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NOTE: This is to be signed after performing the Initiation, and returned with the report of your FIRST INITIATION. If initiation cannot be performed immediately, sign Oath and return at once. _ Reophpte’s Great Path . LONE with my conscience, in the presence of the In- visible Host of the Divine, touched with the sublime consciousness of all that is sacred to my understand- ing; and with a keen realization of the import of this moment, I, as a dweller on the Threshold at the First Portal of the Order Rosae Crucis, do solemnly subscribe to the following obligations, asking the God of my Heart to assist me in~ fulfilling all its points: First: 1 promise, as an initiate of the Grand Lodge of this Order, to become a student of its sacred or secret teachings, giving time and thought to the compre- hension of the fundamental principles and laws, making them in every way serve in attaining Wisdom and Illumination so that I may live a better life, accom- plishing greater good for myself and mankind, and build to the glory of God “witiig attaining Mastership on this earth in those things which are essential to my natuyal birthright as a citizen of this world and a fellow of the Universal “Brutlierhood of Man. Secondly: 1 promise to keep secret those passwords, signs, and principles which may be revealed to me as secret points in the work. Furthermore, I promise that I will always respect and hold in high regard the integrity, established reputation and idealism, principles and Insignia of the Order; that I will do my utmost to live a clean life, that I may typify the Rosicrucian spirit; that I will honor and respect the Flag of my country and the country in which I live; that I will never be guilty of treason; that I will be a good and useful citizen, contributing to the advancement and welfare of the country in which I enjoy the privilege of being a resident. Thirdly: 1 promise to respect the Laws and Constitutional Principles of the organization and the advice of the Imperator and Officers, as long as they are consistent with the high purposes of the Order; faithfully to meet my stated obligation to the Order, and to make the Fratres and Sorores of the Order my close kindred, as long as each, individually, adheres to all the foregoing condi- tions and terms in like manner, so help me Go Full Sigetie ALLL. a Key Number..o2 2.2 Lb Le.. os Hour of Signin, z£. ee AMORC, ROSICRUCIAN PARK, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (If you wish, make a copy to retain for your own records.) PRINTED IN U.S.A. 7 an? 274-464 Mr. Walter M. Angel, Jr. 2524 Clark Street Richmond 28, Virginia "59

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