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People said: “Money is nothing, happiness is everything”

What is your point of view? You agree or disagree.

Good afternoon everyone. My name is My, I’m in group six. Today, we’re going
to explore the interact between two interesting elements: money and
Image this scenario: You become a successful businessman, your wealth is
beyond your biggest dream or you are some children who born with a silver
spoon on your mouth. Are you truly happy? The amount of money in your bank
is directly proportional to your happiness.
So this bring us to the heart of topic: “Money is nothing, happiness is
everything”. But before we journey into this exploration, let's take a moment
to reflect on our own experiences. What does happiness mean to you? Can
money buy happiness? So I have 4 parts to clarify clarify those questions.
Money can help us have a more comfortable life. No one can deny the great
power of money. But it shouldn’t the heart of our lives. True happiness is more
important than money.
Everyone's definition of happiness is different. Happiness is a positive emotion.
It’s joy, satisfaction, and well-being.
I encourage you all to take a moment to reflect on your own lives, values, and
priorities. Consider the choices you make and how they align with your vision
of happiness. By doing so, we can move closer to a life that values both
financial stability and the immeasurable wealth of happiness.

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