia In terms of the number and diversity of living units, the prokaryotic empire
is the most represented form of life on Earth, and yet it is still to a significant
Ondrej Uhlik degree shrouded in darkness. This microbial “dark matter” hides a great deal of potential in terms of phylogenetically or metabolically diverse microorganisms,
These authors have contributed equally to this

and thus it is important to acquire them in pure culture. However, do we know
work what microorganisms really need for their growth, and what the obstacles are
SPECIALTY SECTION to the cultivation of previously unidentified taxa? Here we review common
This article was submitted to
and sometimes unexpected requirements of environmental microorganisms,
Terrestrial Microbiology,
a section of the journal especially soil-harbored bacteria, needed for their replication and cultivation.
Frontiers in Microbiology These requirements include resuscitation stimuli, physical and chemical factors
RECEIVED 04 November 2022 aiding cultivation, growth factors, and co-cultivation in a laboratory and natural
ACCEPTED 10 February 2023 microbial neighborhood.
PUBLISHED 07 March 2023

Kapinusova G, Lopez Marin MA and
Uhlik O (2023) Reaching unreachables: environmental microbiome, microbial ecology, dormancy, VBNC, growth factors,
Obstacles and successes of microbial cultivation techniques, improved cultivation, difficult-to-culture microorganisms
cultivation and their reasons.
Front. Microbiol. 14:1089630.
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1089630

© 2023 Kapinusova, Lopez Marin and Uhlik.
This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Introduction
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted,
The planet we know today is largely the result of the microbial activity in the biosphere.
provided the original author(s) and the
copyright owner(s) are credited and that the Earth’s smallest and simplest organisms created the conditions for the development of the vast
original publication in this journal is cited, in number of life forms we all know. The microscopic world is even vaster, and its diversity is
accordance with accepted academic practice.
stunning, but it is very difficult to reach. Even though its existence has been acknowledged for
No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these several centuries, it has been very challenging to study its roles. A crucial advance in the study
terms. of “the unreachables” arose in the days of Robert Koch at the end of the 19th century.
He established a causative relationship between a microbe and its impact on a host (disease).
Koch’s postulates demanded the presence of a microorganism in pure culture, isolated from the
host, to confirm the link between the pathogen and the disease. From this point on, microbes
were no longer considered scientific curiosities, but rather modelers of our bodies and Earth’s
ecosystems (Turnbaugh et al., 2007; Graham et al., 2016; Gilbert et al., 2018). Much more efforts
have been taken over the following decades to study microorganisms: these progressed from the
description of and fight against the most critical human and plant pathogens, which dramatically
improved our quality of life, to the later investigations on the community composition of
different environments, the most advanced of which used marker gene or metagenome
sequencing (Lane et al., 1985; Lynch et al., 2012). In recent years, sequencing technologies have
addressed many environmental and human health-associated issues, such as the analysis of
microbial responses to contamination (Hemme et al., 2010), the discovery of novel taxa to
be used for bioremediation, the discovery of novel producers of antibiotics (Ling et al., 2015),

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or revealing the co-occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in copiotrophs (Meyer, 1994; Fierer et al., 2010). The main distinguishing
different environments (Li et al., 2015), to name a few. parameters between these categories, as Ho et al. (2017) states, are
Microorganisms live in virtually any environment, including their growth kinetics, substrate affinity, and efficiency at substrate
those considered extreme due to their high temperature, pH, salinity, utilization. Copiotrophs have higher Michaelis–Menten kinetics and
or concentration of pollutants (Mirzaie et al., 2015; Mehetre et al., maximal growth rate. Conversely, oligotrophs are slow-growing but
2018; Panda et al., 2018; Power et al., 2018; Maza et al., 2019). The have higher substrate utilization efficiency, and thus higher biomass
physiological and biochemical potential of microbes living within yields per substrate molecule utilized. Oligotrophs thrive in
these extreme environments is enormous. Thriving at the limits of life, environments with low nutrient flows, but not in substrate-rich/
extremophilic and extremotolerant microorganisms can provide diverse environments. Copiotrophs, on the other hand, can utilize
enzymes such as the widely used Taq polymerase isolated from highly concentrated substrates rapidly and react promptly to substrate
Thermus aquaticus (Brock, 1967; Brock and Freeze, 1969); or changes; they nevertheless lack the necessary regulatory mechanism
uncommon metabolites, such as previously unknown lipids of starvation, and are thus generally unable to grow in nutrient-poor
(Schneider et al., 2019), unusual polyunsaturated fatty acids (Řezanka sites (Ho et al., 2017).
