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Mathematical Literacy Formula Sheet

Formulas / Rules that I must know (It won’t be given)

Topic Formula / Rule

Finance / Proportion VAT is 14%
Finance / Proportion If an amount includes VAT, it is 114% of the amount
Finance / Proportion If an amount excludes VAT, it is 100% of the amount
Finance / Percentages The original / 1st amount is always 100%
Finance Profit / Loss = Income – Expenses
Finance Selling price = cost price + profit
Finance / graph At the break-even point: cost = income
Finance (Interest) Simple Interest = principle amount  interest rate  no. of years
Total amount = principle amount + interest
Finance (Interest) Compound Interest: Do calculation each year (same as simple
interest method) but start each new year with the previous
year’s total amount and calculate interest on that larger total
Interest = Final amount – principle amount
Finance (Loans) Real cost = monthly repayment  no. of payments made
Finance (Tax) UIF is 1% of the gross salary
Finance (Tax) (Gr.12) Taxable Income = Gross Income – Taxable Deductions
Finance (Tax) (Gr.12) Net Income = Gross Income – ALL Deductions on salary slip
Finance / Lin graph How to find the formula, e.g. copier example
C = fixed fee + no. of copies  price per copy
However, if you get e.g. 800 free copies, then the formula is:
Copies 800 or less: C = 5 000 (if they pay a fixed fee of R5 000 per
More than 800 copies: C = 5 000 + (n – 800)  price per copy

Topic Formula / Rule

Rates / Proportion Fuel consumption, e.g. 13L/km, then make a triangle to find your
own formula or use direct proportion, e.g.
13L 1km
? 60km
13 ÷1  60 = …
Rates Remember “per” means ÷, so you can make your own formula.
E.g. R/kg: R/kg = money (R) ÷ mass (kg)
Topic Formula / Rule
Data Handling Mean = sum of all data items ÷ no. of data items
Data Handling Median = no. in the middle if data is organised in ascending
order. (Two numbers in middle: add together, =; ÷ 2 =)
Data Handling Mode = data item that occurs the most
Data Handling Range = largest value – smallest value
Data Handling Pie Chart:
what is as ked
No. of degree =  360
what is as ked
Percentage =  100
what is asked()
Amount asked =  total
Data Handling (Gr.12) Inter-quartile range = upper quartile – lower quartile

Topic Formula / Rule

2D3D (Pyth) a 2 = b 2 + c2
2D3D (Pyth) a 2 = b 2 – c2
Scales D(map) = D(real) ÷ Scale (remember to convert)
Scales D(real) = D(map)  Scale (remember to convert)

Formulas / Rules that will be GIVEN

Given Given
Topic Formula / Rule
in P1 in P2
Finance Income Tax Table; rebates; tax threshold and medical tax
yes yes
(Gr.12) credits table
Finance Vehicle Running costs = (A  petrol price(R)) + B + C yes yes
Finance Vehicle Operating Costs = fixed costs + running costs yes yes
Monthly LOAN repayment = loan amount ÷ 1 000  loan
Finance yes yes
(new index  old index)
Finance Inflation =  100 yes yes
old index
Data H Box-and-whisker plot (You won’t have to draw it) yes yes
mas s (kg)
Rate BMI = yes yes
Rate Speed (km/h) = Distance (km) ÷ Time (h) yes yes
Conversion Temperature formula yes yes
2D Circumference of circle yes yes
2D Perimeter of square, rectangle and triangle yes no
2D Area of square, rectangle, triangle and circle yes maybe

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