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Galera, John Paul S.

Foreign Language 2 (Advanced Spanish)

Instruction: Write a Subject Recap/ summary for your previous Foreign Language
Subject (Insights and Learnings)

¡Buen Dia Profesora!

I have learned so much from the Previous subject which is Basic Spanish. The
last semester began with learning vocabulary concerning language and
pronunciation. I was able to talk about ways to express myself. I learned how to use
the words in formal and informals ways and to pronounce it. It was very helpful to
us especially to me to learn how to speak in Spanish because one of my dreams is to
travel in Europe so that I can use all the learnings that I have gained from this subject.
These things are essential to mastering the Spanish language. I feel very confident
about my ability to speak and understand Spanish after this semester. Although
sometimes, I have trouble pronouncing the words with letter R but I will practice it
until I can pronounce it well. I would like to improve my ability to speak and
understand the Spanish by listening in our subject in Advanced Spanish. I would also
like to practice my verb conjugations and be able to conjugate more rapidly as well
as correctly. Learning Spanish is so important and beneficial to us because we can
use it in our future career and it will be an advantage when we apply to the
international travel industry. Now we are taking Foreign Language 2 (Advanced
Spanish), I expect that the learnings we have gained in Foreign Language 1 (Basic
Spanish) will expand and improve.

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