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Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

Exercise Prescription Number 1

Student’s Name: Andrew D’Allaird

Client’s Name: Sarah Dudik

Age: 37

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
Predicted maximal oxygen consumption: 40.8 ml/kg/min

A. Steady State
Mode(s): Treadmill Walk
Frequency (List Specific Days): Tuesday and Thursday
Intensity: 85-115 bpm
Resting HR: 80 bpm
Predicted Maximal HR: 183 bpm

Steady State Intensity: 50% - 85%

Lower end Range: 183 bpm - 80 bpm x (50%) + 80 bpm = 131.5 bpm

Upper end Range: 183 bpm - 80 bpm x (85%) + 80 bpm = 167.55 bpm

Exercise HR Range: 132 bpm - 168 bpm

RPE Range: 11 - 15

Duration: 10 minutes
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2. Muscular Fitness
a. Tuesday: Upper Body Day
b. Thursday: Lower Body and Core

Machine or Muscle Weight Sets Rep Range Days of the

Equipment Group(s) Week
-Put in

1. Barbell Quads, 50 lbs 3 10, 8,8 Thursday

Back Squats Glutes,

2. Leg Press Quads, 70 lbs 3 10 Thursday

Machine Glutes,

3. Hamstring Hamstring 70 lbs 3 10 Thursday

Curl Machine

4. Leg Quads 70-85 lbs 3 10 Thursday


5. Step Back Quads, Body Weight 3 8 Thursday

Lunges Glutes,

6. Mountain Core, Quad, Body Weight 3 30 seconds Thursday

Climbers Hamstring

7. Plank Core Body Weight 3 45 seconds Thursday

1. Lat Lats, 45 lbs 3 10 Tuesday

Pulldown Biceps

2. DB Row Rear Delt, 30 lbs 3 8 Tuesday


3. Incline DB Pectoralis 30 lbs 3 8 Tuesday

Bench Press Major &
Anterior Delt

4. Pec Fly Anterior Delt, 15 lbs 3 10 Tuesday

Machine Pectoralis
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Minor &

5. DB Deltoid, 20 lbs 3 10 Tuesday

Shoulder Triceps

6. Lateral - Deltoid, 5 lbs 3 8 Tuesday

Front raise Trapezius,

7. Bicep Biceps 12.5 lbs 3 12, 10, 8 Tuesday


8. Tricep Triceps 25 lbs 3 12 Tuesday


3. Flexibility
Frequency: Tuesday and Thursday
Timing: After Warm Up & After Cool Down
Repetitions: 3 sets x 10 second holds
Intensity: 8 RPE

Describe/ List Stretches:

❖ Standing Hamstring Stretch (Toe Touches)

➢ Stand straight up with feet shoulder width apart
➢ Bend at the hips while reaching down in a forward arching motion
➢ At bottom, try to touch toes or flatten hand on the ground
➢ Hold this position to feel the hamstring muscle stretching in the back of the leg

❖ Standing Quad Stretch

➢ Stand straight up with feet shoulder width apart
➢ Bending at the knee, bring one leg behind you towards the glutes
➢ Try to grab your foot with your hand
➢ Pull and relax the arm holding in order to increase/ decrease stretch
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❖ 90/90’s
➢ Sitting on the ground, have both legs straight in front of you
➢ Take one leg and move it about 10 inches away from your other leg (this creates
room for next movement)
➢ With the unmoved leg, rotate it outwards and bend the knee to a 90 degree angle
(Calf should be parallel to your body)
➢ With the leg that was moved out, internally rotate it and bend at the knee so it
creates another 90 degree angle.
➢ Your feet should be pointing in the same direction
➢ Lean Forward inline with the leg in front of you and hold a stretch for 10 seconds
➢ Now, without moving your feet, lean back and rotate the hips so that you finish in
the same position but inverse.
➢ Than hold for another 10 seconds

❖ Tricep Stretch
➢ While Standing, raise one arm to shoulder length in front of you
➢ Now, rotate your raised arm towards your opposite shoulder
➢ Take your opposite arm and wrap it around the front of your stretching arm
➢ Pull with wrapped arm until the feeling of a stretch occurs
➢ Relax both arms and repeat with opposite arms

❖ Piriformis Stretch
➢ Lay on your back with your legs straight
➢ Bring one leg towards you bending at the hip and knee
➢ Than rotate your leg so that your foot comes closer to your face
➢ Should feel a stretch in your glute/hip region
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❖ Hip flexor - Hamstring Stretch

➢ Start by being on one knee in an upright position
➢ Lean forward to feel a stretch in the hip of the leg with the knee down
➢ Than move your hips backwards and try to sit on your heel, while keeping the
opposite leg in front
➢ Straighten the front leg and lean forward with the upper body to create a
hamstring stretch.
➢ Hold each position for 10 seconds and switch legs


4. Body Composition
Additional prescription for modifying body composition: a) Explain how your client should
modify body composition. This may be a decrease in body weight, increase in body weight,
decrease in body fat, maintenance or increase in muscle mass, no change, etc. b) Explain how
you came to this conclusion based on the various body composition measures that you calculated
for your client. Provide data and rating of each test used in your explanation. c) Formulate an
explanation that you will give to your client about how he/she can modify or maintain body
composition for this semester.
a) My client should modify their body composition by trying to decrease overall body
weight. In particular, decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass.
b) I came to this conclusion through the several types of Body Composition measurements.
This data includes measuring height, weight, waist circumference, and BIA. Below is the
data found and results.
i) Height: 64 inches
ii) Weight: 178 lbs
iii) BMI: 30 kg/㎡ (elevated)
iv) BIA: 39% (elevated)
v) Waist circumference: 36. 2 inches (92cm) (elevated)
c) To modify body composition this semester, I recommend following a mixed routine of
cardiovascular exercise and strength training. Focus on partaking in some type of
cardiovascular exercise 4-5 times per week whether it be running, biking and or walking.
I suggest strength training 2-3 times a week, focusing on areas of weakness. I also
suggest trying to keep a healthy diet including the correct portion of vitamins,
carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

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