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What is Biodiversity

T The protection of biological diversity is central to conservation

biology. Conservation biologists use the term biological
diversity, or simply biodiversity, to mean the complete
range of species and biological communities, as well as the genetic
variation within species and all ecosystem processes. By this
definition, biodiversity must be considered on three levels:
• Species diversity. All the species on Earth, including single-celled
California goldfields: One species or many? A case of cryptic biodiversity (see p. 22) bacteria, archaea, and protists as well as the multicellular species
of the plants, fungi, and animals.
• Genetic diversity. The genetic variation within species, both
Species Diversity Biodiversity Worldwide
among individuals within a single population and among
What is a species? How many species exist? geographically separate populations of a species.
Measuring species diversity Where is the world’s • Ecosystem diversity. The different biological communities and
biodiversity found? processes involving the chemical and physical environment.
Genetic Diversity
Ecosystem Diversity All three levels are necessary for the continued survival of life as
Trophic levels we know it, and all are important to people (Levin 2001). Species
Food chains and food webs diversity represents the entire range of evolutionary and ecological
Keystone species and guilds adaptations of species to particular environments. It provides people
Keystone resources
with diverse resources to use when needed; for example, a forest
Ecosystem dynamics
with many species produces a wide variety of plant and animal
products that can be used as food, shelter, and medicine. Genetic
diversity allows species to maintain reproductive vitality, resistance
20 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 21

to disease, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. In domesticated the one most commonly used by taxonomists,
plants and animals, genetic diversity is of particular value in the breeding biologists who specialize in the identification of
programs necessary to sustain and improve modern agricultural species and unknown specimens and the classification of species.
to increase disease resistance. Ecosystem diversity represents the collective Taxonomists collect specimens in the field and
response of all the interacting species to different environmental conditions. store them in places such as the world’s 6500 natural
Biological communities found in deserts, grasslands, wetlands, and forests history museums. These permanent collections form
provide crucial ecosystem services to people, such as water for drinking and the basis of species descriptions and systems of
agriculture, flood control, protection from soil erosion, and filtering of air and classification. Each species is given a unique two-
water. We will examine each level of biodiversity in turn. part name (a binomial), such as Canis lupus for the
gray wolf. The first part of the name, Canis, identifies
Species Diversity the genus (the canids, or dogs). The second part of
the name, lupus, identifies the smaller group within
Species diversity includes the entire range of species found on Earth. the genus, the species that is the gray wolf. This
Recognizing and classifying species is one of the major goals of conservation naming system both separates a species and
biology (Morell 1999). connects it to similar species—such as Canis latrans,
How do biologists identify individual species among the mass of living the coyote, or Canis rufus, the red wolf.
organisms on Earth, many of them small in size and with few distinguishing The biological definition of a species is the one
features? And what is the origin of new species? Identifying the process most commonly used by evolutionary biologists,
whereby one species evolves into one or more new species is one of the who are most interested in changes in species over
ongoing accomplishments of modern biology. The origin of new species is time. The biological definition emphasizes
normally a slow process, taking place over hundreds, if not thousands, of heredity—breeding and genetic relationships—
generations. The evolution of higher taxa, such as new genera and families, rather than physical features, which can be affected
is an even slower process, typically lasting hundreds of thousands or even by the environment. In practice, however, the (B)
millions of years. In contrast, human activities are destroying in only a few biological definition of species is difficult to use,
decades the unique species built up by these slow natural processes. because it requires a knowledge of which
individuals actually have the potential to breed
What is a species? with one another and an understanding of their
Defining a species (the word is Latin for “kinds”) can be complex for biological relationships with one another—
biologists, but for practical purposes a species is usually defined in one of information that is rarely available.
two ways: Problems in distinguishing and identifying
species are more common than many people realize
1. As a group of individuals that is morphologically, physiologically,
(Bickford et al. 2007; Haig et al. 2007). A single
or biochemically distinct from other groups in some important
species may have several varieties that have
characteristic; this is the morphological definition of species.
observable morphological differences, yet the
2. As a group of individuals that can potentially breed among individuals may be similar enough to interbreed
themselves in the wild and that do not breed with individuals of and thus are considered a single biological species. FIGURE 2.1 Dogs all belong to the same species
other groups; this is the biological definition of species. (Canis familiaris) and readily interbreed despite their
The many breeds of domestic dogs, for instance, all
differences in appearance. (A) Great Danes have
Because the methods and assumptions they use are different, these two belong to one species (Canis familiaris) and readily long legs and great strength. They and their
approaches to distinguishing among species do not always give the same interbreed despite the conspicuous morphological ancestors are noted throughout European history
results. differences among them (Figure 2.1). Alternatively, for their participation in wild boar hunts. (B) Welsh
closely related “sibling” species appear very similar corgis were bred to herd cattle; their short legs
An individual’s morphology is its form and structure—or to put it more allow them to run underneath a cow’s body.
simply (if not totally accurately), its appearance. Increasingly, biochemical in morphology and physiology, yet are biologically
(Photographs by David McIntyre.)
differences in DNA sequences and other molecular markers are used to separate and do not interbreed.
distinguish species that look almost identical, such as different kinds of Taxonomists are now aware that in many cases
bacteria (Cagnato and Sun 2007). The morphological definition of species is what were thought to be separate populations of
22 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 23

