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Disney Cruise Budget Planner

Pre-trip and Arrival:

Flight Cost? $________ Passports? $________
Checked baggage? $________ New vacation clothes? $________
Airport transfers? $________ New vacation accessories?$________
Hotel prior to cruise? $________ Pet sitting while gone? $________
Hotel shuttle? $________ Expanded cell service? $________
Rental car? $________ Parking-airport/terminal? $________
Total: $__________

Disney Cruise Stateroom and Additional Onboard Services

Stateroom total? $________ ​Consult Travel With A Plan article on what’s included.
Wireless Internet? $________ Onboard gift sets? $________
Laundry services? $________ Babysitting services? $________
Photography pkg? $________ Souvenir budget? $________
Total: $__________

Disney Cruise Dining and Additional Snacks

Adult-only Remy? $________ Alcohol budget? $________
Adult-only Palo? $________ Snack budget? $________
Character breakfast? $________ Room-service tips? $________
Royal Court Tea? $________ Beverage tastings? $________
Total: $__________

Disney Cruise Entertainment and Activities

Excursions Day 2? $________ Excursions Day 3? $________
Excursions Day 4/5? $________ Excursions Day 6/7? $________
Salon and spa? $________ Sports simulator? $________
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique/Pirate League? $________
Total: $________

GRAND Total: $______________

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