et al., 2019), antioxidants, pigments (Asker et al., 2012), bioactive The proportion of copiotrophs to oligotrophs in the environment,
natural compounds and other secondary metabolites with a wide as well as under laboratory conditions, is governed by a dynamic
range of applications (Lewis et al., 2010; Manivasagan et al., 2014). process called succession (Fierer et al., 2010). Microbial communities
Microbes can also offer improved bioremediation possibilities change over time after they colonize a certain environment. For
(Pascoal et al., 2020), can assimilate unusual substrates (Xu R. et al., heterotrophic bacteria, organic carbon can be constantly supplied, i.e.,
2018) including toxic compounds, or resist and detoxify several exogenous succession, or present all at once at the initial colonization
antibiotics (Rettedal et al., 2014; McLain et al., 2016). point, i.e., endogenous succession (Fierer et al., 2010). In the initial
In order to fully describe these microorganisms and reveal their stage of endogenous succession, when nutrients are plentiful,
vast potential, it is necessary to obtain them in pure culture. Moreover, copiotrophs are more abundant in the community; oligotrophs
cultivation provides context to the metagenomic data (Nichols, 2007) become dominant when highly concentrated substrates are depleted
and helps us verify metagenome-based conclusions on microbial (Song et al., 2016). Both the changing environmental conditions in
interactions (microbe-microbe, microbe-plant, microbe- nature and an inappropriate choice of growth conditions in the
environment). However, bringing environmental microbes to pure laboratory hinder the ability of microorganisms to replicate and could
culture under standard laboratory conditions has proven to be a very thus render them dormant and seemingly unculturable.
challenging task. Cultivation can be labor-intensive, tiring, time-
consuming, and may not ensure success; but it can be rewarding if all
the factors required for microbial growth are included (Figure 1). Here Do not wake up until it is beautiful
we discuss some generalities that elucidate the phenomenon of outside
unculturability, with special attention paid to soil, being a habitat that
harbors the greatest diversity of microorganisms, to build a foundation The low number of microbes cultivated in the laboratory
upon which to review some of the recent strategies to better reach compared with the total number of microorganisms observed under
“the unreachables.” the microscope hinted at the existence of other states in which
microorganisms may exist in nature, apart from being alive
(replicating) or “dead” (non-replicating). This discrepancy, known as
Why do you not grow? the “great plate count anomaly,” is a large difference, by several orders
of magnitude, between the viable plate counts and the total direct
If it is alive, no microorganism is unreachable: we just do not microscopic counts (Staley and Konopka, 1985). This phenomenon
know how to recreate their natural environment in order to obtain a reveals our failure to isolate all cells from a particular environment in
pure culture (Watve et al., 2000; Stewart, 2012). With this in mind, the pure cultures. Just as cells wait in a quiescent state for environmental
key step toward successful cultivation would be to replicate essential conditions to be favorable again and start replicating (Kaprelyants
aspects of the microorganism’s natural existence as thoroughly as et al., 1994), they can be waiting for these optimal conditions when
possible (Figure 1). Some of the environmental variables are easily deposited in the laboratory environment. Grandly said, microbes can
discovered and can be readily incorporated into cultivation be unreachable because they are “sleeping” (Xu et al., 1982).