the same species are in fact genetically distinct, different species. Increasingly, to train more taxonomists, especially for work in the species-rich Tropics
differences in DNA sequences and other molecular markers are being used (Wilson 2003).
to distinguish species that look virtually identical, including many species
of bacteria, plants, and even animals. For example, the California goldfield Measuring species diversity
plant, a wildflower of the western United States, had been viewed as a single Conservation biologists often want to identify locations of high species
species, Lasthenia californica (see p. 18). DNA sequence research on 60 diversity. Quantitative definitions of species diversity have been developed
populations of these plants led botanists to distinguish two groups that are by ecologists as a means of comparing the overall diversity of different
genetically distinct and have probably been evolving separately for a very communities at varying geographical scales (Legendre et al. 2005; Novotny
long time (Chan et al. 2002). Further study revealed et al. 2007).
subtle differences in morphology, leading to the Three quantitative indexes are used to denote species diversity at three
conclusion that many plant populations thought to different geographical scales:
be L. californica in fact belong to a different species, • At its simplest level, species diversity has been defined as the number
even though the populations are identical in outward of species found in a given community, a measure called species
appearance. Such a situation has been dubbed cryptic richness or alpha diversity (Gabriel et al. 2006).
biodiversity—the widespread existence of
undescribed species that have been wrongly classified • Gamma diversity applies to larger geographical scales and refers to
and grouped with a similar-appearing species (Lahaye the number of species found across a large region with a number of
et al. 2008). ecosystems, such as a continent.
To further complicate matters, individuals of • Beta diversity links alpha and gamma diversity and represents the
related but distinct species may occasionally mate rate of change of species composition as one moves across a large region.
and produce hybrids, intermediate forms that blur For example, if every lake in a region contained a similar array of
the distinction between species. Sometimes hybrids fish species, then beta diversity would be low; on the other hand, if
are better suited to their environment than either the bird species found in one forest were entirely different from the
parent species and go on to form new species. bird species in separate but nearby forests, then beta diversity would
Hybridization is particularly common among plant be high. A measure of beta diversity can be obtained by dividing
species in disturbed habitats. Hybridization in both gamma diversity by alpha diversity.
plants and animals frequently occurs when a few
We can illustrate the three types of diversity with the theoretical example
individuals of a rare species are surrounded by large
in Figure 2.3. Region 1 has the highest alpha diversity, with more species
numbers of a closely related species. A case in point
per mountain on average than the other two regions; Region 2 has the highest
is the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) in the United
gamma diversity, with a total of 10 species. Dividing gamma by alpha
States. The value of protecting this species has been
informs us that Region 3 has a higher beta diversity than Regions 1 or 2
questioned because morphological and genetic
because each of its species is found on only one mountain.
evidence shows that the remaining red wolves are
In practice, indexes of diversity are often highly correlated. The plant
actually hybrids resulting from extensive mating with
communities of the eastern foothills of the Andes Mountains, for instance,
C. latrans—the more common coyote (Figure 2.2;
show high levels of diversity in terms of the alpha, beta, and gamma scales.
Brownlow 1996).
These quantitative definitions of diversity are
The inability to clearly distinguish one species from
used primarily in the technical ecological Identifying patterns of species diversity helps
another, whether due to similarity of characteristics
FIGURE 2.2 Hybridization between the literature and capture only part of the broad conservation biologists establish which
endangered red wolf (Canis rufus, above) and the or to confusion over correct scientific names, often
definition of biodiversity used by conservation locations are most in need of protection.
much more common coyote (C. latrans) has taken slows efforts toward species protection (Gerson et
biologists. However, they are useful for talking
place to the extent that some people believe C. al. 2008). It is difficult to write precise, effective laws
rufus should no longer be protected as an about patterns of species distribution and for
to protect a species if the name of that species has
endangered species. (Photograph © Brian comparing regions of the world. They are also valuable for highlighting
not been defined. Tens of thousands of new species
Cook/Alamy.) areas that have large numbers of native species that require conservation
are being described each year, but even this rate is
not fast enough. The key to solving this problem is
24 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 25

FIGURE 2.4 Genetic variation occurs within individuals

Region 1 Alpha Gamma Beta
because of variation in the alleles for particular genes and
(species per (species per (gamma/
mountain) region) alpha)
variation between chromosomes. Genetic variation also
DE DE DE occurs between individuals within populations and among
C F C F C F 6 7 12 separate populations. (After Groom et al. 2006.)

Region 2

Two different
BC EF HI 4 10 2.5 alleles of gene A Within-population variation
D Among-population variation

