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Hi everyone my name is Jenvit Kitwakin.Today I want to tell you about my new school life.

Going back to 7 years ago When I was 12 years old.I faced a big change of my life.It’s moving to a new
school .I was nervous and unsure how to fit in but there was one experiment that change everything for me.In
my new school I played with my friends and studied just like a normal student until I was invited by my
friends to join a group that has aiming to participate a coding competition.I was very nervous because I didn’t
literally know anything of coding but my friends and teachers were so kind they taught me a lot of
programming and coding then we finished a project together.when the competition day came.We presented
our project to umpires and finally we got a third place so we were disappointed because we can’t go to a
second round but we thought we will get a better place next year.
Totally my experiment not only taught me about coding but also improve my confident and pursue my
interests. This experiment make me feel like I belonged in a new school.

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