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Ursiern WraMtiniw

The Brotherhood University is not connected with ñor a
parí of any other Organizarían.
Its Masters are working on the modem advanced Ray of
the Western Traditions and it is to this Etemal Temple in the Hea-
vens and the Creater Masters who rule therein that they look for
their inspiration and their authority to initiate regardless of their
purely legal rights and Charters.
The \a/estekn Tfladitiqms

While Scholars readily understand the matter

of Traditions, yet to many an explanation may be
helpful. All Occultism and Mysticism derive from
the Great Temple in the Golden City of Atlantis.

Three Great Emigrations went out of Atlantis.

The first emigration carne out under the direction
of a Manu operating under the Power Aspect of the
Logoidal Cycle.This emigration went eastward across
Europe, Asia, and carne to the Yellow Sea. It was a
primitive form and is the basis of the primitive
cults of Ju-juism Voodoo and primitive magic. Its
initiation was purely a second plañe initiation.
The Second Emigration carne out hundreds of
thousands of years later. It moved southerly,Cross­
ing Central Europe and coming to the uplands of As­
ia with their eternal snows, forming the Himalayan
Centers and it is from this emigration that the Wis—
dom Religions or what are known as the Eastern Tra­
ditions are derived.

The Third emigration carne out of Atlantis re-

presenting the very flower and culmination of their
culture and carne out just before the final cataclysm
sank it beneath the waves. They traveled in a more
southerly direction,crossed Northern Africa and carne
to the Red Sea, founding the Culture known as the
Egyptian. This was the beginning of the Western Tra­
ditions, and from this beginning it grew into a high-
er ¿evelopment thru the Caballa and the Symbol Sys­
tem of the Tree of Life, thru the Hermetic Systems
and thru Christianity and its Great Leader both of
whom derive from the Cabalistic Culture and repre-
sent its highest aspect, in its true form of Mys-
tical Christianity.

The Western Traditions, therefore, do not re-

fer to America, but trace an unbroken chain back
to the highest development of Atlantis. Egypt and
its symbols, as well as the European Adepts and Mys-
tics and their Orders and the Symbols of Mystical
Christianity are all part of the Western Traditions
and are very different in most cases from the Sym­
bol Systems of the Eastern Traditions.
-- The Brotherhood’s Invitation -

A Strange and Unusual Message.

Strange, for it is the Message from a Great

Universlty to You, as a Seeker for Light. It is a
University in which all who are Humble and Sincere
are instructed by the Spirit of Wisdom itself, and
here are all the Mysteries of Nature preserved for
the Children of Light.

The Inter!or Order was formed immediately after

first perception of Man’s wider Heritage had dawned
upon the first of the Adepts; it received from the
Masters at first hand the revelation of the means
by which Humanlty could be raised to its rights and
delivered from its misery. It received the primi-
tive charges of all revelation and mystery, it re­
ceived the true Key to Science, both divine and na­
tural .

But as men multiplled, the frailty of man ne-

cessitated an exterior Brotherhood which velled the
Interior one and concealed the Spirit and Truth in
the letter, because so many were not ready to un-
derstand great Interior Truths. Therefore,Interior
Truths were wrapped in externa! and perceptible Cer-
remonles, so that man by the perception of the Out-
er, which is the Symbol of the Interior, might by
degrees be enabled to safely approach the Interior
Spiritual Truths.

- The Wisdom School -

This School of Wisdom has been ever Cloister-

ed from the World, because it is submisslve alone
to the Illuminated Government, but from time to time
this group of Sages have revealed to the Outer World,
a pathway, in order to attract men to the great
Western Traditions

Truths of their Sanctuary. It Is thus that man finds

here Wisdom and wlth it, All. Not the Wisdom of the
outer World which Is but scientlfic knowledge which
revolves around the outside, but never touches the
centre, but true Wisdom, Understanding and Know­ ■
ledge, all reflections of the Supreme Illumlnation.

All disputes, all controversles , allthe things

belonging to the false cares of the world, frultless
discussions , useless germs of opinlons, which spread
the seed of disunion, all error, schisms, and Sys­
tems are banished. Nelther calumny ñor scandal is
known. Every man and woman is honored. Love reigns

Wordly intelllgence seeks Sanctuary in valn,

frultless also will be the effects the merely cur-
lous to penétrate these Great Mysteries, all is unde-
cipherable to those who are not ready, for they shall
see nothlng, ñor read anything. But to the Hum-
ble, the Sincere, no matter how llttle may have been
their prevlous study and training there shall be re-
vealed "something of the Mysteries of the Klngdom. "

- The Interior Order -

So in this Brotherhood, Truth reposes inviol­

able. It flows steadlly from the great Interior Or­
der, the Brothers who Uve in Silence, but yet in
real activity. Besides their Secret Holy Work, they
from time to time decide upon strateglc action.
Thus when the earth was nlght corrupt by reason of
the great Sorcery, the Brethren sent a messenger to
brlng freedom to manklnd.