Region 3

B (one from eachparent)
A DE FG 3 8 2.7
C E H Individual genes
A and B

Within-individual variation

FIGURE 2.3 Biodiversity indexes for three regions, each consisting of three separate
mountains. Each letter represents a population of a species; some species are found on only DNA sequences that make up genes—the functional units that are the
one mountain, while other species are found on two or three mountains. Alpha, gamma, and blueprints for the proteins of life (such as the enzymes in a mammal’s
beta diversity values are shown for each region. If funds were available to protect only one
mountain range, Region 2 should be selected because it has the greatest gamma (total)
digestive system or the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood). Different
diversity. However, if only one mountain could be protected, a mountain in Region 1 should forms of a gene are known as alleles, and the differences originally arise
be selected because these mountains have the highest alpha (local) diversity, that is, the through mutations that change the DNA sequence. The various alleles of a
greatest average number of species per mountain. Each mountain in Region 3 has a more gene may affect the development and physiology of an individual organism
distinct assemblage of species than the mountains in the other two regions, as shown by and may affect its fitness—the relative ability of an individual to survive
the higher beta diversity. If Region 3 were selected for protection, the relative priority of the
individual mountains should then be judged based on the relative rarity of the assemblages.
and reproduce (Figure 2.4).
Genetic variation increases as a result of sexual reproduction because of
the recombination of genes. Genes are exchanged between chromosomes,
and new combinations are created when chromosomes from two parents
combine to form a genetically unique offspring. Although mutations provide
Genetic Diversity the basic material, the random rearrangement of alleles in different
combinations that characterizes sexually reproducing species dramatically
At each level of biodiversity—species, genetic, and ecosystem—conservation increases the potential for genetic variation.
biologists study the mechanisms that alter or maintain diversity. Genetic The total array of genes and alleles in a population is the gene pool of
diversity within a species is often affected by the reproductive behavior of the population, while the particular combination of alleles that any individual
individuals within populations. A population is a group of individuals that possesses is its genotype. The phenotype of an individual represents the
potentially mate with one another and produce offspring; a species may morphological, physiological, anatomical, and biochemical characteristics
include one or more separate populations. A population may consist of only of the individual that result from the expression of its genotype in a particular
a few individuals or millions of individuals, provided that some of the environment. Examples of phenotypes include eye color, blood type, and
individuals actually produce offspring together. forms of certain enzymes. These are physical qualities that are determined
Individuals within a population are genetically different from one another predominantly by an individual’s genotype.
to varying degrees. This genetic diversity, more properly called genetic The amount of genetic variation in a population is determined by both
variation, arises because individuals have slightly different forms of the the number of polymorphic genes—genes that have more than one allele—
26 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 27

and the number of alleles that exist for each of these genes. The existence components of the ecosystem. Ecosystem processes occur at geographical
of a polymorphic gene also means that some individuals in the population scales ranging from square meters to hectares to square kilometers, all the
will be heterozygous for the gene; that is, they way to regional scales involving tens of thousands of square kilometers
will receive a different allele of the same gene (MEA 2005a).
Genetic variation within a species can allow the
from each parent. On the other hand, some The physical environment, especially annual cycles of temperature and
species to adapt to environmental change.
individuals will be homozygous: they will receive precipitation and the characteristics of the land surface, affects the structure
the same allele from each parent. All these levels and characteristics of a biological community and profoundly influences
of genetic variation contribute to a population’s ability to adapt to a changing whether a site will be a forest, grassland, desert, or wetland. In aquatic
environment. ecosystems, physical characteristics of the water, such as turbulence, clarity,
Many rare species have less genetic variation than widespread species chemistry, temperature, and depth, affect the characteristics of the associated
and, consequently, less flexibility to adapt when environmental conditions biota (living things). The biological community can also alter the physical
change, which in turn leaves them vulnerable to extinction. Genetic variation characteristics of an environment. For example, the vegetation present in a
is also important to the continued improvement of the crop plants and given location of a terrestrial ecosystem can affect wind speed, humidity,
domestic animals on which we depend for food, as humans artificially select and temperature. Likewise, marine communities such as kelp forests and
and hybridize species to obtain crop varieties with qualities that make them coral reefs can affect the temperature and motion of the water in their
valuable for agriculture. locations.
Within a biological community, species play different roles and have
varying requirements for survival. For example, a given plant species may
Ecosystem Diversity grow best in one type of soil under certain
conditions of sunlight and moisture, be pollinated
Ecosystems are diverse, and this diversity is apparent even across a particular Within a community, different species have
by only certain types of insects, and have its seeds
landscape. As we climb a certain mountain, for example, the kinds of plants different requirements for food, shelter, soil type,
dispersed by certain bird species. Animal species
and animals present gradually change from those found in a tall forest to temperature, water, and numerous other
differ in their requirements, such as the types of
those found in a low, moss-filled forest to those in an alpine meadow to resources, any of which may limit its population
food they eat and the types of resting places they
those of a cold, rocky mountain peak. As we move across the landscape, size and its distribution.
prefer. Any of these requirements may become a
physical conditions (soil type, temperature, precipitation, and so forth)
limiting resource that restricts the population size
change, and one by one the species present at the original location drop out,
and distribution of the species.
and we encounter new species that were not found at the starting point. The
As a result of its particular requirements, behaviors, or preferences, a
landscape as a whole is dynamic and changes in response to physical and
given species often ends up appearing at a particular time during the process
biological components of the environment.
of ecological succession. Succession is the gradual process of change in
A biological community is defined as all the species that occupy a
species composition, community structure, soil chemistry, and microclimatic
particular locality and the interactions among those species. A biological
characteristics that occurs following natural or human-caused disturbance
community together with its associated physical and chemical environment
in a biological community. For example, sun-loving butterflies and annual
is termed an ecosystem. Many characteristics of an ecosystem result from
plants most commonly are found early in succession, in the months or few
ongoing ecosystem processes, including water cycles, nutrient cycles, and
years immediately following a hurricane or after a logging operation has
energy capture. Water evaporates from leaves, the ground, and other surfaces,
cleared an old-growth forest. At that time, with the tree canopy disrupted,
to fall again elsewhere as rain or snow and replenish terrestrial and aquatic
the ground receives high levels of sunlight, with high temperatures and low
environments. Soil is built up from parent rock material and decaying organic
humidity during the day. Over the course of decades, the forest canopy is
matter. Photosynthetic plants absorb energy from sunlight, which is used
gradually reestablished. Different species, including shade-tolerant, moisture-
in the plants’ growth. This energy is then captured by animals that eat the
requiring wildflowers, and birds that nest in holes in dead trees, thrive in
plants, and also by the animals that eat the animals that eat the plants. The
the mid- and late-successional stages. Human management patterns often
energy is also released as heat—both during the animals’ lives and after the
upset the natural pattern of succession: for example, grasslands overgrazed
plants and animals die and decompose. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and
by cattle and forests from which all the large trees have been harvested for
release oxygen during photosynthesis, whereas animals and fungi absorb
timber no longer contain late-successional species that would otherwise exist
oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration. Mineral nutrients
such as nitrogen and phosphorus cycle between the living and the nonliving
28 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 29

