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University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla

College of Applied Sciences Department

Civil Engineering and Hydraulics

Second year of a common trunk bachelor's degree

Science and Technology 2022/2023
Technical English scale

Interrogation on technical English10

Certainly! Here are some additional questions related
to technical English:

11. What is the role of "artificial intelligence" in

automation and robotics?
12. How does "mechatronics" integrate mechanical
engineering with electronics and computer science?
13. Can you explain the concept of "resistance" in
electrical circuits?
14. What are the different types of "welding"
techniques used in manufacturing?
15. How does "reverse engineering" contribute to
product development and innovation?
16. What are the key principles behind "lean
manufacturing" and its benefits?

17. Can you discuss the importance of "quality control"
in the production process?
18. How do "sensors" function in measuring and
monitoring physical quantities?
19. What is the significance of "ergonomics" in
designing user-friendly products and workspaces?
20. Can you explain the concept of "biomimicry" and its
applications in engineering and design?

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