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DARK AGES - ideas about art and education were controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. Artist
and Educators used religious methods to reach religions goals
In the dark ages the research was intended to support politics or the church

RENAISSANCE - the focused became people and creation rather than heaven and angels. The
methods that the artists and educator used was driven by the skill of human observation.
Renaissance era was for the sake of discovery whether it would lead. was also the revival of the ancient
Greek and Latin literature
Therefore, renaissance artists were considered rebels.

As renaissance ideas travelled northward across the Alps into Germany and Switzerland the movement
came to be known as humanism because of it's emphasis on the HUMAN mind and HUMAN
BODYbody. The human mind was valued and the human body as well. (THAT LATER BEEN CALLED

A movement firstly emerged during the 14th century in Italy where it gave significance to its epoch, the
Renaissance. It involved a rebirth of the study of Greek and ancient Latin authors that were unaffected by
the Christian thoughts and explanations.

Humanism gained more popularity during the 17th-century enlightenment (The Enlightenment
produced numerous books, essays, inventions and scientific discoveries. The American and French
Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its
influence and the beginning of its decline.) since it believed in humanity’s ability to change nature and
society according to its needs and aimed attention at the importance of the value of human beings.

According to humanism thoughts, the meaning of life is not something waiting to be discovered, but
something that we create in our own lives. (the meaning of life is to be created, not discovered)
Therefore, in order for a human being to give its life a meaning, one should pursue the happiness in life
and help others to do the same. (However, they also believe that they have a duty to support others to live
fulfilling lives too – this includes people who are alive today as well as future generations) .

This means that humanists class themselves as agnostic or atheist. (an (ethiest)atheist is someone who
doesn't believe in a god, while an agnostic is someone who doesn't believe it's possible to know for sure
that a god exists. Humanists reject the idea or belief in a supernatural being such as God. Because
humanists do not believe in any kind of god or supernatural force that will solve their problem s, they
believe that human beings must take sole responsibility for solving the world's environmental
problems. Only humans are capable of finding the solutions that can lead to a sustainable existence.

Humanists have no belief in an afterlife (they believe that people should make the most of their lives
while on Earth) and so they focus on seeking happiness in this life Humanists are concerned with human
welfare and happiness and believe that this is the one and only life and world they have.
. They rely on science for the answers to questions (science always have the answer)such as creation,
and base their moral and ethical decision-making on reason, empathy and compassion for others.
To the Humanist the human mind was capable of understanding truths on its own inquiry. People did
not need to be spoon-fed the truth of the church (free will )they could research and come to their own
conclusions. The human mind was valued and the human body as well.

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