The composition of communities is often affected by competition and

predation. Predators are animals that hunt and kill prey, which are the Abiotic environment
animals that are eaten. Predators may dramatically reduce the densities of Energy lost as heat Solar radiation,
water, oxygen, carbon
certain prey species and even eliminate some species from particular habitats. Not absorbed dioxide, minerals
Indeed, predators may indirectly increase the diversity of prey species in a by producers
community by keeping the density of each species low enough that severe
competition for resources does not occur.
In many communities, predators keep the number of individuals of a
particular prey species below the number that the resources of an ecosystem
can support—a number termed the habitat’s carrying capacity. If the predators Primary producers
are removed by hunting, fishing, or some other human activity, the prey Photosynthetic
population may increase to carrying capacity, or it may increase beyond species
carrying capacity to a point at which crucial resources are overtaxed and
the population crashes. In addition, the population size of a species may be
controlled by other species that compete with it for the same resources; for
example, the population size of rare terns that nest on a small island may
decline if a gull species that uses the same nesting sites becomes abundant,
or it may grow if the gull species is eliminated from the community.
Community composition is also affected when two species benefit each Primary consumers
other in a mutualistic relationship. Mutualistic species reach higher densities Herbivores; obtain
energy from photo-
when they occur together than when only one of the species is present. synthetic species
Common examples of mutualism are the relationships between fruit-eating
birds and plants with fleshy fruit containing seeds that are dispersed by
birds; flower-pollinating insects and flowering plants; and plants that provide
both food and homes for the ants that protect them from pests. At the extreme
of mutualism, two species that are always found together and apparently
cannot survive without each other form a symbiotic relationship. For
example, the death of certain types of coral-inhabiting algae—a result of consumers
unusually high seawater temperatures—is followed by the weakening and Predators and
subsequent death of their associated coral species. In such cases, conservation parasites feed
on herbivores
efforts must target both species.

Trophic levels
Biological communities can be organized into trophic levels that represent
the different ways in which species obtain energy from the environment
(Figure 2.5). Primary producers comprise the first trophic level. These organisms
obtain their energy directly from the sun via photosynthesis. In terrestrial Decomposers
environments, the flowering plants, gymnosperms (such as conifers), and Scavengers feed on dead
ferns are responsible for most photosynthesis, while in aquatic environments, tissues and wastes
seaweeds, single-celled algae, and cyanobacteria (“blue-green algae”) are
the most important primary producers. All of the species use solar energy
to turn simple chemicals like carbon and nitrogen into the organic molecules
they need to live and grow. As a consequence of less energy being transferred
to each successive trophic level, the greatest biomass (living weight) in a FIGURE 2.5 A model of a field ecosystem, showing its trophic levels and simplified
terrestrial ecosystem is usually that of the plants. energy pathways.
30 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 31

