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1 The <B> AND <STRONG> elements

In HTML, when you put something if you want to emphasize a word or

inside <b> </b>, it makes that text phrase on a web page, you can put it
bold. It's like making it stand out and inside <strong> tags, because It has a
look thicker. semantic meaning of importance or
strong emphasis or importance for the
EXAMPLE NO. 2 The <i> and <em> element

In HTML, <i> makes text look a bit In HTML, <em> makes a part of the text look a little
different. It makes the text inside it different. It's like saying, "Hey, this part is
slant or tilt a little. important!" It also makes the text inside it slant a
little bit, so when you put something between
<em> and </em>, it tells web browsers to make it
stand out a bit, like giving it a gentle emphasis or
EXAMPLE NO. 3 The <small> and <mark> element

The <small> tag in HTML makes text look a

little bit smaller than regular text. It's used
when you want to show that some text is less The <mark> in HTML is like a highlighter for text on a
important or not as big as the rest of the text webpage. It makes the text look like it's been marked with a
on a webpage. bright color, usually yellow. This helps people notice and find
important words or phrases when they read the page.

EXAMPLE NO. 4 The <del> and <ins> element

In HTML, <del> is like a special tag that tells the web

<ins> is like a marker in HTML. It shows that
browser to show some text as if it's crossed out or deleted.
something new was added to a document. It's
It's often used to display that certain words or sentences
often used when comparing different versions
have been removed or taken out from the original text. So,
of text, like a before-and-after change.
when you use <del>, the text inside it appears with a line
through it to show it's no longer part of the current version.
EXAMPLE NO. 5 the <sub> and <sup> element

The <sub> in HTML makes the

text a little smaller and lower. It's
like when you write a small
number below a bigger number,
like in math or chemistry.

In HTML, <sup> makes the text smaller and

higher up on the line. It's like writing
something a little above the normal words,
like when you write a small number above
a bigger number.

EXAMPLE N0. 6 THE <blockquote> and <q> elements

In HTML, <blockquote> helps make some text special. In HTML, <q> is like putting quotes around something you
It's like saying, "This text is a quote from someone want to show as someone's words. It's a way to say, "Hey,
else." When you put text inside <blockquote>, it often these words are what someone said." When you use <q>, it
looks indented, like a fancy note or saying. It helps puts quotation marks around the text to show it's a quote.
people notice it's not your own words but from It helps make it clear that those words are not your own but
someone or somewhere else. someone else's.
EXAMPLE NO. 7 The <abbr> and <address>

<abbr> in HTML stands for

"abbreviation." It's like a little label
you put on a short word to tell people
what it means. When someone reads
a web page, and they see an
abbreviation like "HTML," they might
not know what it stands for. So, you
can use <abbr> to show the full
meaning when they hover their
mouse over the abbreviation. It helps
make things clearer for readers.

<address> in HTML is like a label

for where you can find important
contact information. It's a way to
tell people things like an email
address or a physical location. It
helps organize and highlight this
info on a webpage.

The <cite> tag in HTML is used to

show that a specific piece of text
is a reference or a quote from
somewhere else, like a book or a
website. It's like saying, "Hey, I'm
taking these words from another
place." This tag helps make it
clear where the information or
words originally came from.

<bdo> in HTML makes text appear in the

opposite direction. If normal text goes left to
right, <bdo> flips it to right to left or vice versa.
It's like looking in a mirror; everything gets

EXAMPLE NO. 9 THE html comment tags

HTML comment tags are like secret notes that

you put in your web page's code. They don't
show up on the web page when people visit it.
They are there for you and other people who
work on the web page.
EXAMPLE NO. 10 The background colors and text colors

In HTML, the "background-color" is like the color of a piece of paper behind your
words and pictures on a webpage. It makes the webpage look nice and can be any
color you like.

In HTML, "text color" refers to

the color of the words and
letters you see on a web page.
It's like choosing the color of a
pen to write with.
EXAMPLE NO. 11 The border colors and color values

In HTML, the "border-color" is

like the color of a line around
something, like a frame. It helps
you choose the color of that line.

These color values are written

using letters and numbers, and
they make websites more
interesting and pretty. You can
use them to change the color of
text, backgrounds, and other
parts of a webpage. So, colors in
HTML make websites look good
and not just black and white.

EXAMPLE NO. 12 THE rgb colors

RGB color codes in HTML are instructions to the

browser about what color to make things on
your webpage either in the background or text
EXAMPLE NO. 13 The RGBA COLOR VALUES and css hex color

when you use RGBa in HTML,

you're telling a web page what
color you want (using Red,
Green, and Blue), and how
transparent or opaque that color
should be (using Alpha). It's like

CSS hex color values are like

codes that tell a computer how
to color things on a web page.
They use numbers and letters to
describe colors. When you use a
hex color in HTML and CSS, it
helps your webpage look pretty
by giving colors to things like
text, backgrounds, and borders.

EXAMPLE NO. 14 THE css hsl colors

Hue: This is the color itself, like red, blue, or


Saturation: It's how colorful the color is. High

saturation is very colorful, low saturation is pale.

Lightness: It's how bright or dark the color is.

High lightness is bright, low lightness is dark.

So, HSL lets you choose the color (hue), how

colorful it is (saturation), and how bright it is
(lightness). It's a different way to make colors for
your webpage.

H: It stands for "Hue." It's the

type of color, like red, green, or
blue. You choose the kind of
color you want.

S: It's for "Saturation." It decides

how bright or dull the color is.
High saturation means it's very
colorful, and low saturation
makes it less colorful.

L: It's for "Lightness." It

determines how bright or dark
the color is. High lightness
makes it bright, and low
lightness makes it dark.

A: It's for "Alpha." It's how

transparent the color is. If it's 1,
it's fully visible. If it's 0, you can't
see it at all.

So, hsla helps you choose a

specific type of color, make it
brighter or duller, lighter or
darker, and even control how
see-through it is. It's like a recipe
for creating the perfect color for
your web page.should be (using
Alpha). It's like painting with
colors that can be partly see-
through if you want.

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