This being but partlally a success, they rais-

ed up another to teach freedom ofthought. Yet this
freedom soon turned into a heavier bondage than be-
fore. Then the Brethren delivered unto manklnd the
knowledge of Nature and the Keys thereof, yet this
also was prevented by the great Sorcery.

-- The Message to You -

Now, in these days, have they ralsed up cer-

taln trusted ones to deliver unto men and women the
Keys to Spiritual Knowledge and in fulflllment
thereof, there has come to you, the reader of this
Invitation, the message from the Interior Order.

Western Traditions

The Brothers of the Unlversíty announced them-

selves years ago, wlthout Mlracles or Mystery for
the Brethren make no mystery, are devoid of the trap-
plngs of the Charlatán and the deceptlons of the
merely commerclal. They glve to their accepted Neo-
phyte students not alone the text but the comment
in simple personal Communications, forming the Al-
phabet of Spiritual Knowledge. In addltlon, there
are selected by the Brethren, unlque experiments,
described in the simples! available language. If
one fails to obtain good results, it can be but in
the applicatlon, for the methods are proven.

- - Your Invitation -

So it is thus, to this Unlversíty that you are

invited,' that In the quiet of your own home, wlth­
out changlng your earthly obligations, your relig­
ión or dutles, you can recelve from this storehouse,
the most anclent and original Science of Life, the
very knowledge you need now In these days of Chaos,
for the preservatlon and the safety of yourself,
your loved ones and your affalrs.

- Not Commercial --

The Brotherhood is thus a non-commerclal Uni-

versity, a replica of the Mystery Schools of Old.By
that we mean that it is not representlng one narrow
Cult or any Ism. Llke a true Unlversíty, it tralns
its students and teaches all Truth, slftlng out the
Truth wherever found and brlnglng to Its members
the cióse contact wlth the Hlghest Masters of the
Lodge Invisible, the Interior Order. By the very
nature of Its work, the Brotherhood cannot resort
to the modern methods of High Fowered Salesmanshlp.
Exaggerated statements,bombastlc adJectives,start-
llng claims can hardly be resorted to by the few
genuine representativos of the Interior Mysterles.
You wlll also miss the usual enrollment obllgation,
requireing from thlrty to flfty dollars. You wlll
mlss also the bllnd oaths of alleglance to some un-
known officer and all the bllnd trapplngs of self-
styled Saviours and Leaders of new cults whose num-
ber has become legión.

In the long years in which the Brotherhood has

labored wlth and for Humanlty, one of its most gra-
tlfying rewards has been the love and reverence of

Western traditions

Its students for their Instltution and their appre-

ciatlon of its hlgh standards. It Is their talks
with frlends and others that brlng to the work,the
vast number of souls enterlng the Path for perhaps
the flrst time. It is their recommendatlon, based
on their own practlcal experience,whlch has caused
our own steady and unfaillng growth thru the years.
In every part of the world are these sllent workers,
passlng on the word to sincere seekers.

- - Unusual Features -

And so these different and unusual features may

show you, that the Invltation hereby extended to
you is in Truth,the contact for whlch you have been
seeklng and unable to find. When that restless urge
of the Inner Self, that dissatlsfactlon with Life
flrst overtakes the Neophyte, he searches franti-
cally here and there,jolning thls and that,enthused
at flrst, then, again becomlng dlssatlsfled as he
flnds that all that glitters is not gold. Enthused
by intrigulng circulars, he purchases book after
book in his efforts to find the Key to Life, whlch
that ’Somethlng Withln' tells him does exist. Yet
there is always that dlsappointment,that Key whlch
seems to elude his grasp.

- - The Great Test -

But finally,If he persists in his search,there

comes a day, when quletly, unheralded, without os-
tentatlon, a Way to establlsh his contact opens,
he flnds the Gate to the Mystic Pathway before hlm.
But here is the flrst Great Test. Will the outer
self recognlze the genuiness of the Invltation,will
his Faith in the Guldlng Volee withln, carry hlm
over the threshold and will he perslst until his
human strength is suppllmented and alded by the
’ Dawning Power of Divine Llght' streaming to him
from far down the Path. Or,will the Material Self,
trained so long to accept the glittering tlnsel of
the World,drown out the Inner Volee, and refuse to
accept the Truth, because she does not appear In
the garb and manner he expected.