The second trophic level contains the herbivores, which eat photosynthetic common situation in many biological communities, however, is for one
species and are thus known as primary consumers. The intensity of grazing species to feed on several other species at the lower trophic level, to compete
by herbivores often determines the relative abundance of plant species and for food with several species at its own trophic level, and to be preyed upon
even the amount of plant material present. by several species at the next higher trophic level. Consequently, a more
Carnivores are in the third and higher trophic levels. Carnivores obtain accurate description of the organization of biological communities is a food
energy by eating other animals. At the third trophic level are secondary web, in which species are linked together through complex feeding
consumers (e.g., foxes), predators that eat herbivores (e.g., rabbits). At the relationships. Species at the same trophic level that use approximately the
fourth trophic level are tertiary consumers (e.g., bass), predators that eat same environmental resources are considered to be a guild of competing
other predators (e.g., frogs). Some secondary and higher consumers combine species. Humans can substantially alter the relationships in food webs (Becker
direct predation with scavenging behavior, and others, known as omnivores, and Beissinger 2006; Levy 2007). For example, in urban settings, bird
include both animal and plant foods in their diets. In general, predators populations may increase because of reduced predation, reducing insect
occur in lower densities than their prey, and populations at higher trophic abundance in the process (Faeth et al. 2005).
levels contain fewer individuals than those at lower trophic levels.
Parasites and disease-causing organisms form an important subclass of Keystone species and guilds
predators. Parasites of animals, including mosquitoes, ticks, intestinal worms, Within biological communities, certain species or guilds of species with
and protozoans, as well as disease-causing organisms such as some bacteria similar ecological features may determine the ability of many other species
and viruses, are microscopic in size and do not kill their hosts immediately, to persist in the community (Figure 2.6). These keystone species affect the
if ever. Plants can also be attacked by bacteria, viruses, and a variety of organization of the community to a far greater degree than one would predict
parasites that include fungi, other plants (such as mistletoe), nematode if considering only the number of individuals or the biomass of the keystone
worms, and insects. The effects of parasites range from imperceptibly species (Mumby et al. 2006). Protecting keystone species is a priority for
weakening their hosts to totally debilitating or killing them over time. The conservation efforts because loss of a keystone species or guild may lead to
spread of parasites and disease from captive or domestic species, such as loss of numerous other species as well.
wild dogs, to wild species, such as lions, is a major threat to many rare Top predators may be keystone species, because predators often have
species (see Chapter 4). marked influence on herbivore populations. The elimination of even a small
Decomposers and detritivores feed on dead plant and animal tissues and number of individual predators, though representing only a minute amount
wastes (detritus), breaking down complex tissues and organic molecules of the community biomass, may result in dramatic changes in the vegetation
into the simple chemicals that are the building blocks of primary production. and a great loss in biodiversity sometimes called a trophic cascade. For
Decomposers release minerals such as nitrates and phosphates back into the example, in some places where gray wolves and other predators have been
soil and water, where they can be taken up again by plants and algae. hunted to extinction by humans, deer populations have exploded. The deer
Decomposers are usually much less conspicuous than herbivores and severely overgraze the habitat, eliminating many herb and shrub species.
carnivores, but their role in the ecological community is vital. The most The loss of these plants, in turn, is detrimental to the deer and to other
important decomposers are fungi and bacteria, but a wide range of other herbivores, including insects. The reduced plant cover may lead to soil
species play a role in breaking down organic materials. For example, vultures erosion, also contributing to the loss of species that inhabit the soil. When
and other scavengers tear apart and feed on dead animals, dung beetles feed wolves are restored to ecosystems, trophic relationships can sometimes be
on and bury animal dung, and worms break down fallen leaves and other reestablished (Beyer et al. 2007).
organic matter. Crabs, worms, mollusks, fish, and numerous other organisms Species that extensively modify the physical environment through their
eat detritus in aquatic environments. If decomposers were to die off, organic activities, often termed “ecosystem engineers,” are considered keystone
material would accumulate and plant growth would decline greatly. species as well (Byers et al. 2006). For example, beavers build dams that
flood temperate forests, creating new wetland habitat for many species.
Food chains and food webs Losing keystone species can create a series of linked extinction events,
Although species can be organized into general trophic levels, their actual known as an extinction cascade, that results in a degraded ecosystem with
requirements or feeding habits within the trophic levels may be quite much lower diversity at all trophic levels. Within many tropical forest
restricted. For example, a certain lady beetle species may feed on only one communities, fig trees are considered to be keystone species because they
type of aphid, and a certain aphid species may feed on only one type of have a long fruiting season and provide an important food resource for
plant. These specific feeding relationships are termed food chains. The more many bird and mammal species. Were fig trees to go into sudden, rapid
32 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 33

High Keystone resources

Keystone species Dominant species
(wolves; bats; fig trees; (forest trees; deer; Particular habitats may contain physical or structural keystone resources that
disease-causing organisms) giant kelps; prairie are essential to many species in the community. For example, deep pools in
grass) streams, springs, and ponds may be the only refuge for fish and other aquatic
species during the dry season, when water levels drop. For terrestrial animals,
these water sources may provide the only available drinking water for a
considerable distance. Hollow tree trunks are needed as breeding sites for
many bird and mammal species. Suitable tree cavities are the limiting resource
Impact of species

on the population size of many vertebrate species. The loss of a keystone

resource could mean the rapid loss of animal species, particularly certain birds
and mammals. When vertebrate species are lost, there could be an extinction
cascade of plant species that depend on those animals for pollination and seed

Ecosystem dynamics
In the interaction of the biological community with the physical and chemical
Rare species Common species environments, key ecosystem processes include transfer of energy; production
(wildflowers; (understory of biomass; cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other nutrients; and the movement
butterflies; trees; shrubs; weedy
mosses) grasses) of water (MEA 2005b). An ecosystem that has been damaged by human activity
Low and has lost some of its species and certain processes, such as the ability to
Low Proportional biomass of species High retain water after storms and then release it slowly, has lost some of its
integrity. Ecosystem integrity is an important conservation topic. It is the
FIGURE 2.6 Keystone species determine the ability of large numbers of other species condition in which an ecosystem is intact and functional.
to persist within a biological community. Although keystone species makeup only a small In a healthy ecosystem the processes are functioning normally, whether or
percentage of the total biomass, a community’s composition would change radically if one not there are human influences. In many cases, ecosystems that have lost some
of them were to disappear. Rare species have minimal biomass and seldom have significant
impact on the community. Dominant species constitute a large percentage of the biomass of their species will remain healthy because there is often some redundancy
and affect many other species in proportion to this large biomass. Some species, however, in the roles performed by ecologically similar species (Seabloom 2007).
have a relatively low impact on the community organization despite being both common Ecosystems that are able to remain in the same state are referred to as stable
and heavy in biomass. (After Power et al. 1996.) ecosystems. An ecosystem may be stable either because of lack of disturbance,
or because it has special features that allow it to remain stable even in the face
of disturbance. Such stability in the face of disturbance can result from one
or both of two features, resistance and resilience. Resistance is the ability to
maintain the same state despite ongoing disturbance, and resilience is the
property of being able to return to the original state quickly after a disturbance
decline due to logging or an introduced fungal disease, for instance, the loss has occurred. For example, if fish are introduced to a previously fish-free
would affect, not only the birds and mammals that eat figs, but ultimately pond and the number of native species declined dramatically, that pond
those predators that rely on fig eaters; the overall ecosystem would appear to have low resistance. However, if the fish die out
effect on the food web would be catastrophic. and the number of native species rebounded rapidly, it would indicate high
If scientists can identify the keystone species in resilience (Knapp et al. 2005).
Thus, during selective logging operations in the
a community affected by human activity, those
Tropics, figs and other important fruit trees should
species can be carefully protected and even
be protected, while common trees that are not
keystone species may be reduced in abundance Biodiversity Worldwide
with little permanent loss of biodiversity to the Developing a strategy for conserving biodiversity requires a firm grasp of how
community. many species exist on Earth and how those species are distributed across the
planet. The answers to both questions can be complex.
34 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 35

