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Anirudh Choudhary
Shreya Sri. B
In the natural world, many different kinds of organisms and
phenomena can be observed that act as cutters. Over
time, they have undergone evolutionary changes in order
to fulfill diverse functions such as acquiring food and
ensuring personal protection. For instance, various
anatomical features such as teeth, claws, talons, beaks,
fish scales, jaws, grass blades, thorns, and even rocks
might serve as examples.
Natural cutters are remarkable adaptations formed over millions of years of
evolution, serving vital roles in defense, predation, foraging, and manipulation.
This study focuses on thorns, talons, beaks, and predator teeth, exploring
their origins, purposes, evolution, and ecological significance. We aim to
understand how these adaptations contribute to species survival,
highlighting their unique features and shared traits through comparative
We explore the interesting histories of these natural cutters, learning about
their genesis, purposes, evolutionary paths, and ecological importance. We
will identify similarities and differences between these natural cutters
through comparative study, revealing light on the adaptations that have
independently developed in the natural world. We also gain insights into the
intricate web of life on Earth, where the capacity to cut, grasp, or defend plays
a crucial role in forming the intricate dance of ecological interactions.
Thorns, Spines and Prickles: Nature’s Defensive
Structures and Functions:
Thorns, found in various plant species, serve as protective structures by deterring herbivores. They vary in
size and shape, with toughness and sharpness designed to discourage grazing. Thorns exhibit structural
diversity, some being straight and hard, while others are curved, making them difficult for herbivores to
navigate. Many thorns have tiny barbs or hooks, enhancing their effectiveness by making them hard to
remove once embedded in herbivores' flesh.

Evolutionary Adaptations:
These are a result of the dynamics of co-evolution between plants and herbivores. Thorny plants during
geological time periods gained a competitive advantage by discouraging herbivores, enabling their survival
and reproduction. As a result of herbivores' adaptation to avoid or endure thorns, a continual evolutionary
arms race began.
Examples in Nature
Rose Bushes
Roses are known for their prickles, which are modified thorns
serving as both defense and aesthetic features. Unlike
thorns, which are extensions of a plant's epidermis, rose,
raspberry, and blackberry bushes have prickles resembling
thick hairs growing from their skin.
Durian Thorns
The durian, a fruit native to Indonesia, uses its thorns for
protection and deterring predators. When ripe durians
fall from the tree, the thorns help absorb impact, thanks
to their natural design. The thorns consist of three
layers: the Thorn tip (dry and hard), Thorn skin (greenish
exterior shell), and Thorn core (soft, white material
beneath the skin). The Thorn skin has a high tensile
strength of 20.07 MPa, significantly greater than the
Thorn core's 8.527 MPa.
Cactus spines
Cacti, renowned for surviving harsh conditions, feature
spines as a remarkable adaptation for deterring
herbivores and conserving water. Unlike leaves, cactus
spines primarily serve a defensive role rather than
photosynthesis. Their rigidity, sharpness, and wax
coating minimize water loss through transpiration,
maintaining consistency in sharpness and toughness
across cactus species.
Evaluating Thorn sharpness

01 Finger Testing

One of the initial methods for determining a thorn's sharpness is still

tactile evaluation. One can determine a thorn's potential to pierce
skin or leave noticeable markings by lightly touching the thorn's tip
with a fingertip. When applied to durian thorns, which have a strong,
pointed morphology, the finger test frequently results in an
immediate awareness of their sharpness.
02 Gloved Hand Test

Using a gloved hand is a safer option to direct finger touch for

safety reasons. The gloved hand test reduces the possibility of
harm while simultaneously giving a tangible feeling of how sharp the
thorn is. This is particularly important in the case of cacti spines,
which are well known for their capacity to dissuade herbivores.
03 Microscopic Examination

