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A Message from Eleven

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A Message from Eleven

Greetings, my dear friends.

I am happy to tell you what everyday life is like outside the lab. Here is what is found: I

have found that real life encompasses moments of happiness and sometimes distress. These

moments are caused by the “ups and downs of life.” The people outside the lab always try to

ensure they achieve a balanced life where careers, friendships, family, and romance are smooth.

This is because people have families, romantic relationships, career jobs, and friends in real life.

The main life issues outside the lab are earning money, having a romantic relationship, and

enjoying life. People believe a beautiful and happy life is based on money to purchase good cars

and houses, have happy relationships with their partners, and enjoy the fun with friends.

Outside the lab, people engage in daily activities such as working to ensure their

lifestyles are funded. Working is the core of everyone’s lifestyle because when people work, they

get paid to help them pay their bills. Working depends on an individual’s career, which is why

you will find people working in different companies specializing in different expertise. However,

people can choose to become entrepreneurs to start their businesses according to their interests.

The working days are mostly from Monday to Friday or Saturday on some jobs. Therefore, in

real life, one has to wake up every day and prepare to work before 8:00 am, which can be

exhausting. If you are jobless, it is hard to pay your bills, and you can live a bad life. During the

weekend, people party and have fun in clubs and restaurants.

Another thing that I have found is that people on the outside are obsessed with

relationships. Having a boyfriend for ladies is so important that they set couple goals and

standard that portrays them as the best. Women are committed to wearing beautiful clothes,

make-up, and hairstyles to attract men. Ladies are obsessed with ensuring they maintain an

attractive social media status. Yes, social media. Social media are sites that can be accessed

through mobile phones, and people can share how beautiful their lives and relationships are by

posting photos and videos.

On the other hand, men are expected to have money, cars, houses, and other material

things to impress women. Therefore, if a man has no money, women will not accept to be their

romantic partners. However, these relationships can be heartbreaking when their partners leave.

When one is heartbroken, one depends on their friends for emotional support and


I have found that when you grow up, you meet people from different backgrounds, and

they become more than friends to family. These are the friends you can lean on when in trouble

and the people you can always have fun with and ask for advice when you need it. Friends, help

each other in sampling the best boyfriend and support you when you get married to the love of

your life. A romantic life with your partner is the best thing in this life but distressing when you

are heartbroken. Social media influence has caused women to set unrealistic standards and goals

that make them lack stable romantic relationships with their partners.

Also, there are police who catch and jails people when they break the law. People are

captured and taken to jail when they engage in fraudulent activities, fail to pay child upkeep

money, or when attacking others. Jail is just more of a lab because, in there, you cannot have the

freedom to work or have fun with friends. Only friends or your partner can bail you out.

Therefore, ensuring you do not break the law is essential in real life.

I am eagerly waiting for you. Once you escape, our friendship will be like a family. We

will help each other secure good careers and stable romantic relationships, and we will enjoy life.

I look forward to having fun with you during weekdays after work and on weekends. I

believe we can be the best and enjoy life outside the lab to the fullest. I love you all and know

that I will be waiting for you.

Part 2: A reflection

Mass media is essential in society for informing, educating, and entertaining. Mass media

helps in updating people on what is going on across the world and within their environment.

However, mass media can be misleading, manipulating, and misguiding depending on the

content they share. The drama series “Sistas,” created and produced by Tyler Perry, has

averagely depicted the real world. The series has only centered on money, relationship, and

friends. However, there is more to life than only what the series has portrayed. The series

portrays the real world as a place where people only live to accumulate wealth to impress women

or their partners who have created unrealistic standards through social media and their grouping.

The real world has extensive consideration that society is built on. Their real world involves

bigger issues such as economic inequality, political instabilities, crime, war, climate change,

religion, etc. These are some major factors that have caused the modern world to be the way it is

now. It is important to note that before society establishes the companies, hotels, and clubs where

people can spend their flashy lifestyles, political and economic developments are essential. The

series has not shown how the actors grew their careers or enabled them to work in different


The implication of the “Sistas” drama series to society is that it can lead to a

misconception of the real world. Misconception can lead to negative impacts such as decreased

attention in school, increased crime rates, depression due to social media and media influence,

having wrong priorities in life, and many more. The drama series can lead to the generation of a

society that is not self-sufficient due to focus of the activities and issues that cannot develop a

nation to higher economic standards. Therefore, it is essential to note that television series and

mass media inform, educate, and entertain. Still, society should also understand that the media

will always portray what they want you to know, not what the larger society is about.


Appendix A: The Link

Appendix B: Snapshots

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