(A) FIGURE 2.7 (A) Approximately 1.5 million species have been identified and described
by scientists; the majority of these are insects and plants. (B) For several groups estimated
to contain over 100,000 species, the numbers of described species are indicated by the
Insects 751,000 dark blue portions of the bars; the green portions are estimates of the number of undescribed
species. The vertebrates are included for comparison. The number of undescribed species
is particularly speculative for the microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, protists). Estimates of
the possible number of identifiable species range from 5 million to 30 million. (A, data from
Wilson 1992; B, after Hammond 1992.)
All other
How many species exist?
At present, about 1.5 million species have been described. At least twice this
Viruses 1,000 number of species (primarily insects and other arthropods in the Tropics)
Plants 248,500 Bacteria and similar remain undescribed (Figure 2.7). Our knowledge of species numbers is
forms 4,800 imprecise because inconspicuous species have not received their proper
Protists (single-celled
Fungi 69,000 share of taxonomic attention. For example, spiders, nematodes, and fungi
organisms with nuclei)
30,800 Algae 26,900 living in the soil and insects living in the tropical forest canopy are small
Accuracy and difficult to study. These poorly known groups could number in the
(B) of estimate hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of species. Our best estimate is
that there are between 5 and 10 million species (Gaston and Spicer 2004).
Viruses Very poor
Amazingly, around 20,000 new species are described each year. While
Undescribed species
certain groups of birds, mammals, and temperate flowering plants are
Bacteria Very poor Described species
relatively well known, several new species in these groups are discovered
Nematodes Poor annually (Donoghue and Alverson 2000; Peres 2005). Even among a group
as well studied as the primates, 10 new monkey species have been discovered
Crustaceans Moderate in Brazil and 3 new species of lemurs have been found in Madagascar—all
since 1990. Between 500 and 600 new species of amphibians are described
Protists Very poor
each decade.
Algae Very poor New species may be discovered in unexpected places, as members of an
international research team found when they noticed an unusual entrée on
Vertebrates Good the grill in a Laotian food market. Natives called it “kha-nyou”; although
clearly a rodent, it was not an animal known to any of the researchers. In
Mollusks Moderate 2006, after several years of studying skeletons and dead specimens,
taxonomists deemed kha-nyou to be a heretofore unknown species belonging
Fungi Moderate
to a rodent family thought to have been extinct for 11 million years (Dawson
Spiders Moderate
et al. 2006). The newly discovered species was given the scientific name
Laonastes aenigmamus, or “rock-dwelling, enigmatic mouse.” More commonly
Plants Good called the Laotian rock rat or rock squirrel, this rodent is neither a mouse nor
5-10 million a rat nor a squirrel, but a unique species (Figure 2.8).
Insects Moderate In addition to new species, entire biological communities continue to be
discovered, usually in extremely remote and inaccessible localities. These
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 communities often consist of inconspicuous species of bacteria, protists, and
Number of species (millions) small invertebrates that have escaped the attention of earlier taxonomists.
Specialized exploration techniques have aided in these discoveries, particularly
in the deep sea and in the forest canopy. Some recently discovered
36 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 37