methodologies, but many other factors that influence growth are The term “sleeping cells” encompasses several dormancy or
much more obscure, and including them in cultivation strategies is quiescence phenomena that can cause unculturability under
not as straightforward. laboratory conditions. Dormancy is “any rest period or reversible
The environment in which microorganisms exist is usually interruption of the phenotypic development of an organism”
different from the one we create for them in the laboratory. (Sussman and Halvorson, 1966), or simply a state of metabolic
Microorganisms live under what Koch (1971) called a “feast and inactivity as defined by Kell et al. (1998): cells exhibit negligible
famine existence.” As a consequence, the growth dynamic observed metabolic activity but can later transit to a growing state. This
under nutrient-rich laboratory conditions does not necessarily exist inactivity can be caused by the advent of unfavorable conditions, for
in nature, where environmental changes are common and poor example, the famine period in the dual feast-famine existence. Several
nutritional conditions need to be withstood for longer periods of time dormancy phenomena have been identified, which suggests the
(Koch, 2001; Pinto et al., 2015). Microorganisms can be categorized existence of a “dormancy continuum,” where some states of dormancy
by their resource intake characteristics either as oligotrophs or can be deeper than others (Ayrapetyan et al., 2015). The most

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changes or pH changes (Du et al., 2007). The inoculation of cells from A helping hand from the environment
their environment into artificial media can potentially trigger such a – Physical and chemical factors
state. For example, when cultivating oligotrophs, the usage of a
nutrient-rich medium can lead to cellular death; this may be a result Temperature, pH, osmotic pressure, and oxygen and nutrient
of a depletion of energy for balanced growth or by osmotic shock concentrations are ever-changing factors in the environment (Puspita
caused by the sudden intake of non-metabolic complex substrates et al., 2012). These changing conditions are stress factors that shape
(Ho et al., 2017). In the VBNC state, cells do not replicate but remain the composition of microbial communities as well as the environments
viable after being exposed to stressful conditions (Xu et al., 1982). in which they live. Soil pH has a major impact since it influences soil
VBNC cells are also different from metabolically active and dividing chemistry, including the availability of organic matter, redox
cells, since they perform respiration and gene expression at low rates conditions, and oxygen availability (Anderson et al., 2018). Energy-
(del Mar et al., 2000; Shleeva et al., 2004; Li et al., 2014). They are also yielding metabolisms such as microbial respiration (Jin and Kirk,
able to change their adhesion properties and virulence potential 2018) and the hydroxylated lipid membrane composition (Wang et al.,
(Rahman et al., 1994; Du et al., 2007). Furthermore, their lower 2016) also respond strongly to pH changes. The impact of pH on soil
metabolic rate, strengthened cell wall and higher peptidoglycan chemistry even shapes the assembly of microbial communities on a
cross-linking confer them better physical and chemical resistance, as global scale (Feng et al., 2014; Tripathi et al., 2018). In this regard,
opposed to normally dividing cells (Signoretto et al., 2000). When according to a cross-continental phylogenetic survey of over eighty
activity rates are reduced, VBNC cells also reduce their size (Biosca soils representing a wide range of ecosystems, soil pH was significantly
et al., 1996), increase their surface-to-volume ratio (Li et al., 2014), correlated with the overall bacterial community composition (Lauber
and, as a consequence, their nutrient intake increases (Baker et al., et al., 2009). The pH has been shown to significantly influence the
1983). This size reduction was observed in Burkholderia pseudomallei community structure of other environments such as lakes (Ren et al.,
and Vibrio cholerae cells when changing from rods during exponential 2015), permafrost (Ren et al., 2018), and animal microbiomes (Sylvain
growth to cocci in the VBNC state (Inglis and Sagripanti, 2006; Senoh et al., 2016). Even small changes in this variable can thwart growth on
et al., 2010). an artificial medium since some microorganisms have a very narrow
Dormancy can be one of the many reasons for unculturability, zone of pH tolerance (Rousk et al., 2010). Adamberg et al. (2003) used
which biases the picture of the community observed via culturing a pH-auxostat to study the growth rate decrease of different lactic acid
methods. Fortunately, dormant cells are not totally unculturable but bacterial strains. A pH decrease from 6 to 4.3 was enough to slow
can be more challenging to culture because not only must their down the bacterial growth rate, and ATP production was also lowered.
