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Sakshi Rajesh Chaudhari

+918208606815 Nashik, India, IN
Enthusiastic Computer Science Engineering student passionate about coding and application development. Proficient in Java and
Python programming, adept at problem-solving, and a collaborative team player. Seeking a Java developer role to leverage technical
skills while continuously expanding knowledge and contributing to innovative projects.
BE in Computer Science Engineering**
MET Institute of Engineering | Present
Expected Graduation: 2024
HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) Sep '18 - Jun '20
RYK Science College | 2018 - 2020 |
Achieved 86%.
SSC Sep '18 - Jun '20
Rachana Vidyalaya | 2018 |
Achieved 96%.
• Basic Library Management Project in Java
- Developed a simple Java application to manage library resources, demonstrating fundamental concepts of data structures and file
• Snake Game using Java Swing and AWT
- Designed and implemented a classic Snake Game using Java Swing and AWT libraries. Implemented core game mechanics, user
interaction, and critical thinking in collision handling and snake movement logic.
• Blood Bank Management System
- Developed a comprehensive Blood Bank Management System utilizing Flask, Python, Oracle Database,
HTML, and CSS technologies.
• Tic Tac Toe using Java Swing
- Created a basic implementation of Tic Tac Toe game to demonstrate Java Swing package functionalities.
Programming languages: Python, Java, Html5, CSS3
Framework: Flask
Database: MySQL, Oracle
Tools: Git, GitHub, Eclipse
Software: Apache Tomcat, XAMPP
Additional Expertise:
- Fundamental understanding of JDBC
NPTEL Online Certification | 2023-07-13
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Programming in Java | Score - 72%
Upstream | Jan 2023 - Feb 2023
Java And Python Full Stack Training and Internship
HACKERRANK | Java (3-star badge)
Solved examples in Java and SQL that showcase problem-solving skills.

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