FIGURE 2.8 Researchers first Although the marine environment appears to be a great frontier of
encountered Laonastes aenigmamus biodiversity, the difficulty of collecting there has particularly hampered our
being sold as a delicacy in Laotian knowledge of the number of marine species (Koslow 2007). An entirely new
food markets. This recently discovered
animal phylum, the Cycliophora, was first described in 1995 based on tiny,
species belongs to a group of rodents
previously believed to have been ciliated creatures living on the mouthparts of the Norway lobster (Funch
extinct. In 2006, David Redfield of and Kristensen 1995). A recent expedition to the oceans around Antarctica
Florida State University led an collected 674 different species of isopods, a group of small arthropods that
expedition that was able to obtain the includes the common pillbug. In that collection, 585 were new species (Brandt
first photographs of a living L.
et al. 2007).
aenigmamus. (Photograph by Uthai
Treesucon, courtesy of Research in Bacteria are especially poorly known and thus underrepresented in
Review, FSU.) estimates of the total number of species on Earth (Azam and Worden 2004).
Only about 5000 species of bacteria are currently
recognized by microbiologists. However, work
analyzing bacterial DNA indicates that there may DNA analyses suggest that many thousands of
be 6400 to 38,000 species in a single gram of soil species of bacteria have not yet been described,
and 160 species in a liter of sea water (Nee 2003). and some of these species could be of major
Such high diversity in such small samples suggests environmental importance.
that there could be thousands or even millions of
undescribed bacteria species.
If the task of describing the world’s species continues at its present rate,
the job will not be completed for over 250 years. This fact underlines the
critical need for taxonomists trained to use the latest molecular technology,
communities include the following:
and for Web-based information sharing. International databases such as the
• Diverse communities of animals, particularly insects, are adapted to Global Biodiversity Information Facility,, and the
living in the canopies of tropical trees and rarely, if ever, descend to Encyclopedia of Life project,, will make species names and
the ground (Lowman et al. 2006). The use of technical climbing descriptions more widely and readily available.
equipment, canopy towers and walkways, and tall cranes is opening
this habitat to exploration. Where is the world’s biodiversity found?
• Using DNA technology to investigate the interior of leaves of healthy The most species-rich environments appear to be tropical rain forests, tropical
tropical trees has revealed an extraordinarily rich group of fungi, deciduous forests, coral reefs, the deep sea, and large tropical lakes
consisting of thousands of undescribed species (Arnold and Lutzoni (Groombridge and Jenkins 2002). Much of the diversity of tropical rain
2007). These fungi appear to aid the plants in excluding harmful forests can be attributed to their great abundance of insects, but they also
bacteria and fungi in exchange for receiving a place to live and perhaps have many species of birds, mammals, and plants. In coral reefs and the
some carbohydrates. deep sea, diversity is spread over a much broader range of phyla and classes
than in terrestrial communities. These marine ecosystems contain
• Investigations of bacterial communities in remote locations using new representatives of 34 of the 35 animal phyla that exist today; more than a
sampling techniques have revealed a diversity of species previously third of these phyla exist only in the marine environment (Grassle 2001). The
unsuspected. For example, the floor of the deep sea has unique high species richness in the ocean may be due to the great age, enormous
communities of bacteria and animals that grow around geothermal area, degree of isolation of certain seas by intervening land masses, stability
vents and in marine sediments. Drilling projects have shown that of the environment, and specialization to particular sediment types
diverse bacterial communities exist 2.8 km deep in the Earth’s crust, (Lambshead and Schalk 2001). Diversity in large tropical lakes can be
at densities ranging from 100 to 100 million bacteria per gram of solid explained by the rapid evolutionary radiation of fishes and other species in
rock (Fisk et al. 1998). These bacterial communities are being actively isolated, productive habitats. High diversity is also found in complex
investigated as a source of novel chemicals, for their potential freshwater river systems where individual species have restricted distribution.
usefulness in degrading toxic chemicals, and for insight into whether The greatest diversity of species is found in tropical forests. Even though
life could exist on other planets. the world’s tropical forests occupy less than 7% of the Earth’s total land area
38 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 39

(and this percentage is steadily diminishing), they may contain over half the The world’s largest coral reef is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, with an
world’s species (Primack and Corlett 2005). This estimate is based on limited area of 349,000 km2. The Great Barrier Reef contains over 350 species of
sampling of insects and other arthropods, groups that are thought to contain coral, 1500 species of fish, 4000 species of mollusks, and 5 species of turtles,
the majority of the world’s species. Reasonable estimates of the number of and it provides breeding sites for some 252 species of birds. Even though
undescribed insect species in tropical forests range from 5 million to 10 it covers only 0.1% of the world’s ocean surface, the Great Barrier Reef
million. If the higher figure is correct, it would mean that insects in tropical contains about 8% of the world’s fish species. Scientists are also now beginning
forests constitute most of the world’s species. Information on other groups, to learn about deep sea corals that live in deep, cold environments without
such as plants and birds, is much more accurate. About 40% of the world’s light (Roberts and Hirshfield 2004). These deep sea coral communities are
flowering plant species are found in tropical forests. still poorly known, but they appear to be rapidly declining due to destructive
Coral reefs also have large concentrations of species (Figure 2.9). Colonies trawling practices.
of tiny coral animals build large coral reef ecosystems—the marine equivalent Great diversity is found among plant species of temperate shrub and herb
of tropical rain forests in both species richness and complexity (Spalding et communities in southwestern Australia, the Cape Region of South Africa,
al. 2001). One explanation for this richness is the California, central Chile, and the Mediterranean Basin, all of which are
Species diversity is greatest in the Tropics, high primary productivity of coral reefs, which characterized by a Mediterranean climate of moist winters and hot, dry
particularly in tropical forests and coral reefs. produce 2500 grams of biomass per square meter summers (Rundel 2001). The Mediterranean Basin is the largest in area (2.3
per year, in comparison with 125 g/m2/yr in the million km2) and has the most plant species (25,000), while the Cape Region
open ocean. The clear waters of the reef ecosystem of South Africa has an extraordinary concentration of unique plant species
allow sunlight to penetrate deeply, so high levels of photosynthesis can take (8550) in a relatively small area (70,000 km2). The shrub and herb communities
place in the algae that live inside the coral. Extensive niche specialization are apparently rich in species in these areas because of a combination of
among coral species and adaptations to varying levels of disturbance may also complexity of site conditions and the severity of environmental conditions
account for the high species richness found in coral reefs. (frequent drought and fires) (Richardson et al. 2001).
In Pakistan, corals were discovered as a result of study assessments
conducted by the Pakistan Wetlands Programme in 2007, along the Astola
Island situated off the Makran coast. The kind of coral discovered was the
Scleractinian coral that builds big coral reefs such as those associated with
the Great Barrier Reef. A total of 25 species of the Scleractinian coral were
found, along with 77 species of reef fish being identified.