growth conditions be elucidated but also their resuscitation However, microbial growth is not only affected by drastic changes in
mechanisms. Two different mechanisms are thought to resuscitate pH disabling microbial growth, but also by suboptimal pH, at which
microorganisms from dormant stages: either they depend on some cell growth is detectable but the growth rate is significantly decreased,
environmental queue to do so or they do not, the latter situation as was shown in the cultivation study of Bacillus termoamylovorans
being called the scout hypothesis (Epstein, 2009; Buerger et al., 2012). when pH changes by ~1.5 from the optimal pH for its growth caused
This stochastic reactivation of growth is the consequence of a significant reduction in the growth rate and thus caused a reduction
phenotypic variation within the dormant population (Sturm and in energy yield per glucose molecule consumed (Combet-Blanc et al.,
Dworkin, 2015), which resembles the idea of the “dormancy 1995). However, there are cases when the microbes themselves,
continuum” previously mentioned. In both cases, knowing which intentionally and unintentionally, are able to adjust the pH of their
factors are present in the environments where microorganisms dwell near environment, even by excreting basic metabolites or enzymes,
can teach us what is necessary for their effective culturing in the and thus shape the microbial community and subsequently determine
laboratory (Figure 2). If they wake up stochastically, they still need the interactions between individual species of the consortium (Ratzke
environment-resembling conditions where they can thrive after and Gore, 2018).
awakening. If they need environmental stimuli, then these would Oxygen concentration also shapes the composition of entire
need to be included in in vitro cultivations for microorganisms to microbial niches: whether it is oxygen-requiring algae, microaerophilic
resuscitate and grow (Figure 2). or facultatively anaerobic purple non-sulfur photoheterotrophs,
The stimuli needed to resuscitate microorganisms from anaerobic green-sulfur bacteria, or any chemotrophs, the development
dormancy include physical and chemical stimuli, which can of individual subpopulations is impacted based on their relationship
be provided by the environment or by organisms to which to oxygen. Not just the simple dichotomy of aerobic and anaerobic
yet-unculturable microbes are associated (Zhang et al., 2021). In this conditions is important, but also small, specific changes in oxygen
sense, the conditions needed to support growth in the laboratory concentration matter. For instance, Coxiella burnetii, the intracellular
medium can overlap with those to resuscitate microbes from pathogenic agent of Q-fever, infects mammalian cells at a microaerobic
dormancy but both phenomena correspond to different physiological concentration of O2 ~ 3%. Omsland et al. (2009) successfully cultivated
processes, namely the exit from a reduced metabolic existence, after an axenic culture of Coxiella burnetii on an improved acidified citrate
which comes the ability to replicate. Zhang et al. (2021) reviewed the cysteine medium under an oxygen tension of 2.5%–5%. Because of its
factors that play a role in the resuscitation of VBNC organisms such ability to grow at lower oxygen levels, the hitherto uncultured Coxiella
as the addition of metabolites to minimize oxidative stress, quorum burnetii was able to utilize up to 17 different substrates and form
sensing autoinducers or temperature changes. In the present visible colonies in the absence of host cells. Recently, C. burnetii was
manuscript, the focus will be on those factors aiding the growth of cultured in a modular hypoxic chamber that maintains the required
microorganisms in the laboratory environment and what cultivation O2 concentration (2.5%) without constant airflow, which greatly
implies for modern microbiology. reduces the evaporation of the medium (Miller et al., 2020).

