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Artificial Intelligence

Start - 3Mins
Begin with a brief introduction of yourself and purpose of the program.

Introduction - 15Mins

Define AI and provide some history about how it has evolved over time.
Showcase some popular AI applications, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant
Explain what AI is and why it is important.
Preview the key points you will be discussing.

Activity - 15Mins

1) Why do we need Artificial intelligence?

2) What are some examples of AI applications in our daily lives?
3) How is AI changing the way we work and live?
4) What are some potential future developments in AI technology?
5) How can we learn more about AI and its applications?

Q & A - 10Mins

Open up the floor for questions from the audience.

End – 2Mins

Summarize the key points covered in the presentation.

Thank the audience for their time and attention.
Provide resources for further learning about AI

Group Members
01. S. M. Nisansala - 00172244
02. K. D. T. Heshan - 00174264
03. N. M. Neelawala - 00172570
04. R. A. S. K. Fernando - 00178042
05. P. K. P. Anweksha - 00173676
06. Imandive Akarsha - 00178031
07. P. J. A. Kulatunga - 00170815
08. A. B. D. J. A. P. Jayamaha - 00172404
09. W. N. C. Wickramage - 00172327
10. A. K. M. Rasoga - 00175144

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