- A Dramatic Moment -

So thls flrst test of the Neophyte marks one

of the most dramatic moments possible In any human

Western Traditions

Ufe, or in the development of any Immortal soul.

Thls Occult Unlverslty,llke the Mysteryles of Oíd,
asks nothlng for itself, it is not a Religious Or-
der, in the usual meaning of the term, it is not
a Fraternal Movement and it does not bind its stu-
dents to any human Personality,Teacher or Founder.

Its Illumlned Teachers, as Masters of Inltla-

tion work in Obscurlty, behind the Veil,contacting
their assigned student Neophytes by mail and other-
wise, and working with them and for them in many
strange ways, yet always developlng Inltiatlve and
self responslblity,always with the utmost of free-
dom of cholee. They give freely of their time, and
psychic work in aidlng the student to stralghten
out the tangled threads of Life,glving to them the
knowledge and pointing out the way to bring Peace,
Success, and Happiness into their Uves.

The entire work is a sane sensible tralning in

the practlcal appllcatlon of the Laws of Occultlsm
to the problem of modern Ufe, particularly, dur-
ing these changing days of the Oíd Age, whén true
knowledge is necessary to avoid dlsaster. When har-
mony has been restored In their outer affairs,then
if the Neophyte presses on with love and devotlon,
he will flnd that the Master is a Gulde and Frlend
In the Planes that lie beyond and his contact is
established with the Interior Order, The Lodge In­
visible. Thus flrst his affairs should be brought
Into order, then all the customary stages of the
Mystery Schools open before him. Flrst, Probation;
Second, Enllghtement and Third, Inltiatlon or II-
lumlnatlon. In the Second Phase of Enlightenment
there are awarded Certificates and Tltles indicativo
of the student’s attainment,useful prlncipally be-
cause at that point the student Is ready to do some-
thing in aidlng others and the possession of an out­
er mark of inner development is deslrable for those
who cannot see for themselves.

-- Simplicity of the Work -

A saving in time and money.

The personal work of the Master requires no

memorizing, no prolonged hard study, no radical
change In your outer mode of living, no long hours
of practlce , and no change in your religious bellefs ,
your earthly obligatlons or tles. Ten or fifteen

Western Traditions

minutes nlghtly at your own convenience,Is all that

ís requlred. The Communications are sent to you In
simple language,readlly understandable,and so word-
ed that they make their Impress upon the Subconscous
Mlnd, wlthout arduous study. Ferhaps the greatest
beneflt will come from having thls personal teacher
who will stand ready to ald and advise you in many
ways,and to whom you may freely wrlte of your pro­
blems, your hopes,and also your aspirations,and on
whom you may cali in emergencies.

-- Curriculum -

The Brotherhood Unlversity has dlvided Its Cur­

riculum into three broad Grades of Instruction. The
flrst deais with the Tralnlng and Developlng of the
Self. The second reveáis the Secret Instruction of
the Deeper Mysteries, and third,the Development of
the Powers of the Magus.

- Rebuilding the Self -

First Phase

Thls part of the work,consistlng of 41 lessons

aJ takes up those phases of Mental and Mystlcal Devel-
opment, whlch brlngs about a Magnetlc Fersonallty,
Success on the Mundane Plañe,thru a Utlllzatlon of
certain llttle known Forces,and brlngs about Peace,
Happlness and Prosperlty thru dlrect ald in the un-
tangllng of Personal Affalrs,and the reconstructlon
of the personal vlew polnt and understandlng . There
is brought about during thls phase,attunement with
the great Interior Order and Its Power and Knowledge
as Occult Cognition is unfolded. The Facultles of
of the Student become sensitlzed, and he is taught
to study and analyze,so that each step of his growth
brlngs about certain deflnite results, and adjust-
ments to Ufe, as well as a gradual regeneration
of all his faculties and powers. The Facultles un-
fold from wlthln, outward, -- like the petáis of a
flower,and one of the slgns of the True Occult Un-
foldment which is being brought about lies in the
peculiar extensión of Sense perceptlon whlch the
Student develops. The Mental Sense of Awareness,
whlch you might term a form of Mental Clarity, or
Acuteness, and the Mlnd becomes aware of the rlght
thlngs to do, the correct courses to pursue, the
rlght declsions to be made as problems of the Mun­
dane unfold. There is also bullt up full Self Con­

Western Traditions

trol and Self Mastery over the Trlune Nature so that

the Intellect can function uncontaminated by the
errors of prevlous false concepta and ideas, or by
the Impingement of the emotions which otherwise in
any way distort the Truth.

