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Describe a historical period you would like to know more

You should say:
When it was
What you are interested in
What you already knew
And explain why you would like to know more

To be honest, I am a history-lover so this question is such an intriguing one to me.

However, throughout the history of mankind, I have developed a big interest for 19th

19th-century events processed continuously from the 1800s to 1899 are such household
names, we all have to study this watershed era in curriculum all over the world.

Since secondary school, I was taught about this event during my History lessons. Until then
I could put up with immersing myself in tons of documents, videos, and books about this
century. There are numerous magnificent milestones recognized in this century, especially
the Second Industrial Revolution from 1865 to 1900 also known as the Technological
Revolution, which was a time of great technological advancement. During this period
mankind experienced rapid changes in communication and manufacturing technologies. I
could take the light bulb, and escalator as a result of Electricity which symbolized the

Having said that, I could see an overview quickly, but understanding a century demands
much more devoted time. That is not compatible with boring or wasted time, extraordinary
inventions are huge sources of inspiration to promote the new changes.

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