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The list of factors affecting microorganisms in their environment (inner circle), and strategic approaches reflecting these factors in the cultivation (outer
circle). Created with

Oxygen concentration also induces oxidative stress caused by (2022) isolated over 100 bacterial species, including several novel
reactive oxygen species. Generally, the ideal oxygen conditions depend species of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Flavobacteriia, and
on oxidative stress sensitivity and the need for a reduced form of a even a member of a novel genus of Thermoleophilia (Kapinusova et al.,
nutrient (Vallejo Esquerra et al., 2017). Since reactive oxygen species 2022). A similar strategy combined with a prolonged incubation time
often have a lethal effect on cells, it is desirable to reduce their was used for the culturomics of the world-renowed thermal springs of
concentration to a minimum. Oxidative stress during cultivation can Karlovy Vary (Smrhova et al., 2022) and led to the acquisition of
be reduced by procedures such as autoclaving the agar and the several thermotolerant strains of the Bacillota phylum and isolation of
phosphates separately (Tanaka et al., 2014; Kato et al., 2018, 2020) or novel microorganisms of Bacilli, Gammaproteobacteria, and
by adding catalase or pyruvate to media (Bogosian et al., 2000; Tanaka Actinomycetia classes. The dilution-to-extinction technique, based on
et al., 2014). the cultivation of soil oligotrophic microorganisms on media
Another decisive factor that enhances cultivation success is the containing 100-fold diluted nutrients, resulted in the isolation of a
choice of substrates and notably their concentration. Differing carbon wide spectrum of the most abundant soil representatives, and also of
concentrations create niches that are occupied by different bacteria members of two previously undescribed actinobacterial lineages
(Eichorst et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2020). In environments prone to (Bartelme et al., 2020). The combination of the above-mentioned
drastic environmental changes such as soil or water, selective pressure factors into one modified cultivation procedure, namely an adjusted
favors cells with a low metabolic cost existence (Mukamolova et al., N2/CO2 atmosphere (80:20), low substrate concentrations, the
2003). Diluted, low-carbon media favor slow-growers and increase the temperature corresponding to the original environment, etc., led to
overall diversity, thus increasing the chances of culturing unknown the successful isolation of members belonging to the OP5 phylum
taxa. Low-carbon media have successfully increased the culturing of (Mori et al., 2008), first described by the 16S rRNA gene analysis in a
microorganisms coming from a wide range of environments, such as hot spring in Yellowstone National Park (Hugenholtz et al., 1998).
sea sponges (Karimi et al., 2019; Gutleben et al., 2020), aquatic Since many unreachables are slow-growers, prolonged incubation
environments (Imazaki and Kobori, 2010; Sun et al., 2019), or soils times can lead to their successful cultivation. Prolonged cultivations,
(Janssen et al., 2002; Molina-Menor et al., 2021). Aquatic environments usually coupled with culturing diluted cell suspensions, have proved
offer the advantage of using the water directly from the source as part to be useful in many studies (Eilers et al., 2001; Connon and
of the cultivation media. Applying this strategy, Kapinusova et al. Giovannoni, 2002; Rappé et al., 2002; Kakumanu and Williams, 2012;

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Adam et al., 2018; Bender et al., 2020). In a study by Davis et al. This approach is referred to as culturomics (Greub, 2012). Bacteria
(2005), autochthonous soil cells, as well as non-native cells from obtained in culture are massively characterized using MALDI
constructed consortia, were counted on six different media at 7-day TOF-MS, or 16S rRNA gene sequencing (Strejcek et al., 2018;
intervals. Cell counts increased even after 12 weeks of incubation. Nowrotek et al., 2019).