— Instruction in the Deeper Mysteries -

Second Phase.

This phase of the work covers a broad course

of instruction,uncontaminated by extreme ideas, or
faddlst’s viewpoints. It is not conflned to the
ideas of any one Leader , but rather opens to the
Student the entlre knowledge of the Ancient Mys-
tery Schools, concerning the Inner Plañe organlz-
ation,the fundamental facts concerning the Universe
and the Mighty Cosmos,the tabulation of the Planes.
The different types of Souls,the Thought Forms and
their creation.The facts concerning Transitlon,the
different stages of the Path, the Sources of the
Knowledge which is belng given. The object of Evo-™®/^
lution, Racial Development, Transitlon as it con-
cerns Heaven and Hell, the signiflcance of Ritual, Zíz
Karma and Atonement. There is something taken up of
the great symbol Systems of the Tree of Life; the
subject of Polarlty is dlscussed, the Truth con­
cerning Trance and Splrit Communlcatlon and Suicide.
Complete Information regardlng Mating and Marrlage,
Twln Souls, Marrlage from the Esoterlc Standpoint.
A brlef discussion of the Rellgions of all Ages,
and the innermost facts concerning the Heaven World,
protectlon from Psychic Attacks, including a com­
plete Formula and Instruction. Decreeing as an Adept
or Magus of Power. Complete instructlons in form-
ulating Decrees, the development of Psychometry,
a discussion of the Yoga of the West, the Ancient
Mystlcal Traditions of the Cabalah. Some Interest-
ing lessons are on Planetary Spirits,the Doctrines
of the Planes with Instructlons for Diagram,a dis­
cussion on the Maglcal Science of Equllibrium and
many other fasclnatlng and llluminating treatises
are clearly and plalnly wrltten in a practlcal way.
The development work of the first grade also con­
tinúes with added Instructlons from time to time.

- The Powers of the Magus —

This embraces the third part of the work, and

completes the most comprehensive System of Personal

Western Traditions

Instructlon which. has ever been given to the West­

ern World regardless of the clalms of various Or-
ganlzations.1 The actual working methods of this
thlrd grade are rarely to be had,never In Books or
by Travelling Teachers. It covers all phases of the
higher and more sacred Aspects of Occultlsm and Mys-
tlcism, includlng Maglc,and covers in other words,
the most absoluto and divine knowledge of Natural
Phllosophy,leadlng to the Powers of the Adept,con-
trolling manífestations of Nature and invokes the
cooperatlon of the very highest Intelllgences, who
are happy and willlng to serve him who achleves. The
various phases of this part of the Brotherhood work
Ineludes the most carefully guarded Individual In-
structions which are comblned with the personal cor-
respondence and guldance, not hltherto avallable.

-- Advanced Students —

If you are an advanced student it is not nec-

essary for you to begin with the A.B.C.’s--you may
begln with the Second Fhase of the work correlatlng
your prevlous studles and bringlng them into align-
ment with the work of the Western Traditions and
thus prepare for the work of Chrlstian Maglc, the
labors of the Adept,constltutlng the Thlrd part of
the work.

On the other hand if you prefer you may begln

at the beginning and lay the foundatlon well,flnd-
ing the time well spent and finding in the solving
of the problems of Ufe and in the working with the
condltlons of the world today, the best possible
discipline and training of the will and of the Trl-
une Nature, fltting you for unusually rapld progress
when you do turn to higher work.

- Neophytes on the Path -

Those of you who are as yet Beglnners,who have

been interested in New Thought,Psychology and those
slmpler studles of the Outer Courts, will flnd the
early lessons are written In such a way that they
are very easy to understand.

Western Traditions

The Temple Master’s Talk

on Happiness and Success

"Learn,first,all thou who aspirest unto the An-

cient Wisdom,that equllibrium Is the basis ofwork.
If thou hast not established thy foundatlon, where-
on wilt thou stand to direct the Forces of nature?"

"Know then, that as a man Is born onto thls

world amidst the darkness of matter and the strlfe
of contending Forces,so must hls flrst endeavor be
to seek the Llght thru their reconciliation."

