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Python Programming

Sub Code: 22MCA201

Question Bank

Sl. UNIT-I Marks

1. Discuss the different types of break and continue statements in Python with proper syntax 10
and examples.
2. Illustrate the concept of identifier with examples also list the set of rules to create an identifier. 05

3. Discuss about the arithmetic, assignment, comparison and bitwise operators with examples. 10

4. Interpret identity and membership operators in python with proper code snippet. 05

5. List and explain the basic types of arguments used in functions 10

6. Discuss the working of if statements with examples. 06
8. Discuss the importance indentation of python with example 05
9. Define Function and give general form for defining and calling Functions in Python with examples. 10

10. Discuss the working of Anonymous functions in python. 05

11 Interpret the following in python functions with suitable code snippet: 10
i)Positional arguments ii) Keyword arguments iii) Variable length arguments
12 Write a python program to add n numbers accepted from the user input. 05
13 Discuss Mutable and Immutable Data Types in python 05
14 Implement a python program to search an element using linear search 05
15 Implement a python program to search an element using Binary search 05
16 Write Python code to check if a given year is a leap year or not. 6
1. Discuss the List basic operations in detail. Explain different operation on List like extend, 10
insertion, deletion etc.
2. Implement a python program to simulate stack operations using list. 8
3. Discuss the slicing and indexing methods of strings with examples 8
4. Discuss the basic string methods with examples 10
5. Discuss the working of dictionary in python 05
6. With an example explain the file handling methods of python with examples 10

7. Implement the python code to depict the different insertion operations to perform on List. 6

8 Discuss the set basic operations in detail. Explain different operation on set like extend, 10
insertion, deletion etc.
9. Discuss the tuples basic operations in detail. Explain different operation on tuples like 10
extend, insertion, deletion etc.
10 Illustrate exception handling in Python with suitable examples. 10
11 Implement the python code to depict the different deletion operations to perform on dictionary. 6
12 Implement the python code to depict the different insertion operations to perform on sets. 6

13 Discuss the following dictionary methods with an example.

a) get() b) keys() c) pop() d) update() e) values() f) items()
1. With an example explain the concept of Inheritance with example 8
2. Discuss the creation of constructors in python 5
3. Illustrate the creation of class and object with proper syntax and example. 5

4. Create a Bus object that will inherit all of the variables and methods of the parent Vehicle class and 6
display it.
5. Write a python program using object oriented programming to demonstrate encapsulation, 10
overloading and inheritance
6. Explain operator overloading with the help of an example 5
7. Write a brief note on PIP. Explain installing packages via PIP 6
8. What are the two ways of importing a module? Which one is more beneficial? Explain 5

9. List out the types of Modules and Explain any two types in detail 10
10. What is JSON? Discuss with example. Compare it with dictionary 8
11. What are Regular expressions? What are the different steps to be followed to use a regular 5
expression in Python.
12. Describe with suitable python code snippet the working of find all(), search(),split(),sub() with 8
13. What is a package? How to download a package, import a package, remove a package in python. 8

1. Discuss the process of web scrapping in python. 10
2. Elaborate the creation and working of ndarrays in python with suitable examples. 10

3. Briefly explain the NumPy array slicing with example 05

4. Interpret the python universal function ufunc in brief. 10
5. Discuss the NumPy data types in brief 05
6. Interpret the following in python functions with suitable code snippet: 10
1. Sum 2. Min 3. max
7. Discuss the basic numerical operations on NumPy arrays 10
8. Discuss the rules of array broadcasting (Computation on arrays) in python 5

1. Discuss the concept of data visualization in python 05
2. Discuss the different Python Libraries used for data visualization 05
3. Discuss Matplotlib visualization library in depth 10
4. Describe the methods used to identify and handle missing and Handling Duplicates values in a 10
Data Frame
5. Discuss univariate (box plot) nature of visualization with a snippet of code 10
6. Discuss bivariate (scatter plot) nature of visualization with a snippet of code 10
7. Discuss the countplot and histogram features of visualization 10
8. With example explain head (), tail (), iloc () method 10
9. Illustrate the working of data frame. aggregate function in pandas 05
10. Briefly discuss how a CSV file can be loaded in python 05
11. Discuss the working of strip function in python 05
12. Discuss the aspects of data preprocessing in python 10
13. Discuss the working of panda’s series object with example 10
14. Discuss the working of pandas Data Frame with examples 10
15. Discuss the steps involved in Data wrangling process in python 10

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