Another successful example of prolonged cultivation, and an
important microbiological milestone, was the isolation of the
previously uncultured archaeon Candidatus Prometheoarchaeum A helping hand from the surroundings
syntrophicum MK-D1 (Imachi et al., 2020). This extremely slow- – Carrier particles
growing Asgard archaeon, related to the Lokiarchaeota, was isolated
from a 2,533 m deep-water sediment in the Nankai trough, Japan. Many prokaryotes prefer to live attached to surfaces rather than
Aiming to achieve deep-sea microbial cultivation, Imachi et al. (2020) in a dispersed, single-celled planktonic state (Mills, 2003; Flemming
set up a methane-fed-continuous bioreactor in which the enrichment and Wingender, 2010; Hemkemeyer et al., 2018). In soils, different
cultivation ran for 2,000 days, resulting in the isolation of this archaeon particle size fractions (PSFs) have a different impact on the
from a symbiotic culture. The growth of some organisms from cold concentration, chemical composition, and availability of organic
and oligotrophic environments, such as those isolated from Antarctica, matter (Christensen, 1992; Hemkemeyer et al., 2018). Organic matter
can only be seen in culture after prolonged incubation times (Pulschen is associated with fine-sized particles such as silt and clay; nevertheless,
et al., 2017; Tahon and Willems, 2017). These organisms form very the sand fraction contains most of the free particulate organic matter
small colonies which often have to be observed under a microscope (POM; Christensen, 2001), and therefore represents the fraction with
(Pulschen et al., 2017). the highest availability of substrates. The reported reduction in
Longer incubations in a Petri dish or batch liquid medium can diversity among larger-sized fractions can be caused by low nutrient
be problematic because the composition of the medium tends to availability, protozoan grazing, and competition with fungi (Sessitsch
change over time, either because of the action of the organism’s et al., 2001). Hence, Hemkemeyer et al. (2018) observed the suitability
metabolism or other processes, such as water evaporation. Even of different PSFs and their associated POM to harbor microbial
though microbial species with apparently long cultivation times can communities differing in their structure, functional potential, and
have these incubations shortened upon subculturing (Buerger et al., sensitivity to environmental conditions. Genetic fingerprinting
2012), their initial isolation from the natural environment could fail if showed very strong preferences of the observed bacterial communities
they are cultured together with a faster-growing species. Slow-growing (up to 56% OTUs) for specific PSFs, while the archaeal populations
microorganisms can be disadvantaged mainly when microorganisms did not exhibit significant preferences. Members of Bacteroidota and
from complex consortia are attempted to be cultured together. Alphaproteobacteria preferred the sand-sized fraction with POM,
Physically separating or sorting the microorganisms before their while Actinomycetota and Betaproteobacteria preferred fine silt,
culturing is a helping strategy to overcome this problem and it is Planctomycetales clay, and Gemmatimonadales coarse silt
discussed further in the text. (Hemkemeyer et al., 2018).
Periodically varying conditions exist in nature, from the feast and If cells prefer living in close contact with surfaces, it can result in
famine cycles (Koch, 1971) to alternating oxic and anoxic periods it being difficult for them to grow in liquid media. Surfaces composed
(Dorofeev et al., 2019) and seasonality (Steiner et al., 2020), all of of different materials such as glass, steel, or synthetic polymeric
which can affect microbial communities. Besides culturing in substances such as polyurethane foams can enhance the cultivation of
continuous cultures (open systems) or batch cultures (closed systems), biofilm-forming bacteria from different natural environments
cyclic cultivation can be useful for microorganisms with a cyclic type (Yasumoto-Hirose et al., 2006; Gich et al., 2012; Dellagnezze et al.,
of metabolism. This metabolism is divided into two phases: first, 2016). Liquid media provide many advantages compared to solid
energy and carbon sources are accumulated, which are then used in media: they guarantee a homogenous distribution of nutrients and
the second phase to biosynthesize biomass (Dorofeev et al., 2014). Any oxygen, while also facilitating the manipulation of cultures. Aiming to
of the above-mentioned culture parameters (e.g., temperature, oxygen, combine the benefits of liquid media while meeting the requirements
or substrate concentration) can be the cycling factor in the cultivation of microorganisms that live attached to surfaces, liquid media can
strategy (Dorofeev et al., 2014). be improved by adding a small amount of gelling agents such as gellan
Some growth-influencing factors can be more enigmatic. One gum, xanthan gum, or carrageenan (Das et al., 2015), glass beads
such factor is acoustic vibration, which is useful as a cultivation (Nguyen et al., 2005; Droce et al., 2013), or sand (Suman et al., 2019).