"Thou, then, who hath triáis and troubles,re­

volee because of them, for In them is Strength and
by their Strength Is the Pathway opened unto the
Light. "
"How shall it be otherwlse, Oh man whose Life
is but a day in Eternity, a drop in the ocean of
Time,how,were thy triáis not many,wouldst thou turn
thy soul from the drought of Earth?"

"Is it but now that the Higher Life is beset

with dangers,and difficulties,has It not ever been
so with the Sages and Hlerophants of the Past - they
have been persecuted and revlled, they have been
tormented by men,yet thru thls also has their Glory
"Rejolee,therefore ,Oh Initiate,for the great-
er thy triáis, the greater. thy Triumph. When men
shall revile thee and speak agalnst thee falsely,
hath not the Master sald, "Blessed art thou?"

"Yet thou Asplrant,let thy victories make thee

not vanity,for with the Increase of knowledge should
come Increase of Wisdom -- he who knoweth llttle,
thlnketh he knoweth much, but he who knoweth much
hath learned his own ignorance. Be’st thou not a
man wlse in his own concelt, there is more hope of
a fool than hlm."

"Be not hasty to condemn others, for knowest

thou that in their place, thou could have resisted
the temptation? And even were it so, why shoulds’t
thou desplse one who Is weaker than Thyself?"

"Thou,therefore, who desireth the greatest of

Gifts be sure that thy Soul is flrm and steadfast,
for it is by flatterlng thy weaknesses that the weak

Western Traditions

ones wlll power ovei” thee. Humble thyself be-

fore thyself,yet fear neither Man ñor Splrit. Fear
ís faliare,and the forerunner of Fallare; and Cour-
age is the beginnlng of Virtae."

"Man Is what he makes hlmself withln the lim-

its flxed by his inherlted Destlny. He is part of
mankind, his actions affect not only what he call-
eth hlmself but also the whole Universe."

"Worship and neglect not thy Physlcal Body,

which is thy temporary connection with the oater
and material worid, therefore,let thy mental equi-
libriam be above distarbance by material events.
Strengthen and control the animal passlons, disci­
pline the emotions and encoarage the Hlgher Asplr-
' ations."
"Remember that anbalanced Forcé is evll, that
anbalanced Divinity is bat Craelty and Opression,
bat that also anbalanced Mercy is weakness which
woald allow and abet evll. Act dlspasslonately, be
thy real Self."

"Remember that this Earth is bat an atom in

the Universe and that thoa thyself are bat an atom
thereon, and even couldst thoa become the God of
this Earth whereon thoa crawllest and grovellest,
that thoa woaldst even then be bat an Atom and one
God amongst many."

"Nevertheless, have the greatest Self respect

and to that end, sin not against thyself. The sin
which Is unpardonable is knowingly and wlllfully to
reject the truth,to fear knowledge lest that know-
ledge p ander not t o thy prejudlces."

"To obtaln entrance to that which yon seek,

learn to control thought; admit only those ideas
that are in harmony with the end deslred, and not
every stray and contradlctory idea that presents

"Now,as hath already been sald,establlsh thy­

self firmly in the equllibrium of forces, in the
centre of the Cross of thy Elements,that Cross from
whose centre the Creative Word issaed in the blrth
of the Dawning Universe."

"Be therefore prompt and active as the Sylphs

Western Traditions

but avoid frivolity and caprice; be energetlc and

strong like Salamanders,but avoid irritability and
ferocity; be flexible and attentlve to ideas, like
the Undines but avoid idleness and changeability;
be laborious and patient like the Gnomos but avoid
grossness and avarice."

"Then shall not alone Peace,Happiness,and Abun-

dance bless thee in Thy earthly affairs, but the
Path shall open before thee, that Path which the
Comte de Gabalis hath sald 'Soon you will learn to
command all Nature, God alone will be your Master
and only the Sages your equals. The Supreme Intel-
llgences will glory in your desires,the demons will
not daré to be found where you are. ' The Soul of the
Comte de Gabalis is now in the Presence of God,but
his inmortal words still reveal the promise of that
Path which this Invitation extends to you. Your ac-
ceptance is awaited - the Master is ready to serve
you, the Gate is open,the Gate of the Western Tra­
ditions ."

-- The Regular Work

is the full, complete course of study, which

may inelude extra work, if deslred. This is termed
the Regular Course. It ineludes four lessons per
month and the personal letters of the Master, in­
dividually written to each student. These are sent
in reply to the questions or needs of the Student
even as often as each week. Also included is the
Personal Psychic Help and Guidance of the Master.

