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The Clever Monkey

Narrator: Once upon a time, on a beautiful island, there lived a clever monkey in an apple
tree. The monkey enjoyed his days, eating apples and sharing stories.

Crocodile: [Swimming to the island] "Hi Monkey, I am Crocodile. How are you? I’m hungry."

Monkey: "Hi Crocodile, I am good. This apple is for you."

[Crocodile munches on the apple]

Crocodile: "May I have two apples? I think my wife will love one."

Monkey: "Of course, send my warm regards to her."

[Crocodile eats one apple and takes one for his wife]

Narrator: The crocodile visited the monkey daily, enjoying his tales and apples, wishing to be
as clever.

Crocodile's Wife: "Why don’t you eat his heart? Then you’ll be clever like him!"

Crocodile: "But he is my best friend, dear."

Crocodile's Wife: "Choose, me or your friend, monkey?"

Crocodile: "You, of course. You are my sweetheart."

Narrator: The crocodile invited the monkey for lunch the next day, with sinister intentions.

Crocodile: "Monkey! I want to eat your heart to be as clever as you!"

Monkey: "But... I haven’t got my heart here. It’s on the island, in the apple tree."

Narrator: They all returned to the island as the monkey devised a plan.

Monkey: "Wait here, and I will get my heart."

Narrator: The monkey quickly climbed the tree and taunted the crocodile from above.

Monkey: "Oh, Crocodile. You are greedy. You can't have my heart, and now, you can't have my

Narrator: And so, the clever monkey outwitted the greedy crocodile, protecting both his heart
and his apples.

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