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Weekly Plan 周计划

Topic 主题: The Slide Projector

Circle Time: Activity 1 Name 活动名称: Activity 2 Name 活动名称:History and Activity 3 Name 活动名称: Additional ideas, etc:
What is a slide projector?
components of the slide projector Group project -
“Build the slide projector”

Learning Learning intention 教学目标:to Learning intention 教 学 目 标 : to learn

learn what is a slide projector. basic components of the slide projector. Learning intention 教学目标:
intention Review the material, complete a
A slide projector is a specialized
There are several different components to
Focus : The projector which has been designed group project.
a slide projector, starting with a slot where
to be used with slides.
Slide slides can be inserted. Many slide
projectors are designed to work with
carousels, circular racks of slides which
Daily Song 歌 can be rotated to allow a sequential
projection of images which may be
automatic, or controlled with a button or
puppets remote operated by the user.
Activity focus:活动重点:
Theme Story:
Slides are small transparencies Use the acquired knowledge to
mounted in sturdy frames which are make a slide projector.
ideally suited to magnification and Differentiation focus:个别教学重点:
projection, since they have a very
high resolution and a high image
quality. The use of slide projectors is
in decline, as other projection
methods have become more popular.

Resources required 活 动 准 备 :
videos to watch ,pictures, hand made
The rack for slides is surrounded by a light
model of slide projector.
source and focusing lenses which ensure
Activity process 活 动 过 程 : Watch that the light passes through the slide, and
allows for focusing so that the slides will
videos, discuss, experiment with the
appear crisply on the projection screen.
slide projector. Slide projectors can be adjusted to project
Differentiation focus:个别教学重点: at a variety of distances, with the use of
focusing tools. The device also classically
includes a fan to ensure that the workings
of the slide projector do not get too hot,
as heat can damage the slides
Resources required 活 动 准 备 : DIY slide
projector, slide cards
Activity focus:活动重点:
Discuss the information, assemble and
disassemble the DIY projector.
Differentiation focus:个别教学重点:
Do worksheet on it

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