enhancement in several biotechnological studies (Bochu et al., 2003; Adding these supplementary solid agents can help the microorganisms
Avhad and Rathod, 2015; Huang et al., 2017). By causing (i) cavitation to attach to the surface but still live and divide in the liquid or
and repairable damage in microbial cells, (ii) loosening of microbial semiliquid medium.
aggregates in liquid cultures, and (iii) an increase in cell membrane
permeability, ultrasonic low-intensity waves (∼20 kHz) can increase
the substrate intake in microbial cells and subsequently enhance A helping hand from your neighbors
microbial proliferation (Huang et al., 2017, 2021), and thus can help – Growth factors
in the cultivation of the unreachables.
Similarly, all the aforementioned culturing parameters can Trace elements from the environment, apart from the carbon
be combined in a high-throughput fashion to describe as much of the source, are necessary to guarantee growth in vitro. To give a simple
community composition as possible using cultivation, with each example, genera of the slow-growing Acidobacteriota living in
condition used being “a different aspect of the community’s picture.” manganese-enriched environments benefit from the addition of this

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element into their growth medium (Costa et al., 2020). Complex studies of Bruns, where the addition of cAMP led to a 10% increase
matrices, such as soil, harbor many phylogenetically diverse in MPN values (Bruns et al., 2003). Yet, in several studies where
microorganisms (Bahram et al., 2018) that not only participate in signaling compounds were used for increasing cultivation yields, the
important biogeochemical cycles (Louca et al., 2019), but also create influence of cAMP on culturability has been disproven (Pernthaler
conditions that enable the growth of other microorganisms by et al., 2003; Sangwan et al., 2005).
sharing metabolites and essential growth substances (Schink, 2002). The resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) produced by
These molecules include those that play a role in quorum sensing, Micrococcus luteus promotes bacterial resuscitation and growth in
biofilm community cooperation, or in the mutualism between plants the same producing organism (Mukamolova et al., 2006), but can
and plant-growth promoting organisms (Jacoby et al., 2017), such as influence taxa distributed along several other phyla, such as
rhizobacteria and endophytes (Papik et al., 2020). If a metabolite is Pseudomonadota and Bacteroidota (Su et al., 2018; Lopez Marin
available in the environment, microorganisms can lose the metabolic et al., 2021; Su et al., 2021). This small protein (16–17 kDa) with a
capability of producing it and thus become metabolically dependent lysozyme-like structure (Cohen-Gonsaud et al., 2005) promotes
on their neighborhood (Pande and Kost, 2017). The absence of bacterial cell growth even at picomolar concentrations (Mukamolova
neighbors in pure culture, and consequently the absence of the et al., 1998; Sexton et al., 2015). Rpf-like encoding genes are
necessary metabolites, is then one of the reasons behind distributed among other prokaryotic genomes, especially in G + C
unculturability (Pande and Kost, 2017). Bacteria living in certain rich gram-positive Actinomycetota (Nikitushkin et al., 2016), but
environments, such as endophytes, benefit from the use of highly Rpf-like proteins extend to other bacterial phyla, such as Bacillota
specialized growth medium containing the environment’s original (Shah and Dworkin, 2010) and Pseudomonadota (Li et al., 2020). The
metabolites (Gerna et al., 2022). addition of Rpf during cultivation has resulted in the isolation of
With the above said, some bacteria can only grow in a pure novel bacteria, such as organisms of the genera Rhodococcus and
medium when in co-culture with another community member, also Arthrobacter, or of the family Alcaligenaceae (Su et al., 2013, 2015,
called a helper strain, which can be a phylogenetically different 2018, 2021). Lopez Marin (Lopez Marin et al., 2021) isolated 51
bacterium or even a different organism such as an amoeba (Boilattabi novel bacterial species belonging mainly to the phyla Actinomycetota,
et al., 2021). Co-culturing can be achieved either by direct culturing Pseudomonadota, and Bacteroidota on reasoner’s 2A (R2A) agar and