- The Welfare Department

consists of the same regular'lessons, but the

long personal letters, individually dlctated and
typed are llmlted to one per month from the class
Teacher. Psychic Help in all emergencies is given.
Thus the principal difference is in the smaller num-
ber of individual letters, materially reducing the
actual expenses.

Western Traditions

- The Matter of Finances -

Followlng the Anclent Custom, the work of En-

lightenment in either department is supported en-
tlrely through Free Will Of f erlngs called Alms . There
are no fixed dues, no fixed obllgatlons as to the
future. Yon do not subscribe to any fixed amount.
Each Lunar month of four weeks you decide the amount
of the Alms in whlchever department you are working,
sending whatever your heart and circumstances díc­
tate as just and proper.

-- Expenses in Regular Department -

As a matter of record the Scribe of the Breth-

ren has calculated that the initial cost to the Bro-
therhood of securing each pupll in the Regular De­
partment, together with the enrollment expense,the
necessary record cards, folders and plates, Is ap-
proxlmately Five Dollars. His calculatlons show that
the monthly cost of each student is approxlmately
Two Dollars per Lunar month of f our weeks , includlng
the long, two or three page individual letters of
prívate advice and instructlons. Thus whlle you do
not oblígate yourself, it is to be expected that
you will recognlze these Items as your expense to
the Brotherhood and that you will do your best to
cover them. Students wishlng to allgn themselves
with the Teachers of the race,frequently send some-
thing extra from time to time, to help those in the
Welfare Department who are unable to cover their
expenses and use thls means for expressing their
understanding of Cosmic Law.

- Expenses in Welfare Department -

We are not unmlndful of the conditlons in the

; World today and thls department has therefore been
arranged to ald those who need help but are unable
to cover the . expenses of the Regular Department.
Knowlng thls, many will not take advantage of thls
help, for they do not wish to be under any obliga-
tlon. They may now enter thls Welfare Department
with the same lessons, under a trained Class Tea-
cher, and by limiting the personal letters to one
per month,the Brotherhood expense is materlally re-
duced. The Scribe calcúlales the initial expense in
thls Department is approxlmately One Dollar and that
the monthly expense is fifty cents per Lunar Month

Western Traditions \
- - \ *

of four weeks. Students, really desirous of having

help and training in the straightening out of their
affairs and in the understanding of the great laws
whose use will aid them,can secure help here at a
mínimum expense.
7 ■ - -

— Truth is Free —

One must remember that if it were possible for

the students to gather before the Master, he would
be able to teach and instruct them without cost. In í
these days however, that would involve the expense
and difficulties of long journeys, for people now
live far apart. As it is, you can have the master*s
words in prepared manuscript form, to read in the
quiet of your own home, without giving up your em-
ployment ñor having to prepare for a long trip,with
its expense and hardships. Later on the psychic re-
velations of the Lodge Invisible and its great Halls
of Initiation come to you in the same manner.
— Final Instructions --

Having read the foregoing carefully, you may

now proceed to fill in your answers to questions in
the Questionnaire which follows. Naturally, many
things will be made plain and many questions will
be answered after you have completed this,your first
step. These cannot be set forth so openly to an in-
quirer, even if he has been provisionally accepted.
However, it may be said that your Teachings will
come, in the early grades, by mail, and in the high-
er part of the work,they will come to you Psychically,
directly from one of the several Masters. Your Physi-
cal Body and your Mental Qualities wúll be tuned
and developed in preparation for the Mystic Work
which follows—the development of your Psychic Fa-
culties, the opening of your Inner sight, and Hear-
ing,the Power to speak in the presence of the Mas­
ters and have your desires fulfilled. Then follows
the reshaping of your life along the lines of your
highest Aspiratlons. Many wonderful experiences come
to you, many Experiments are given to you, and un-
usual weekly Communications as wcll, but the Per­
sonal Help and instruction of the Master is what
makes the difference and what will make your Suc-
cess assured,even if you have failed under commer-
cial methods of self learning. Personal, Individual
Help is needed to demónstrate Occult Laws and Prin­
cipies. This makes this work different from any

Western Traditions
other in the Western World.