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in particular, enables

microscopic investigations to provide a magnified view of thorn
surfaces. These investigations reveal the thorn's edge's intricate
microstructure. The finely serrated or barbed features that contribute
to the intimidating sharpness of durian thorns may be visible by SEM
04 Force Gauge

Another tried-and-true method is to measure the force required to

make the thorn penetrate a standard substance (like rubber or
foam, for example). Due to their considerable efficiency in this area,
rose prickles have been shown to require relatively less effort than
their blunter competitors, which reflects how effective their
defenses are.
SEM on Sample-A
● We can observe that the tip has small surface area and the
mechanical adaption of a thorn's restricted surface area is
what makes it more piercing, deters possible dangers, and
shields the plant from harm. It's a prime illustration of how
nature tailors structures to fulfil particular roles.
● When a potential danger comes into contact with the high
density of thorns shown in the photos and their small tip
area, they might cause discomfort or injury
● Based on the images, we can infer that the thorn's surface is
smooth. They have a relatively even and flat surface. They
are effective at piercing because there is less friction as they
penetrate a surface. This makes them more efficient at
deterring herbivores or puncturing potential threats.
● Because of their structural effectiveness and piercing
capacity, smooth thorns can give a plant an extra line of
defence. When they come into contact with outside
pressure, they are less likely to break or sustain damage.
● Concentrating force over a limited surface area, decreasing
friction, and increasing mechanical efficiency is what unites
human cutting tools with smooth thorns. Because of this,
both are efficient at piercing or cutting, which supports
their protective and functional purposes in both the plant
and human tool kingdoms.
● These type of thorns can be observed in citrus trees,
including lemon and orange trees, Bougainvillea, Blackberry
and Raspberry Bushes, Blackberry and Raspberry Bushes.
SEM on sample-B
● Same as sample – A , we can observe a sharp end which
makes it more piercing .
● But as we see the SEM of the sample – B we can say that the
surface is not a smooth one. These rough textures can
further enhance the thorn's ability to grip onto a surface,
making it more challenging for an animal or object to be
removed once impaled. This can serve as an additional
deterrent or a means to anchor the thorn in place.
● Primary function of rough thorns in plants is not cutting, but
rather defense, protection, and deterrence. While they may
have some limited abrasive qualities, they are not specialized
cutting tools like sharp blades or knives designed by humans
for precise cutting purposes.
● The thorns rough texture can lead to abrasion, which over
time can help in gradually tearing or wearing down surfaces.
Plants can use this to their advantage by decomposing or
wearing down objects they come into touch with.
● These serve as a physical barrier to shield the plant's tissues
even though they are not meant for cutting. They restrict
herbivores abilities by causing irritation on the skin and
protect the plant's more vulnerable parts like the leaves and
● These type of thorns can be found in wild rose, Duranta, and
some species of cactus.
Model of
Effect of
a Thorn
factors that are involved when a thorn pierces a surface
Pressure Distribution: The pressure applied by the thorn on the surface
being pierced is not evenly distributed. The highest pressure occurs at
the very tip of the thorn, where the force is most concentrated. As you
move away from the tip, the pressure decreases. This non-uniform
pressure distribution contributes to the thorn's ability to penetrate
surfaces effectively

Material Properties: The material being pierced plays a crucial role in the
stress analysis. Softer and less resistant materials will yield to the
concentrated force of the thorn more easily than harder, tougher
materials. The mechanical properties of the material, such as its hardness
and elasticity, determine how it responds to the thorn's penetration.
Thorn Sharpness: The sharpness of the thorn's tip is a critical factor. A
sharper thorn can more easily initiate the penetration of materials,
reducing the force required for piercing. The sharpness is related to
the thorn's geometry and edge properties.

Friction and Cutting: In addition to piercing, friction and cutting may

also play a role. The thorn's shape, angle, and surface properties can
influence how it interacts with the material. Cutting occurs when the
thorn's shape and sharpness work together to separate material

● Bundit Phungsara et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1137 012042

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