of the helper strain together with the bacterium of interest or by using an agar made from the soil’s water-soluble fraction after
spent supernatants as a proxy for the helper strain (Stewart, 2012). supplementing Micrococcus luteus Rpf-containing supernatant to
Spent supernatants are the media where the helper strain grew, so the soils. Some of these species were members of novel genera, such as
supernatants contain the metabolites that are potentially essential for Pedomonas mirosovicensis of the family Sphingosinicellaceae, or
other members of the community. Microbes can also be cultured Solicola gregarius of the family Nocardioidaceae (Lopez Marin et al.,
together with the host from their natural environments (Knobloch 2022, 2023). Spent supernatants containing growth factors have also
et al., 2019; Lopez Marin et al., 2021). High-throughput co-culture is aided the cultivation of Chloroflexota strains (Xian et al., 2020) or
also now possible with devices such as microscale microbial Leucobacter, the growth of which was supported through the action
incubators (Ge et al., 2016), micro-petri dishes (Ingham et al., 2007), of zincmethylphyrins and coproporphyrins produced by
microfluidic devices (Frimat et al., 2011; Burmeister et al., 2019), or Sphingopyxis sp. (Bhuiyan et al., 2016).
agarose-based microwell chips (Zhang et al., 2019), where hundreds
of single cells can grow in parallel in individual compartments,
sharing metabolites and necessary substances for growth. The latter Do you want to stay in your
approach has proved very helpful in culturing bacteria directly neighborhood?
related to human health, such as antibiotic-resistant pathogens from
the human gut (Versluis et al., 2019). The identification of specific substances promoting cell growth is
Metabolites from associated bacteria can provide nutrients or not an easy task. To bypass the search for crucial growth factors,
trigger other stimuli necessary for growth. As was previously microorganisms can be co-cultured with growth-promoting
mentioned, when water and nutrients are on the wane and the microorganisms or can be cultivated in situ in the environments they
surrounding conditions are unfavorable, some cells can enter come from Bollmann et al. (2007) and Remenár et al. (2015). In situ
dormancy. Dormant cells can be resuscitated by different resuscitation cultivation allows for the isolation of microorganisms that are more
stimuli (Pinto et al., 2015). There can be many sources of such stimuli, adapted to the original environment than those originating from the
but they often include substances such as amino acids and peptides same habitat but obtained on standard agar media (Jung et al., 2016).
(Nichols et al., 2008; Pinto et al., 2011), metabolites such as N-acyl Several innovative devices have been envisioned to deal with in situ
homoserine lactones (Batchelor et al., 1997), or resuscitation cultivation. In an early attempt, Kaeberlein et al. (2002) developed a
promoting factors (Mukamolova et al., 2006; Pinto et al., 2013; Lopez diffusion chamber that allowed the nutrients from the natural
Marin et al., 2021). For example, in a study by Bruns et al. (2002), the environment to migrate to the site where bacteria were inoculated.
signaling molecules cAMP and N-(butyryl)-DL-homoserine lactone Seawater solidified with agar was sandwiched between two
(BHL) increased total bacterial counts in highly diluted inocula from polycarbonate membranes, which allowed the flow of nutrients from
aquatic environments by several orders of magnitude. Thanks to this the natural environment to the agar while at the same time isolating
effort, the previously uncultured bacterial clone G100, Citreicella the inoculum from the natural environment (Kaeberlein et al., 2002).
manganoxidans, belonging to the Rhodobacteraceae family, was Diffusion chambers have since increased the diversity of culturable
cultured (Bruns et al., 2002; Wirth and Whitman, 2018). Less bacteria (Bollmann et al., 2007), including those that are difficult to
ambitious but still hopeful results were provided by the follow-up culture, such as members of the phylum Verrucomicrobiota (Pascual

Frontiers in Microbiology 07

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