The requirements of membership are simple, you

must be sincere. No college education is necessary.
The methods are concise and understandable, yet pro-
foundly deep. They are the methods of the Western
Traditions using the Nature contacts of the Myan
and Atlantean groups, and the high Spiritual Con­
tacts of the Master Jesús and the group working with
Him in the Inner Planes. Thus in this Western World
are to be found High Initlates working under author-
ity of the Great White Lodge of the World and un­
der guidance of the Lodge Invisible. Working with
them are intelligent, sincere men and women of every
walk of Life and in all parts of the World tho con-
centrating in the Western Hemisphere. All these are
findlng personal help, the loving, kindly teachings
they need during these days. Many having achieved
harmony on the Earth Plañe have turned to the devel-
opment of their Inner Powers and are working with
the Master as he points the Way thru the Inner Por­
táis and brings them into conscious contact with the
Powers of the Unseen Worlds.
Each in becoming a Neophyte should have firm
intention to Devote a few
moments each day to the
pursuit of the highest Ide­
áis, and also expressing
freely and frankly to the
Master assigned to him,
any difficulties or de-
terrent influence of any
kind that he may encount<^
er in marking the Sublime
Ascent. It will be the duty
and pleasure of that Mas­
ter to aid him in meeting
and overcoming all such ob-
stacles. He will be at
liberty to question his
Teacher on any problems
referred to or touched upon
in his exposition of Life,
or ' that may at any time
arise in his mind, his Life
and Affairs. There are no
insoluble problems and no
unattainable Ideáis.

-- Index of the Mystic Brotherhood Lectures -

First Phase -- 1 to 50

A topographical Index to the first phase of the work

is given below that you may have an idea of how truly
comprehensivo these Western Traditions are.Each top-
ic is covered in plain easily understandable lan-
guage,written in a way which automatically impres-
ses itself on the mlnd wlthout arduous study. The
Second Phase is just as complete on higher work,
while the Third is one of the most illumined courses
on Magic ever revealed.


A Brain 39
Abundaree Source of Life 6
Actuality of 65 Breathlng exerclse 7
Adhyapya 72 Brotherhood
*Affirmations 3,13,61,125 What it teaches 91
For another 60 Origin of 110
Akasha 39 Buddhlc ray 93
Akashlc Records 65, 67
Alchemist Chamber 43 C
Alcohol 132
Angelic Hierarchies 121 Calmness of Mlnd 90
Answer to prayer 51 Carakaship
Aquarian Age 68 Aspire to 73
Aspects 93 Cellar
Astral Plañe 53, 118 Living in 80
Astrological Law 77 Celtio Aspect 94
Astrology theory 50 Character 78
Atlantis Christ
Third emigration 93 Not a Personality 96
Atom 9 Christianity
Atomic etheric substance 116 Hidden part 94
Aura Experiment 28 Chrlsts of Rays 131
Avatars of New Race 80 Christ wlthln 134
Awakening Experiment 47 Color of psychic body 18
Awakening In psychic body 58 Concentratlon 100,103
Confession of Maat 58
B Consciousness
Development of 115
Balanced Nature 109 Control 79
Biology Cosmic Mlnd 8
Ascent of man 91 Correspondences 128
Book of Dead 58 Creative Faculty

Development of 103 Treatment 26,34

Glands 39,133
D God
Cosmio Mlnd 8
Death 126 Mlnd Wlthln 8, 134
Decree 13 God's Book of
Demons 123 Remembrance 65
* Discipline 99 Good 70
Dlet 40 Group Race Mlnd 110
Cause of 21 H
Treatment 22
Divine Essence 16 Harmony 29
Divine Love Health 84
Affirmation 106 Heaven world 127
Divine Mlnd Heredlty 78
Power of 69 History of Soul
E Definitlon of

E (sound) 82 I
Ego 134, 138
Electron Ideáis 89
Definitlon 9 Illumlnation 19
Elementáis 121 Infinite Life 80
Four Divlslons of 122 Instructlon 1
Emigration fromAtlantls 92 Intellectual
Endocrino glands process 98
Manlpulatlon of 133 Invisible worlds 120
Envlronment 78 Invocatión 1
Esoteric astrology 77
Eternal calm 92
Etheric Aspect 94
Evil Splrits 123 Judgement 79
Evolution 135
Evolutlonary development 109 K

F Karma
Law of 63, 138
Faith 32,41,80 Lords of 79, 138
Fasting 85 Responslbillty for
Key plctures 1Q1

