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Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

Being called into the Lord's vineyard is a great privilege. We must feel very
honoured to be working alongside the Maker of the universe, the Almighty
God who can do without us but has still considered us worthy to be part of His
great agenda for humanity. Apostle Paul describes the whole experience of
being called in the Lord's vineyard as high calling. To be called God is to receive
an invitation from the heavenly headquarters, the very throne room of God, to
be a part of the great thing God is doing in the lives of people all over the
surface of the earth. It is something we ought not to trivialise under any
Like Moses, Jonah and Gideon we may have doubts about being appointed to
take over various portfolios but like these men, we can trust God that He has
not brought us this far to have us disgraced or embarrassed. We might spend
our whole life trying to solve the puzzle of who we really are but God knew us
before our conception and predestined us for this. He would not assign us to
posts He has not in His own ways prepared us for. We just have to cooperate
with the Holy Spirit and see Him take us by the hand and lead us every step
along the way. For intimacy with the Spirit will bring to our realisation and
unleashing of the divine deposits He(God) has placed in us and the end story of
our tenure of office would be nothing but success for we would not have done
anything out of carnality but in the demonstration of the power of the Holy
Spirit who is the Spirit of excellence.
Amentor Chris Mensah
Overseer, Off-Campus B
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

“For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked
for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for
other believers, as you still do”
Hebrews 6:10 (NLT)
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, stand strong. Do not let anything
move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord.
You know that your work in the Lord is never wasted.”
1 Corinthians 15:58 (TPT)
“Then Peter began to speak up. ‘We’ve given up everything to follow
you,’ he said. ‘Yes,’ Jesus replied, ‘and I assure you that everyone
who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father
or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will
receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers,
sisters, mothers, children, and property – along with persecution.
And in the world to come that person will have eternal life.”
Mark 10:28-30 (NLT)
“Do your work willingly, as though you were serving the Lord and not
merely people.”
Colossians 3:23 (GNB)
“Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might,
because there is no work, planning, knowledge or wisdom in the
grave where you are headed.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10 (TPT)
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!


● Overseer, Off-Campus B
○ Secretary, Off-Campus B
○ Welfare, Off-Campus B
○ Zonal Overseers
■ Secretary, Zonal
■ Coordinators
■ Welfare, Zonal
■ Evangelism and Prayer Heads, Zonal
■ Wings' Representative
■ Area Shepherds
● Assistant Area Shepherds
● Evangelism/Prayer Reps
● Visitation Reps
● Hostel Reps
● Supporting workers
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

a. Shall report directly to the Off-Campus B Overseer
b. Shall be a chief discipler by virtue of the office
c. Shall in the absence of the Off-Campus B Overseer steer the affairs of Off-
Campus B
d. Shall be in charge of writing needs of Off-Campus B: reports,
communiques, programme outline drafting,letters just to mention a
e. Shall be the custodian of all the reports from all the zones as well
as the statistical reports for attendance for the various areas in all
the zones in Off-Campus B.
f. Shall be the custodian of the database of Off-Campus B : members
and workers.
g. Shall supervise the activities of all zonal secretaries and periodically
meet them.
h. Shall pay periodic visits to the workers in the various zones to
ensure the smooth running of activities as well as communicate any
need (welfare) or challenges to the Welfare head and Overseer
i. Shall also undertake any other duties assigned by the Off-Campus B

a. Shall report directly to the Off-Campus B Overseer.
b. Shall be accountable to the Secretary
c. Shall be a chief discipler by virtue of the office
d. Shall ensure the availability of food at the Off-Campus B foodbank and
money in Off-Campus B coffers at all times.
e. Shall be in charge of finances of Off-Campus B.
f. Shall be in charge of the Popcorn Machine:
i. Shall maintain and keep it in good state at all times
ii. Shall be in charge of its operations
iii. Shall run it as a separate entity from Off-Campus B welfare
g. Shall together with the Visitation and Counselling reps, organise periodic
visitations to the members
h. Shall seek out and bring to the notice of members, scholarship
opportunities that are available and help them in their application
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

i. Shall also undertake any other duties assigned by the Off-Campus B


a. Shall report directly to the Off-Campus B Overseer.
b. Shall be accountable to the secretary.
c. Shall be a chief discipler by virtue of the office.
d. Shall supervise the work of the zonal workers as well as the Area workers.
e. Shall together with the zonal workers organise programmes to help
develop the members in the zone holistically- academically, financially,
socially, personally and more importantly spiritually.
f. Shall pay periodic visits to various areas in the zones as well as to workers
and members in the zone.
g. Shall also undertake any other duties assigned by the Off-Campus B