Ranking of South Asian countries in terms
of mammal biodiversity

Country Area Number of

(1000 ha) mammal species

1. Maldives 30 15
2. Bhutan 4700 92
3. Sri Lanka 6561 123
4. Nepal 14718 203
5. Bangladesh 14400 131
6. Pakistan 79610 195
FIGURE 2.9 Coral reefs are built up from the skeletons of billions of tiny individual
animals. The intricate coral landscapes create a habitat for many other marine species, 7. Afghanistan 65209 144
including many different kinds of fish. This reef is in the Maldives, an island nation in the 8. India 328726 422
equatorial Indian Ocean. (Photograph © Wolfgang Amri/shutterstock.)
Source: Data from WRI 2004.
40 Chapter 2 What Is Biodiversity? 41

Almost all groups of organisms show an increase in species diversity Summary

toward the Tropics. For example, Thailand has 265 species of mammals,
while France has only 93, despite the fact that both countries have roughly 1. The Earth’s biodiversity includes all living species, the genetic
the same land area (Table 2.1). The contrast is particularly striking for trees variation among individuals within a species, the biological
and other flowering plants: 10 ha of forest in Amazonian Peru or Brazil communities in which species live, and the ecosystem-level processes
might have 300 or more tree species, whereas an equivalent forest area in involving the physical and chemical environment.
temperate Europe or the United States would probably contain 30 species 2. Certain species are important in determining the ability of other
or less. species to persist in a community. Without these keystone species,
Patterns of diversity in terrestrial species are paralleled by patterns in marine many other species may be eliminated from their communities.
species, again with an increase in species diversity toward the Tropics (Worm
et al. 2005). For example, the Great Barrier Reef off the eastern coast of Australia 3. The majority of the world’s species have still not been described and
has 50 genera of reef-building coral at its northern end where it approaches named.
the Tropics, but only 10 genera at its southern end, farthest from the Tropics. 4. The greatest biological diversity is found in tropical rain forests,
Particular groups of species are often used as indicators of overall species coral reefs, tropical lakes, the deep sea, and shrublands with
diversity so that locations of high species diversity can be rapidly identified. Mediterranean climates.
Conservation biologists use this technique because the distribution of species
richness for different groups of organisms roughly corresponds over broad For Discussion
spatial scales (Lamoreaux et al. 2006). In North America, large-scale patterns
of species richness in amphibians, birds, butterflies, mammals, reptiles, land 1. How many species of birds, plants, insects, mammals, and
snails, trees, all vascular plants, and tiger beetles are highly correlated. That mushrooms can you identify in your neighborhood? How could you
is, a region with numerous species of one group tends to have numerous learn to identify more? Do you believe that the present generation
species of the other groups. On a local scale, however, this relationship may of people is more or less able to identify species than past generations?
break down. For example, amphibians may be most diverse in wet, shady Why do you think this is the case?
habitats, whereas annual plants may be most diverse in drier, open habitats. 2. What factors promote great biodiversity? What may lead to reduced
At a global scale, each group of living organisms may reach its greatest biodiversity in certain environments?
species richness in a different part of the world due to historical circumstances
and the suitability of the site to its needs.
Local variation in climate, sunlight and rainfall, topography, and geological
Suggested Reading
age are also factors that affect patterns of species richness (Huston 1994; Arnold, A. E. and F. Lutzoni. 2007. Diversity and host range of foliar fungal endophytes:
Gaston 2000). In terrestrial communities, species richness tends to be greatest Are tropical leaves biodiversity hotspots? Ecology 88: 541–549. The fungi that live
in sunny, lowland locations with abundant rainfall. Species richness can be inside of leaves are incredibly diverse, and appear to benefit the plants that they
greater where complex topography (such as mountains and valleys) and inhabit.
Brandt, A. A. and 20 others. 2007. First insights in the biodiversity and biogeography
great geological age provide more environmental variation, which in turn
of the Southern Ocean deep sea. Nature 447: 307–311. Hundreds of new species
allows genetic isolation, local adaptation, and speciation to occur. Geologically were found on this recent expedition.
complex areas can produce a variety of soil conditions with very sharp Lahaye, R. and 9 others. 2008 DNA barcoding the floras of biodiversity hotspots.
boundaries between them, leading to multiple communities as plant species Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 105: 2923–2928. DNA technology
are adapted to one specific soil type or another. can help identify known species and can uncover the existence of new species.
With better methods of exploration and investigation, we are now able Lamoreux, J. F., J. C. Morrison, T. H. Ricketts, D. M. Olson, E. Dinerstein, M. W.
to appreciate the great diversity of the living world. This is truly a golden McKnight and H. H. Shugart. 2006. Global tests of biodiversity concordance and
age of biological exploration. Yet with this knowledge comes the awareness the importance of endemism. Nature 440: 212–214. Concentrations of species are
of the damaging impacts of human activity, which are diminishing that found in similar places for many major groups of organisms.
diversity right before our eyes. Levin, S. A. (ed.). 2001. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Academic Press, San Diego. A
comprehensive guide to the field.
Lowman, M. D., E. Burgess and J. Burgess. 2006. It’s a Jungle Up There: More Tales
from the Treetops. Yale University Press. Anecdotes and adventures while exploring
the diversity of the tropical forest canopy.
42 Chapter 2

Morell, V. 1999. The variety of life. National Geographic 195 (February): 6–32. A special
issue on biodiversity includes this and other beautifully illustrated articles.
Primack, R. B. and R. Corlett. 2005. Tropical Rainforests: An Ecological and Biogeographical
Comparison. Blackwell Publishing. Malden, MA. Rain forests on each continent
have distinctive assemblages of animal and plant species.
Seabloom, E. W. 2007. Compensation and the stability of restored grassland
communities. Ecological Applications 17: 1876–1885. A greater diversity of species
in an ecosystem results in greater productivity and stability.

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