Law of Equity 63,138


Recasting 81 Norse Aspect 94

Life Essence 30,21,52
Light Body 127 0
Lords of Aspects 93
Lost word 102 Objective Mind 37
Love 11,66,106,129 Occultism
Lower Mind 37,41 Source of 131
Occult Training
M Valué of 92
Overeating 84
Man Oversoul 123
Nature of 134
First Forra 134 P
Early development 137
Manu Melchizedek 132 Pantheism 116
Manu liar ada 132 Path
Master of destiny 62 Seven stages of 119
Masters Patience 43,71,82
Greater and Lesser 96 Personal problems 46
Master*s message 56 Pineal gland
Meditation 113 Exercise 35
Meditations Planes
Five 99 Ñames and numbers 119
Memory Ensouled by 130
Subconscious 27 Planes of Consciousness 93
Mental Limitation 17 Planes of Universe 114
Mental Plañe 118 Polarity
Metaphysics 65 Definition 9
Middle Way 71 Posture 40
Mind 39,65,69 Prayer 50
Mind Progress of love 129
Creates from Cosmic Projecting psychic
Process of 111 body 52,54,61
Works in two ways 59 Projection 19
Mirror Experiment 28 Projections
Mountain Directing 86
Doorway in 101
Mystic Chamber 43y44,51
Mystic Fire 14
N Periods of 62

Nature of Man 108,134

Nature Spirits 132
Negative impressions 59 Racial Development
Negative Treatment Rays 131
Nature frame of mind 63 Reality 36

Reincarnation 18,27,71,77 Constructivo 31

108,120,134,138 Reproduced in
Revelation 131 environment 12
Review of Experimente 49 Tolerance 82
Toxemia 84
For disease 22
Sanctum 1 Truth
Secret Wisdom 108 Expréssed thru
Seed bearers 131 individual 80
Self control 117
Service 128 U
Seven stages of Path 119
Silent Forces 76 Understanding 79
Sixth Plañe Universo
Focus point 94 Concept of 108
Sleep 52 Universal Compassion
Solar Myth 95 Practice of 107
Souls Unwanted Thoughts
Ages of 77 Inhibiting 111
Souls of departed
Three types 120 V
Spirit 17
Spirit and substance 114 • Vibrations 2,10
Spiritual guide 102 Visions 89
Star Logo! 93, 132 Visualizing 43
Spiritual Plañe 117
Subjective Mlnd 12,16,41 W
Swedehborg 19
T Aura Exper irnent 45
Teacher Bowl Experirnent 82
Becoming 104 Western Schools
Thoracic Rami 25,34 Requirements 92
Thought Form Western Traditions
Imperfect into perfect 81 Aspects of 93
Thoughts 30 Wheat and
Power of 62 Christianity 132
Wheel of Fate 79
Word of Power 102

Wmtphanl of the 3kmer

we/ghs and cons/ders:-
To Students of the Regular Departments — or
the Welfare Group who may later change to the Com­
plete Work a most interesting announcement will be
made after a period of contact and observation.
The Hierophant will carefully note the reac-
tions, sincerity and compatability of each student
during this test period to the end that those worthy
may be informed of this Special Opportunity.
We want you to read it thoughtfully and prayerfully, and
we feel certain you will sense its sincerity, that you will sense the
importance of its message to you and all that it means to your future.
Read and ponder upon the message of the Temple Master^read
the comments on the section devoted to the Regular Work and that which
explains the Welfare Department. Read carefully, realize the privilege
that is yours.

Read the Questionnaire carefully and after filling it out

as fully as you may desire, return it in the envelope enclosed for your
The Brethren await your comment and your acce tance.

The Mystic Bíotherhoo^Mniversity .

R. J. BINNICKER, presioent
E.P. TALIAFERRO, vice president
H.T. LYKES.vice president
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 2,200,000.00 V.H.NORTHCUTT, vice president
R .W. MASTERS, cashier
R. J. M9M ASTER, asst.vice president
C.B.GALLOWAY, asst.vice president
E.C.SCHOEN, asst.cashier
(Lampa, Jlorida R. D. JACKSON , ASST.CASHIER
S.L.MATTHEWS, asst.cashier
G. N. MARTIN , asst.cashier
B.O.WEBB, asst.cashier
<J. H. BOUS HALL, trust officer

November 1, 1933


The Mystic Brotherhood University, which

we understand was incorporated under the laws of Florida
in 1928, has maintained an account with us since that
date and all dealings have been satisfactory.

We believe this organization is capable

of carrying on such activities as they may undertake.

Yours very truly.

RW:SB Cashier.
The Arch Director, M. B.
I endose herewith my Directorial Offering
towards my enrollment expenses and preparatory
work for the Master.

N. B. Endose your Ofering, seal the en-

velope and mail with your application.

Mystic Brotherhood University

Tampa, Florida

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