a. Shall be directly accountable to the zonal overseer.
b. By virtue of being a zonal worker be a chief discipler.
c. Shall in the absence of the zonal overseer steer the affairs of the
zone alongside the zonal coordinators.
d. Shall be in charge of all writing needs of the zone: reports,
communiques, programme outline drafting, just to mention a
e. Shall be the custodian of all the reports from all the areas in the
zone as well as the statistical reports for attendance for the
various areas in the zone.
f. Shall be the custodian of the zonal database: members and
g. Shall pay periodic visits to the workers in the zonal area to
ensure the smooth running of activities as well as communicate
any need (welfare) or challenges to the Welfare head and Zonal
Overseer respectively.
h. Shall keep the members updated on all announcements.
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

a. Shall be directly accountable to the zonal overseer.
b. By virtue of being a zonal worker be a chief discipler.
c. Shall in the absence of the zonal overseer steer the affairs of the
zone alongside the zonal secretary.
d. Shall represent the zonal overseer in their respective sectors
(where the zone is divided into sectors).
e. Must keep the zonal overseer updated on all the activities
undertaken by the Areas and in cases where the zone is divided
into sectors, Areas in their respective sectors.
f. Shall supervise the activities of all the workers in their
respective areas.
g. Shall be responsible for calling the workers (Area shepherds
especially) to mobilise members for service and informing the
zonal overseers to make the necessary arrangement for their
transportation after confirming the readiness of the members.


a. Shall be directly accountable to the Assistant Overseer in
charge of Welfare for Off-Campus B but must keep the zonal
overseer in the known.
b. By virtue of being a zonal worker, be a chief discipler.
c. Shall seek the zonal overseer’s approval before undertaking any
d. Shall be in charge of all the finances in the zone.
e. Shall work directly with the visitation/counselling reps at the
Area level and shall fortnightly take reports on visitations from
f. Shall spearhead PENSA DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAMME in the zone.
g. Shall in consultation with the zonal overseers organise activities
geared towards the holistic well-being of the members in the


a. Shall be directly accountable to the zonal overseer.
b. By virtue of being a zonal worker, be a chief discipler.
c. Shall represent the WING COORDINATORS at the zonal level.
d. Shall in consultation with the zonal overseer organise
programmes for the holistic empowerment of the wing
members in the zone.
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

e. Shall see to the effective mobilisation of the wing members in

the zone for the Wings’ Meetings.
f. Shall supervise the activities of the wing reps at the zonal level.
g. Shall keep a record of all the wing members in the zone.
h. Shall periodically meet the area wing reps.


a. Shall be directly accountable to the zonal overseer.
b. By virtue of being a zonal worker, be a chief discipler.
c. Shall spearhead all prayer and evangelistic activities in the zone
especially Dawn prayer meetings, Hour of Restoration and Hour
of Pentecost.
d. Shall supervise the activities of the Area prayer/evangelism reps
and shall periodically meet them.
e. Shall in consultation with the zonal overseer organise at least
two workers' retreat and shall ensure that every area has a day
for workers prayer.

a. Shall be directly accountable to the zonal coordinator and shall
keep him/her updated of every single activity undertaken by the
b. Shall be responsible for the steering the affairs of the area.
c. shall be responsible for the supervision of the activities of the area
d. Shall spearhead all activities undertaken in the Area
e. Shall inform the coordinator, the readiness of their members for
service for him to make the necessary arrangement for their
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!


a. Shall be accountable to the Area shepherd.
b. Shall perform all the duties of the area shepherd except making
final decisions.

a. Shall be directly accountable to the Area shepherd at the Area level and
the Zonal Prayer/Evangelism Head and as a result must keep both
updated on any activity undertaken.
b. Shall see to the scheduling and implementation of workers’ prayer day.
c. Shall organize and spearhead all prayer and evangelistic activities in the

a. Shall be directly accountable to the Area shepherd at the area level
and the zonal Welfare Head at the zonal level.
b. Shall spearhead the PENSA DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAMME at the area
c. Shall ensure that visitations at the area level is effectively done.
d. Shall compile all reports from disciplers after every visitation and
fortnightly reports to the zonal welfare head.
e. Shall communicate the welfare needs of the members in the Area
to the zonal welfare head through their area shepherds.

In cases where an Area is made up of different hostels, the hostel reps
may act as Area Shepherds for the individual hostels that collectively
makes up the area.
a. Shall be directly accountable to the Area shepherd.
b. Shall spearhead activities undertaken in the hostels they are reps
c. Shall in consultation with the area shepherds organize
programmes in their respective hostels they are reps for.
Co-Workers of Christ! Fulfilling the call of God!

The responsibilities spelt here are not all there are, there are others that are likely that
loom up as the work progresses but in all the worker is entreated to be sensitive to the
leadings of the Holy Spirit.

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