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GCU College of Education


Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Erica Anthony


Grade Level:


Date: 8/14/2023

Unit/Subject: Small Groups

Instructional Plan Title: Writing name and building names

Lesson Summary and Using different tools to help students identify and learn to write their
Focus: names.

A teacher will also use letters collage for students to glue on the paper
and student dictation about the letters.

Teacher will also read a book, “Will I have a Friend” Student will draw a
friend and teacher will assist with name of the friend.

Classroom and Student Each student will belong to a group. There are 5 groups total. There are
Factors/Grouping: two groups that have 2 boys and two girls. (Mixed as well as could be) One
group is all boys 4 total. And the other one of the other groups has 2 girls
and 3 boys and the last group has 1 girl and 4 boys. They are a group
based on age and behavior and one group is the top tier of the class.

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GCU College of Education

National/State Learning These are the Ga. Standards that are used for these groups.





Specific Learning  My audience is my group, and the others will work independently
Target(s)/Objectives: and guided as needed.

 The students will be assessed on fine motor skills.

 Tools that will be used are construction paper, crayons, pencils,

pens, paper, dry erase markers, large puzzles, and glue.

Using fine motor skills to write their names. Following directions from the
book reading with drawing a friend. And retelling what they are doing with
their letter dictation.

(Also, the teacher Group 5 will make sure that the students have small
bends of manipulatives to play with if they get done early.)

Academic Language We use this time in our morning message.

The teacher asked questions about what we will do in our groups.

1. Group one we will be using writing assessments with writing of the

names, holding the pencil using the five-finger pencil grip to try
and help with the positioning of the pencil.
2. Group two you will be at the table with Mrs. Tonya that is where
you will listen to a great book on “Will I have a friend.” You will get
to draw a picture of your friend. Mrs. Tonya will assist you if you
need help writing their names.
3. Group 3 will work independently with puzzles, and we will go over
the rules about placing puzzles on the table, no throwing them and
only do one puzzle at a time. And always clean up and put them
back before getting another one.
4. Group 4 will be using letter collage from our di-cut letters are
different colors. The teacher will record student dictation about the
5. Group 5 will be using their name chart to write their names using

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GCU College of Education

dry erase makers. Also explaining if you rush through your work, I
want to know what you have done. So, we need to take our time
and use your time wisely so you can tell me what you have done.

Resources, Materials, Materials:

Equipment, and
Technology:  Di-cut letters
 Construction paper
 Glue
 Dry erase makers
 Pens, pencils, crayons
 puzzles

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set Time

Ask students questions about can they write their names.
How to be a friend and how would you treat them.
Rules of the day minutes
We will use the book “Will I be a Friend.”

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GCU College of Education

Multiple Means of Representation Time

By working one-on-one with the students that is my time to identify things that may need to be
looked at a little deeper.
 There are no English language learners (ELL) in my class currently. minutes

 This will be my time to identify students that will need extra help, not necessarily special

 I have a couple of students that work well and know more than others that group is group

 The students that finish early will be directed to some small tubs to keep them occupied
until everyone is done.

Multiple Means of Engagement Time

 With pre-k you must keep them busy, asking questions, keeping them engaged
and wanting to learn. 5
 Engagement will really depend on the lesson at that time. minutes

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GCU College of Education

Multiple Means of Expression Time

With Pre-k you just must keep asking questions. Have songs ready for easy transition from group
to group. Keeping them involved complimenting them when they do something good. Pointing
out different students that are following the rules in a nice way, and that will make the other
students look around and start doing the right thing.

Extension Activity and/or Homework Time

At the end of the day wrap up this gives us a chance to talk about what we did that day and that
allows them to recall things. So, when they get in the car and parents.

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