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Revision Questions

1. A)

Trophic Level Position in food web Organism

1 Primary Consumer Tree
2 Secondary consumer Squirrel
3 Tertiary consumer Ocelot

2 Secondary consumer Catapillar

B)Caterpillar(herbivore) and Snake(carnivore)

C) Man is called an omnivore because humans have evolved to consume both plant
and animal-based foods in their diet.
D) A food web starts with a plant because plants are the primary source of energy in
most ecosystems, serving as the foundation for all other organisms.
E) The removal of ocelots from the food web would likely disrupt the balance of the
ecosystem as ocelots are apex predators, and their absence would lead to an increase
in the population of their prey, which in turn could negatively impact the populations
of smaller animals and potentially lead to overgrazing of vegetation

2a) )Biological control is named as such because it involves using living organisms to
manage pest populations, with advantages including environmental friendliness and
long-term effectiveness.
B) For a fish to feed on larvae, it should possess carnivorous or omnivorous feeding
behavior and suitable mouth and feeding mechanisms.
C) A concern with introducing the fish in ponds is the potential disruption of the local
aquatic ecosystem, as they might prey on non-pest species or become invasive,
affecting the ecosystem's balance.

3 a) Parasitism is a relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of

another, like fleas on a dog or tapeworms in a mammal's intestines.
B) Commensalism is when one organism benefits, and the other is unaffected, as seen
with barnacles attaching to a sea turtle's shell for transportation.
C) Mutualism is an ecological relationship where both organisms benefit, such as the
partnership between bees and flowers or nitrogen-fixing bacteria in leguminous plant

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